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Summary 7: Write a summary on how we can attract more tourists to our country

One of the many sources of revenue for the country is tourism. Malaysia has lots to offer the world. We
have beautiful beaches, lush jungles, cool mountain retreats and modern cities. However, to further capitalize
on tourism, there are a few areas that must be looked into.

Firstly, we must expose people from foreign countries to what we can offer. We can do this by holding
exhibitions overseas. Organizers of such exhibitions can offer a glimpse into what we have in our country.
They can offer attractive four packages that would definitely lure tourists here. The mass media too can play
an important role. The Internet, television and the newspaper offer an alternative mode of advertising the
country to the world. Besides that, newspapers and television can be used to show the world the wonders found
in our country.

On the home ground, multiethnic cultural shows can be presented to woo foreign tourists to the country.
People who come from other countries would definitely like to see the different cultural and traditional
practices here. However, what is most important is to make sure that the facilities in our country, like public
transport and accommodation, are of a reasonable and respectable standard. This is to ensure a pleasant and
memorable stay for our visitors.

Your summary must :

* not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below

* be in continuous writing ( not note form )
* be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows :

There are many ways of attracting tourists to our country .....
Summary 9: Write a summary on how one can relax and distress.

You feel tired and stressed out after an entire week of work and you need to relax and distress. Is your
boss getting on your nerves? Do you have deadlines to meet and cannot cope? What can you do? Well, lots
actually. The best thing is to take some time off and travel. Visit different parts of the country and enjoy a
different pace of life.

On the other hand, you can stay at home and indulge in your hobby. If you like reading, just curl up
with your favourite book and read away. If you don’t have a hobby, you can actually pick up something new.
Try skydiving if you are the adventurous type or join a cooking class if you like food.

Another good way to distress is to go out with friends and just let your hair down. You can have a meal
together, catch a movie or go dancing at some clubs. There is certainly nothing like having good friends to lift
your spirits.

My favourite way of relaxing is going for a massage and letting the experts soothe my troubles away.
Today, there are many spa centers in the Klang Valley that offer great massage packages. Try one this weekend,
and you will come away feeling refreshed and relaxed, almost like a new person.

Your summary must :

* not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below

* be in continuous writing ( not note form )
* be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows :

If you need a break, there are many things that ……
ummary 1 : Write a summary on the ways to curb road accidents.

As drivers, we have a responsibility on the road to ourselves, our loved ones and to
other drivers. Responsibility here involves a few things. It means that we must be
careful on the road. We must look out for other drivers, especially people in smaller
vehicles and pedestrians. We must think of others and not be selfish and want our way
all the time. Give way once in a while, be courteous and you will find driving a more
pleasant experience.
It is also our responsibility to ensure that our vehicles are in tip-top condition.
This is to make sure that our vehicles do not break down or cause accidents. Therefore,
service your vehicles regularly, at least once in every six months. While driving on
the road, keep tot he speed limit all the time, not only when we suspect there is a
speed trap ahead.
It is also the duty of the police to organize road safety campaigns to educate and
raise awareness among road users about the dangers of inconsiderate driving. Drivers
who are caught breaking traffic rules should be punished or fined severely. Right now,
the punishment imposed is not enough to prevent drivers from repeating the offence or
to scare off potential selfish drivers.

Your summary must :

* not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below

* be in continuous writing ( not note form )
* be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows :

To curb road accidents, we must ensure that we drive .....
Summary 3 : Write a summary on what you need to consider before enrolling in a college
A tertiary education is an investment for your future. It is giving three to five years of your life towards what
you will eventually do with your life and for many of you, your journey begins right after O level. Therefore,
you need to make this decision wisely. Here are some pointers to help you make informed decisions about
the college you want to enrol in.
Before choosing a college, you should first know what you want to study. Check the list of online colleges
and universities for those that offer what you want and select the ones that meet your requirement. You may
also want to find out about the location of your campus. Would you rather be close to home or do you want
to be as far away and as independent as possible ? It is also best to find out as much as you can about housing
arrangements before you decide on an institution of higher learning to reduce any hassle later. Some colleges
offer on-campus accommodation or will help you look for outside accommodation. Last but not least, make
sure you have the finances to see you through your studies as college education can be expensive.

Your summary must :

* not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below

* be in continuous writing ( not note form )
* be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows :

There are a few things to consider before you enrol .....

Summary 1
To curb road accidents, we must ensure that we drive carefully on the road. We
must be courteous and considerate. We must also make sure that our vehicles
are serviced regularly and are in good working order. While driving, we must
not speed. The police should impose a heavy fine on traffic violators and
organize road safety campaigns to raise awareness. ( 60 words )
Summary 2
There are many ways of attracting tourists to our country. For one, we can
organize exhibitions abroad. Through these fairs, we can offer attractive tour
packages. Besides that, the mass media plays an important role in promoting
Malaysia's holiday destinations. In Malaysia itself, we can hold cultural
shows. Most importantly, we must ensure that our facilities are up to
standard. ( 60 words )
Summary 3
There are a few things to consider before you enrol in a college. You first
need to choose a course you are interested in and then choose a college that
offers that course. You also need to consider the location of the college and
make arrangements for accommodation. Finally, make sure you have the finances
to complete your college education. ( 60 words )

Summary 9:

If you need a break, there many things that you can do. You can travel and see different parts of the
country. You can indulge in your hobby or pick up a new skill. If you do not like being alone, then go out
with your friends and have a good time. Getting a massage is also very relaxing.

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