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Four new technologies that changed/will change Cancer treatment are-

1. Personalized vaccines

2. Cell therapy

3. Gene editing

4. Microbiome treatments

Personalizing cancer vaccines

Each patient gets a tailor-made product just for them in this sort of treatment.By comparing the
DNA sequences of the tumor and of healthy cells, multiple cancer mutations can be identified
and the ones that are more likely to provoke a strong reaction from the immune system are
selected. Messenger RNA form of vaccines are given, a molecule that gives cells the instructions
to create a particular protein, in this case a cancer antigen that primes the immune system against
the tumor. These personalized vaccines could only be particularly useful for certain types of
cancer carrying high numbers of mutations. For example- lung and bowel cancer.

Guiding immune cells to attack

The first approval of a cell therapy for cancer was seen in 2018. The technology called CAR- T
(cell therapy) consists of immune T-cells taken from the patient and genetically engineering
them to target a specific cancer antigen.

“CAR-T is changing the treatment paradigm for cancer by creating targeted treatments that are
specific to cancer cells, their goal is to develop precise, targeted treatments that eradicate disease
while keeping the healthy tissue safe and in doing so by improving patient lives. The technology
is suitable for treating certain rare forms of blood cancer. However, it is still in the early stages of
clinical trials and still not in the market.

Making cancer technology more precise

CRISPR/Cas9 makes gene editing simpler and faster to modify DNA sequences with high

CRISPR gene editing is being used in China by the scientist to remove a gene from immune T
cells that encodes a protein called PD-1 that tumor cells can use to evade an immune attack.
While US is currently running another trial with a similar approach.

The donor T-cells are made two edits. The genetics of healthy donor T-cells are changed in the
first edit, so they are programmed to attack only cancer cells versus indiscriminately attacking
the patient’s cells. The T-cells in the second edit are cloaked so that they don’t appear foreign to
the body and can provide a more durable response.

The technology is still in its early stages.

Teaming up with microbes

“Elements of the microbiome play a role in suppressing an overactive immune system in

inflammatory diseases and in boosting a suppressed immune system in cancers. It is still not been
tested on humans. It will be several years before it becomes available after being successful in
clinical studies.

Towards a brighter future

Advances in treatments are making cancer a more manageable disease.

With more available options, patients will be able to get specific therapies as per their needs.
Everything today is available with more personalized touch. The cost of sequencing continues to
drop making cancer treatment more affordable. In future where we will be able to have much
more precise treatments based upon the genomic signature of the patient.

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