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Name : Indri Andina

NIM : 16318220

In the article “Why Globalization Fails to Deliver” that published by The Guardian, Mark Weisbrot
shows us the reasons of his claim that globalization has failed to deliver. Weisbrot tells us that globalization
has failed especially in developing countries. This can be seen a drastic slowdown in this fundamental
measure of economic performance. Significant slowdown also occurs to some social indicators, such as low
income, life expectancy for children and infants, literacy and education. Weisbrot claims seems unfair if
only see a country's progress parameters especially for developing countries. Also, Weisbrot only gives
data from developing country which can't represent the actual condition of the world. Thus, with those data
he shouldn’t have conclude that globalization has failed.

According to the author, in the last 20 years, globalization has experienced a drastic decline in the
performance of basic economics. I disagree with the author, because we can see that globalization has an
important role in the performance of the economy, such as international trade, international cooperation
and bilateral relations of a country. It is also not true when globalization gives negatives impact for
developing countries. For example, globalization affects Indonesia and other developing countries in
ASEAN. According to Dody Budi Waluyo, Deputy Governor, Bank Indonesia said that Globalization has
created new opportunities for both advanced and emerging economies. Economic globalization in Indonesia
started after the end of World War II, driven by international trade and industrialization. Indonesia’s latest
trade figures show the effects of globalization. In 2016, exports amounted to USD 144.7 billion and imports
to USD 135.6 billion, resulting in a positive trade balance of USD 8.9 billion, making Indonesia the world’s
26th largest exporter. The second driver of globalization was industrialization. In general, developing
countries frequently lack the conditions to support the process of industrialization. Capital is limited since
the saving rate is still relatively low, and there are shortages of both technology and skilled human
resources. As a developing country with a lower level of technology and abundant low-skill labor resources,
Indonesia was able to reap the benefits of industrialization as multinational companies moved production
there. Globalization has generally promoted economic growth. Using data on the economic growth of
ASEAN countries between 1970 and 2008 and the KOF Index of Globalization, Ying et al (2014) find that
globalization has increased economic growth in ASEAN countries, including Indonesia. Their results
indicate that an increase in globalization of approximately 1 percentage point lifts economic growth by
1.48%, in particular due to technological advances. A similar result was obtained by Dreher (2005), who
noted that economic integration via globalization promotes higher economic growth .(Waluyo, Governor,
& Indonesia, n.d.)
Besides that, Weisbrot states the last 20 years there have been a significant slowdown in the
improvement on the main social indicators in most middle income country that leads to extensive poverty.
His statement can’t represent the condition of every country because globalization have many benefits that
can help a country to become more advance. Globalization increase the competitiveness among countries.
With this competitive environment, every country will try their best to improve their country in every
aspect. Thus, the whole country will improve to become better especially their human resources. Health
and education are the fundamental things to improve the human resources of a country. Through sustained
economic growth, living standards and life expectancy for countries will be better. It is related to obtains
economic benefits from globalization. According to the World Bank (2004) " With globalization, more than
85 percent of the world's population can expect to live for at least sixty years and this is actually twice as
long as the average life expectancy 100 years ago". Besides that, we can clearly see that education has
increased in recent years, because globalization has a catalyst to the jobs that require higher skills set. This
demand allowed people to gain higher education. Health and education are basic objectives to improve any
nations, and there are strong relationships between economic growth and health and education
systems.(Hamdi, 2013)

Weisbrot claims seems unfair if only see a country's progress parameters especially for
developing countries. Also, Weisbrot only gives data from developing country which can't represent the
actual condition of the world. Thus, with those data he shouldn’t have conclude that globalization has
failed. Globalization can’t be said fails to deliver because the effects of globalization are various. There
are positive and negative impact of globalization. Weisbrot only discuss the negative impact of
globalization in the developing countries. He didn’t calculate the effect of other globalization impact that
improve the quality of the country.

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