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How can you express to him on this Valentine, that

falling in love was beyond your control?

Valentine’s Day is a special occasion to express yourself to your lover. It’s

a day to celebrate Romance that makes you feel connected in a most
unique way . Gifting has now become a ritual but more importantly , If we
talk about the significance of this day ,it’s all about “Love”. It’s the little
things that makes you feel so special when it’s done by that special person.
It’s what make the relation different from the other relation that you share
with people’s. When that little things he says matter for you a lot and when
he becomes the reason of your smile.
It’s the thing that pushes you in chasing it .It’s the chemistry between you
both that keeps you fresh and excited . It’s always important to maintain
that spark in your relation .
Knowingly there were hard times in your relation ,where you get irritated
and feels like just ending it but you still continue and sort the differences.
The main issue has always been the time .As time is one most important
element in every relation ,it becomes hard when you want but you aren’t
able to express yourself because of the time clashes.
We sometimes forget to understand the other person situation which he is
in ,the work load and the responsibilities he is surrounded with. The
situation becomes so critical sometimes that usually results to fight and
which shows him that you are not being understanding .This is the best day
to make for that all ,to express your lover that you will stand by his side
But the term Romance stands differently for both men and women .Men
and women have different personality and their way of expressing love is
different. Men’s feel more physical attractiveness and women are little
hesitant towards it.
But On this day ,you can plan to get outside your comfort zone and plan a
day when you can choose to come close to your partner and to go out on
night date where you can cuddle and show your love for each other .It’s a
day where you can make each other relax .
So, now here is your right time for you to express your love for him in most
romantic way , to have fun with him, to open up yourself . Make this day as
beautiful you can .It is all about you both having the best time together.
Love is to get lost in each other in a way where you aren’t concerned about
the other things going around you. After all ,it’s Valentine’s Day , the time
you can pamper you partner to show him how much you love him and how
much you feel comfortable in his company and get your partner in mood.
Decorating the room with rose petals and living mark of lipstick on the bed
sheet that makes him curious. Making your partner happy is the best
way of showing him that you care .
1.Make your First Move towards Romance
Men’s are less expressive to show their love through words .They always
want to feel loved the way they like that excite them and make their
hormones ignite as well. You can power up your energy into making your
love relationship stronger. It demands you to loosen up your personal
boundaries and come closer to each other so that you can connect with
him and fulfil your desires with those of your beloved.
It’s your time to make the first move, to excite the feelings in him, get
naughty and come bit out of your comfort zone. To make him fall in love
with you all over again where it’s only you both.
Romance can come up to be best way ,where can bring back the heat of
the relation . It will help in better communication and let you know what’s he
is going through which men usually not prefer to share as they feel who
won’t understand .You can play naughty games where you can also know
each other crazy fantasies and make plans to fulfil them.
Telling him about what you like in him and how you feel when he is around
you .When you come closer ,sex helps you discovering each other more .It
creates a deep emotional and physical connection that is fulfilling .
You surely will be little hesitant to cross that boundaries but it’s no wrong in
giving what your men deserves if you both are ready for it. He will surely
understand and you can take things very slow and know more. But it will be
a right movement to start. Don’t rush until you feel that urge from inside that
arouse you. Let him discover your what turns you on. Put your efforts to
make it perfect. He is likely to express his feelings through his expressions
and through body language as well he may hug you tight and kiss you so
2. Play a little
Now is the time for you to play a little with him .Boys love suspense that
excites them more and challenge them to get you harder. It’s your time to
get a little mischievous and suspicious that excites him to find the reason
and want you badly. You can do start a little oral sex with him and play with
things to make him think that way but in end as he is about to reach your
untangled words ,divert it. It will make him think about you more and more .
Make things tricky for him .Let him make attempts to make you happy and
get what he desires. Turn his mood on and feels like chasing you.
Try to act you are getting what he wants .Play the game in which he has to
guess that you are having in your head and on each time he does reward
him with a little and excite him to play more . Tease him and when he
arrives whisper slightly in his ear and make him wear the blindfold that will
make things more hot and kiss him lightly which will drive him wild.

3. Spice up your Relationship

No matter ho much you feel and love for each other but you still need a
little spice in your relationship to take things on different notes and make
the bond more stronger .To keep up a same excitement that you had when
you both started ,you can continue to take your relation a little more
exciting and have switch things and try new pleasures. Try some more
romantic and exciting things that offer him pleasure in your company and
keep his interest on you .Don’t let him get over you ,by thinking that you are
easy to get .Make things interesting .Do things outside the box that he
might not have thought in your own unique way that you may have not
done before. Make the slightest moves and improve your sex life.

4.Plan a Sex Adventure

Take on some of the energy that will act as fire-starter in your
relationship and plan a sex adventure with him on this Valentine.
You can do things like plan a massage bath and relax each other first
and let yourself feel that he is also into you. To set the mood turn the
lights low.
Prepare a Bucket List in which the other has to fulfill what it says that
will make your relationship spicy. You can prepare “his/her” list of
things what he wants and you want to do and then put them in a jar and
take turns for he want her to do and them what she wants him to do.

5.Compliment Him

When it’s all done ,it’s important to praise him. Talk about how you are
feeling and elaborate in detail and that what he did that how it made you
feel good and have the conversation about how much you feel secure
around him and what makes him different from others and what is amazing
thing about him. You can also express him about when at times you
weren’t understanding and get cranky when you weren’t supposed .He will
definitely try to explain you things that will help sort out the
misunderstandings and let your heart light.

6.Show your Passion

Here’s the right time to show him the way you feel for him that drives you
crazy when you just look at him . How you always find yourself in busy thinking
about him and the good time that you spent laying by each other and
constantly wanting him and waiting for that beautiful time .How you feel that
craving of having him and never feel like leaving his side and enjoying every bit
of that moment and how it feels when he is away and hearing his voice make
you nuts . How much passionate you feel towards him that you can hardly
control your emotions and have that intense desire.

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