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Calapan City Campus

Masipit Calapan City

General Biology 2
Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Mark: ___________________

GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Read each item carefully. Additional directions are given for each part of the test
so as to guide you in answering the items properly.

Part I. Matching Type. For each item in Column A, write the letter of the matching item in Column B.

Column A Column B

1. The grouping of objects or information based on similarities. A. Aristotle

2. The system that gives each organism two names B. Linnaeus

3. Developed the first method of classification, based on habitat. C. Genus

4. The branch of biology in which organisms are grouped and named. D. Classification
5. Consists of a group of related species. E. Taxonomy
6. Designed a system to classify organisms based on similarities in body F. Binomial
structures and life cycle (development). Nomenclature
7. Cells that contain a nucleus G. Prokaryotic
8. Organisms that can make their own food H. Eukaryotic
9. System of assigning two names to an organism I. Autotroph
10. Cells that do not contain a nucleus J. Heterotroph

Part II. Multiple Choice. Read each item carefully and write the letter that corresponds your answer on the
space before the number. (2marks)

______ 11. Which describes natural selection?

A. Some live and some die in each generation
B. Only the largest and strongest survive
C. Random assortment of genes results in better characteristics in the following generations
D. The best adapted individuals survive and reproduce, contributing the most to the next
______ 12. Which of the following is NOT one of the premises on which evolution by natural selection is
A. Organisms usually produce many more offspring than the environment can support.
B. Most natural populations remain approximately the same size through time.
C. Organisms can alter their genes to help them survive in a particular environment.
D. Hereditary differences between organisms can be passed on to their offspring.
______13. Which best describes evolution?
A. A rare event
B. Currently occurring only in scientific laboratories
C. Constantly occurring at the same rate in ALL organisms
D. An inevitable consequence of the nature of organisms
______14. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Convergent evolution demonstrates evolutionary relationships.
B. Homologous structures are the same body parts that are modified in different ways in
different lines of descent from a common ancestor.
C. Fossils can show evolutionary changes in bones and teeth.
D. The more similarity in the structure of two proteins from different organisms, the more closely
related the organisms are.
______15. Darwin explained the differences in beak shape among Galapagos finches as being the result of
A. chance events
B. adaptations to eating different foods
C. differences that existed in the colonizing species
D. inheritance of acquired characteristics

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______16. Which of the following is a basic requirement for natural selection to be an effective evolutionary
A. Individuals must reproduce at a rapid rate.
B. Each population must be limited to a small size.
C. A population must exhibit some genetic variability.
D. All of the above.
______17. Darwin and Wallace were more knowledgeable about ___ than were most European biologists of
their day, which gave them an advantage in understanding how evolution might occur.
A. heredity
B. sexual reproduction
C. the diversity of life
D. population growth and dynamics
______18. According to natural selection, birds such as cardinals, eagles, and ducks have differently shaped
feet due to
A. random changes in foot structure
B. adaptations to different environments and feeding habits
C. differences inherited from their ancestors
D. inheritance of acquired characteristics
______19. The theory of common descent states that all modern organisms
A. can change in response to environmental change.
B. are descended from a single ancestral species.
C. can be arranged in a linear order from "least evolved" to "most evolved".
D. have not changed over time.
______20. Which of the following is an example of a microevolution?
A. The evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
B. The speciation of finches on the Galapagos islands.
C. The increase in size, over time, of fossil horses.
D. The evolution of humans from an ancestral primate.
______21. The process of biological evolution
A. is not supported by scientific evidence
B. requires biological diversity in a population
C. results in changes in allele frequencies over generations
D. both b and c
______22. During the early history of life, which evolved first?
A. photosynthetic prokaryotes
B. heterotrophic (non-photosynthetic) prokaryotes
C. eukaryotes
D. all evolved at the same time
______23. In which group did we first see bilateral symmetry?
A. fish
B. roundworms
C. sponges
D. flatworms
______24. Which of the following is (are) true of species, according to the biological species concept?
A. Species consist of a group of plants or animals which all look very similar to one another.
B. A species is a group of plants or animals that has the potential to evolve as a unit.
C. A species is a group of plants or animals which can interbreed under natural conditions and
produce fertile offspring.
D. Both b and c are true.
______25. Which of the following might be able to lead to reproductive isolation within a species of insect?
A. If one subpopulation of the insects had larger wings than the other subpopulation.
B. If one subpopulation had larger wings than the other subpopulation, and the subpopulation
with larger wings was more successful at escaping from enemies.
C. If one subpopulation had larger wings than the other subpopulation, and the subpopulation
with larger wings flew up higher in the trees to mate.
D. All of these would be likely to lead to isolation of the gene pools of the two subpopulations.
______26. If you found a fish fossil, you would determine which species the fossil belonged to based on
A. the morphological species concept
B. the biological species concept

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C. you could use either
D. you could not use either one
______27. Humans have genes in common with all of these, but with which do they have the most genes in
A. bacteria
B. mice
C. fish
D. jellyfish
______28. Apes evolved a unique _________ which helps them climb and swing through trees.
A. head
B. tail
C. shoulder
D. pelvis
______29. To which group do humans belong?
A. hominids
B. hominins
C. both
D. neither
______30. Which is the most recent direct ancestor of Homo sapiens?
A. Homo neanderthalensis
B. Homo erectus
C. Homo heidelbergensis
D. Homo habilis
______31. Earthworms, hydras, grasshoppers and humans all belong to the same
A. genus
B. species
C. phylum
D. kingdom
______32. Within which category do the organisms show the least variation in characteristics?
A. phylum
B. class
C. family
D. species
______33. The scientific name of any organism consists of its
A. phylum and class
B. family and order
C. genus and species
D. species and class
______34. Canis familiaris (the domestic dog) and Canis latrans (the coyote) are members of the same
A. kingdom, but different phyla
B. phylum, but different kingdoms
C. genus, but different species
D. order, but different classes
______35. Animals that have a dorsal nerve cord (spinal cord) are classified as
A. chordates
B. annelids
C. arthropods
D. coelenterates
______36. . Which is an example of the founder effect?
A. all of the deer on an island were killed off, but the population was restored by immigration of
a small number of deer from the mainland
B. when the climate of a desert changed, the main species of mouse evolved into two different
species specializing for slightly different environments.
C. most of the native birds were lost when cats were introduced to a tropical island, but the
populations have recently grown again.
D. an introduced fungus killed off all of the American elm trees in the Midwest.
______37. Which of the following organisms are members of the Protista Kingdom?
A. mosses and ferns
B. jellyfish and hydras

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C. earthworms and leeches
D. paramecia and euglenas
______38. According to the modern, 6 Kingdom system of classification, which two are classified as plants?
A. ferns and maple trees
B. fungi and slime molds
C. algae and fungi
D. pine trees and slime molds
______39. The proper order for the classification of organisms is
A. kingdom, phylum, species, genus
B. phylum, kingdom, species, genus
C. kingdom, species, phylum, genus
D. kingdom, phylum, genus, species
______40. In which group would there be the greatest similarity between members in terms of structure
and function?
A. genus
B. kingdom
C. phylum
D. species

Use the chart below to answer the questions that follow.

41. The broadest or largest category of classification is the ____________________________________.

42. The smallest or most specific category is the _____________________________________.

43. All of these organisms except the __________________________ are in the animal kingdom.

44. Which kingdom is the tree in? ___________________________

45. Which kingdom is the lion in? ___________________________

46. The second largest category is the phylum. Which phylum are we in? _______________________

47. Which organism(s) is not in the same phylum as humans? __________________________________

48. Which phylum is the tree in? __________________ It means plants that pump water up to its leaves.

49. The third category is class. Which class are mosquitoes in? ____________________________

50. Which class are turtles in? _______________________ humans? ___________________________

51. Name another organism in the same class as humans. _______________________________

52. Trees are in the class ______________________. This means they produce flowers.

53. The next category is order. Are any of the organisms in the same order? If so, which ones ?

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54. Animals in the order carnivore have large teeth and feed on _____________________

55. Humans are in the order _______________, along with apes. It means animals that stand on two feet.

56. The fifth category is __________________________. Are dogs and cats in the same family? ______

57. Are all cats in the same family? __________ Which one? ________________________

58. The sixth category is genus. Animals in the same genus are very closely related. Which animals
share the same genus? ______________________________________

59. The last and smallest category is called _______________________. What is the species name for
humans? _____________

60. The scientific name consists of the genus and species. What is the scientific name for the

Column A Column B

61. Tiger Cat A. Felis catus

62. Ginger B. Pan troglodytes
63. Giant Panda C. Camelus camelidae
64. Pineapple D. Ananas comosus
65. Sheep E. Ailuropoda melanoleuca
66. Mango F. Asarum
67. Cashew nut G. Bovidae ovis
68. Cat F. Proboscidea elephantidae
69. Mouse G. Anacardium occidentale
70. Frog H. Capra hircus
71. Chimpanzee I. Anura ranidae
72. Camel J. Rodentia muridae
73. Horse K. Mangifera indica
74. Elephant L. Eqqus caballus
75. Goat M. Felis tigrina

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Camel Camelus camelidae

Cat Felis catus

Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus

Chimpanzee Pan troglodytes

Cobra Elapidae naja

Cougar Fenis concolour

Crocodile Crocodilia niloticus

Deer Artiodactyl cervidae

Dog Cannis familiaris

Dolphin Delphinidae delphis

Elephant Proboscidea elephantidae

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Fox Cannis vulpes

Frog Anura ranidae

Giraffe Giraffa camalopardalis

Giant Panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca

Goat Capra hircus

Hippopotamus Hippopotamus amphibius

Horse Eqqus caballus

Hyena Hyaenidae carnivora

Kangaroo Macropus macropodidae

Panther Panthera pardus

Lion Panthera leo

Lizard Sauria lacertidae

Mouse Rodentia muridae

Panda Alurpoda melanoleuca

Pig Artiodactyla suidae

Chameleon Chamaele ontidate

Porcupine Hystricomorph hystricidae

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Rabbit Leporidae cuniculas

Rattle Snake Cortalus horridus

Reindeer Rangifer tarrandus

Rhinoceros Perrissodanctyl rthinocerotidae

Scorpion Archinida scorpionida

Sea Horse Hippocampus syngnathidae

Seal Pinnipedia phocidae

Sheep Bovidae ovis

Spider Monkey Arboreal ateles

Squirrel Rodentia sciurus

Tiger Panthera tigris

Tiger Cat Felis tigrina

Whale Shark Rhincodon typus

Horse Eqqus caballus

Zebra Equidae burcheli

List of Scientific Names of Plants

Alkanet Anchusa

Allegheny spurge Pachysandra procumbens

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Alpine Violet Cyclamen hederifolium

Anise Mint Agastache

Apple Blossom Grass Gaura

Artic Willow Salix arctica

Arrow Broom Genista sagittalis

Apache Plume Fallugia paradoxa

Aztec Indian Berry Duchesnea

Ball Cactus Coryphantha vivipara

Baneberry Actaea

Balloon Flower Platycodon

Barren Strawberry Waldsteinia

Beautyberry Callicarpa

Bee Balm Monarda

Bellflower Campanula

Bellwort Uvularia

Black Mondo Grass Ophiopogon p. ‘Niger’

Bladder Pod Alyssoides

California Fuchsia Zauschneria garrettii

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Campion Lychnis, Silene

Canadian Milkvetch Astragalus Canadensis

Candle nut Aleurites moluccana

Cashew nut Anacardium occidentale

Custard apple Annona reticulta

Coco plum chrysobalanus icaco

Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Curry leaf Murraya koenigii

Candylily Pardancanda

Candytuft Iberis

Canterbury bells Campanula

Cardinal Flower Lobelia

Daisy, Mt. Atlas Anacyclus pyrethrum vardepressus

Dragon fruit Hylocereus undutus

Daisy, Ox-Eye Leucanthemum vulgare

Drumstick Primrose Primula denticulate Daisy, Shasta

Fairy Lily Zephyranthes drummondii

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Ginger Asarum

Hibiscus, Russian Kitaibela

Herbert river cherry Antidesma dallachyanum

Indian Strawberry Duchesnea

Indian Turnip Arisaema triphyllum

Indigo Indigofera pseudotinctoria

Kiwi fruit Actinidia deliciosea

Lilly pilly Acmena smithi

Monkey jackfruit Artocarpus rigidus

Meyer lemon Citrus xmeyeri

Mango Mangifera indica

Neem Azadirachta indica

Otaheite walnut Aleurites trisperma

Orange thorn Citriobatus pauciflorus

Orange Citrus sinensis

Papaya Carica papaya

Pine apple Ananas comosus

Pond apple Annona glabra

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Peanut butter fruit Bunchosia armeniaca

Straberry tree Arbutus unedo

Sartre guava Calyptropsidium sartorianum

Tomato tree Cyphomandra batacea

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