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Science 11 –Prelim

Name: _____________________________________________________Score:______________________
Grade & Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________________
I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of your answer.
1. Which of the following is not a type of weathering?
A. superficial
B. biological
C. chemical
D. mechanical
2. It is the process of breaking rocks into smaller pieces called sediments.
A. climate change
B. crushing
C. leaching
D. weathering
3. This type of erosion happens when light materials, such as small rocks and pebbles, are carried by the wind to
different places.
A. water erosion
B. wind erosion
C. glacial erosion
D. soil erosion
4. Which of the following is NOT the agent of erosion?
A. wind
B. water
C. glaciers
D. acid
5. What are the disadvantages of soil erosion?
I. It washes out the topsoil and leaves it infertile.
II. It cleans the soil.
III. It carries small rocks to different places.
IV. It is associated to floods.
A. I and IV
B. II and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV
6. Which of the following is not true about chemical weathering?
A. Agents of chemical weathering include water, strong acids, and oxygen.
B. Rock materials are changed into other substances with physical and chemical compositions.
C. Agents of chemical weathering include living things such as insects and roots of the trees.
D. One example of chemical weathering include feldspar hydrolyzed by rainwater.
7. Which of the following human activities helps reduce the effect of soil erosion?
A. crop rotation method
B. overgrazing of animals
C. converting forests to farms
D. kaingin system
8. What is the role of water in chemical weathering of rocks?
A. It hydrates and breaks the minerals on the rocks.
B. It washes out the dirt on rocks.
C. It fertilizes the soil.
D. It combines with metals in the minerals of rocks to form oxides.
9. Which of the following human activities reduces the quality of the top soil?
A. kaingin system
B. crop rotation method
C. planting more trees
D. leaving the soil as it is
10. Which of the following is not an example of areas where the sediments are deposited?
A. abyssal zone
B. caves
C. mountains
D. deltas
Earth and Life Science
Grade 11-Gryffindor
2nd Activity Sheet

I. Identification. Identify what is being described by the following statements. Write your answer on the space provided.

________________________1. Vibrations that cause the breaking of rocks.

________________________2. When two plates are moving apart and one side of the fracture moves below the other.

________________________3. When two plates collide and one side of the fracture moves on top of another; (caused by
compression forces)

________________________4. When two plates slide past each other (caused by shear forces!)

________________________5. The energy spreads outward in all directions as vibrations called___.

_______________________6. Is the point in the crust, or mantle, where energy is released or where earthquake is originated.

_______________________7. It is the point on Earth’s surface directly above the focus; energy that reaches the surface is greatest
at this point.

_______________________9. Measure of energy released during earthquake.

_______________________10. Refers to the amount of damage done in an earthquake.

_______________________11. The process of breaking down rocks into smaller pieces called sediments.

_______________________12. The removal of weathered rocks downslope from the original place of weathering.

_______________________13. Proposed the Continental Drift Theory.

_______________________14. Is the emplacement of magma within and at the surface of the outer layers of a terrestrial planet,
which solidifies as igneous rocks.

_______________________15. The formation of intrusive igneous rock by solidification of magma beneath the earth's surface.

_______________________16. It is the phenomenon of eruption of molten rock (magma) onto the surface of the Earth.

_______________________17. The sliding down of a mass of earth or rock from a mountain or cliff.

_______________________18. Intense circular storm that originates over warm tropical oceans and is characterized by low
atmospheric, high winds, and heavy rain. 

_______________________19. This is a slide in which the surface of rupture is curved concavely upward, and the slide movement is
roughly rotational about an axis that is parallel to the ground surface and transverse across the slide.

_______________________20. A translational slide in which the moving mass consists of a single unit or a few closely related units.

II. Multiple Choice. Write only the letter of your answer.

1. Rocks vary in color, size, texture and shape. They are classified based on how they were formed. Which of the
following deals with the study of rocks.
a. Biology
b. Geology
c. Paleontology
d. Petrology
2. Igneous and metamorphic rock can be buried and undergo tremendous heating and stress. What is the process of
transformation of one rock type into another?
a. Compaction
b. Lithification
c. Metamorphism
d. Weathering
3. What type of rocks are formed from sediments over a long period of time?
a. Igneous rocks
b. Sedimentary rocks
c. Metamorphic rocks
d. Minerals
4. Which type of rock is formed when heated and compressed over time?
a. Igneous
b. Metamorphic
c. Sedimentary
d. All are correct
5. What is the natural process that causes one kind of rock to change into another kind?
a. Weathering
b. Rock cycle
c. Sediments
d. Metamorphism
6. Which of the following is an example of igneous rock?
a. Coal
b. Granite
c. Limestone
d. Sandstone
7. In which type of rock can fossils be found?
a. Extrusive igneous rock
b. Intrusive igneous rock
c. Metamorphic rock
d. Sedimentary rock
8. Which of the following is described as the process of heat exchange between the Sun and the earth that controls the
temperature of the latter?
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Insolation
d. Radiation
9. What kind of process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighbouring atoms or
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Insolation
d. Radiation
10. What kind of heat transfer occurs mostly on the Earth’s surface?
a. Conduction
b. Convection
c. Insolation
d. Radiation

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