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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


First Quarter, First Semester, SY 2022-2023

Name: ____________________________________Year & Strand: ____________ Date: ____________________

DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the following questions and choose the BEST answer. Write the answer on the
space provided before each item.
1. Which of the following set of minerals are listed from hardest to lowest?
a. Talc – Quartz – Diamond c. Diamond – Quartz – Talc
b. Quartz – Talc – Diamond d. Talc – Diamond – Quartz
2. Which subsystem helps regulate the temperature of the Earth, so we do NOT experience too much hotness or
a. Biosphere b. lithosphere c. atmosphere d. hydrosphere
3. While walking at the beach, Angela found a rock sample with a crystal while appearance which according to her
friend was halite – a rock salt. What type of rock did she find?
a. Clastic rock b. metamorphic rock c. chemical rock d. organic rock
4. Which subsystem make up the bodies of water?
a. Geosphere b. lithosphere c. atmosphere d. hydrosphere
5. All the crystals on the right are quartz. Which of the following describes the
problem we might encounter in identifying them?
a. Different minerals can have different colors.
b. Different minerals can have same colors.
c. The mineral can have different colors.
d. All minerals have the same color.
6. When magma solidifies on the surface of the Earth, what possible igneous rock may be formed?
a. Intrusive b. Extrusive c. Clastic d. Crystalline
7. A rock sample was recovered from Taal Volcano Island by a local. The resident volcanologist was on site and said
that the rock was formed from the material ejected by the volcano during its eruption. What type of rock did the
local recover?
a. Igneous rock c. sedimentary rock
b. Metamorphic rock d. ore body rock
8. Which of the following is NOT an example of mineral?
a. Gold b. Galena c. diamond d. Coal
9. Which of the following BEST describes the Goldilocks zone?
a. A zone composed of mainly frozen water
b. A region where life is impossible to exist
c. A zone composed of only rocks and other celestial bodies
d. An area where the temperature is not too hot and not too cold
10. Which of the following is the hardest known mineral on Earth?
a. Silicate b. muscovite c. native gold d. diamond
11. Flora collected samples of sedimentary rocks from the riverbank of Pansipit. She grouped the rocks according to
their characteristics. On the first group, she observed attached seashells on the samples. On the second group, she
observed pebbles attached on them. What type of sedimentary rocks did Flora collect?
a. The first group is clastic sedimentary rock while the second is chemical rock.
b. The first group is clastic sedimentary rock while the second is organic rock.
c. The first group is chemical sedimentary rock while the second is clastic sedimentary rock.
d. The first group is organic sedimentary rock while the second is clastic sedimentary rock.
12. Which of the following describes a habitable Earth?
a. Right distance from the Sun c. dominant presence of solid ice
b. Has a weak magnetic field d. presence of oxygen in the hydrosphere
13. Which of the following is an important characteristic of the Earth in sustaining life?
a. The Earth’s position beyond the Goldilocks zone
b. The atmosphere that blocks the Sun’s rays from entering the earth
c. The abundance of nitrogen in the atmosphere making life possible
d. The presence of liquid water that plays a vital role in cell metabolism
14. Which test is shown in the image on the right?
a. Streak Test b. Moh’s Hardness Test
b. Moh’s Hardness Test d. Special Properties Test
15. Which of the following characteristics refer to the tendency of minerals to
break forming smooth flat surfaces?
a. Cleavage b. streakc. luster d. fracture
16. Which of the following is said to be the MOST UNRELIABLE (variable)
diagnostic property of minerals?
a. Color b. hardness c. luster d. crystal form
17. Why is the ozone layer important in sustaining life on Earth?
a. It is where satellites orbit, and auroras show
b. It influences hydro-meteorological phenomena such as storms
c. It shields the Earth from the Sun’s UVR while keeping the planet warm
d. It is where celestial objects burn and disintegrate upon entering the Earth
18. When do clouds form during water cycle?
a. Evaporation b. precipitation c. transpiration d. condensation
19. What process is involved when water is heated and turns into a vapor?
a. Transpiration b. evaporation c. condensation d. precipitation
20. Which of the following comprise of almost 70% of the Earth’s water supply?
a. Freshwater b. saltwater c. spring water d. mineral water
21. Why are the Earth’s subsystems important?
a. The subsystem influence Earth’s encounter with space objects
b. The subsystems solely determine the survival of different organisms
c. The subsystems contribute scarcely to the flow of matter and energy
d. The subsystems influence the climate, geologic processes, and life on Earth
22. What layer of the atmosphere where most of Earth’s weather happens here, and almost all clouds that are generated
by weather are found here?
a. Thermosphere b. Stratosphere c. Troposphere d. Mesosphere
23. Which of the following refers to the relative proportion of the particle sizes in the soil such as sand, silt, clay,
pebbles, cobbles, and pebbles?
a. Cements b. Sediments c. Crystals d. Soil
24. Which of the following is the smallest sediment particle?
a. Silt b. sand c. gravel d. clay
25. When layers are piled together and pressure is applied what type of new rock is formed?
a. Igneous rock c. sedimentary rock
b. Metamorphic rock d. ore body rock
26. Which of the following is NOT a criterion used to identify a mineral?
a. A mineral must have an indefinite chemical composition.
b. A mineral must have a crystalline structure.
c. A mineral must be formed by geological processes
d. A mineral must be inorganic.
27. What are these four major elements vital for life? These elements are the main compositions of biological
a. Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon
b. Argon, Oxygen, Helium, Carbon
c. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen
d. Gold, Silver, Platinum, Oxygen
28. Life is limited to a temperature range of what temperature?
a. 0 °C – 100 °C c. -15 °C – 115 °C
b. 15 °C – 115 °C d. -15 °C – 100 °C
29. What type of metamorphism is caused by contact of parent rock with extreme heat?
a. Regional b. Contact c. Foliated d. Non-foliated
30. What important composition of Earth is responsible for the planet’s protection from solar winds? This is also
produced because of Earth’s molten metal interior.
a. Ozone layer b. Glaciers c. Atmosphere d. Magnetic Field
31. Habitable zones are characterized as theoretical shell around a star where any planet present would have liquid
water on its surface. The following statements described the factors that makes a planet habitable EXCEPT
A. Temperature influences how quickly atoms and molecules move
B. Nutrients used to build and maintain an organism’s body
C. The number of satellites revolving around it
D. Presence of liquid water and atmosphere
32. The planet Earth is the only planet in our Solar system that is within the habitable planet. This makes earth unique
with the other planets in the entire solar system. Which of the following statements DOES NOT show a
characteristic of earth as a habitable planet?
A. Atmosphere absorbs/reflects harmful radiation. It helps regulate temperature and protects planet from meteors
and radiation and mainly composed of nitrogen and oxygen
B. Earth’s temperature range allows water to exist in liquid form.
C. Because of its distance from the sun, Earth has a temperature range of -5°C to110°C, which allows life to exist
D. Earth with a water cycle or volcanic activity can transport and replenish the chemicals required by living
organisms (vitamins).
For items, 11-12, refer to the situation and table below. After analysing the situation and the table, answer the following
You are having an interstellar voyage. Your spaceship suffers mechanical problems and will be forced to land.
Fortunately, you are passing through the Yanib System, which is composed of a sun-like star surrounded by seven planets,
some of which have moons. The profiles of planets and moons of the Yanib System are listed below.

33. Which among the following planets is the best place to land your ship?
A. Planet 2 C. Planet 4
B. Planet 3 D. Planet 5
34. Which among the following planets have the same composition of atmosphere with that of the planet Earth?
A. Planet 2 C. Planet 4
B. Planet 3 D. Planet 5
35. The Earth system is all of the matter, energy, and processes within Earth’s boundary. Earth is a complex system made
of living and nonliving things, and matter and energy continuously cycle through the smaller systems. There are two types
of Earth systems: the Open and Closed system. Which of the following best describes a closed system?
A. The people singing while fishing in the river.
B. The Earth receives energy from the sun and returns some of this energy to space
C. The rocks and soil being transported because of wind and rain.
D. The water from the oceans and seas evaporating due to extreme heat from the sun.
36. The Earth is surrounded by a blanket of air, which we call the atmosphere. It reaches over 560 kilometers (348 miles)
from the surface of the Earth. Four distinct layers have been identified using thermal characteristics, chemical composition,
movement, and density. Which of the following best describes mesosphere?
A. It is where the ozone is concentrated.
B. It is where gas molecules achieve escape velocity until they move out to outer space.
C. It is where coldest naturally occurring place on earth.
D. It is where clouds, rainfall and other weather conditions occur only here.
37. The hydrosphere includes all water on Earth. In one respect, 71% of the earth is covered by water and only 29% is terra
firma. But the water on earth is classified into different types. How does surface water differ from the other types of water?
A. This includes water trapped in the soil and groundwater.
B. This includes ice caps and glaciers. Also called the cryosphere.
C. This includes the water vapor and the rain
D. This includes the ocean as well as water from lakes, rivers and creeks
38. The Earth’s surface is made up of plates that move. “Plate tectonics” describe this motion. Together with erosion, plate
tectonics concentrate some of these elements in bodies of rocks that can be mined. These plate tectonics have different types
of plate boundaries. What is the best statement that describes transform boundaries?
A. Plates slide away from each other
B. Plates slide towards each other
C. Two plates collide ad both contain continental crust
D. Plates grind past each other along a transform fault
39. The Earth’s surface is made up of plates that move. “Plate tectonics” describe this motion. Together with erosion, plate
tectonics concentrate some of these elements in bodies of rocks that can be mined. These plate tectonics have different types
of plate boundaries. What is the best statement that describes divergent boundaries?
A. Plates slide away from each other
B. Plates slide towards each other
C. Two plates collide ad both contain continental crust
D. Plates grind past each other along a transform fault
40. Rocks are a combination of minerals that are bonded together in some way. Rocks are classified into three groups by
how they are formed. One of these groups is the igneous rocks. How do igneous rocks being formed?
A. Rock must go through melting and solidification
B. Rock must go through weathering and erosion
C. Rock must go through heat and pressure
D. Rocks must go through melting and cooling
41. Sedimentary rocks are fragments of rock get broken down into sediments. These are the two important conditions and
processes that sediments should undergo in order to become sedimentary rocks. These are the compressing and gluing of
A. Weathering and erosion
B. Heat and pressure
C. Compaction and cementation
D. Cooling and melting
42. Sedimentary rocks form from sediments (pieces of other rocks) that are cemented together. Sedimentary rocks
are classified into three types. One of these is the clastic sedimentary rocks. How does clastic sedimentary rocks being
A. These are formed through fragments cemented together and include the sediments: sand, silt, clay, pebbles, cobbles
and boulders.
B. These rocks are formed from one mineral and have crystals from chemical precipitates and evaporites
C. These are rocks formed from plant and animal remains
D. These rocks are formed from sediments through heat and pressure
43. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have "morphed" into another kind of rock. These rocks were once igneous or
sedimentary rocks. The rocks are under tons and tons of pressure, which fosters heat build-up, and this causes them to
change. They undergo the process called metamorphism. There two types of metamorphism; regional and contact. What is
the difference between the two?
A. Regional metamorphism is caused by extreme pressure while contact metamorphism caused by extreme heat and
B. Regional metamorphism is caused by extreme pressure and heat while
contact metamorphism caused by extreme heat.
C. Regional metamorphism is caused by extreme pressure and heat while
contact metamorphism caused by extreme pressure
D. Regional metamorphism is caused by extreme heat while contact
metamorphism caused by extreme pressure.
44. Using the illustration on Rock Cycle, how does magma become
sedimentary rocks?
A. The magma will undergo melting and weathering and erosion to
become sediments and through cementation and compaction it will
become sedimentary rocks.
B. The magma will undergo melting to become metamorphic rock and
through heat and pressure it will become sedimentary rocks.
C. The magma will undergo cooling to become igneous rock and through
heat and pressure it will become metamorphic rock and then, through
melting it will become sediments and these sediments will undergo cementation and compaction to become
sedimentary rocks.
D. The magma will undergo cooling it will become igneous rocks. Then, heat and pressure will transform it into
metamorphic rocks, and after that, the metamorphic rock will be subjected to weathering and erosion to become
sediments and finally, these sediments will undergo cementation and compaction to become sedimentary rocks.
45. Using again the illustration on Rock Cycle, how does igneous rocks become metamorphic rocks?
A. Through weathering and erosion, igneous rocks will become sediments. These sediments will undergo heat and
pressure to become metamorphic rocks.
B. Through melting, igneous rocks will become magma. Then, this magma will undergo melting again to become
metamorphic rocks.
C. Through weathering and erosion, igneous rocks will become sediments. Then, these sediments will undergo
compaction and cementation to become sedimentary rocks. And finally, these sedimentary rocks will be exposed to
heat and pressure to become metamorphic rocks.
D. Through melting and heat and pressure, igneous rocks will become sediments. Then, these sediments will undergo
compaction and cementation to become sedimentary rocks. And finally, these sedimentary rocks will undergo heat
and pressure to become metamorphic rocks.
46. Minerals have many different applications and use for our everyday life. Almost all the products that we are using each
day has minerals as its ingredients. Looking with the pairs of products and its minerals, which of the following is NOT
correctly paired?
A. Lead in pencil: graphite C. Make-up: talc and fluorite
B. Coins and wirings: chalcopyrite D. Jewellery: silver
47. Minerals play an important role in forming rocks and shaping Earth’s surface. When humans began making tools out of
iron great progress was made in advancing the world through industries. The value and uses of minerals have changed over
time. One of the minerals being used is quartz. Why does quartz considered to be very important for humans?
A. It is used in drywall or sheetrock
B. It is used in cutting tools and drills
C. It is used in tums to help acid indigestion and in cement
D. It is used in making glass
48. An ore is a mineral that is mined and the useful substances in it are removed and then sold for a profit. Upon knowing
the geometry of the ore body there are appropriate safety ways to mine the minerals and proper assessment of maximizing
profit. There are two main methods of mining: surface and underground mining. What is the difference between surface and
underground mining?
A. Surface mining is utilized to extract ore minerals from the ore body that is deep under the Earth’s surface while
underground mining is utilized to extract ore minerals that are close to Earth’s surface
B. Surface mining is utilized to extract ore minerals that are close to Earth’s surface while underground mining is
utilized to extract ore minerals from the ore body that is deep under the Earth’s surface
C. Surface mining is utilized to extract ore minerals from the ore body that is above the Earth’s surface while
underground mining is utilized to extract ore minerals from the ore body that is deep under the Earth’s surface
D. Surface mining is utilized to extract ore minerals that are close to Earth’s surface while underground mining is
utilized to extract ore minerals from the ore body that is above the Earth’s surface
49. Mining of minerals have many economic importance. It provides the base for industrial development. But through the
years, there is a large-scale exploitation of minerals over the country because of the increasing demand of minerals. Which
of the following is NOT a negative impact of exploitation and usage of minerals?
A. Miners face many dangers when mining. The dangers include collapsing of mine roofs, fire mines, etc.
B. Mining can pollute the land where slurry is dumped.
C. The slurry flowing into neighboring streams pollutes the water resources.
D. The mining industry provides thousands of jobs to people.
50. The total volume of the workable mineral deposits is an insignificant fraction. We are rapidly consuming mineral
resources that required millions of years to be created and concentrated. There is a concerted effort has to be made in order
to use our mineral resources wisely. Which of the following is NOT a proper way of conserving the minerals?
A. Recycling of metals, using scrap metals and other
B. Evolution of improved technologies to allow use of low-grade ores at low cost.
C. Wastage needs to be maximized especially in the areas of mining and manufacturing
D. Burden on minerals can be reduced by substituting them with renewable resources
51. Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replenished in a short period of time. One of the renewable
resources that can be used is the geothermal energy which is energy from Earth’s internal heat. Using the diagram, how
does heat from inside the Earth being tapped as a source of energy for human use in the form of electricity? What is the
proper sequence for the production of electricity from earth’s heat?
I. Hot water is pumped up and heat is used to produce steam
II. Cool water is injected into ground
III. The mechanical energy from the turbines are turned into electrical energy transmitted through electric companies
IV. Steam is used to turn turbines and generators
52. Large reservoirs within the ground contain heated water from internal heat in the earth. This heated water can create
steam, thereby producing geothermal energy. Only certain regions of the earth have these geothermal hotspots, usually in
tectonically active areas or volcanic areas, such as Hawaii and Iceland. Yellowstone National Park would be a very good
resource for geothermal energy. What certain term is being used to describe the place where volcanic activity is frequent?
A. Pacific Square of Fire C. Pacific Ring of Fire
B. Pacific Ring of Volcanoes D. Pacific Square of Volcanoes
53. All energy production and use has environmental impacts. Fossil fuels and nuclear produce more solid, liquid and
gaseous wastes, while renewables face challenges of land and water use, visual and noise pollution. Which among the
following is an environmental impact of using fossil fuels?
A. Loss of habitat when trees harvested, unless sustainable tree farms
B. Destruction of farmlands, dislocation of people, loss of habitat, alteration of stream flows
C. Produces radioactive wastes that have a long lifetime and Byproduct is highly radioactive and highly toxic
D. Refining and consuming produce air, water, and solid waste pollutants and produces too much carbon dioxide
54. Thermal energy, contained in the earth, can be used directly to supply heat or can be converted to mechanical or
electrical energy in the form of geothermal energy. The availability of geothermal energy is geographically limited.
Significant losses
occur when heat is transported over long distances. Which among the following is an environmental impact of using
geothermal energy?
A. Needs lots of land and Possible impacts on birds and their migration patterns
B. Disrupts natural geyser activity
C. Possible toxic byproducts from societal waste
D. Destruction of farmlands, dislocation of people, loss of habitat, alteration of stream flows
55. Which of the following type of fossil fuels were formed by the combination of dead plants, ferns and trees which were
hardened because of pressure and heat?
A. Natural gas B. Petroleum C. Coal D. Crude oil

II. For numbers 4-6, answer the following questions in 4-5


4. What can you infer with the chart regarding the waste
composition of Metro Manila garbage for the year 2004?

5. What possible hazards are associated with improper waste

disposal? Are there government regulations to control this?
Give at least three hazards.

6. Cite ways of reducing the production of waste at home, in

school, and around the community. Give five ways on reducing
the production of waste at home, in schol, and community.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Secondary School Principal III

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