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Quarter 1 (Week 1)

Name of Learner: _________________________ Grade and Section: ________________

Date Released: September 20, 2021 Date of Submission: October 4, 2021

Learning Activity Sheet No. 1

Title: Origin and Structure of the Earth

Earth is the only planet in the solar system known to harbor life. Our planet has a molten
nickel-iron core which gave rise to an extensive magnetic field, which, along with the atmosphere,
shields us from harmful radiation coming from the Sun. In this module, you will understand why
this planet is called the “living planet.”

Brief Discussion of the Lesson

Earth: A Habitable Planet
Table 1. Factors that make a planet habitable
Factors that
Not Enough of Too Much of the Situation in the
make a Just Right
the Factor Factor Solar System
Planet Habitable
Temperature Low temperatures Life seems to be At about 125oC, Surface: only the
influences how cause chemicals to limited to a protein and Earth’s surface is
quickly atoms and react slowly, which temperature range carbohydrate in this temperature
molecules move. interferes with the of -15oC to 115oC. molecules, and the range.
reactions In this range, liquid genetic material Sub-surface: the
necessary for life. water can still exist (e.g., DNA and interior of the solid
It can also cause under certain RNA) start to planets and moons
the freezing of conditions. break apart. Also, may be in this
water, making high temperatures temperature range.
liquid water cause the quick
unavailable. evaporation of
Atmosphere Small planets and Earth and Venus Venus’s Of the solid
moons have are the right size to atmosphere is 100 planets and
insufficient gravity hold a sufficient times thicker than moons, only Earth,
to hold an atmosphere. Earth’s. It is made Venus, and Titan
atmosphere. The Earth’s almost entirely of have significant
gas molecules atmosphere is greenhouse atmospheres.
escape to space, about 100 miles gasses, making Mars’ atmosphere
leaving the planet thick. It keeps the the surface too hot is about 1/100th
or moon without an surface warm and for life. The four that of Earth’s, too
insulating blanket protects it from giant planets are small for significant
or a protective radiation and completely made insulation or
shield. small- to medium- of gas. shielding.
sized meteorites.
Energy When there is too With a steady input Light energy is a Surface: The inner
little sunlight or too of either light or problem if it makes planets get too
few of the chemical energy, a planet too hot or much sunlight for
chemicals that cells can run the if there are too life. The outer
provide energy to chemical reactions many harmful rays, planets get too
cells, such as iron necessary for life. such as ultraviolet. little.
or sulfur, Too many energy- Sub-surface: Most
organisms die. rich chemicals are solid planets and
not a problem moons have
Nutrients used to Without chemicals All solid planets Too many Surface: Earth has
build and maintain to make proteins and moons have nutrients are not a a water cycle, an
an organism’s and the same general problem. However, atmosphere, and
body. carbohydrates, chemical makeup, too active a volcanoes to
organisms cannot so nutrients are circulation system, circulate nutrients.
grow. Planets present. Those such as the Venus, Titan, Io,
without systems to with a water cycle constant volcanism and Mars have
deliver nutrients to or volcanic activity on Jupiter’s moon, nutrients and ways
its organisms (e.g., can transport and Io, or the churning to circulate them to
a water cycle or replenish the atmospheres of organisms.
volcanic activity) chemicals required the gas planets, Sub-surface: Any
cannot support life. by living interferes with an planet or moon
Also, when organisms. organism’s ability with sub-surface
nutrients are to get enough water or molten
spread so thin that nutrients. rock can circulate
they are hard to and replenish
obtain, such as on nutrients for
a gas planet, life organisms
cannot exist.

Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life and is the only one
known for sure to have liquid water in the surface. These are reasons why planet earth is a unique
one: (1) It has liquid water; (2) Plate Tectonics; and (3) It has atmosphere that shelters it from the
worst of the sun’s rays.
Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has a large amount of liquid water. About
70% of the surface of the Earth is covered by liquid or frozen water. Because of this, Earth is
sometimes called “blue planet.” Planet Earth is habitable because it has the right distance from the
sun. It is kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it has the right chemical ingredients for life
including water and carbon. It can provide water, oxygen, useful biological products for human,
and has suitable weather and climate.
Earth, Venus, and Mars may have similarities: (1) They all are terrestrial planets, made of
solid rocks and silicates; (2) They all have an atmosphere; (3) They all almost have the same time
to rotate on their axes; (4) Earth and Mars both have water; (5) They all have carbon dioxide; and
(6 All have landforms. Earth, Venus, and Mars have differences: (1) Venus has no water; (2)
Venus and Mars don’t have oxygen; and (3) Earth has life forms.

The Subsystems of the Earth

Earth is sometimes called the “water planet” or the “blue planet” because seas cover more
than two-thirds of its surface. Earth is the only planet or moon in the solar system with rain that
falls from clouds, runs over the land, and collects in extensive oceans. It is also the only body we
know that supports life.
The four subsystems of the Earth are:
1. Atmosphere – it is the gaseous layer above the Earth’s surface, primarily composed of 78%
nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Other gases like argon, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, and

other inert gases made the remaining 1%. The atmosphere supports life because animals and
oxygen, and plants need both carbon dioxide and oxygen. In addition, the atmosphere supports
life indirectly by regulating climate. Air acts as both a blanket and a filter, retaining heat at night
and shielding from direct solar radiation during the day.
2. Biosphere – the zone of Earth where all forms of life exist: in the sea, on land, and in water. It
is sometimes called as the large ecosystem. This is the zone that life inhabits. Biosphere is a very
thin layer of the earth’s surface.
3. Geosphere – the solid Earth, consisting of the entire planet from the center of the core to the
outer crust. It includes the core, mantle, and crust of the Earth.
4. Hydrosphere – the water part of the Earth which circulates among oceans, continents, glaciers,
and atmosphere. Oceans cover 71% of the Earth and contain 97.5% of its water.

Earth is a complex system made up of many smaller systems through which matter and
energy are continuously cycled. Energy and matter flow through Earth’s spheres: geosphere,
hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere. Energy flows through the atmosphere mostly by
convection. How does matter and energy flow across the four subsystems of the Earth? The Earth
consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter and energy flows, the atmosphere
(air), biosphere (living things), hydrosphere (water), and geosphere (land). The atmosphere
provides the geosphere with heat and energy needed for rock breakdown and erosion. The
biosphere receives gases, heat, and sunlight (energy) from the atmosphere. It receives water from
the hydrosphere and a living medium from the geosphere.

Learning Competency with Code

1) Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only planet in the solar system with
properties necessary to support life.
S11/12ES-Ia-e- 3
2) Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries
matter and energy flow.
S11/12ES-Ia-e- 4

Directions/ Instructions:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer the Reflection and Assessment part of this module. Your score
from these two activities will be recorded and graded.
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.

Activity 1 Multiple Choice
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer.
1. Why is Earth called the “living planet?”
a. It sustains life. c. It has water at the surface
b. It has atmosphere d. All of the above
2. Which among the set of planets are called terrestrial?
a. Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus c. Earth, Mars, Venus, Jupiter
b. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth d. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
3. What makes the planet Earth habitable compared to other planets?
a. It has soil c. It has people
b. It has trees d. It has liquid water
4. What makes planet earth habitable?
a. It has comfortable distance from the sun
b. It has atmosphere that protects from radiation
c. The atmosphere holds carbon dioxide and other gases.
d. All of the above
5. Why is Earth called a terrestrial planet?
a. It has life. c. It is farther from the sun
b. It is closest to the sun d. It is placed at almost the middle planets
6. Which of the following best describes the surface of the planet Earth?
a. a thick layer of hydrogen gas
b. cloudy and hot with lots of volcano
c. cold, rocky, and covered with red dust
d. mostly water surface with some areas of land
7. Which of the following is NOT one of the four subsystems of the Earth?
a. biosphere c. water sphere
b. hydrosphere d. geosphere
8. All of the waters, including the subsurface and atmospheric water comprise the Earth. Which
geological subsystem best label the statement?
a. the geosphere c. the biosphere
b. the hydrosphere d. the atmosphere
9. Earth contains all living organisms including those on the land, in the water and air. Which
subsystem best describes the statement?
a. biosphere c. atmosphere
b. hydrosphere d. geosphere
10. Which subsystem suits the statement, “Global ecological system interacting with each other”?
a. biosphere c. hydrosphere
b. geosphere d. atmosphere
11. What subsystem will network the biosphere for photosynthesis to take place?
a. atmosphere c. hydrosphere
b. geosphere d. biosphere
12. Oxygen, water vapor, nitrogen, and other gases help organism to survive. Which Earth sphere
contain these materials?
a. biosphere c. hydrosphere
b. atmosphere d. geosphere
13. Which term is used to describe the thin layer of solid rock that makes up the outermost part of
the Earth?
a. core c. mantle
b. crust d. biosphere
14. Among the subsystems, which is composed of a mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth?
a. nitrogen c. biosphere
b. atmosphere d. kingdoms

15. The atmosphere of the Earth is composed of _________ nitrogen and _________ oxygen and
other gases.
a. 0% and 100% c. 78% and 21%
b. 21% and 78% d. 50% and 50%

Activity 2 Understanding the Planet Earth

Directions: Compare and contrast. How is planet Earth similar and different from Venus and
Mars? Provide possible explanations for your observations using the information in the table.

Activity 3 Subsystems of the Earth

Directions: Analyze and label the given picture. From the picture, create a general concept on
each picture and identify the physical characteristics of the subsystem of the Earth. Differentiate
one with the other.

The human population has increased rapidly since the 1700’s. For most of human
history, there were fewer than half-billion people on Earth. In mid-2009, 6.7 billion people
inhabited our planet. Because of these, extensive pollution is everywhere. As a student,
what can you do in your community to save not only a particular system, but the Earth
itself? Write your answer in a table.
My Environmental “To Do” List


“Connect Me Spheres”
Directions: Analyze the interactions of the spheres after the onslaught of Typhoon Yolanda.

1. What sphere caused the event?

2. What are the effects of the event on one or more spheres?

3. What is the global implication of the event?


Mercado, Rochelle M. 2020. Earth and Life Sciences Origin and Structure of the Earth – Planet
Earth. Cainta, Rizal: Department of Education.
Mercado, Rochelle M. 2020. Earth and Life Sciences Origin and Structure of the Earth – The
Subsystem. Cainta, Rizal: Department of Education.

Answer Key

Activity 1 Multiple Choice Activity 2 Understanding the

1. d Planet Earth
2. b
3. b Venus has very thick
atmosphere which is almost
4. d
dense as Earth, while Mars
5. b has thin atmosphere.
6. d
7. c Venus is hotter than Earth.
8. b Mars is colder than Earth.
9. a
10. a Activity 3 Subsystems of the Earth
11. b
12. b
13. b 1. Atmosphere – the gaseous layer above the
14. b Earth’s surface primarily composed of
15. c different gases such as nitrogen and oxygen.
2. Biosphere – the zone of the Earth where all
forms of life exist. This serves as the
ecosystem of all living and non- living
3. Geosphere – the solid part of the Earth
that consists the entire planet from the
center of the core to the outer crust. It
includes core, mantle, and crust of the Earth.
4. Hydrosphere – the water part of the Earth
that includes oceans and glaciers.

Prepared by:

Arsyl Mae O. Denalo

Adviser Checked by:

Nancy C. Arpon
SHS Coordinator

Noted by:

Dennis P. Dagami
School Principal


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