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In our daily life basis, we tend to neglect the fact that our Mother Earth is depleting.

In the rapid advancements brought about by the technology, people forgot the fact that
these advancements create a huge impact to the world we live in. Unconsciously, we are
so caught up with these changes that we did not notice the sudden warmth of our world
which makes it even more difficult for us humans to act against the global warming and
this is undeniably dangerous.

Global Warming has been one of the topmost issues worldwide. Some may care,
and others do not. However, we must all be involved in giving solutions to this
phenomenon because at the end of the day, we are all living in the same place—breathing
the same air. In our own little ways, let us take a few steps forward and as we go along
with our journey, we will come to realize that we have walked a thousand miles already.

Disciplining ourselves is the most basic thing that we could ever do to minimize
global warming. While some are still burning plastics, which creates a large contribution
to destroy our ozone layer, we must be an advocate of ourselves to stop using or burning
plastics. In this way, we could inspire others to do the same. If given a chance to talk with
people in the community, let us encourage them stop doing the things that damage our
precious world.

Another point worth noting is the air pollution brought about by the large companies
and even the little ones that they do not care anymore that the air they are releasing could
harm our ozone layer, creating a great effect on global warming. Disseminating
information to these companies could touch their lives and create action towards this
phenomenon. Educate people with the things that would inspire them to make an action
in healing our world.

The Earth is dying and we must take an action to revive it. Let’s begin with a simple
step and encourage people to walk with you as you meet them along the way. This thing,
as all things, matter. In whatever way this may end, may we all realize that we are
responsible of what is happening on our world today and we are to be blamed of all its
sufferings and struggles. With this, let us work hand-in-hand to heal our Mother land.

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