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Purok 7-B, Taglatawan

Bayugan City
July 29, 2019

University of Sto. Thomas
Faculty of Arts and Letters
Paco, Manila

Dear Sir,
Good day!
How are you? Wherever you are now, I hope you’re doing well. I just want you to know that you
left the world with so many things to realize. You have given us literary works that would encourage us to
do better—to be someone who is not afraid to venture for bigger possibilities. Your work, A Heritage of
Smallness, was an awakening spell to us, the young generation. Indeed, how can a people ever dream
about achieving tiger economy status when our hearts and minds are that of a pussycat? We always
want a smooth drive on paved roads and avoid driving up rocky mountain trails to where the pot of gold
is. We are confident in excelling small things yet afraid to try for something bigger.
However, some things changed now. Filipinos are now opening its minds and hearts for bigger
opportunities. We already have iconic architectural structures here in the Philippines that is known
around the world. Our Filipino architects are paving its way to popularity because of the works they have
done. Though we still have sari-sari stores that sell “tingi-tingi” as we say but some of us are practicing to
buy things in bulk. We are starting to open our minds to buy things for a long period of time rather than
buy things on a daily basis. Some of the phrases that you have said in your work now is starting to fade.
I just also want to say thank you. Filipinos are breaking through this small mindedness, rise, grow
and dare to be great for our country’s sake because that is what you have left us—words to realize for
the young generations to put into action.

Respectfully yours,


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