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Camino hacia la excelencia académica


ESTUDIANTE: GRADO: 8th Valoración

DOCENTE: Harold Márquez TIEMPO ESTIMADO: 45 Minutos
Esta evaluación pretende revisar los procesos académicos a partir de los niveles de pensamiento:
1.1. SINTACTICO – SEMANTICO: Reconozco los elementos de un enlace de texto para identificar su secuencia.
2.1 DISCURSIVO- FUNCIONAL: Identifico la recurrencia de ideas en un mismo texto.
3.1. SOCIAL-CULTURAL: Me arriesgo a participar en una conversación con mis compañeros y profesor

Complete the dialog b. Goes

1. Do you like to eat chicken? c. Went
a. No he does 14. John and Mark _____ the wall?
b. No he isn’t a. Paint
c. Yes I do b. Paints
2. What time is it? c. Painting
a. I don’t want 15. Mr. Smith ____ want to start the celebration
b. It´s three o´clock now
c. Well done a. Didn’t
3. Where is the bus stop? b. Don’t
a. What? c. Doesn’t
b. It is crossing the next block 16. Sandra _____ to eat hamburger before
c. Here you are. a. Liked
4. Do you know Mike b. Likes
a. Good bye c. Liking
b. He is your cousin, isn’t he? 17. How _____ books do you read in a month?
c. Are you kidding me? a. Much
5. Why are you here? b. Many
a. Dunno c. Few
b. I don’t want 18. Mark and Lucy ____ a movie yesterday night
c. Because I have to work. a. Watches
Vocabulary. b. Watched
6. You can buy a jean at c. Watch
a. The clothe store 19. I don’t have ____ money to spend
b. The bakery a. Many
c. The hospital b. Much
7. When you are sick you go to c. Few
a. The cinema 20. I ____ an alien last night, believe me!
b. The hospital a. See
c. The train station b. Saw
8. When you want to take a shower you go to c. Seeing
a. The living room
b. Your bedroom
c. The bathroom
9. If you want to read a book you go to
a. The bakery
b. The library
c. The hospital
10. If you want to make work out you go to
a. The mall
b. The gym
c. The movie

11. Charlie ____ a cake yesterday
a. Make
b. Made
c. Maked
12. Tom _____ do their homework last week
a. Aren’t
b. Didn’t
c. Don’t
13. Kevin ____ to the gym last Saturday
a. Go

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