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Here's the million dollar question. What is the best exercise? Sort of like the chicken and egg.

It's a time
honored question. People have argued no end about this. And there's a classic story. You know, what's
the best exercise, running or bicycling? And I can actually prove that bicycling is a better exercise than
running. But I have to cheat a little in order to do it. I'll get back to that in a moment. OK. Answer to your
question, what's the best exercise? The best exercises? The one that you're willing to do even better is
the one that you're willing to do that you actually enjoy. So you're looking forward to doing it. And that's
different for every person. I recommend that it vary throughout the year. It doesn't take long before fitness
training becomes fitness maintaining. In other words, if we wish to grow, we've got to challenge ourselves
just a bit. Now, there's realistic challenges, as I mentioned earlier, a realistic challenge when your body is
faced with a realistic fitness challenge. Well, at that point, you're going to train. But if you face an
unreasonable demand or place an unreasonable demand on the body. Well, now you're very likely to
overload the body. You're very likely to get hurt. And and this is not what we're looking to have happen.
And so the best activities, the best fitness training comes from the activities you enjoy, the ones you're
willing to and find that you can do. And that you will do at a level of reasonable challenge so that you can
adapt to that. You can develop your abilities. New way to make that happen is to provide enough variety.
Over time, and it's one of the beauties of having seasons in the year. You know, we've noticed with sports
that there's different seasons where we think of different sports and we think, you know, it's winter and the
skills and the things we do in winter are just completely different than the games of summer and spring
and autumn have their own activities that we start to think of. Spring training and baseball comes to mind
and the crisp autumn days and football comes to mind for the kids anyway. But you know, even for us, we
think of doing slightly different skills. And there's times when you're going to be gardening and there's
times when you're gonna be playing tennis. And the beauty is that having those different seasons and the
different times encourages a more well-rounded fitness package and a more well-rounded fitness training,
rather than if he said, well, I run every day. That's what I do. That's all I do. I just run. I don't do anything
else. I run every day and I do the same run every day at the same speed every day. Well, at that point,
you are not training anything. You're simply maintaining. So mixing it up actually is a better fitness
package than doing the same thing every day. Plus, if I might add, by doing different things, you also get
to find out what you like best and focus on on the things that you like best, like trying different activities
and sports. It's sort of funny because for me, what I do not just in my fitness training, but certainly in my
fitness training is I look for the things that I like least and that's what I do, because the things we like least
tend to be the things that we are worst at. We tend to do the things we really like. And we like them very
often because we're good at them. And so their pleasure as opposed to a frustration. But we're good at
them and we like them. And so we do them and we get better at them and a cycle develops. We're bad at
them. We're inefficient at them. We can't do them at all. And so we don't do them and we get worse at
them and then we like them less and do them even less. And a cycle develops there as well. And
imbalances in our fitness develop and become increasingly extreme. And so I purposefully like I enjoy
making new friends. It's something that's always been a joy for me to make new friends. And so I go after
those aspects, elements, parts and types of fitness activities that I am not particularly skilled or good at.
And I practiced them. Until I get good at them and then I like them and then I do them automatically. I
miss them if I don't get a chance to do them while at the same time I'm getting the most return on my
investment in terms of fitness training because I'm developing my weaklings. Yeah. Going back to that
concept. It's very interesting to see that interlinked with other aspects of health.

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