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Activity: Message Relay!!!

The class will be divided into three groups. Each
group will select their team leader that will be the point
person responsible of the group. The mechanics of the
activity is that each group will form a line, each line will
have two representatives: the first one is the one who
will relay the message that will be given by the teacher,
and the second one is the one who will decode the given
information by writing it in a manila paper. The rest of
the members will serve as the bridge between the first
and the second representative. The activity requires
each group to fulfill four (4) tasks that will be illustrated
in the piece of paper. This is a time pressured activity.
The first group to finish will receive a 20 points, the
second 18 points and the third will receive 15 points.
The activity is allotted 25 minutes to finish.
Draw this:
On a piece of paper, draw a square
and cut the square along the
diagonal. Indicate right angle in the
Write this:
In a 45⁰-45⁰-90⁰ triangle, the legs are
Write this:
The length of a hypotenuse is √2 times
the length of the leg.
The six trigonometric ratios of the 45⁰
1. What are your struggles in doing the activity?
Does the message were correctly relayed.
2. Based on the activity performed, what are your
observations in regards with the measures of
the angles of the triangles?
3. What have you noticed about the length of the
side of the triangles that you have illustrated?
Sides of special right triangles are
related as follows:

45⁰-45⁰-90⁰ Right Triangle Theorem

In a 45⁰- 45⁰- 90⁰ triangle,

 the legs are congruent;

 the length of the hypotenuse is √2 times the length
of the leg

hypotenuse = √2 leg
30⁰-60⁰-90⁰ Right Triangle Theorem
In a 30⁰-60⁰-90⁰ triangle;
 the length of the hypotenuse is twice the length of the
shorter leg
 the length of the longer leg is √3 times the length of the
shorter leg

hypotenuse = 2 shorter leg

longer leg = √3 shorter leg

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