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CAS Project - Investigation

Students involved Diego, James

Title of project Carbon Footprint Competition

Expand the box below as necessary. You will need to discuss in detail the following:

 Identify your interests

 Identify your skills and talents
 In what ways would you like to grow or develop?
 What is it that you want to do?
 What is the purpose of the project?
 If Service, then what need do you want to address


We figured that the best way to get students to participate in our CAS project is to advertise it as a
competition, we could potentially make a trophy using CAD and CAM from the DT room, we would
need to discuss this with Mr. King though it could be argued doing this goes against our goal as the
material used in the 3D printer is hard to recycle, this is something we will have to think about but
a prize isn’t a priority rather the awareness raised is.

For the competition, secondary will be split into form or year groups and they will record the
amount of steps taken to walk to school, this is seemingly the only way to gather data and
determine a measurement, we can estimate the length of a step to give a rough estimation of how
far the person has travelled, alternately if the app shows the distance and steps the person has
travelled we can research the carbon emission of a car over the same distance, thus knowing how
much they saved. We could use a google spreadsheet so that the students can fill in how far they
walked online, or a physical sheet of paper which could be filled in, we would recommend the
students fill this in during registration and could ask teachers if they could remind their form to do
so to gather as much data as possible.

The CAS project could begin in either December or the Spring term, it is likely that more people
would walk in the Spring as the weather would be nicer but it could be good to encourage people
to walk in December as it is more likely that they will be using their car. The competition will likely
last about a week so there is suitable time to identify a winning year group or form since we have
a large source of data, rather than a one-off day where everyone walks which doesn’t show who is
committed to making a difference and worthy of a prize. As of now we believe we will do an
assembly on our CAS project to introduce it to the school, however, that may not be necessary if
we can find a different format to do so.

 Now make an Experience on Managebac and tick the box to make it your CAS Project.
 Upload this document or the text in another format, such as a Reflection to Managebac.
 The file name or heading should clearly include the word ‘Investigation’.
 Once I’ve looked at it and made a comment you can move on to complete the ‘Preparation’
stage of the project.

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