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[;] g 'f.' ~ .• 11 Gill 16o/o _ 10:36 p.m.


Absolute rlsk (AR) of a dlsease ls your r1sk o

developlng the dlsease over a nrne perlod. The
serne absolute rtsk c:an be expressed ln different
Wa'JS. For example, say you have a l 111 10 nsk
of developmg a certain dïsease 1n your llfe. This
can also be satd to be a 10% rtsk, or a 0.1 rtsk -
dependlng on whether you use percentages or

Re.latl\/e rlsk (RR) 1s used ta compare the nsk in two

dtfferent groups of people. For example, consfder the
rlsk fer bltndnass ln a patient Wlth dfabetes over a
5-year perlod. If the rlsk for bllndness ts 4 ln 1 DO
(4%) ln a group of patients treated conventlonally
(control group) and 3 ln 100 (3%) ln patients treated
Wlth a new drug (expenmental group), the relative
rtsk ls the ratio of the two rfsks. Glven the data
above, the relative nsk ts,

3% +4% = 75% (or 0.75)

Expressed as a relative dlfference, the new drug

reduces the rtsk for bllndness by a quarter.

An RR of'< 1 means the event ts less llkely ta

occur ln the e.xperlmental grcup than ln th contrai

An RR of> 1 means the event ls more llkely to

occur m the expenmemal group man 1n the
control group.

Agood formula to remember for PLAB part 1 ts:

RR = rlsk of dlsease ln exposed / risk of

dlsease in unexposed

ln thls scenarlo, lt would be:

RR = rlsk of bllndness ln diabetlc:s taklng new

drug / rtsk of bllndnass ln dlabetrcs w1th no drug

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[;] g ;- ~ .. 11 Gill 16o/o _ 10:36 p.m.

Relative rlsk (RR} ls used ta compare the rlsk ln two

dtfferent groups of people. For example, consrdar
the rlsk for bllndness ln a patient wtth dlabete.s
over a 5-year perlod. If the rtsk for bllndness 1s 4- ln
100 (4%) ln a group of patients treated
conventlonally (control group) and 3 ln 100 (3%) in
patients treated wtth a new drug (expertrnental
groupJ, the relative rtsk 1s the ratio of the two
rtsks, Glven the data above, the relative rtsk ls

3% ~4% = 75% (or 0.75)

Expressed as a relative dlfference, the new

drug reduœs the nsk ror bllndness by a

An RR of< 1 means the event ls less llkely ta

occur ln the experlmental group than ln the
contrai group.

An RR of> 1 means the evem 1s more hkely to

occur ln the experlrnental grcup than ln the contre!

A good formula to remember for PLAB part 1 ts:

RR = rtsk of dlsease ln exposed / rlsk of

dïsease ln unexposed

ln rhls scenartc, itwould be:

RR = rlsk of bllndness ln dtabencs taklng new

drug / rtsk of bllndness ln dlabencs wjlh no drug



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[;] g ;. ~ .. 11 Gill 16o/o _ 10:36 p.m.

Question io of 11

ouesnon Code: CL 0104

Correct Wrnng
Each year 950 000 people develop myocardlal
tnfarcnon ln a population of 250 000 000. Out of
Question stats A
these, 215 000 die and 112 500 ln the ftrst hour. B
Whlch of the followlng ls the SINGLE most llkely C

value for rhe Incidence of myocardlal lnfarctJon? D

Plab Lab Values
88% of users answeren tnls quesdcn

A. 112 500 ln 250 000 DOO
B. -~ 12 500 in ::1s ooo ooo- No Commenl:5
(_ 215 000 ln 250 000 000

D. 215 000 ln 950 000

E. 1 , 950 000 ln 250 000 000

The deflnftlon of Incidence ls the number of new
cases of a dlsease occurnng wrthrn a population
durlng a speclflc tJme. Therefore, in thls question 950
000 people (number of new cases) develop
myoc:ardlal lnfarcrlon withln a population durtng a
speciflc tlme pertod.


The Brldsh Medical Journal (BMJ). Epidem,afogy

for the untnitisted, Cbepter 2· QuantJ(ying disease
m populations. 2016. lmµ:l/

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[;] g 'f.' ~ .,11 Gill 16% _ 10:36 p.m.

Question 11 of 11

ouesnon Code: EP 4190

A new screenrng test has been devlsed to detect early Correct

stages of prostate cancer. The rest has been ound co be
Question stars A ~
positive ln a high number of patients who are later
B• 90
dlsrnvered not to have the cancer on other more deflnltive
C 'I 2%
testlng methods. Whal 1s the correct term to describe thls D ,1 4'Mt
test? E] 2
90% of users ensweren tnls questlcn
Plab Lab Values œrrealy

A. Hlgh true pcslnve rate
n.o Il is rlght
B. ["H1gh false postt111e rate
11-03-2017 :?3
(. Hlgh crue neganve rate

D. Hlgh false neganve rate

E. Hlgh spectfictty
..1 ye.s yes Just got comfused ln lhe
wordings,we can also s.1y as hlgh
sensltlvlty ls hlgh rrue positives lin
cther words fev.r False negatiVes and
hlgh speclflclty as hlgh true negauves
The easlest way to remember thrs ls usmg the
in other words few false positives
followlng definftlons.
12--03-2017 ocos

True positive ls the amount of stck people

c.orrectly ldentlfled as stck
False positives ls the arnount of healthy people
lncorrectly identifled as skk
True negattve ls the healthy people correctly
ldentlfled as healthy
False negatlve ls the slck people lncorrealy
ldenUfled as healthy

H1gh sensltlvlty means few false negatfves Low

sensltlvlty means many false negatives Hlgh
speoflcny means few false positives Law
spedhclty means many false positives

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[;] g 'f.' ~ .,11 G] 17% _ 10:35 p.m.

Question 6 of 11

ouesnon Code: CL 0105

Correct Wrnng
This ls the llkellhood of a test reportlng poslnve when the
condition bemg resced rs actually presenc. What ls the Question stars A
SINGLE most llkely rerm? B 3'io& .3
C '!1, 7
Plab Lab Values
D 61'1!:
E 25
6296 of users ensweren tnls quesdcn
A. Null hypothesis
a Prevalence

C Prabablllty
o. ["senslttvlty_
E. Speclflmy
Then, what's speafkity?l
01-06-2017 14:40


Senslclvlty ls a measune cf a tests ablllry te correctly Se11s1tlvity=TP= correaly ID chose

detecc people wlth the dlsease. Il ls the proportion of wlth dJsease V5
dlseased cases that are correctly rdennfled by the test. Speclftclty=TN=correcr ID th ose who
lt ls calculated as follaws: DONT have cllsease

8-06-2017 00:02
Senslclvlty = Number w1th dlsease who have a
posmve test/Number wlth dls.ease. lWnre a comment


The British Medical Journal (BMJ). Ep1dem1ology for

the uninmeted; Chaprer 4: Measurement errer and
bies. 2016. http;l.lwww.llmJ,..mmLab.a.ut-

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[;] g 'f.' ~ .,11 G] 17% _ 10:35 p.m.

Question 7 of 11 ouesnon

Code: CL 0103

A town has a population of 500 000. ln a 5 year penod. 1250 Correct Wrnng

cases of lung cancer were registered by dearh cernflcanon lt

Question stars
was slso found ln the sarne town, 500 people were
A- ~
dlagnosed wlth lung cancer rom the comrnunlty hospital. BJ
Tne 1 year survlval rate ls 0%. What ls the SINGLE most ~~
C ,_ D
llkely annual prevalence of lung cancer per million ln thls
D ••••• 53~
E :J B'Mi
53116 of users ensweren tnls questlcn
Plab Lab Values
Comments 0
A. 200 2
B 400
C. 500
D [Tao 1 was hoplng the 500 people
E. 1250
dlagnosed at œrnrnunny hospltal were
part of the 1250 registered by death
certification berause the survival rate fs
0%. Thèrefore the 500 should be a
subset of the 1250. Annual prevalence
ln thls question, we must figure out the total arnount
would be 500
of people affeaed wlth lung cancer wlthln the 5 year
27-01-2018 s:s-
perlod flrst 1250 + 500 = 1750. Therefore, annually
there are 1750 / 5 = .350 deaths from lung cancer. This
ls based on the assumptlan that the 1 year survlval
rate ls 0% therefore ail cases should be accounted for
Slnce 350 deaths/year ls from a population of 500 000,
to flnd out the annual prevalence per mllllon, wouJd be
(350 x 1 000 000) / 500 000 = 700 [cross mulrlply].

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[;] g 'f.' ~ .• 11 G] 16% _ 10:35 p.m.

Question 8 of 11 ouesnon

Code: CL 0108

A group of patlents w1th atherosderosls are ollowed

forward over a penod of tlrne to lnvestJgace the
outcorne accordmg to exposure to dlfferent factors. lt Question stars A
B "
started with 2 groups free of dlsease and followed C ,.
forward for a period oftlme. Whal ts the SINGLE most D - 1
llkely study design? E
82'!6 of users ensweren tnls quesdcn
Plab Lab Values œmmly

ABLE Correct Wrnng

A. 1 Prospective a>h011 stu

B. ~etrospectlve cohcr: study why notcase contrai study? because 1t
------ ls rnenooned that 2 groups of people
(. Case rnnrrol study
o. Ra11dom1zed contralled study free of dlsease were used tor the SUJdy
•.. one of the group must have been
E. PrevaJence

used as a contrai?


case control analyses ar that point ln

A prospective cohort study assembles
participants and follows thern Inca the future.
02-03-2017 23: ...

Ref'erences: _

Cochrane Rev1ews. Archive Glossery. 2016.


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[;] g 'f.' ~ .,11 G] 16% _ 10:35 p.m.

Question 9 of 11 Que.stlon

Code: EP 0815

A study was conducted to evaluate the rlsk for bllndness ln Correct Wrong

a patient with cliabetes over a 5-year penod. 4 people

Question stars
became bllnd m Group A whlch conslst of 100 people. 3
A 10
people became bhnd ln group B whlc.h consisted of 100 B ] 'l'!t
people. Ali parndpants ln group B were glven a trial of a new C ••••
drug whereas group A dld not recelve any treatment. Glven 45~
0 ] 10
the data above, whlch statement ts correct?
45% orusers i1nswer~ tnls question

Plab Lab Values


A. Absolute nsk ls 1

13. Relatlve ri!.~ ts 3

c 1 · RelatJve rfslc ls 0.75

D. Absolute nsk 1s 0.75

E. Relative rlsk ls 1

Rlsk ratios are an Important tapie ln PLAB as n ls one

of the main epldemlologic questions asked.

Absoluta r1sk (AR) of a dtsease ls your rtsk of

developlng the dlsease over a tlme perlod. The same
absclute rtsk can be expressed ln different ways. For
e.xample. say you have a I ln 10 rlsk of developing a
certain disease ln your llfe. This can also be said ta be
a 10% nsk, or a O. 1 rlsk - dependlng on whether you
use percemages or declmals.

Relative rtsk (RR) ls used te compare the rlsk ln two

different groups of people. For example, conslder the
rtsk for bllndness ln a patient wlch diabete.s over a 5-
year period. If the rlsk for bllndness ls 4 ln 100 (4%) ln
a group of patients treated convemlonally (contrai
group) and 3 ln
1 00 (3%) ln patients treated wlth a new drug

(e.xperimemal group), the relative rtsk 1s the ratio of

the two rtsks. Glven the data above, the relative rtsk

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i;J g ~ ~ .,11 Gill 16% _ 10:35 p.m.

i OJ ••

Question 8 of 11 ouesnon Correct Wrnng
Code: CL 0108

A group of patlents wrth atherosclerosls are followed

forward over a penod of time to invesugate the outcome
according to exposure to dlfferem factors. lt started wjth
2 groups Free of dlsease and followed forward for a
pertod of tlme. Wllal ls the SINGLE mos:t llkely study
Question stars A
design? B
Plab Lab Values
8196 of users answere,a tnls quesdcn
A. Absolute nsk ls 1
B.. R~latlve rlsk 1) 3

why notcase control study? berause 1t

cl Rel.anve nsk 1s 0.75
ls menuoned that 2 groups of people
D. Absolute nsk ls 0.75
free of dtssase were used for the
E. RelatJve rlsk ls 1
5U.Jdy ... one of the group must have

• been used as a contrai?

-02·2017 18:05

A prospective cohort study assembles parnctpanrs Laura

and follows thern lmo the furure. case control analyses at thar point ln
02-03-2017 23: .. ~

[Wnte a corn men

Cochrane Rev1ews. Archive Gfossary. 2016.

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[;] g 'f ~ .• 11 Gill 16% _ 10:36 p.m.

Question 9 of 1 l Question

Code: EP OB15

A study was conducted ta evaluate the rlsk for bllndness Correct Wrnng
ln a padem with dlabetes over a 5-year perlod. 4 people
Question scats
became bllnd ln Group A whlc:h constst of l 00 people. 3 A_ tO~
people became blind ln group B whlch consrsted of 100 B :J 11'16
people. Ali parndpants ln group B were gtven a trial of C •••• ~
a new drug whereas group A dtd not receive any D] 10
E B~
treatrnent Glven the data above, whlch statement ls
45116 or user, answered 11115 question
rnrrect? correctly

Plab Lab Values Comments

o Cornmerns

[Wnre a comment
A. Absolute rtsk ls 1

B. 1 Rel.itlve rlsk rs 3

c. Qelat1ve nsk Js 0.75

D. Absolute rtsk ls o 75
E. Relatlve rlsk ls 1

Risk ratios are an Important tapie ln PLAB as lt Is one
of rhe main epldemlologlc questJons asked.

Absolute r1sk (AR) of a dlsease ls your rtsk o

developlng the dlsease over a nrne pertod. The
same absolute rlsk can be expressed ln dlfferent
wa'jS. For example, say you have a 1 m 10 nsk of
developmg a certain disease 1n your llfe. This can
also be sald to be a 10% rlsk, or a 0.1 rlsk -
dependlng on whether you use percentages or

Relatlve rlsk (RR) 1s used ta compare the nsk 1n

two dtfferent groups of people.. For example,
conslder the rlsk for bllndness in a patient wlth
dlabetes over a 5-year perlod. If the rlsk for
bllndness ls 4 ln 1 DO (4%) ln a group o patients
lreated conventlonally (contrai group) and 3 ln 100
t3'M!) ln patients treated Wlth a new drug
(expenmental group), the relative rlsk ls the ratio of
the two rtsks, Glven the data above, the reladve nsk
Scanned by CamScanner
[;] g 'f.' ~ .,11 Gill 17% _ 10:34 p.m.

i OJ ••


Question 1 of 11 ouesnon
9 10 1
Code: CL 011 o
Correct Wrnng
This ls the measure of dispersion of a set of values. Wl1at
is the SINGLE mas, likely term7 Question stars A
Plab Lab Values
A. Null hypothesls
IJ6 of users answeren tnls quesdcn
B. PrevaJence
(. Probablllty

D Sensltlvlty Comments
E. 1 , St.andard d!!Vlàtlon o Cornments

[Write a corn mern,

Standard deviatlon ts a measure of the spread or

dispersion of a set of observations, calrulated as the
average dlfference from the mean value ln the sample.


Cochrane Revlews. Archive Glossary. 2016.


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[;] g 'f.' ~ .,11 G] 17% _ 10:34 p.m.

i OJ ••


Question 2 of 11 ouesnon
9 10 1
Code: CL 0106
Correct Wrnng
Half of a group of observations Iles above thls level
and it ts partrcularly important 1f the distrtbutrons are Question stats
not normal. What ls the SINGLE rnost llkely term7 A
Plab Lab Values D

E ....
541J6 of users answeren tnls quesdcn
A. Chi-square tast
8. Llnear regression
(. Mean o Cornments
[Write a corn ment, .


Medlan ls the value of the observation that
cornes half way when the observations are
ranked ln order.


Cochrane Revlews. Archive Glosssry. 2016.


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[;] g 'f.' ~ .,11 G] 17% _ 10:34 p.m.

i [Il ••


Question 3 of 11
9 10 1
ouesnon Code: CL 0101
Correct Wrnng
A random study on pulmonary embolism shows 1 0
paaems out of 100 died who dld nor get treatrnent and 1 Question stars
O patients out of l 00 died who got proper treatment. A
What ts the SINGLE most llkely absolute rlsk?
Plab Lab Values E
591\6 of users answere,a tnls questlcn
A. Absolute rlsk 5%
B. A.Osolute nsk 1

(. Absolute nsk 100% Ranya

i snll donc gec 1c?
Absolute nsk 10
Absolute nsk 0.1% 27-09-2017 05:04

• Onyekachl

Absolute risk by definltlan ls die percentage of REL.;nvE RI.SK COMPARES RATIOS. so

people wtthm a particular group affened by a IT 15 10% for both groups

certain evenL Therefore, for both sets a- 23-10-2017 09:56

atlents who got treatment and those who dld not,
the absolute rlsk of death (the event) would be: 1 D
/ 100 = 1/10 = 0.1 = 10%.
r a


tnsttrute far Work and Health. Health, saf-ety

pertners meke MSD preventlon a prtority. Issue
46, page 2 , 2006.
work/at_work_ 46.pdf

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[;] g 'f.' ~ .• 11 G] 17% _ 10:34 p.m.

i OJ ••

5 6 7
Question 4 of 11 S
Correct Wrnng
ouesnon Code: CL 0109

A study was carried out ln which 10 000 women

parnupated, Ali the women underwenc a cervlcal smear.
1000 of 1 O 000 women had a positive srnear. Of these,
100 developed cervical cancer 1 O women who had
negatlve smear developed cancer. What ts the SINGLE Question stars
most llkely termlnology used to descrlbe the I O women A ] ~
wlth negaCive results who developed cervlcal rancer7 B j 6'l'.i
Plab Lab Values C J 5~
D •••••••• 86~
86116 of users ensweren tnls quesdcn


[Write a corn mern,

A. Case contrai st!Jrl-y_ ____________________________ _
B False positive

c. Chance Incidence

o [ialse negattve
E. Randomized controlled trial

A falsely drawn negatlve conclusion. A

conclusion thar a persan does not have the
disease or condition belng tested, when rhey
actually do.


Cochrane Revlews. Archive G!ossary. 2016.

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[;] g 'f ~ .,11 G] 17% _ 10:35 p.m.

Question S of 11

Question Code: EP 0796

A small tawn has a population of 250,000. ln a f1ve year • Correct. Wrong

perlad rhere was 1,000 cases of lung cancer dlagnosed

Question stats A
ln that town. The nelghbcurlng tawn also has a 23~
population of 250,000 but only 400 people were 6'
dlagnosed w1th lung cancer durlng the flve year perlod. D -
What Is the annual Incidence per million of lung cancer E' 2'i!,
111 the population of bath of chese tawns? 46'111 erusers answered tnls question
Plab Lab Values

A. 2800 Ranya
8 1400 do thèse kmds of questions tha unhze
C 700 o. methernanral precesses actually
corne ln the real plab I exam? they
can be 50 tlme consurnlng

[Wnte a corn men

Incidence ln epldemlology 15 a measure of the

probablllty of occurrence of a glven rnedlcal
c.ondltlon ln a populatJon wJthln a specifled
perlod of nrne.

As the question 5peclflcally asked for annual

Incidence per mllllon, the calculatlon should be as

1 000 + 400 = 1400

250 000 + 250 000 = 500 000

There are 1400 people dlagnosed wnh lung

cancer 1n a population of 5DO 000 in 5 years.

1 000 DDO / 500 000 = 2

Incidence per mllllon ln 5 years = 2 x 140D =


Incidence per rnllllon ln 1 year = 2800 / 5 = 560

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