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.m - Dec. 9, 1924.

"r 1,519,056
Filed March 31, 1923

N 2N.
N S 7

/76. 7
of 2/2. IWVENTOe
46 P 2124-7 AfroeMAFYS,
Patented Dec. 9, 1924. 1,519,056

Application filed March 31, 1923, Serial No. 629,193.
To all whom, it may concern: Figure 7 is a similar view in section on
Be it known that I, FRANK W. RISINGER, the line 7-7 of Figure 3.
a citizen of the United States, and a resi 1 represents the manifold of my improved
dent of Cleveland, in the county of Cuya burner which is elongated longitudinally
5 hoga and State of Ohio, have invented : and at its lower reduced portion is remov
new and Improved Burner, of which the ably secured to the outlet end of a Bul
following is a full, clear, and exact descrip sen tube 2.
tion. This Bunsen tube at its point of con {}{}
This invention relates to improvements nection with the manifold 1 is curved to
() in gas burners, and more particularly to give the necessary length to the Bunsen
burners adapted for use in connection with tube and to provide a chamber 3 in which
the radiant stoves, an object of the in the gas is permitted a swirling action be
vention being to provide an inniproved con fore its entrance into the manifold 1, so ts
struction of grid with an improved mount that it is evenly distributed throughout the
ing therefor, whereby the maximum of effi manifold 1 for best resuits.
ciency may be had in fuel consumption, The upper edge of the manifold 1 is
and which enabies the grid to be readily re formed with a longitudinal channel 3, which
noved and cleaned from time to time. channel may be cut by an ordinary tool
A further object is to provide an im in straight line with parallel side wallis,
proved burner construction in which the gas and integral spacers 4 connect the walls of
is properly fed through all of the spaces the channel and provide supports for my
of the grid so that the heat units are uti improved grid 5.
lized to the ful and best results are had The grid 5 consists of a plurality of lon
in giving fuel consumption and radiance in gitudinal strips 6 which are held in spaced
the stove in which the burner is used. relation by grid blocks 7 and 8. These
A further object is to provide a burner blocks 7 and 8 are recessed in their uppel
with a gas manifold in which a relatively faces to receive the strips 6 which are se
long marrow channel having parallel sides cured in the recesses in any approved man
and spacers connecting the base of the chan ner, and the blocks 7 are relatively long as
hel for supporting a removable grid which compared to the blocks 8, and are adapted
fits the channel, and which comprises lon to rest upon the spacers 4 as well as upon
gitudinal strips held in spaced relation by the end walls of the burner.
blocks fixedly secured thereto and function It is to be understood that these blocks
ing as supports or rests for the grid upon 7 and 8 are of a width corresponding to
35 the spacers. the width of the channel so that they fit
With these and other objects in view, the neatly and snugly within the channel of
invention consists in certain novel features the burner and provide iongitudinal burner
of construction and combinations, and ar orifices between the spacers 4. - 9 ()
rangement of parts, as will be more fully By reason of a construction of this char
hereinafter described and pointed out in acter, the grid can be readily removed and
the claims. cleaned from time to time, and furthermore
In the accompanying drawings a maximum of efficiency in fuel consump
Figure 1 is a plan view illustrating my tion is secured because the gas with its coin 95
improved burner. tents of air is uniformly distributed to the
Figure 2 is a view in side elevation. spaces or orifices formed between the strips
Figure 3 is a view in longitudinal sec and burns with a full heating and intense
tion on the line 3-3, of Figure 1. flame, which is especially adapted for use
Figure 4 is a view in transverse section in connection with radiant stoves and the 10)
on the line 4 4, of Figure 1. like.
Figure 5 is a perspective view of the grid. Warious slight changes might be made in
Figure 6 is a fragmentary view in trans the general form and arrangement of parts
yerse section on the line 6-6 of Figure 3. without departing from my invention, and
2 i,519,056

hence I do not limit myself to the precise having a longitudinal open-ended channel
details set forth, but consider myself at in its upper face, and a removable grid
liberty to make Such changes and altera fitting said channel and comprising lon
tions as fairly fall within the spirit and gitudinal strips and blocks fixed to the 20
Scope of the appended claims. strips. m
I claim: 3. A burner of the character described,
1. As a new article of manufacture, a comprising an elongated flared manifold
grid for gas burners, comprising longitudi having a longitudinal channel in its upper
nal spaced strips, and blocks maintaining face, and a removable grid fitting said chan
O the strips in spaced relationship, said blocks nel and comprising longitudinal strips and
having longitudinal recesses in their upper blocks fixed to the strips, and integral
faces receiving the strips, the alternate spacers across the base of the channel and
blocks being of the same length with the supporting certain of the blocks of the grid
adjacent blocks of different lengths. whereby the burner is divided into a plural- 30
5 2. A burner of the character described, ity of burner orifices.
comprising an elongated flared manifold FRANK W. RISINGER.

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