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1. "Kyrie Eleison" is a Latin song in the liturgical mass,meanin ______.
A. Apostle's Creed B. Holy,holy,holy C. Glory to God D. Lord Have Mercy
2. Which of the following songs is a Kundiman?
A. Alay B. Dungawin Mo Hirang C. Mutya ng Pasig D. Nasaan Ka Irog
3. Bamboo Organ was completed in 1824 under the supervision of Fr. Diego Cera, it is made of how many bamboo pipes?
A. 900 B. 901 C. 902 D. 903
4. How will you describe Trombone in your class?
A. It is commonly known as the Horn . B. The name means "Large Trumpet". C. It has the highest register in the brass family.
5. If "Pangkat Kawayan” was known as an orchestra that plays music using non-traditional bamboo instrument while "Muskong Bumbong" is a?
A. Bamboo Woodwind Marching Band B. Kamp Kawayan C. Singing Bamboo's of the Philippines
6. Which of the following best describes the elements of liturgy and devotional music?
A. Uses triple meter with themes of love and courtship. C. Its melody lyrics and expressive singing conveys intense love.
B. Religious practices and songs of the ethno-linguistic groups that uses dramatic theme.
7. What do you think is the purpose of Folk songs?
A. To sing song full of happiness and joy B. To preserve our cultural herritage through our native songs
C. To show the world that we are great composers
8. Musical intsrument that produces sound by the vibration of its body caused by the way they are played such as being struck or shaken.
A. Electrophone B. Membranophone C. Idiophone D. Chordophone
9. Which of the following sentences best describes "Harana Songs"?
A. A serenade a man sung to express affection to a woman. B. Mutya expresses her feeling under the light of the moon.
C. Performed in elegant evening gathering. D. A dialogue or courtship song in triple meter, mostly in 2 and 3 parts forms.
10. "Tinamam Kung Kamantigui" is a folk song from __________.
A. Bicol. B. Bulacan C. Ilocos Norte D. Pampanga
11. "Mutya ng Pasig" by Nicanor Abelardo is an example of________?
A. Folk song B. Kumintang C. Polka D. Pop song
12. If your teacher will ask you on how to play the Angklung, what will you do?
A. Use a rattan or rubber mallet to play it. B. Tapping the top holes of the bamboo by two flat flexible surface tapped
C. Use mjolnir to play it D. Shake the lower part with one hand while the upper is held steady
13. Flute, Tuba, Trumpet and Trombone are example of __________ instruments.
A. Idiophone B. Chordophone C. Membranophone D. Aerophone
14. A plain song which is not bounded by a time signature, uses no rhythm and written in neumatic notation is called ________.
A. Folksong B. Chant C. Harana D. Kundiman
15. Which of the following sentences best describes the manner of singing the Pasyon?
A. The whole text is chanted B. The children offer flowers while singing "alay"
C. Accompanied by the Musiko (brass band) with music "Dios Te Salve Maria

1. Why is weaving popular among tribal people?
A. it’s part of their advocacy. B. it is part of family's wealth. C. weaving is part of their culture.
2. Bul -ul is a wooden sculpture found in rice granaries of Cordillera. Which of the following is NOT part of the function of a Bul - ul?
A. use to ask for an abundant harvest B. fertility symbols worn around the neck C. protect the rice fields from pestilence
3. How to create a paper - mache following its correct procedure?
I. start coloring
II. tear the newspaper
III. dip a strip of newspaper into the mixture
IV. place the object on a covered surface to dry
V. lay strip over the surface or figure and repeat laying
VI. pour 2 parts white glue and one part water into a mixing bowl
A. I, II, III, IV, V and VI B. II, VI, III, I, IV and V C. II, VI, III, V, IV and I D. VI, II, III, IV, I and V
4. Which design are you going to use if you are to weave a Kadangyan cloth?
A. continous zigzag pattern B. body tattoo of a dead person C. red stripes, yellow and black geometrical patterns.
5. How do Kapampangans showcase their giant lanterns during Christmas season?
A. sparkling lights at day time B. adorned with colorful lights C. display on the 25th of December only
6. Greatly influenced of Catholicism, Bulakeños celebrate Palm Sunday bringing crafted poni to be blessed by a presiding priest. Which of these
materials the craft made from?
A. Anahaw leaves B. Banana leaves C. Cacao leaves D. Coconut leaves
7. A secondary burial jar found in Palawan is one of the country's precious artifacts called ___________.
A. Bul-ul B. Maitum jar C. Manunggul jar D. Munato jar
8. Ivatan women are known to be diligent; they use an bject that protects them neither from the heat of the sun nor during the rainy day
season. What is this beauiful craft?
A. Buri hat B. Raincoat C. Umbrella D. Vakul
9. If you are an Ilocano weaver doing the binatbatan process on the cotton balls, How are you going to separate its seeds?
A. peel the cotton balls. B. beat the cotton balls with your hands. C. beat the cotton balls with bamboo sticks.
10. A Textile characterized by red stripes, yellow and black geometrical patterns.
A. Balwasi B. Inabel C. Ginaspala wanes D. Kalinga cloth
11. Aling Karina is a Bontocanon who lives near the river, she creates a basket for his husband to use in catching fish. What do you called the
basket she makes?
A Balyag B. Binali C. Bobo D. Kamuwan
12. The native Cordilleran men perform rituals and do their usual farming and fishing wearing ____________.
A. Bahag B. Getup C. Pants D. Shorts
13. The group of grade 7 students designs their bulletin board posting images of flowers, trees and plants. What Principle of design they follow
to harmonize their work?
A. Balance B. Emphasis C. Repetition D. Unity
14. Donnie is tasked to illustrate using only lines that shows dignity and strength. Which type of line will he use?
A. Curve Line B. Diagonal Line C. Horizontal Line D. Vertical Line
15. What is a circular diagram which shows the relationship of one color to another?
A. Circles of Color B. Color Wheel C. Spectrum D. Wheel of Colors
1. Which factor contributes for having a failure of any exercise program?
A. Low level of fitness B. Lack of exercise skills C. Lack of time to exercise D. All of the above
2. Which of the following describes the realistic goal of an exercise program?
A. It should be specific B.” mesurable C. “achievable D. “relevant
3. If Mark has weight of 50 kilogram and height of 1.40 meters, what would be his Body Mass Index (BMI)?
A. 18.00 B. 20.50 C. 25.51 D. 27.00
4. When the sprinters decrease its speed, what phase of sprinting did he execute?
A. Starting Phase B. Accelerating Phase C. Constant Phase D. Recovery Phase
5. When is the best time to perform static stretches?
A. During warm-up B. During cool down C. During activity proper D. After exercise
6. What basic training principle of exercise is applied when one increases number of session in performing an exercise activity?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
7. Which of the following physical fitness component is enhanced when you perform a weight training?
A. Body Composition B. Cardio-Vascular Endurance C. Flexibility D. Muscular Strength
8. What test will you undergo if you want to be informed about your teeth and mouth condition?
A. 700 B.C. B. 766 B.C. C. 776 B.C. D. 796 B.C.
9. When was the earliest recorded athletic event happened in Ancient Greece?
A. B. C. D.
10. What is the phase of sprinting where the sprinter is in contact with the blocks?
A. Starting Phase B. Acceleration Phase C. Constant Phase D. Recovery Phase
11. A condition in which the spine curves to the side. It is an abnormal lateral or side to side curvature of the spine.
A. Smoking cigarette B. Drinking liquor C. Regular exercise D. Lack of sleep
12. Which of the following is beneficial to our fitness health?
A. Coping skills B. Decision making C. Problem solving D. Social and communication
13. What component of Physical Fitness refers to the ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range of motion?
A. Physical Health B. Mental Health C. Social Health D. Emotional Health
14. What is the component of Physical Fitness which refers to proportion of lean body mass to fat body mass?
A. Cardiovascular Endurance B. Flexibility C. Muscular Endurance D. Muscular Strength
15. What is the state on health and well-being where the individual has the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupation, and
daily activities.
A. Skill-Related Physical Fitness B. Health-Related Physical Fitness C. Physical Fitness

1. Which is NOT a physical change to adolescence?
A. Sweat and oil glands become more active B. Have erratic emotions and behaviors
C .Sudden increase in hormone production D. Rapid increase in height and weight
2. Holistic health can be achieved by practicing good health habits and submitting to screening tests. Which of the following is
NOT a screening test for you?
A. Medical examination B. Height and Weight C. Vision test D. New born screening test
3. If you and another person disagree on something, what will you do?
A. Fight with one another in front of other people B. Tell to your friends that he/she is very bad and a liar.
C. Listen to what he/she has to say and let him/her know your point of view. D. Just leave and do not mind what he/she is saying
4. It is the stage of life that focuses on career and family.
A. Adulthood B. Adolescence C. Infancy D. Old age
5. A lifelong process of physical, mental, emotional, social, moral-spiritual and environmental growth and change.
A. Environmental development B. Human development C. Social development D. Physical development
6. Refers to how well you get along with other people.
A. Emotional health B. Mental health C. Physical health D. Social health
7. The state of well-being when all internal and external body parts, organs tissues and cells can function properly as they are
supposed to function.
A. Emotional health B. Mental health C. Physical health D. Social health
8. What test will you undergo if you want to be informed about your teeth and mouth condition?
A. Hearing Test B. Dental Examination C. Medical Examination D. Vision Test
9. Which of the following are the common physical changes among boys and girls
A. There is a rapid increase in height and weight B. The voice becomes deeper
C. Hair grows on the under arm and pubic areas D. Shoulder becomes wider than the hips
10. It refers the total state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
A. Physical Health B. Mental Health C. Holistic Health D. Social Health
11. A condition in which the spine curves to the side. It is an abnormal lateral or side to side curvature of the spine.
A. Scoliosis B. Lordosis C. Back pain D. Good posture
12. What skills will help you get along well with other people?
A. Coping skills B. Decision making. C. Problem solving D. Social and communication
13. It means being a lifelong learner by continuously wanting to learn new things and improve one's skills.
A. Physical Health B. Mental Health C. Social Health D. Emotional Health
14. Which dimension of holistic health does this belong when you go to church and attend to mass with your family.
A. Physical Health B. Mental Health C. Emotional Health D. Moral-Spiritual Health
15. It involves understanding and liking yourself as well as accepting and learning from your mistakes.
A. Physical Health B. Mental Health C. Social Health D. Emotional Health

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