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FILM REVIEW: Forrest Gump

The movie Forrest Gump is a favorite past time American comedy-drama film released in 1994 and based
on the 1986 novel by Winston Groom. It was directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Eric Roth. Tom
Hanks played the role of Forrest Gump, a slow-learner but kind-hearted man from Alabama who
witnesses and, unwittingly, influences, several defining historical events in the 20th century in the United
States together with other film stars Robin Wright, Gary Sinise, Mykelti Williamson, and Sally Field. The
film won a multiple awards and nomination and gained a commercial succes garnering a box office of

The story begin with the opening scene of a floating feather which creates the light mood of the
viewers.Forest Gump talks about his life and the historic events that the nation endured to anyone who
comes off the bus sits on the bench next to him. Forrest is different physically and mentally and had to
wear leg braces as a little boy because of his back. He teased in school because of his mental capacity
who had an I.Q of 75 and was considered dumb. He befriend with a girl name Jenny and has a special in
his heart beside his mother who always say 'Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you
gonna get' . Throught his life he meet new people and become successful in everything he does. Even
though many might say forest was slow or stupid, he still managed to finish college and become an all-
star football player. He then goes to the army to fight in Vietnam and becomes a war hero .He keep
himself updated on Jenny' s life even though they were not together. Forest became successful by
starting a shrimp business and recruits lieutenant Dan from the army to be his business partner and soon
becomes a millionaire; however he was still humble and living with his mother. Forest, though he is slow
and encounter many people with different personality, no one has taking advantage of him and turns
everything good. He was never involved with women socially nor sexually and is always have Jenny on
his heart. Soon, her mother died because of a cancer. Jenny returned to their neighborhood and make
love with forrest but leave after in the morning. They live seperately again but forrest was able to find
jenny and marry her. The movie end with the scene waiting for her son to come off from the school.

The story begin to rise when he and jenny talking at the park, and has naughty boys come and try to hurt
him. Jenny speak loud 'Run forrest run!' so they didn't catch him. His braces suddenly take off and start
forrest to run fast and soon became successful in his ability. The climax were found when he was sent to
Vietnam and become a hero war because of saving many of his friends who is killed and injured
including Bubba, his bestfriend . Falling action when they managed to return from the War and meet the
President to receive his award, medal was given to Jenny, He celebrate new year with lieutant Dan, go to
Bubba's grave, buy a ship as he promise and became a fisherman.

From the opening scene of the movie with a feather landed on random places before in forrest's feet
shows how random life can be, and how no one ever knows what lies in theirpath of life, what obstacles
they will have to overcome, and what their destiny is. The story tells that hardships such as war,
separation from the ones you love, terrorism, and bullying can bring your self esteem, motivation, and
even personality down to a lower level. We admire the character of forrest for his optimism and
perseverance because it can be difficult to stay strong and keep progressing with the many misfortunes
that can occur in our life. Forrest teach us to treat everyone eqaully, cherish true friendships, expect the
unexpected, believe in love put the past behind you, work hard and to try something new.

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