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Available Chart Library and Chart Types in Superset: (Chart Lib):

Multiple Layers, Hexagon, grid, Paths, Screen Grid, GeoJson, Polygon, Arc, Scatter Plot

Time Series Charts:

Line charts, Multiple Line Charts, Periodicity Pivot, Bar Chart, Percentage Change, Stacked,
Table, paired t-test, Nightingale Rose Chart, Partition Diagram

Other Chart Types:

Distribution Bar Chart
Pie Chart
Dual Axis Line Chart
Table View
Pivot Table
Word Cloud
Tree map
Calendar Heatmap
Box Plot
Bubble Chart
Bullet Chart
Big number with Trendline
Big Number
Sun Burst
Force-directed Graph
Chord Diagram
Country Map
World Map
Filter Box
Parallel Coordinates
Event Flow
Chart Libraries compatible with ReactJS and are Open Source to

1) D3.js
2) Google Chart (Free but not open source)
3) ChartJS
4) React-vis
6) Recharts (each chart type having a lot of category like: a Line Chart will have lot
different category: SimpleLineChart, TinyLineChart, DashedLineChart,
VerticalLineChart, BiaxialLineChart etc.)

7) VX Chart Library (have a wide range of chart types with better chart interface)
8) Plotly.js
9) Victory - almost repetitive
10) C3.js - almost repetitive
12) WebDataRocks (specially for Pivot Table View Chart Types)
13) Dygraphs (specially for multiple lines Chat Types)
14) Sigma.js (mainly for displaying a network Chat Types)

1 ) Google Chart Library: Chart Types-

Geo Chart, Scatter Chart

Column Chart, Histogram
Bar Chart (Vertical Version), Combo Chart
Area Chart, Candlestick Chart
Stepped Area Chart, Line Chart
Pie Chart, Bubble Chart
Donut Chart, Org Chart
Treemap, Table
Timeline, Gauge
Annotated TimeLine, Generic Image Chart
Geo Map, Intensity Map
Map, Motion Chart
Area Chart (Image), Bar Chart (Image)
Candlestick Chart (Image), Line Chart (Image)
Pie Chart (Image), Sparkline (Image)

2) ChartJS Chart Types -

Bar charts - Vertical, Horizontal, Multi axis, Stacked, Stacked groups

Line charts - Basic, Multi axis, Stepped, Interpolation, Line styles, Point styles, Point sizes
Area charts - Boundaries (line), Datasets (line), Stacked (line), Radar
Other charts - Scatter, Scatter - Multi axis, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Radar, Combo bar/line,

3) Plotly Chart Types -

Basic Charts: Scatter Plots, Line Charts, Bar Charts, Pie Charts, Bubble Charts, Dot Plots
Filled Area Plots, Horizontal Bar Charts, Sunburst Charts, Sankey Diagrams, Point Cloud,
Treemaps, Tables

Statistical Charts: Error Bars, Box Plots, Histograms, 2d Density Plots, Continuous Error
Bars, 2D Histograms, SPC Control Charts, Violin Plot, Parallel Categories Diagram, Splom,
2D Histogram Contour

Scientific Charts: Contour Plots, Heatmaps, Ternary Plots, Parallel Coordinates Plot,
Log Plots, WebGL Heatmaps, Wind Rose Charts, Ternary Contour Plots, Radar Charts
Carpet Plot, Carpet Scatter Plot, Carpet Contour Plot, Polar Charts

Financial Charts: Waterfall Charts, Indicators, Candlestick Charts, Funnel and Funnel area
Charts, Time Series, OHLC Charts, Gauge Charts, Bullet Charts

Maps: Mapbox Map Layers, Mapbox Density Heatmap, Choropleth Mapbox, Lines on Maps
Bubble Maps, Scatter Plots on Maps, Scatter Plots on Mapbox, Choropleth Maps

3D Charts: 3D Scatter Plots, Ribbon Plots, 3D Surface Plots, 3D Mesh Plots, 3D Line Plots
Tri-Surf Plots, 3D Cluster Graph, 3D Cone Plots, 3D Streamtube Plots, 3D Isosurface Plots

Subplots: Subplots, Inset Plots, 3D Subplots, Mixed Subplots, Table Subplots, Multiple Axes

4) VX Chart Types (mentioned are extraa types than above listed) - Polygons, Chord,
Threshold, Dendrograms, Radial, Glyphs, Voronoi

5) (mentioned are extraa types than above listed, best interface) -
ParallelCoordinates, Sunburst, SwarmPlot, Voronoi, Waffle, CalendarCanvas
6) - Line Layer, Hexagon Layer, Icon Layer, GeoJsonLayer(Polygons),
GeoJsonLayer(Paths), ScreenGridLayer, ArcLayer, TextLayer(mainly for hashtag)
TileLayer, TripsLayer (mainly for cab service), HeatmapLayer

7) WebDataRocks - Pivot Table

8)SigmaJS - To publish network on web pages

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