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Thank You,

Dave Ruel, CFT. NWS, Author of Anabolic Cooking

PS: The information in the report is for educational purposes only. It is not medical advice and is not intended to replace
the advice or attention of health-care professionals. Consult your physician before beginning or making any changes in
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Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 2

I. Know What’s In Your Food ……………………………………..………… Page 4 - 9

II. The Fundamentals Of Muscle Building Nutrition ……………….… Page 10 - 13

III. Grocery Shopping And Meal Preparation ………………..………… Page 14 - 15

IV. In The Kitchen ………………………………………………………….…… Page 16

V. Cheats And Eating Out ……………………………………….…………… Page 17

VI. Post-Workout Nutrition ………………………………………..………… Page 18

VII. Anabolic Cooking Glossary ……………………………………………… Page 19

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 3

This section contains knowledge that is extremely important if you want to be
successful at body building. What you put in your stomach is directly responsible
for the gains you’ll make in the gym. Without proper nutrition, you deprive your
body of the necessary tools it needs to build strong, healthy muscle. If you feed
your body too much, you risk turning into the Goodyear Blimp.

We’re going to have a comprehensive look at the 3 Macro- nutrients that are es-
sential to bodybuilding and why they’re so important to your success.

Those 3 Macro-nutrients are of course:

 Protein

 Carbohydrates

 Fats


Protein is used by your body to repair damaged muscle, bone, skin, teeth and
hair, among other things. Think of it as the mortar between the bricks, if you
will. Without it, the entire structure of your body begins to break down.

There are two groups of protein. One is called complete proteins and one is
called incomplete proteins. Protein is made up of smaller molecules called
amino acids, and there are 22 amino acids in all. There is a small group of
eight amino acids that can only be obtained through your food, while the other
14 amino acids can be manufactured by your body.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 4

The eight amino acids that can only be obtained from the food you eat are called
essential amino acids. Essential amino acids are called tryptophan, lysine, me-
thionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine.
These amino acids also help your body create hormones that help regulate
things like blood pressure and blood sugar levels, which are directly responsible
for your metabolic rate and muscular growth.

In short, protein is extremely important to a bodybuilder, especially the complete

proteins that are found in foods such as fish, poultry, eggs, red meat and cheese

Here’s a short list of foods that provide a complete protein source. These foods
are routinely used by professional bodybuilders to build muscle and maintain
their bodies:

 Eggs are one of the best complete protein sources on the planet. Just
one large egg contains 6 grams of complete protein.

 Fish is an excellent source of complete protein. The type of fish does

matter. While all fish is relatively good for you, haddock, salmon, sar-
dines and tuna are better than catfish. For example, 6 ounces of salmon
can deliver a whopping 34 grams of protein to your body. That’s defi-
nitely nothing to sneeze at!

 Poultry, such as chicken, turkey, etc…

 Red Meat. My personal favourite source of protein is Buffalo meat, be-

cause it’s incredibly lean.

 Dairy products, such as milk are another source of complete protein,

as well as a host of other vitamins and minerals, such as calcium. Just
one glass of skim milk contains about 8 grams of protein. Fat-free cot-
tage cheese is very high in protein. Just one half cup of cottage cheese
contains upwards of 14 grams of high quality protein.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 5

Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds all contain protein, but are generally lacking
or low in one or more of the amino acids necessary for your body to rebuild new
muscle. However, you can combine these foods with the foods listed above (and
indeed you should) and make a great tasting meal that will meet all of your
body’s protein requirements.


This essential nutrient has taken a real bashing from diets such as the Atkins and
South Beach diets. But like the famous fictional boxer, Rocky, it keeps getting up
and trudging forward to victory.

Carbs come in a variety of forms. Some are good for you, and some are bad.
Carbs are needed by your body to fuel your muscles for physical activ-

If you were to think of your body as a car, carbs would be the gas, fats would be
the oil and protein the engine or mechanic that keeps the car running smoothly.

Basically, carbohydrates are made up of sugar molecules, which your body

breaks down into fuel, especially when you’re working hard. Sugars, starches
and fibres are all basic forms of the carbohydrate.

Sounds pretty simple, right? Well, here is where it gets a bit trickier, although
I’m going to try and make this as simple as possible.

There are two main types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. We

could also mention Fibrous Carbs that you can find in foods like green veggies,
lettuce, cabbage, broccoli, sprouts, spinach, cauliflower, peppers, cucumbers,
zucchini, etc…

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 6

Simple carbohydrates are made up of chains of molecules that don’t branch
off. Complex carbohydrates on the other hand, branch wildly at times. For a
long time, people believed that complex carbohydrates were far better for you
than simple carbohydrates, but that isn’t always the case.

You see, your body takes both complex and simple

Simple Carbohydrates
carbohydrates, and tries to break them down into
can be found in foods like :
useable sugar energy to fuel your muscles and or-
gans. It’s not the type of carbohydrate that really  Fruits
matters, but how fast your body can break it down,  Table Sugar
and how much it will spike your blood glucose levels.  Honey
 Chocolate

Instead of using the simple method of dividing com-

plex carbs from simple ones, scientists have come up
with something called the Glycemic Index (GI for
short), which attempts to classify foods by how
Complex Carbohydrates
quickly and how high foods boost blood sugar levels. can be found in foods like :

The important thing to remember is that your body

 Brown Rice
needs carbs, even if some of the fad diets tell you
 Oatmeal
otherwise. Without carbohydrates, your body will be-
 Potatoes
gin to break down your muscle tissue to fuel your
 Yams
body, which will sabotage your efforts. In some ways,
 Whole Wheat Products
your body is a beggar and a thief. If it fails to beg
what it needs from you, it will steal it from your mus-
Glycemic Index Food Chart (Examples)

Low GI Foods Medium GI Foods High GI Foods

(Less than 55) (Between 55 and 70) (More than 70)

Multi-gain Bread Brown Rice Dextrose

Oatmeal White Potatoes Table Sugar
Whole Wheat Pasta Whole Wheat Wrap Instant Rice
Sweet Potatoes Whole Wheat Pita White Bread
Quinoa Water Melon

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 7


I know, you probably saw the word ‘’fats’’and became mortally frightened. Fat is
not generally thought of as a nice word, especially if one is trying to drop some
extra pounds.

However, your body needs fat to function properly, just as it needs protein.
Any bodybuilder who neglects their intake of fat will not go very far in the busi-
ness. If you want to see maximum muscle gains, you have to include the good
fats in your diet plan. The trick is picking out the good fats from the bad.

Certain fats help your body absorb nutrients. They also help in an assortment of
other ways, but since this report is about bodybuilding, we’re not going to go
into all of it. The important thing is that good fats are needed by your body to
remain healthy and to function at optimal levels in order to promote a perma-
nent muscular growth.

First we’ll have a look at the good fats, and then the bad. If you’re reading the
ingredients on something you’re planning on buying at the grocery store, make
sure that the foods you’re buying have the good fats as opposed to the bad.

Monounsaturated Fat

Monounsaturated fats are found mostly in nuts, such as avocados, pistachios,

almonds, walnuts, peanuts and cashews. This type of fat can also be found in
olive oil.

Frying your food is generally not a good idea, but if you must, you should use
extra virgin olive oil, since it’s high in monounsaturated fats, unlike most oils,
such as hydrogenated vegetable oil etc…

Monounsaturated fats help lower bad cholesterol and raise good cholesterol,
which is a very good thing. It’s also been proven to help fight weight gain, and
may even help reduce body fat levels.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 8

Polyunsaturated Fat

Like monounsaturated fat, this good fat helps fight bad cholesterol. You can find
polyunsaturated fats in foods like salmon, fish oil, sunflower oil, seeds and soy.

Polyunsaturated fats contain Omga-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which have
largely been processed out of our food.

There are studies that have shown we don’t consume nearly enough Omega-3 in
our diets, and since it’s part of the complete protein family, our bodies can’t pro-
duce it on its own. Therefore, it is very important to incorporate a good Polyun-
saturated Fat source in your diet.

Saturated Fat

Saturated fats are the first fat on our ‘bad’ list. It’s not the worst fat on the
planet, but in large doses, saturated fat will raise your cholesterol level
in your bloodstream. You can find saturated fats in foods such as dairy, eggs,
red meat and some seafood.

While saturated fat can’t be put on our ‘good fat’ list, if consumed in reasonable
doses it won’t cause lasting harm. In some ways, saturated fat can’t be avoided,
since you’ll notice from the list above that most of the foods mentioned were
staples in most bodybuilders’ diets. However, you can certainly limit your

I am a big red meat fan, I admit it. Therefore, for my red meat, I eat Buffalo
(Bison) meat. Buffalo meat is a lot leaner than beef which allows you to eat red
meat more often

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 9

Building a chiselled, rock hard physique takes willpower and hard work.

There are a few bodybuilding principles that are essential if you want to look and
feel great. I’ve put together a small list of bodybuilding principles, all of them impor-
tant and non-negotiable if you want to be successful.

Skipping or neglecting any one of these basic principles will lead you to failure,
which you certainly want to avoid.

I want you to be successful. I want you to be able to look in the mirror with satis-
faction, and know that you’re looking better with every day that goes by. This is the
main reason why I’ve put this list together for your convenience.

Eat 6 Meals a Day

I explained earlier why it’s so important to feed your body properly. Again, (and I
can’t stress this enough) 80% of your progress in bodybuilding will be di-
rectly related to your eating habits.

If you want to be successful, you must learn to eat 6 meals per day, without fail in
order to keep your metabolism stoked, as well as giving your body the nutrients and
vitamins it needs to build new muscle.

Eat Every 2 to 3 Hours

See a theme happening here?

In order to eat 6 meals a day, you have to space those meals out evenly throughout
your day, which means eating every 2 to 3 hours, without exception.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 10

Making excuses not to eat will not get you the perfect body! Believe me,
I’ve heard all of the excuses, and none of them fly with me. You may have a busy
life, children to watch, a sick friend, long hours at the office or a car that’s on the
craps, but if you truly want a healthier, stronger body, you’ll find a way to eat
throughout the day. Besides, by eating 6 meals throughout the day, you’ll be better
able to cope with the stresses of life. After all, a well fed body and mind is better
able to cope with stress than a malnourished one.

Divide Your Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats Strategically

Take a look at my Anabolic Cooking Personalized Meal Plans that you get as a bo-
nus with this book, it will tell you how to divide your nutrients through the day for
optimum results. It’s one of the most important steps when it comes to building
muscle or losing body fat. It’s not just what you eat, but when you eat it that’s im-

If you’re targeting calories or protein intake, it’s not good enough to eat all of the
day’s requirements in just one sitting. You need to keep your body stocked in the
raw materials it needs to change your body. This ultimately means having to time
your meals, as well as timing how many macro-nutrients you consume at each and
every meal.

Eat Enough Food!

You should be consuming between 1 and 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body-
weight each day evenly spaced out over 6 meals.

You may be wondering about the range of 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of
bodyweight per day and which end of the range you should aim for. Well this is the
way I look at it, if you are the type of person who is really serious about your train-
ing and you want to make progress as fast as possible then stick to the upper end
of the range and eat 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight daily.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 11

On the other hand, if you are just working out to “keep in shape” and are not overly
concerned about gaining as much muscle as fast as possible can then you can stick to
the lower end and just eat 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight daily.

Example: a 200 lb. man should eat between 200-300 grams of protein per day.
Eating approx. 40-50 grams of protein per meal.


Your carbohydrate intake will vary depending on your training goals. If your goal is to
get bigger and gain muscular size then you’ll need to eat upwards of 3 grams of
carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight per day and maybe more depending on your
individual metabolism. If your goal is to lose bodyfat and get leaner then you’ll need
to eat around 1 –1.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight daily.

Example: a 200 lb. man should eat between 200-300 grams of carbs per day.


Generally around ½ a gram of fat per pound of bodyweight daily is a good number to
shoot for. It would be a good idea to also supplement your diet with fish oil capsules.
Simply take a couple capsules with each meal. Studies have shown that taking 10
grams of fish oil per day can increase your metabolic rate by as much as 400 calories
per day!

Example: a 200 lb. man should eat about 100 grams of fat per day.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 12

Drink Water

Your body is made up of mostly water, and you need water just like you need air to
survive. Many people make the mistake of not drinking enough water, and then
wonder why they don’t see the results they were looking for. Not only does your
body need water to stay hydrated, but it needs it to flush the toxins from your sys-
tem, which is a very important aspect of bodybuilding, and health in general.

Avoid Junk Food

I shouldn’t really have to mention this point, but it’s better to be safe than sorry, my
mother always used to say.
Junk food isn’t good for you. If you haven’t met your caloric needs throughout the
day, consuming junk food in an attempt to make up for it is not a good move. In
fact, it’s metaphorically committing bodybuilder suicide.

And, I also wanted to mention that if you try to convince yourself that certain junk
foods, such as cookies, popcorn or potato chips aren’t that bad for you, think again.
All three of those things are full of Trans fats and processed garbage. None of them
have any nutritional value, and your body will respond by packing on some more
fat, as opposed to lean muscle.

I can’t emphasize enough the importance of making good decision when it comes to
your diet. Junk food, while admittedly tasty, is definitely not on the list of good deci-

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 13

Grocery Shopping

If you’re stuck wondering what foods to buy when you make your trip to the
grocery store, I have a neat little rule that is easy to follow. It’s called the pe-
rimeter rule. Basically, about 80% of your groceries should be bought around
the outer perimeter of the grocery store.

Most grocery stores are set up the same way--you have your meats, produce,
dairy, frozen foods and vegetables around the outside of the store, and the junk
(along with a few necessities) are set up in the aisles, usually located in the cen-
ter of the store. If you find yourself buying the bulk of your foods from the cen-
ter aisles, it’s a pretty safe bet you’re not getting the lean protein sources that
your body requires to build muscle. You will, however, buy lots of over-
processed foods that are jam packed with fat!

Very few of us are rich. We work hard for our money, and that’s why I always
look at flyers for deals on food. If you’re working on building muscle, you
have to eat, but that doesn’t mean you have to be broke all of the time doing it.
Be smart with your money, buy in bulk to save cash and always look for the best

Buy Fresh Products

When you’re doing your grocery shopping, try to buy only fresh produce; canned
or frozen foods are more convenient at times, but fresh fruits and vegetables are
better for you than the canned variety. Canned foods also contain preservatives,
such as sodium, which you can definitely do without.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 14

For instance, have a look at the label on a can of soup. The calories listed is proba-
bly somewhere in the range of 100-200, and almost everything else looks good. But
if you look closely, you’ll find that the sodium content is in the 600 range! Now if
you were to make your own soup, which could easily be frozen for later use, you
wouldn’t have that sodium content to deal with.

Whole wheat bread and pastas are far better for you than their white flour breth-
ren. Fresh cuts of beef, fish and poultry are preferable to their frozen, breaded
counter-parts, and as a whole, you want to buy unprocessed foods that still contain
the vitamins and nutrients that your body desperately needs if you want to build

Meal Preparation

When it comes to bodybuilding, organization is very important. It’s tough making six
meals a day. Sometimes the desire to stop at the closest burger joint and scarf
down a quick burger is almost unbearable, especially on days where you feel a bit
lazy. But if you organize properly, you can save yourself a lot of the anguish.

The best way to stick to your diet is to plan your meal

preparations. Cook large quantities and make microwavable meals that are very
convenient. That way, when you’re feeling a tad lazy, all you have to do is open
your freezer, reheat and eat!

Once you’ve cooked the food, you should definitely pack it

by portion size and weight. I use Tupperware to store
much of my food. The important thing to keep in mind is
that your food should be vacuum sealed in order to lock in
the freshness, as well as avoid freezer burn, which can
make any meal unappetizing.

I prepare all my meals on Sundays, and it takes me

about 3 to 4 hours to have everything ready for the

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 15

In order to prepare and eat healthy nutritious meals you need to have the necessary
kitchen supplies.

These are the basic tools that you’ll need to prepare your meals:

 A good set of Pots

 Non-stick Frying Pans
 Measuring Cups and Spoons
 A Cutting Board
 A Food Scale
 A good set of Kitchen Knives
 A Blender
 A Kitchen Grill (such as the George Fore-
man grill)
 Spatulas
 Shaker bottles for protein drinks
 A well stocked Spice Rack
 Bowls
 Baking Pans and


Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 16

In a perfect world, you wouldn’t cheat at all. However, I know that we’re all
human, and you will probably cheat from time to time. If you do cheat, try to
minimize the damage. For instance, if you’re craving for some chocolate cake,
don’t take a huge piece. Instead, have a small piece, which will hopefully
alleviate your sweet tooth, but won’t compromise your diet too badly.

The 90% rule can be used as a measuring stick, which I adhere to myself.
In essence, if you eat cleanly 90% of the time, you’re doing well. There are 7
days in a week, 6 meals per day, which equals 42 meals in an entire week. By
following the 90% rule, that means you could cheat on 4 meals per week, and
still achieve good results. However, the less cheating you do, the better your
results will be.

Most restaurants now offer healthy alternatives.

Again, be aware of the choices out there, and do your best to make the right
choice for you. The fresh foods you make from home will almost always be
better than what you get at a restaurant. Therefore, it makes sense that you
should eat from home most of the time.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 17

Always Have Protein and Simple Carbohydrates within 30 minutes fallowing your

It’s very important, because you have stressed out your body. Once you do that, it
needs food to repair itself, which is the basis behind resistance training. If you have
no fuel for repairs, your body breaks down the materials it needs from readily avail-
able fuel sources, such as your muscles.

Also, insulin plays an important factor in weight gain. You need to moderate your lev-
els of insulin, which weight training does, but your body needs protein to repair mus-
cle and tissue damage, while your body uses its fat reserves (as opposed to its muscle
reserves) for fuel.

I recommend:

 50/50 Ratio of Protein (powder for quick availability by the muscles) &
Simple Carbohydrates (I recommend Dextrose for quick availability)

 10g Glutamine

 10g Creatine

For some Awesome Protein Shake Recipes,

Check Out my Top 10 Post Workout Shake
Recipes in the “Anabolicious PWO Shakes”
Bonus you received with this book

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 18

In this chapter, I will teach you how to read a recipe, all the types of anabolic cooking
methods, cutting methods, and common anabolic cooking words & terminology. All
you need to know to get started cooking right away!

To cook food in an oven, thereby surrounding it with dry heat.

Baking Sheet
A flat, rigid sheet of metal on which cookies, breads, biscuits, etc. are baked. It usu-
ally has one or more turned-up sides for ease in handling. Shiny, heavy-gauge alumi-
num baking sheets are good heat conductors and will produce evenly baked and
browned goods. Dark sheets absorb heat and should be used only for items on which
a dark, crisp exterior is desired.

In cooking, to split a food (such as shrimp) down the center, cutting almost but not
completely through. The two halves are then opened flat to resemble a butterfly


Using quick, heavy blows of a knife or cleaver to cut food into bite-size (or smaller)
pieces. A food processor may also be used to "chop" food. Chopped food is more
coarsely cut than minced food

In cooking, this term refers to covering food with an outer "coating."

To reduce a food to its finest form, such as crumbs, paste or powder. Crushing is of-
ten accomplished with a mortar and pestle or with a rolling pin

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 19

To cut food (such as meat or cheese) into 1/2-inch cubes. Cubes of food are larger
than diced or mirepoix

To cut food into tiny (about 1/8- to 1/4-inch) cubes

A boneless piece of meat or fish. Filet is the French spelling. It also means to cut the
bones from a piece of meat or fish, thereby creating a meat or fish fillet.

To reduce a large piece of food to small particles or thin shreds by rubbing it against a
coarse, serrated surface, usually on a kitchen utensil called a grater.

To prepare food on a grill over hot coals or other heat source. The term barbecue is
often used synonymously with grill.

To soak a food such as meat, fish or vegetables in a seasoned liquid mixture called a
marinade. The purpose of marinating is for the food to absorb the flavors of the mari-
nade or, as in the case of a tough cut of meat, to tenderize. Because most marinades
contain acid ingredients, the marinating should be done in a glass, ceramic or
stainless-steel container — never in aluminum. Foods should be covered and refriger-
ated while they're marinating. When fruits are similarly soaked, the term used is mac-

To cut food into very small pieces. Minced food is in smaller pieces than chopped

Puree; purée
To grind or mash food until it's completely smooth. This can be accomplished by one
of several methods including using a food processor or blender or by forcing the food
through a sieve.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 20

A round cooking utensil with a relatively long handle and (usually) a tight-fitting cover.
The sides can be straight or flared and deep (the standard shape) or as shallow as 3
inches. Depending on the style, the versatile saucepan has a multitude of uses includ-
ing making soups and sauces, boiling vegetables and other foods, braising and even
sautéing (in the low-sided models). Saucepans come in sizes ranging from 1 pint to 4
quarts. They are made from various materials including aluminum, anodized alumi-
num, ceramic, copper, enameled (cast iron or steel), glass and stainless steel. Choose
saucepans that are well balanced, with handles that allow the pan to be easily lifted.

Sauté; sautéed
To cook food quickly in a small amount of oil in a skillet or sauté pan over direct heat.

To cut food into narrow strips, either by hand or by using a grater or a food processor
fitted with a shredding disk. Cooked meat can be separated into shreds by pulling it
apart with two forks.

A long, thin piece of food such as almonds, meat or cheese, or a thin wedge of pie.
Slivered almonds are almonds that have been sliced very thinly into little sticks. They differ
from sliced almonds, which are almonds sliced across their diameter giving you much bigger

To cook food gently in liquid at a temperature (about 185°F) low enough that tiny
bubbles just begin to break the surface.

This cut of beef lies between the very tender short loin and the much tougher round.
As would be expected, the meat cuts from the portion near the short loin are more
tender than those closer to the round. Sirloin is usually cut into steaks or roasts.

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 21

Skillet or Frying pan
This long-handled, usually round pan has low, gently sloping sides so steam doesn't
collect within the pan. It's used for frying foods over high heat, so it should be thick
enough not to warp and should be able to conduct heat evenly. Frying pans come in
various sizes, usually 8, 10 and 12 inches in diameter.

Of the major wholesale cuts of beef or pork this is the most tender. It lies in the mid-
dle of the back between the sirloin and the rib, and the muscles in this section do little
that could toughen them. The two main muscles in the short loin are the tenderloin
and the top loin

Copyright 2009 © Dave Ruel / Anabolic Cooking Page 21

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