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Tyler model of curriculum

Grade 2 English

Wynona Franchezka L. Batalla

Bachelor of Elementary Education I

 Objectives and Outcomes
After the lesson, students will be able to use, understand and identify verb with
its use with person or animal or can be both.

 Materials Needed
 Box
 Flash cards with actions

 Procedure

Opening to lesson
 Ask to stand up and start the day with prayer
 Encourage them to greet their classmate and ask them how they
spent their day.
 This should be an introduction to tell about action words or verbs.

Body of lesson
 Encourage them to participate with the game which they pick
inside the box and guess what action is in the picture.
 Introduce to them what verb is.
 Let them understand that the words they use to describe the
pictures are called verb.
 Request them to make a sentence using verbs.
 Do activities (optional)

 As a class discuss what is the mostly common verb they are doing
and favorite.
 End the class with a simple prayer of thanksgiving for the day.
 Assessment and Evaluation
Students will be ask to make an assignment to write down verbs and use it
in a sentence. The examples must not be the one that was given in the

 Modification and Differentiation

Students can be partnered up, so they can have collaboration with their
strengths and weaknesses
Encourage student to participate vocabulary to enhance their
communication skills

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