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Q.1 Discuss why the colonial govt. in India brought in the following laws. In each case, explain how
the law changed the lives of pastoralists:

1. Waste land rule

2. Forests acts
3. Criminal tribes act
4. Grazing tax

Ans: same as Q – 17.

Q.2 Give reasons to explain why massai lost their grazing lands.

Ans: a) Maasai land was divided: In 1885 , Massai land was divided into half with an international
boundary between british Kenya and german Tanganyika. The best grazing lands were gradually
taken over for white settlement and the Maasai were punished into small area where rains were
uncertain , to south Kenya and north tanzaniya, the maasai lost 60 percent of their pre- colonial

b) Cultivation was encouraged /Expansion of cultivation: The british colonial govt. in east Africa
encouraged local peasant communities to expand cultivation. As cultivation expanded, pasture lands
were turned into cultivated fields.

c) Game reserves: Large areas of grazing lands were also turned into game reserves like maasai mara
and sam buru national park in Kenya and strengeti park in Tanzania. Pastoralists were not allowed
to enter these reserves. They could neither hunt animals nor graze their herds in these areas. The
Serengeti national park, was created over 14,760 km of Maasai grazing land.

d) Deteriration of the quality of pastures: The loss of fineek grazing land and water resources
created pressure on the small aea of land that the maasai were confined within. Continuous grazing
within a small area led to a deterioration of quality of pastures.Fodder was always in short supply.
Feeding the cattle became a persistent problem.

Q3. There are many similarities in the way in which the modern world forced changes in this life of
pastoral community In India and east Africa. Write about any two examples of changes which
were similar for Indian pastoralists and the nomadic herders.

Ans: Same as Q- 18.

Q4. Explain why nomadic herders tribes need to move from one place to other. What are the
advantages of environment of this continuous movement?

Ans: a)Nomadic tribes move from one place to other because:

1. Climatic conditions: Pastoralists community keep moving from one place to other due to
seasonal cycle of climatic changes. During winters when high mountains are covered with
snow, they move towards low hills. During summers they move towards high mountains
again. Even the pastoral community of maharastra move to konkan during dry season.
During dry monsoons they return to their settlement on central plaeau.
2. Restoration of natural pastures: pastoral movement allowed time for the natura restoration
of vegetation growth. So, nomadic pastoralists grazed their animals in one area and move to
another area after sometime.
3. Availability of forage: Pastoralists keep moving from place to place in search of good
pasture for their animals.
b) The continuous movement was advantageous for the environment because:
1. it allows the natural growth of grass in pasture lands.
2. it prevent overgrazing.
3. it provide manure to fields.

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