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Human cloning is not legally permitted

it is against the nature also

Difference between Identical twin and cloning

Artificial fertility techniques

zero sperum case Aroospermea
Absence of sperm

oligo Spermea fool less no of sperms

solution vs are the places where

cells are preserved in liquid at 196 C


cell banks banks banks

egg spurn
collect from donation bank

1 Test tube baby technique Invitro fertilisation IVF

24 got womb Ivp

g in the laboratory

of Sperm donor
_egg Invivo inside living organism
O_0 Zygote womb IVF

IEgT sinew
ee I ahmoraeopdE'm

the both
egg cell or only the Spermm
of them collected from the donors fertilised artificially
in a testtube and the resulting zygot is transferred
in to the womb of the women who wanted to have

Embryos transfer technique CETT

OB Embryo womb
0 24got after the IVF instead of
f gardening we zygot µ ow

0 Sperm donor
the 2ygot to grow
in to an
Embryo in the laboratory itself
and the transfer the Embryo
into the womb

Surrogacy In the case of uterous related

infertility the and sperm can be collected

from the couple fertilised artificially in the
test tube and resulting or Embryo is
transferred in to the Some other women who is

prepared to lend her uterus such a woman is

known as Surrogate mother and the tenchnique is

known as surrogacy

SuqyCR i26

According to the bill to have a child through

surrogacy in India
D The couple must be Indian citizens and married
at least for five years
2 At least one of them must be infertile
3 The surrogate mother must be married and
had her own child
4 The surrogate mother must be a close relative
to the
intending couple and there should not
any commercial tranication except for the
medical expanses
5 The child born is deemed to be the biological
child of the intended couple
6 In the case of any termination of
such pregnancy
it also should be as per the medical termination
of but with the concent of
pregnancy Act
surrogate mother
4 Intrauterine insemination IUD
Artificial insemination
No third party involvement
Helping sperm to reach at uterus

In the case oligo Spermia where the sperm is unable

to reach the egg cell The Sperm can be collected

artificially and injected in the uterus at the site of

the egg cell

All these artificial fertility technique can be used

as exsim conservation strategy forst the conservation
of biodiversity Ex the eggs and Sperms of critically
eenendangered Species can be collected and preserved
in cell bank
IVF ETT IVI eet can be used to speed up
the reproduction process and avoid the extension
of the species
Earlier the scientist tried to use southern
while rhino as a
surrogate to the offspring
of Northern White rhino which was about to get
Though this experiment was not very successful

It provides us a direction for snore such experiments in

5 Artificial womb external womb biobag
Artificial womb is an equipment in which
natural womb conditions are simulated In the artificial
womb we provide an electrolyte solution which is
similar in composition to the amniotic fluid contineas

oxygen supply using special oxygenators centineons

nutrient supply and constant exchange of the fluid
to remove the accumulated waste
If the technique becomes available in the
humans we can try to decrease the neonatal
mortality due to premature child birth
we can even
try to grow the fetus of
an extinct species
they could successfully
grow Lamb feats in the

artificial womb
Human trials are not yet done


cells that can be converted into other cell types

othercell C kidney cell Somatic cell are not stem cells

O liver cell
0 brain cell
most of the adult somatic cells are not stem cells
Embryonic cells are good examples of stem cells

QC2017 what is stem cell therapy and in what

it is better when compaired to the other therapies

It is difficult to get a suitable donor Except
identical twins nobody's organ will be perfectly

maeth with the body of the others

Mother Father
30 50
f Sibling song 50 Mt 50 F

same parents at least 50

due to recombination

The average between the is about 754

marching sibling
above so 1 as they have both the parents is common
below 100T due to a process called recombination

After taking the organ from a closest snatching

donor the recipient can be kept under immuno

Supressive but this increase the risk

drugs can
Transplantation of organs other than kidney liver
is more difficult
Stem cell technology aims of manufacturing copies
of on for transplantation

Tatipotent precursor stem cells
if I
Total capacity one stage before
capacity potential
cells that can be converted to all other

cell types C all body organs umbilical chord and

placenta chord
Ex zygote 0 foolish fr
placenta gong
biological waste
2 pluripotent precursor stem cells
Cells that can be converted into almost
other cell types A
Ex Embryonic cells Illegal chance of damage

3 Multipotent precursor stem cells

cells that can be converted in to many

Ex umbilical chord cells legal
Commercially available
4 oligopotent precursor stem cells
cells that can be converted into only few
other cell types
Ex Bone marrow cells Adult somatic cells

They can be converted into different types of

blood cells rare blood
Therefor can be used in treatment of
other blood bloodcancerrand

Cloned Culbryos can be used to manufacture the

organs for transplantation

5 Induced pluripotent precursor stem cells

Toffee Embryo cells
The somatic cells that are not
pluripotent but induced to be pluripotent are called

Shin won the Nobel price for the

Ipsc technology
How to induce by some technique
The somatic cells can be induced to become

pluripotent by activating Embryonic genes in them

Parkinson is due to the degeneration of
dopamin producing brain cells
IPSC cells are injected into the brain where
got converted Into dopamin producing brain cells

Dopamin production started and symptoms

got cured

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