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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person


*** Orientation
** Rules and Regulations
** Syllabus
* Grading System
* Course Requirement
** Overview of the Course

*** Pre Test

I. Doing Philosophy
A. Holistic Perspective vs. Partial Point of View
1. What is Philosophy? What is the Basic
Question of Philosophy?
2. Deductive Reasoning (General to Specific)
vs. Inductive Reasoning (Specific to General)
B. Human Activities that Emanate from Deliberate Reflection
1. Branches of Philosophy and Their Basic
C. The Value of Doing Philosophy in Obtaining a Broad Perspective on Life
1. Why Man Sees the Need to Do Philosophy
D. Philosophical Reflection on a Concrete Situation from a Holistic Perspective

II. Methods of Philosophy

A. Distinguishing Opinion from Truth
1. Methods
a. Phenomenology
b. Existentialism
c. Postmodernism
d. Analytical Tradition
e. Logic
B. Situations that Show the Difference Between Opinion and Truth
C. Methods of Philosophy Lead to Wisdom and Truth
D. Evaluate Opinions

III. The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit

A. Own Limitations and Possibilities
1. Transcendence
a. Hinduism
b. Buddhism
c. Christianity
B. Own Limitations and Possibilities for Transcendence
C. How the Human Body Imposes Limits and Possibilities for Transcendence
D. Distinguishing the Limitations and Possibilities for Transcendence

IV. The Human Person in Their Environment

A. Disorder in an Environment
1. Anthropocentric and Ecocentric Models

Philosophy i
V1.0 (12 June 2017)
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

B. Notice Things that are Not in Their Proper Place and Organize Them in an Aesthetic
C. Show that Care for the Environment Contributes to Health, Well Being and Sustainable
1. Deep Ecology
2. Social Ecology
3. Ecofeminism
D. Demonstrate the Virtues of Prudence and Frugality Toward the Environment

*** Midterm Examinations

V. Freedom of the Human Person

A. “All Actions Have Consequences”
1. Aristotle – The Power of Volition (Will)
2. St. Thomas Aquinas – Love is Freedom
3. Jean-Paul Sartre – Individual Freedom
4. B.F. Skinner – Operant Conditioning
B. Evaluating and Exercising Prudence in Choices
C. Realizing:
1. Choices Have Consequences
2. Some Things are Given Up while Others are
Obtained in Making Choices
D. Situations that Demonstrate Freedom of Choice and the Consequences of Their Choices

VI. Intersubjectivity
A. Intersubjectivity Requires Accepting Differences and not Imposing on Others
B. Appreciating Talents of Persons with Disabilities and Those from the Underprivileged
Sectors of Society and Their Contributions to Society
1. On the Rights of Women
C. Authentic Dialogue Means Accepting Others Even if They are Different from
D. Perform Activities that Demonstrate the Talents of Persons with Disabilities and Those
from the Underprivileged Sectors of Society

VII. The Human Person in Society

A. Individuals form Societies and Individuals are Transformed by Societies
B. Different Forms of Societies Individuals
C. How Human Relations are Transformed by Social Systems
D. The Transformation of Human Relationships by Social Systems and How Societies
Transform Individual Human Beings

VIII. Human Persons as Oriented Towards Their Impending Death

A. Recognizing the Meaning of Your Own Life
1. Plato’s Theory of Immortality
2. Aristotle: Realizing Your Potential
B. Life Objectives and Life Projects
1. Know Yourself: Your Strengths and
2. What Do You Want to Achieve?
C. The Meaning of Life (Where Will This Lead To?)
1. Martin Heidegger

Philosophy ii
V1.0 (12 June 2017)
Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

2. Jean-Paul Sartre
3. Gabriel Marcel
D. Reflecting on the Meaning of Life

*** Final Examinations


1. Abella, Roberto D. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person.

Quezon City: C and E Publishing Inc.
2. Montemayor, Felix M. (1995). Introduction to Philosophy Through the Philosophy of
Man. Manila: National Bookstore.
3. Ramos, Christine Carmela R. (2016). Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human
Person 1st Ed. Manila: Rex Bookstore.
4. Ramos, Christine Carmela R. (2010). Introduction to Philosophy. Manila: Rex
5. Siringan, Hector S. (2011). Philosophy of the Human Person. Quezon City: C and E
Publishing Inc.

Prepared by:

Teacher II

Philosophy iii
V1.0 (12 June 2017)

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