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Topic of Report:

Submitted By:
 Laiqa Iftikhar
 Dua e Zahra Kazmi
 Syeda Fizza Batool
 Izza Naeem
 Azam Khan
 Idress Khan
Submitted To:
Ms. Sana Khalid
Table of contents

INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................. 3
WHAT IS VIOLENCE? ....................................................................................................................... 3
Types of violence: .................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Physical Violence: ............................................................................................................................. 4
“Physical violence occurs when someone uses a part of their body or an object to controls a person
action.” .................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
 Medication abuse: .......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
 Restraints abuse: ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2. Sexual Violence: ................................................................................................................................ 5
“Sexual violence occurs when a person is forced to unwillingly take part in sexual activity.” .. Error!
Bookmark not defined.
3. Emotional Violence: .......................................................................................................................... 5
“Emotional violence occurs when someone says or does something to make a person feel stupid or
worthless.” ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. Psychological Violence: .................................................................................................................... 6
“Psychological violence occurs when someone uses threats and causes fear in a person to gain
control.” ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Categories of violence: .......................................................................................................................... 7
1. Self-directed Violence: ...................................................................................................................... 7
 Suicidal Behavior: ......................................................................................................................... 8
 Self-abuse:...................................................................................................................................... 8
2. Interpersonal Violence: .................................................................................................................... 8
3. Collective Violence ............................................................................................................................ 8
 Structural Violence: ...................................................................................................................... 9
 Welfare (Political) Violence: ........................................................................................................ 9
Causes of violence: .............................................................................................................................. 10
1. Alcohol Consumption: .................................................................................................................... 10
2. The media: ....................................................................................................................................... 10
3. Unemployment: ............................................................................................................................... 11
4. Broken homes:................................................................................................................................. 11
5. Poverty: ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Effects of violence: .............................................................................................................................. 12
 Physical effects of violence: ........................................................................................................ 12

 Mental effects of violence: .......................................................................................................... 12
 Emotional and spiritual effects of violence: .............................................................................. 12
 Effects on children who witness violence: ................................................................................. 13
Prevention to Violence:....................................................................................................................... 13
1. Interpersonal Violence: .............................................................................................................. 13
2. Collective Violence: ..................................................................................................................... 14
3. Suicide prevention (Self direction violence): ............................................................................ 14
4. Intimate Partner Violence: ......................................................................................................... 14
5. Child Maltreatment (Child Abuse): .......................................................................................... 15
6. Psychological Violence:............................................................................................................... 15
Laws again violence: ........................................................................................................................... 15
Awareness about Violence: ................................................................................................................ 15


Violence is outlined by the globe Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical
force or power, vulnerable or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a
bunch or community, which either ends up in or features a high probability of leading
to injury, death, psychological hurt, maldevelopment, or
deprivation," though the cluster acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of
power" in its definition expands on the standard understanding of the word.
Violence is a relatively common type of human behavior that occurs throughout the
world. People of any age could also be violent, though older adolescents and young
adults area unit possibly to interact in violent behavior.
Violence has several negative effects on those who witness or experience it, and children
are especially susceptible to its harm. Fortunately, varied programs are triple-crown at
preventing and reducing violence.
Violence is one among the foremost problematic problems’ society faces these days,
and it's been increasing day when day, in the streets of our cities.
The most common description of what violence extremely is will be given as negativity
towards one thing or somebody either through physical or verbal actions, which
regularly causes the victim to suffer pain. The different types of violence that exist in our
multi-cultural society are out-numbered, but the most evident ones are domestic, gang,
sexual, and racial violence. While violence will undoubtedly be reduced, it'll ne'er be
eliminated because of the character of humans.
Violence could be a social drawback that will increase over the years.
Violence isn't most shown in magazines and books because it is on tv and also the media.
This doesn't mean that violence on tv is that the solely supply for aggressive or violent
behavior, however it's a major contributor. Children may also obtain violence from a
parent or guardian at associate early age. Peers are important in a child’s life. It has been
psychologically tested that males area unit a lot of aggressive than females. Therefore, if
a child’s peers area unit being aggressive, their actions tend to be imitated.

Types of violence:
The types of violence include:

 Physical Violence
 Sexual Violence
 Emotional Violence
 Psychological Violence

1.Physical Violence:
“Physical violence occurs when someone uses a part of their body or an object to controls
a person action.”

Physical violence includes, but is not limited to:

 Using physical force which results in pain, discomfort or injury

 Hitting, pinching, hair-pulling, arm-twisting, strangling, burning, stabbing, punching,
pushing, slapping, beating, shoving, kicking, choking, biting, force-feeding, or any
other rough treatment
 Assault with a weapon or other object
 Threats with a weapon or object
 Deliberate exposure to severe weather or inappropriate room temperatures
 Murder

 Medication abuse:
Inappropriate use of medication, including:

 Withholding medication
 Not complying with prescription instructions
 Over- or under-medication

 Restraints abuse:
 Forcible confinement.
 Excessive, unwarranted or unnecessary use of physical restraints
 Forcing a person to remain in bed
 Unwarranted use of medication to control a person (also called “chemical restraint”)

 Tying the person to a bed or chair

2.Sexual Violence:
“Sexual violence happens once an individual is forced to unwillingly participate in

Sexual violence includes, but is not limited to:

 Touching in a sexual manner without consent (i.e., kissing, grabbing,
 Forced sexual intercourse
 Forcing a person to perform sexual acts that may be degrading or painful
 Beating sexual parts of the body
 Forcing a person to view pornographic material; forcing participation in
pornographic filming
 Using a weapon to force compliance
 Exhibitionism
 Making unwelcome sexual comments or jokes; leering behavior
 Withholding sexual affection
 Denial of a person’s sexuality or privacy (watching)
 Denial of sexual information and education
 Humiliating, criticizing or trying to control a person’s sexuality
 Forced prostitution
 Unfounded allegations of promiscuity and/or infidelity
 Purposefully exposing the person to HIV-AIDS or other sexually transmitted

3.Emotional Violence:
“Emotional violence happens once somebody says or will one thing to create an individual
feel stupid or rubbishy.”

Emotional violence includes, but is not limited to:

 Name calling

 Blaming all relationship problems on the person
 Using silent treatment
 Not allowing the person to have contact with family and friends
 Destroying possessions
 Jealousy
 Humiliating or making fun of the person
 Intimidating the person; causing fear to gain control
 Threatening to hurt oneself if the person does not cooperate
 Threatening to abandon the person
 Threatening to have the person deported (if they are an immigrant)

4.Psychological Violence:
“Psychological violence happens once somebody uses threats and causes worry in a very
person to achieve management.”

Psychological violence includes, but is not limited to:

 Threatening to harm the person or her or his family if she or he leaves

 Threatening to harm oneself
 Threats of violence
 Threats of abandonment
 Stalking / criminal harassment
 Destruction of personal property
 Verbal aggression
 Socially isolating the person
 Not allowing access to a telephone
 Not allowing a competent person to make decisions
 Inappropriately controlling the person’s activities
 Treating a person like a child or a servant
 Withholding companionship or affection
 Use of undue pressure to
 Sign legal documents
 Not seek legal assistance or advice

 Move out of the home
 Make or change a legal will or beneficiary
 Make or change an advance health care directive
 Give money or other possessions to relatives or other caregivers
 Do things the person doesn’t want to do

Categories of violence:
It has three broad categories which are divided further to reflect more specific types of

 Self-directed Violence.
 Interpersonal Violence.
 Collective Violence.

1. Self-directed Violence:
Suicide is one among the leading causes of death worldwide and is a crucial public ill health.
Among those aged 15-44 years, self-inflicted injuries area unit the fourth leading reason
behind death and also the sixth leading reason behind ill-health and incapacity.

In a lot of the globe, suicide is stigmatized and condemned for non-secular or cultural

In some countries, dangerous behavior may be a criminal offence punishable by law. Suicide
is thus usually a close act enclosed by taboo, and will be unrecognized, misclassified or
deliberately hidden in official records of death

 Suicidal Behavior:

 It is also called Para-suicide.

 It includes suicidal thoughts, attempted suicides, self-injury and completed suicide.
 It’s a depression or mood disorder in which a person starts thinking about or an
unusual preoccupation with suicide.

 Self-abuse:
 It involves acts like self-mutilation. In which suicide isn’t intention.
 Its also termed as DSH (deliberate self-harm) or SI (self-injury) or NSSI (non-suicidal

2. Interpersonal Violence:
Interpersonal Violence (IPV) is that the intentional use of physical force or power, vulnerable
or actual, against an individual or cluster that leads to or includes a high probability of
ensuing in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation.

IPV may be committed by an individual World Health Organization is or has been in a very
romantic relationship, domestic partner or partner, loved one, cohabitant, or family member
as well as a friend.

3. Collective Violence
Collective violence, violent form of collective behavior engaged in by large numbers of
people responding to a common stimulus.

Collective violence may be placed on a time, with one extreme involving the spontaneous
behavior of individuals World Health Organization react to things they understand as unsure,
threatening, or extraordinarily enticing.

Riots and random ring fights area unit samples of spontaneous collective violence. At the
opposite extreme area unit the organized types of collective violence. These include coups,
rebellions, revolutions, terrorism, and war.

Collective violence, in its multiple forms, receives a high degree of public attention. Violent
conflicts between nations and teams, state and cluster terrorist act, rape as a weapon of war,
the movements of large numbers of people displaced from their homes, gang warfare and
mass vandalism – all of those occur on a usual in several elements of the globe.

The effects of those differing types of event on health in terms of deaths, physical illnesses,
disabilities and mental anguish, are vast.

 Structural Violence:
 These are systematic ways in which social structures harm or otherwise disadvantage
 It’s often invisible and has no one specific person to be held responsible.
 Its key aspect is that it’s often hard to see or observe.

 Welfare (Political) Violence:

 Violence done by persons or government to achieve political goals.
 It involves police brutality, torture, etc.

Causes of violence:
The causes of violence include:

1. Alcohol consumption

2. The Media

3. Gangs

4. Unemployment

5. Weapons

6. Poverty

7. Peer Pressure

8. Broken Homes

9. Poor Family Environment / Bad Neighborhood

10. Intolerance / Ignorance

We will discuss some of its causes in detail:

1. Alcohol Consumption:
The link between alcohol and violence isn't stunning.

The feelings of anger, volatility, hostility, aggression and violence related to alcoholism
abuse provoke abuse in spouses capable of or already participating in abuse.

The same is true for each male and feminine abusers, and also the facts area unit astounding.

The Journal of the yank Medical Association recently undraped in a very report that ninety
two of domestic abusers were abusing alcohol not simply in their lives however at the time

of the incident. Out of all domestic abusers, 61% of them have a substance abuse problem,
the Department of Justice.

2. The media:
“Violence within the media has been increasing and reaching proportions that area unit
dangerous,” said Emanuel Tanya, MD, a retired Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Wayne
State University and a forensic psychiatrist for more than 50 years.

“You activate the TV, and violence is there. You attend a moving picture, and violence is
there,” Tanya told Psychiatric Times. “Reality is distorted. If you reside in a very fictional
world, then the fictional world becomes your reality.”

The average yank watches nearly five hours of video daily, 98% of which is watched on a
traditional television set, according to Nielsen Company. Nearly common fraction of TV
programs contains some physical violence. Most self-involving video games contain some
violent content, even those for children.

Tanya noted, “Anything that promotes something can be called propaganda.” What we call
entertainment is really propaganda for violence. If you manufacture guns, you don’t need to
advertise, because it is done by our entertainment industry.

Violence in media generally affects youth as they see their heroes keeping big weapons and
knock the bad guys. Vulnerable youth who have been victimized and suffering troubles may
be tempted to use violent means to solve problems. When an adult watches violent acts on
television, they also practice in homes and schools.

3. Unemployment:
Unemployed youth can become violent to themselves also as they become so frustrated by
the society and tough job market, so the chance of tragedies increases i.e., suicide rates spike.

Unemployed youth acquires wrong ways of getting money and become violent to fulfill their
needs. Youth state constitutes a key reason behind rebellion or warfare in developing
countries. The role of labor markets, and in particular unemployment, in causing violence and
violent conflict

4. Broken homes:
Children World Health Organization expertise a family breakdown thanks to the separation or
divorce of their oldsters could also be at associate accumulated risk of violent sinning
particularly if they need older a disadvantaged upbringing that enclosed low family financial
gain, marital status inharmoniousness, or parental criminalist.

The separation can be a reason for the man or woman to be violent for society or themselves
also due to depression.

Broken home children are more likely to attempt violent ways and are more destructive as
they are depriving of the parent’s attention.

5. Poverty:
Poverty is widely believed to cause violence. Poverty has been connected to violence in an
exceedingly variety of the way. Most scholars as well as lay persons believe that those who
live in poverty more frequently engage in acts of violence.

Effects of violence:
The effects of violence are as under:

 Physical effects of violence:

 Bruises
 Bruises on or around the eyes
 Red or purple marks at the neck
 Sprained or broken wrists
 Chronic fatigue
 Shortness of breath
 Muscle tension
 Involuntary shaking
 Changes in eating and sleeping patterns
 Sexual dysfunction
 Menstrual cycle or fertility issues in women

 Mental effects of violence:

 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), including flashbacks, nightmares, severe
anxiety, and uncontrollable thoughts
 Depression, including prolonged sadness
 Anxiety
 Low self-esteem and questioning sense of self
 Suicidal thoughts or attempts
 Alcohol and drug abuse

 Emotional and spiritual effects of violence:

 Hopelessness
 Feeling unworthy

 Apprehensive and discouraged about the future
 Inability to trust
 Questioning and doubting spiritual faith
 Unmotivated

 Effects on children who witness violence:

Whether youngsters witness or expertise abuse, it can take a toll on their development.
Violence victims are not isolated to intimate partners. Children square measure at Associate
in Nursing inflated risk for emotional activity issues regardless if they were directly abused or

The effects include:

 Anxiety
 Depression
 Academic problems
 Fearful

Prevention to Violence:
There are different ways to prevent different types of violence:

1.Interpersonal Violence:
To prevent Interpersonal Violence there are several strategies and some of those are:

Child-caregiver relationships:

To prevent or reduce childhood aggression there are certain programs which are
conducted such as home-visiting program.

Life Skills in youth:

To prevent this certain evidence shows are acquired which helps children deal with the
challenges of everyday life.

Cultural Norms:

To prevent these interventions are used. The effectiveness of interventions addressing
chemical analysis violence and regulatory offence among teenagers.

2.Collective Violence:

It is when set of individuals in order to achieve political, economic or social objectives.

To prevent this kind of violence:

 Poverty should be reduced

 Inequality between groups in society should be reduced
 Access To Biological , chemical , nuclear and other weapons should be reduced

3.Suicide prevention (Self direction violence):

Suicide is something which leaves harmful effects on individuals, families and communities.

To prevent suicide there are certain strategies:

 Conducting Programs and practices

 Psychometric Tests
Mental illness is also one of the major reasons of suicides. There are number of treatments
for mental illness patients to reduce the risk of suicide by:

 Psychiatric Care
 Suicide Prevention Contracts
 Community Care

4.Intimate Partner Violence:

It describes physical violence, verbal, emotional, sexual etc.

To prevent this type of Violence:

 Awareness campaigns And Media about Law

 Strengthen women’s civil rights related to divorce, property , child support and
 Build institutions related to civil society
 Use of behavior change communication to achieve social change
 Integrate to violence against women

5.Child Maltreatment (Child Abuse):
The consequences of child abuse include impaired physical and mental health , poorer school
performance , job and relationship difficulties.

To prevent this:

 Home nurse with a social worker visits are required to observe progress of the child.
 Videoconferencing to diagnose child abuse in remote emergency departments and

6.Psychological Violence:
It is a form of abuse, characterized by exposing another person to behavior that may result in

To prevent this violence:

 Provide Prevention services

 Participate in violence prevention programs
 Education and coaching

Laws again violence:

The laws that are made again domestic violence are:

 According to the bill 2012, violence against women and children an offence,
punishable by time in jail and imposition of fines. The bill conjointly been stipulates
that the cases relating to violence be treated efficiently, time lines during this
affiliation have conjointly been given. Beside children and women, the bill also
provides protection to the adopted, employed and domestic associates in a household.
 According to the bill 2013, those who found guilty of beating woman or children will
face a minimum six month behind bars and a fine al-least Rs.10,000
 According to the bill 2015, offering resistance to protection officer will be punishable
by up to six months imprisonment ant and a fine of up to Rs500, 000.Once a
complaint is received, it would be updated into a data base which will be set up.

Awareness about Violence:

We can raise awareness about violence through following ways:

 Raise awareness of the prevalence, causes and consequences of the different types of
 Identify, synthesize and disseminate evidence on what works to reduce violence
 Expand the global evidence base to cover more low- and middle-income countries
 Advocate for increased political support for and financial investment in violence
 Provide guidance and technical support to countries to develop evidence-based
prevention and response capacity
 Develop tools and training packages to strengthen prevention and response efforts
 Support measurement of indicators for the violence-related targets in the Sustainable
Development Goals


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