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Overview of the Federal Reserve

As the nation’s central bank, the ety of System functions, including oper-
Federal Reserve System has numerous, ating a nationwide payments system;
varied responsibilities: distributing the nation’s currency and
v conducting the nation’s monetary pol- coin; under authority delegated by the
icy by influencing monetary and Board of Governors, supervising and
credit conditions in the economy regulating bank holding companies and
v supervising and regulating banking state-chartered banks that are members
institutions, to ensure the safety and of the System; serving as fiscal agents
soundness of the nation’s banking and of the U.S. Treasury; and providing a
financial system and to protect the variety of financial services for the
credit rights of consumers Treasury, other government agencies,
v maintaining the stability of the finan- and other fiscal principals.
cial system and containing systemic A major component of the Federal
risk that may arise in financial markets Reserve System is the Federal Open
v providing financial services to de- Market Committee (FOMC), which is
pository institutions, the U.S. govern- made up of the members of the Board
ment, and foreign official institutions of Governors, the president of the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank of New York, and
The Federal Reserve is a federal sys- presidents of four other Federal Reserve
tem composed of a central, governmen- Banks, who serve on a rotating basis.
tal agency—the Board of Governors— The FOMC establishes monetary policy
and 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks. and oversees open market operations,
The Board of Governors, located in the Federal Reserve’s main tool for
Washington, D.C., is made up of seven influencing overall monetary and credit
members appointed by the President of conditions. The FOMC sets the federal
the United States and supported by a funds rate, but the Board has sole au-
staff of about 2,100. In addition to con- thority over changes in reserve require-
ducting research, analysis, and policy- ments and must approve any change in
making related to domestic and interna- the discount rate initiated by a Reserve
tional financial and economic matters, Bank.
the Board plays a major role in the Two other groups play roles in the
supervision and regulation of the U.S. functioning of the Federal Reserve:
banking system and administers most of depository institutions, through which
the nation’s laws regarding consumer monetary policy operates, and advisory
credit protection. It also has broad over- councils, which make recommendations
sight responsibility for the nation’s pay- to the Board and the Reserve Banks
ments system and the operations and regarding System responsibilities.
activities of the Federal Reserve Banks. All federally chartered banks are, by
The Federal Reserve Banks, which law, members of the Federal Reserve
combine public and private elements, System. State-chartered banks may
are the operating arms of the central become members if they meet Board
banking system. They carry out a vari- requirements. Á

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