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i\ Newspaper of
Best News Coverage
Idlesex County Woodbridge, Sewaren, Fords,
and Hopelawn, Kenabey, Port
ibridgo Township Reading, Avenel, Isolin
and Colonia

Leisure Time Committee Announces KEASBKY WATER RENTS ERA Promises Aid "Immediate Action!'
ohn Shannon, Gateman Killed
ow s Plans and Schedules For Reopening

KEASBEY.—Residents of this
place, who are served by the
To Commission In jreen Street Crossing, Lauded
est Of Presbyterian Parish House Here Keasbey Water system, will re-
ceive warnings next week from
the Township that If they do
Erecting Stadium Witnesses At Hearing In Trenh
NAVIGATOR not pay their Water rents that
Former Athletic Stromghold to Be Used at Community their water will be shut oft. Promises Of Relief Labor
Outer For Furtherance Of Recreational Activities And Street Crowing Flagman Testifies That Green
-appointment of the two According to Township At- Are Made At Meeting Gates were High In Air At Time Of Crash—Sho
Ic members ot the zon- .Hobbies—Project To Be Under Sponsorship Of Local torney Leon t. McElroy, water Tuesday—Grove Street
U U u w Time Group and ERA—Arrangements May Be rents In that district have been Sayi Oil Truck Came To Dead Stop Before Cr
._ again reveals a tendeh- Site Practically Decided Tracks. • Conductor declares Express Was Traveling ,
he part of the local gov- Made With Athletic Clubs To Allow Us* Of Court* for allowed to lapse, especially dur
Ing the past few years. In order Upon. A Rnte Of 55 Mile* An Hour.
al authorities not to play Practice.
nlnnR partisan political to make up the deficit which
occurred In the system, the WOODBRIDGE. - With the
Township wlir-€e --forced to Grove street diamond practically CITIZENS' UNIT PRESENTS PETITION
SCHEDULE GOES INTO EFFECT MONDAY decided upon as the site of the
deal strictly with those served
his move deserve* corn- by the system who have failed proposed stadium nnd with prom- By Leader-Journal Staff Writer
it Ion. The two members WOODBRIDGF,.~A complete program of activities to meet their water rents as ises made tor the supplying of la-
Ihc board, Mr. Horan and bor by the Emergency Relief Ad- TKKNTON.—Considerable praiso regarding the qu
lms been mapped out by the Leisure Time Sponsoring due.
O'NIel have worked dlli- ministration, the realization of a Viitions of John Shanntfn fi6 year old gateman who i
itiy and faithfully on this Committee, for the Parish House, which has been turned municipal owned stadium is com- istanlly killed when ho was consumed by flames in 111
on for the welfare of into a community center, and will go into effect Monday ing much nearer.
Township, i l r b u rener- vock's iiceident, was (riven by both railroad and toi
afternoon, said George R. Merrill, chairman of the com- At a meeting ot the Stadium
•ly of their time and ener-
without oompenMtton.
The fact that they know the
mittee, in an interview today.
Although originally the Parish
Large Percentage Commission held Tuesday night,
Thomas Doolittle, EKA engineer,
fficiuls tit a mpetinir of the Board of Public Utility Co
nissioners. hpld Tuesday, when the latter denied the
of Newark, promised relief labor Ikntion (or an extension of Ufne until June 1, 193ft'

Budget Item of Tax Cuts Made

mechanic! of the office, made House, which is owned by the in the construction of the athletic Andrew U. Desmond
('Kin grade crossing elimination work in WoodbrW|#
their rrappolntmenta In order. Men's Brotherhood of the Presby- project. local attorney, who heads Citizens'
• • » •
terian church, was devoted to- Committee In Battle to eliminate Township.

Not Error Of By County Board

ward the use o( athletics, the new According to preliminary plans Grade Crossings In Woodbrldjt Gateman Tells 8tory
Indications are that the Mlddle- center under the Leisure Time discussed ul the session there Township. John Conroy, the flagman at
f s x County Shrievalty contest, as group will be used for the futher- will be a football field, a practice he Main street crossing, one of
fnr as the Democrats are con- ance of hobbles such ns pottery, football field, tennis couits, the witnesses, said on the stand MenloParkTV
cerned, will be a free for all at Mulpture, stamp collecting, dra-
the next primary election. Anoth- matics and dancing.
er name has been added to the in order to help nnance the pro-
Present Board Township Responsible For swimming pool and 100 by 20u
Only Small Percentage of grandstands, when the entire pro Crash Victims hat he witnessed the accident
rom in front of his Shanty on
Mnln street. Je Probable
Tax Abatement Last Year ject is completed. It was planned
list In the race this week. Herd- ject the Township Committee put
mnn Harding, prominent New a thousand dollars In Its budget Mctlroy Points Out $2i$,.
Hiunswlck citizen and former (or 1035 lor the upkeep and gen-
—Did Not Oppose Wor by
thy Cases.
the commission to make the
grandstand a wooden structure
but it is understood that the ERA
Are Reported "The Main street crossing had
een closed from ten o'clock that
norning", declared Conroy, "for Hospital Site4
coroner, according to all reports, eral expenses connected with the UUU W as brror Made By
is Interested in securing the nom- recreational activities. The state
ination. will pay for the supervision.
Previous Administration WOODBRIDGE. — Answering sion
the criticism made recently re-
wkiuld like to have the commis
consider concrete stands cov-
ered by a roof.
As Recovering weded rail repairs. Eighteen men
nd a foreman were at work with
a man on each side ot the track State bcpuriiueul Men To
» » • • /uxuiaing lo ivir. memii it is sending traffic down to the Green
Amour the nomberleu con- Deuevea tnut arrangements might garding the $7,000 placed In the I n talking over the cost of con- Uecumuicnu i'araoaage
WOODBRIDGE.—"That adjust- struction. Mr. Doolittle said that a lerhuue'sCondition Fair- Utet crossing."
tradictions appearing in print DC maae with uinieuc clubs tu ing entry of J2.889.5U which was budget for tax and assessemnt a- Bloomfield, the entire costs of Mr, Mayberry, attorney for the Koad i'ropertj
hereabout* during UM p u t allow tnem tne use oi the eouri placed in the budget, and which batements as being too small, as the erection of the stadium there ly Good'. Joe Kouiond Utility commission, in questioning
year, no Item Is more glaring lor practice, The group carmen was brought out at the Township over $11,000 was abated last year, was paid off in two years from the witness, established thu fact
than that which appeared Uat permit games where uamitsion is meeting us a discrepancy between Township Attorney Leon E. Me gate receipts. Confined to Home hat the Green street crossing at MKNLU 1 ARK.—The Mimlo

week. Months ago the erec- charged as it would be against the treasurer and collector's ac- Elroy today issued a statement The commission members point- he time of the uceident was b fark. sttu, at Parsonage road and
tion of the municipal dock tne ruling <a the £RA. counts, was not an error on Our saying that practically all of last ed out that the athletic field will WOODBRIDGE.-Faverable re- used for all through traffic in me norm east portion ot tne park
was severely criticised from property, has practically been de-
Many persons have no way oi part and was made by the audit- .vein's abatements were made by be erected at no cost to the tax- ports have been received on the \Voodbridg«. cided - upon as the spot tor -the..
that source. Now the dredging ors ot the previous administra- payers. The sum of $4,090 will be conditions of the three men who Continuing his story Conroy re-
Upending ineir leisure tune," saia cu county lUDvrculosis Oos
of Woodbridge Creek, a like tion," emphatically stated Leon E. the county over which the Town- paid to the Woodbridge National ;ustained serious and painful in- lated how he stood in front of his
iMr. Merrill," and programs have pital yesterday when a sulj-wm-
Improvement, Is being praised. Mcelroy, Township attorpay, in ship had no jurisdiction. Bank and Trust Company, to juries at the train-truck crash at shanty and saw the 11:30 train
; u«en promoted, endorsed by tne
An«th«r cat* of lnconalttency.
SUM, to give entertainment free granting an interview from his clear up a judgement and after the Green street crossing on Feb coming toward him. He declared nuttee of three members ot t&e
"If our critics were fair," 'said the property is taken over by the ruary 21, atatu department oi neaith attar a
• • * « yl charge to those who desire it. sickbed yesterday. hot when it first came in view it
The Under-Journal lias always This policy has been in lorce in McElroy, "they would realize that Township the commission will Albert Terhune, of Point Pleas- was somewhere near Grove uve- nearing at tha boldiecs' home, de-
In checking up the account* the cidied that they WOUIQ rerom-
Lfavored utilizing water facilities WoodDridge and entertainments auditors of the present adminis- for the first time the Township lease it from the municipality, ant, fireman on the train who nuc. menU to the suite uoard that a
ihere and congratulates CON- tration found that the adjusting did not oppose any of the Town- p$y a revenue. It will not be "tax leaped from the cab ot the engine i taw the oil l.uck. crossing the permit be granted tor that loca-
JRESSMAN EATON and LEON (iUU I'Ul ill* L L£ lltltt- U ^ . . , . . . . . entry was made in \U33. The au- ship citizens in their requests "l
£r«e property." burning torch, Is at the Perth s, lie continued, "DU; I uiu uon. The meeting was attended
JeELROY, Township Attorney School auditoriums, the use of ditors at the present time are lower assessments from the Coun- •The ways and Means committee Amboy General hospital in ue Mr. bnannon at tne cun- by the county board of Freehofitt*
Iho have worked tirelessly on the erou which, the school board has gen- riiaded by Asher Fitz Randolph, "fairly good" condition, according
are checking each item in both the ty Board of taxations if it was felt operating me gates uUUuugi ers and county Engineer George
ilect The dredging company ap erooaly donated. The
*w «"»««• concerts««=
*»• ««»»»» i» making plans tor a financial to his nurse. In answer to an In- l did notice mat tne gates weru K. Merrill.
"red at the mouth of the creek^ven by local and count* organi- collector's and treasurer's ac- that the fact warranted it, drive to be held in the near lu- quiry made by a LEADER- Uii in uiu air.'
counts for previous years, it is
onday morning with its equip- zationa with a minimum ot ex- impossible they say that small er- "The only case we opposed, be- ttire, JOURNAL reporter, the nurse conroy claimed that il Shannon :t Wiley outlined the
ent mid the work was started pense to the committee for jan- rors may have been made not only cause we did not feel it had any said that Terhune's condition was had betiii at me control levers he necessity lor a hospitui in the .
bmediately. itor's services and transportation merit, was the Beth Israel Cem- still serious and he is making slo- would nave seen him as lie hao. county, tin pointed out that at the
, » • •
And now the rumor nalto stouwd
[ i n tamtam again U reUaw Presbyterian
of musicians. Now that we have in 11)33 but In prior years to etery association request, and the
the privelep ol using the
Parish house, with-
total of
county board upheld us in the r e -
fusal to make the abatement."
Scores l o Attend progress toward recovery. In ad noticed him lowering the gates present time Middlesex. County
dition to severe burns about th< wnen Uie lU.iiti tram came tubercular patients are in 15 du-
face and body. Terhune sustainei through, 'i'he witness also tesu lerent iiisluuuuns. iie. declared
atery tkat Uwto A. O«M» tor
UJk toad b telwtaled to btlievi
out rent, as a community canter
the Woodbrioge district, we
that we will be able to of-
without giving
Of all the abatements, Mr. Mc-
Elroy announced that only about Crime Conference a fracture of the left forearm an tied tnat he saw another smalle tnat it wuulu o» inure economical
a fractured,toe, ;
truck along sitte of tye b}g truck.
to take carrot vittetiu in O$t
own coftBty wbert^ better clinical
S ttfffl IA' *\*«»«ttonal gOftgram wruoJ %
i will help to instill into this as for the entry.
iMWred the dlspleawre jw'-'U aa the next generation a
q k , l i l ttyrfcooka »1,000 waagba\pd during tlie year
by the Township Committee.
Joseph Romqnd, of Amboy ave- That was evidently
Trenton.—With alfVans' for the nue, who was in the small Shell driven by Joseph Homond who work could Mr accomplished.
New Jersey State Crime Confer Oil truck following the trailer
*he true*

was also paintully injured In the Mr. Merrill showed on the map
o«ttalB leaders and thert- spirit of optimism and victory ence, called by Governor Hoff- still confined to his home. He sui crash. hut the proposed hospital would

!a slated to ride the po- wnere there was despair and de-
Official Test TowuPreseuts man for today und tomorrow here, tained a broken nose, sever Conroy stated that the next not eliect me park, as tne hospjt'
finally completed, it is almost a broken teeth, a deep laceration i • thing he saw was a mass o£ flames ai would be fccgraied g trom the
certainty that more than 2,500 of the arm and burns about th as tne engine • hit the rear of the park, lungsley .fOwell, a real, es-
Tuesday night's session of I The tentative schedule lor next
Itahway Council a resolution | week, the hours ranging from one
To Be MadeAt] Utility Board the most prominent men and wo- body. He also suffered a spin trailer. 'I'he train stopped, he said, tate operator, was the only ob-
men in the State will be in at- injury which has proven to t about ten feet south of the Main ector and he said in his opinion
very painful. tt would retard the growth of tnat'J
issed authorizing the tho- o'clock hi the afternoon until ten tendance. street crossing.
Investigation of the Rah- o'clock at night, is as follows:
jlice personnel. The de- Monday; 1-2, quiet games; 2-4, R. K. Tracks!With Petition Judge Richard Hartshome, of Harry De Witt, of Elizabeth, The ^lain street flagman de- section o£ Karitau Township, h o w l
Newark, who is director of the helper on the truck which fig- clared that he knew John Shan- ever, other testimony was intro-"
;nt In our neighboring city handicraft; 4-5, basketball; 7:30 Committee on Arrangements, has ured in the accident, has been non for a number of years and duced to prove that reai s t a t e
many bluck marks chalk- to 8:30, quiet games; 8:30 to 9:30, completed the genda for the sev- removed to Sf. Elizabeth's hospit- found him to be an efficient, ca- •alues are not lowered by tne
led up against it in the past de- sculpture; 9:30 ' " " to 10:30 Women's Expect Equipment t all Inclement Weather Doei en sectional meetings to be held al. According to Shell Oil officials pable railroader, always looking onstruction Of a tubercular hos-
pital in^a vicinity. A Mudsqh.
cade, the present inquiry arising gym.
Ktver. Evidence to be Not Stop Citizens irom by the Conference, and Col. Jos- De Witt inhaled a considerable ut for the safety of the public. County official, present at the
out of the charge made against; Tuesday, 1-2, quiet games, 2-3, eph D. Sears, directing the listing amount of smoke, slightly effect- Shoemaker on stand. session, pointed out that that;
Officer Nathan JTarber ,who is al- soft "ball; 3-4, Junior gym; 4-5, given to Grand Jury Attending Hearing of the delegates, said here yester- ing his lungs. It is believed that Pasquali Montazzoli, local cob- county is at present building - a j
• leged to be implicated in a jewel- volley ball; 7:30 to 8:3U, pottery; day that he feared some of those De Witt was injured when he bler, whose shop is adjacent to tuberculosis hospital in the Medi-5
ry theft. Wo can be mighty thank- 8:30 to 9:30, Men's gym; 9:30 to made an attempt to unhitch the the railroad tracks at Green street
ful here in our township that we 10:00, painting. WOODBRIDGE. — No official TRENTON. — Although the seeking invitations might be dis- truck from the trailer. on the east side o£ the tracks, tes-
cal Center in Jersey City.
appointed. Scores of state insti-
have a police force of which we Wednesday, 1-2, quiet games; tests have been made by either weather was extremely bad, with tutions and pirvate organizations tified that the oil truck had come
the drenching rain making the
can be justly proud.

The tradlnc ot vote* In our

2-3, soft ball; 3-4, ping pong; 4-5, the Shell Oil Company or the
Continued on Page fiigtit prosecutor's office,' regarding the roads exceptionally slippery, some
length ot time it takes a truck thirty-five Woodbridge citizens at-
have asked to send delegates.
The sectional meetings
go into session this morning, at
are Council Pays
to a complete stop, before it start-
ed to cross the tracks.
The shoemaker caused no little
Acker Secures J<
tended the Grade Crossing hearing
•late legislature, which was
fivea publicity this week, Js
a dleiraceful method used by
' Firemen Honor Mawbey
At Birthday Merriment
and trailer loaded with gasoline
to cross the tracks at the Green here Tuesday. Among those pres-
street crossing, according to in- ent who took part in the proceed- delegates will attend
eleven thirty, but prior to that

assembly in the War

a general
Feb. 25 Issue merriment when he explained
that he repairs shoes right at Ms
window and can easily see uu and
As Fire Chief at
a m a p to effect the paatait
ot Its particular legislation. It
It time that the voters advised I
formation received from both ings were Mayor August F. Grein-
Hugh Quigley, of the Shell Oil er, Andrew D. Desmond, Mrs.
WOODBRIDGE.—When mem- company and James S. Wight, as- Henry St. C. Lavin, Rev. Carl C. hearing an adress
by Governor
for the
purpose ot
of welcome
who is
OfBaby Bonds
down Green street. In an amusing
Continued on Page Eight State Institute
then- representatives that they bers of Woodbridge Fire Co., No, sistant prosecutor. Mellberg, Parker Nielsen and F.
are expected to vote on mea- 1, decide to stage any sort of an Interviewed by a reporter of A. Spencer.
sponsible for the Conference hav-
ing been organized. The chairman Approximately
Seek Heirs Of One WOODBRIDGE. — Charles H.I
Acker, of 9 Vanderbilt place,
sures, particularly those of afftur ,they don't go half way the Leader-Journal, Mr. Wight
vital Importance, In an honest, about it. For. Wednesday night said that the county has been con-
sincere manner Instead of
Mr, Nielsen, in the absence of of the general meeting will be raid iu laxes. Over
TownsBip Attorney Leon E. Mc- Attorney General David T. Wil-
Albert Rogers Here city, for the past six years one
the paid drivers of Woodbi
found a group of firemen gathered templating making such, a test but
oslnc "hone taadlnf" methods. at Szurko's lqn, Fulton street, en- at the present time the oil comp- Elroy, who is convalescing from a entz who also is chairman oi the OOO Ketkemed in Lash WOODBRJDGE.—The Cline In- Fire Compnay No. 1, res:
. » » • tertaining Fireman Fred Mawbey any has not the same kind of recent operation presented the Governor's Committee. estment Company of Hutchinson, trom his position here last
following petition asking the com- With the' exception of a brief WOODBRIDGE.—Over $40,001) Kansas, has asked the Leader- and immediately left tor Grt
Despite the inclement weather, at one of the most elaborate birth Uuck and trailer at Sewaren that mission to file and determine t h e recess for luncheon, the sectional
some thirty odd Township resi- day parties held here in some figured in last week's accident. worth oi baby Bonds, due Mon- ournal to help it locate the stone Park near Morris Plains
meetings will continue in session day, February 25, were redeemed heirs of one Albert Rogers. Ac- take up the duties of fire chii
dents attended the hearing in time. However, officials at the Sewaren rate of speed of which trains may ording to Furman R. Cline, presi in the little settlement which is
Trenton Tuesday relative to the Fred, who is one of the paid plant declare that they will en- travel through the Township at until approximately seven p .m., By the Township o£ Woodbndgi.
dent of the concern, Rogers, as a part of the New Jersey State
accident at the Green street cross- drivers at the kchool street fire deavor to .have similar equipment no greater rate than fifteen miles and at that time are expected to to date, according to an announce-
have prepared any recommenda- ment made today by Township boy worked on several iarms just pital at Greystone Park.
Ing. The local Cltiienry is showing station, had a birthday yester- sent down Irom Fall River, Mass., an hour. south of Camden for S. D. Middle
day, but due to the fact that he in order to make a test. 'To the Board, of Public Utility tions they may have to make, in Treasurer O .J. Morgenson. The sudden change came a-
H decided Interest In the attempts the fbnn of resolutions. These,re8 The issue of bonds amounted to ton, John Thomas and Edward when Mr. Acker was notified
being made to clear up the dan- had to work and his day off was Commissioners of the State of New
If the equipment arrives in Jersey: olutions will, in turn, be acted up- 165,000 when released last spring. Homer and in 1880 he left New telegram late yesterday afti
gerous condition existing here. Wednesday, the boys decided to time Wight expects to submit the
For once the Utilities Commiss- do the honoring a day earlier. "The petition of the Township on by a Resolutions Committee About $111,000 worth were re- Jersey and went west were he noon that he was appointed
evidence to the Grand Jury which
ioners appeared to be on the side Well, Fred had his birthday convenes on March 8. of Woodbridge presented by the and will be submitted to the en- deemed during the past months prospered. ;hat state position as a result
of the people and it now looks as purty and won't forget It for a Township Committee of the Town- tire Conference on Saturday morn through the payment of taxes in Ms, Cline writes: the competitive Civil Service ex
In the meantime, unofficially, ing. "We are reliably informed that animations which were held sev
if some immediate action may be long time to come. The boys engineers in the Township have ship of Woodbridge respectively the collector's office. This left ap-
Arrangements had been made priximately $54,000 outstanding ie has one brother living in New eral weeks ago and in which
splashed lavishly. Mrs. Szurko shows:
expected. f , . . and a host of local feminine beau- figured out that It would take the "1. Whereas, the I}oard of Pub- for a Conference dinner tonight, when the bonds became due last Jersey and possibly a sister and ty-four firemen from variou
In all the publicity liven ties served a delicious chicken truck and trailer, with the load lt- Utility Commissioners, on Sep- but this plan had to be abandoned month. they or their heirs are the ones parts of the state participate
it was carrying, one minute to go
the catastrophe little mention. dinner and to top the revelry off, 88 feet in first gear from a dead tember W, 1934 entered an order because of the number of delegates The treasurer's office is follow- that we are seeking, and it they The notice ordered him to n
for work today.
If any, was made to Joseph Fred was presented with a cig- requiring the Pennsylvania Rail- scheduled to attend. Instead there ng the proceedure used when can be located and they can prove
ftwnood, »heU employee who arett case. (And Iwre's the secret stop. Figuring that the train was road Company to proceed with I will be a mass meeting in the other bond issues became due. their relationship they will inherit Mr. Acker was one of the
—Fred's 38 years old). traveling at the speed limit, 65 Auditorium of the War Memorial Bond holders are given a receipt Albert Rogers' estate tor he left popular members of the Schi
waa severely Injured In the miley an hour, they estimated that the elimination of the railroad Building * '
tonight which will be no will and has no living relative
craab, Remand waa driving a Among those present were: it would take the train 48 seconds crossings of that company namely: for the bonds they turn in for street fire department. He
out here."
Ugtat Shell Oil truck which Fred Mawbey, Mayor August F. tn reach the crossing after leaving Freeman street, Green street and addressed by several speakers of edemption and a check is made elected into the company in
oroaaed the trucks at the same Greiner, Chief A. F. Hunt, Ray the bend at the Edgar Hill station. Main street in Woodbridgf. Town- national prominence. out within a day or two end mail- tember 17, 192S, however, it
time as the trailer .His car Anderson ,Otto Hunt, Charles Me The enunclator signal is supposed ship, and
waa completely demolished Cann, William Prjon, F. Kath, to work at 4,600 feet from the "2. Whereas, by the terms, of
ed to the holder of the receipt. Federal Government not until March 15, 1928, that
came an active member,
and he sustained a broken Ernest Hunt, Edward Sattler, Wil shanty. said order the said Pennsylvania
PORT READING BOY This method is made necessary to
keep the office in methodical ord- Issues Bonds Today working diligently In the dep
noM, sprained »plne, aeveral liam Treen, John Prekop, John
Futkos, John Fistos, John Finn,
Railroad Company was ordered to
proceed with the work of eliminat
STRUCK BY AUTO er as it would be a physical Im-
possibility for the clerical help
ment tor two years, he was
pointed a paid driver.
broken teeth and deep Uw*ra- WOODBRIDGE. — James J.
ttoni of the arm. He made h u William Dernier, Frank Knot, E. Fairy Talc Play To Ing the above mentioned crossings PORT READING.—Robert Zul- to do all the detail work in one Dunne, local postmaster, an- In December 1JJ31, Mr. Ack
own way home »nd no one Somers, F. Dunigan, John Gulics, on December 1,1934, and to com- lo, age 0, ot Woodbridge avenue, day. nounced that United States Sav- was elected to fill the unexpl(|
knvw the extent of b b lujur-
Hugh McCkwkey, Henry Brown,
Owen Dunigan, Julius Kruskey, Be Given At Colonia plete the same by September 1, this place, sustained a fractured ings Bonds will be Issued today In term of John V, Hunt as seer '
lee. He haa been confined to James Catano, Michael Murphy
bit bed ever since.
1030, knee shortly before nine o'clock Lions Club Endorses denominations ot $25, $50, $100, oMhe fire company. He was
$500 and $1,000 (maturity value.) elected to that post in Janu
and Elmer J. Vecsey. COLONIA,—"The Magic Mir- "3. And, whereas,
... the Pennsyl- Monday morning, when he was
Governor Hoffman's refmal to
ror" a fairy tale fantasia, will be vania Railroad Company has &V- struck by a car driven by Mrs. Grade Crossing Fight The bonds may be purchased for 1932 and has held that office
cash at the local postofflce. J h e er since. February 15, last,
presented March 38, by the Colo- plied for an extension of time Ellen F. Hagan, of 126 Emerson
comment on patronage until Jus RUMOKB NOT TRUE nia Citizens Inc., for the benefit within which to commence work [street, Carteret,l who is employed WOODBRIDQE. — Members ot issue prices of various denomina- Acker became an exempt fir
program Is passed by the Leglsla- of the School fund of the new upon the said grade crossings, in •- the
" - —relief
" - • office
-•* -~ in Woodbridge. the Woodbridge Lions Club went tions ot these bonds are as fol having served the required
•- "'--JI--'->—
t u w Is now causing plenty of dis- According to Mrs. Hagan, she on record Tuesday to encourage lows: and was awarded his exemp
WOODBR1DGE. — Rumora co-operative child study school which last application was made certificate.
cussion und some resentment. The have been prevalent In the to your honorable board on the was proceeding on Woodbridge the Township Committee In its Maturity value Issue price
nanaturs feel that they should be Township during the past week here. The cast will be made up of nineteenth day of February, 1995, avenue, near School street, when fight for the elimination of grade It is believed that the fire i
as to what will be dons that the late Edward Welsh, of children from Sewaren, Wood- at which time the application was the boy ran from the sidewalk in- crossings in the Township. The «0 §7.50 missloners will nut name
ut a banking commissioner, Point Pleasant, the engineer on bridge and Cnlonla. 75.00 Acker's successor until some
Miss'Dorothy Dletz, will coach further adjourned to the first Tues to her car, Mrs, Hagan said, she motion was passed unanimously 160
utilities commissioner, the train which crashed into the day in March, 1935, due to the Ill- took the boy to Dr. Rothfuss who at a meeting hold at Rabbin's soo 37500 next week.
rchaslng agent, highway Shell Oil truck lust week and the production. The pre-school ness of Mr. Apgar, Esq., attorney ordered Jjlm taken to the Perth Inn on Amboy avenue. 1,000 750,00
_.._tonar and Judgeshlp*. But classes were opened here on Feb- RICHABD N. KAISON
for the Pennsylvania RallroBd Amboy General hospital. Conrad Stern of Woodbridge,
appointments to these pollt- who succumbed to his injuries ruary 19 with fourteen students. Company, - who Is connected with the Barber Casey Card Party
„ plums are held In abeyance at the Perth Amboy Generul There Is also a long waiting list. Asphalt Company gave an Inter- WOODBRIDGE. — Richard
the state's chief executive un- hospital, was the engineer on "4, And, whereas, since said OHMS CHR18TEN8EN
FORDS.— Funeral services for esting talk on the product manu- WOODBHIDQE. - Middlesex Raison, one year and three rao
ttw tax measures are comptete- the train that killed Miss Har- COUMJS CSLIBBATB1 SNO application a great catastrophe has old; son ot Mr. and Mrs
taken care ot to hli satlstau- riet Short on January 27, 1934. 25TH occurred on the Green street crora Chris Christensen.were held Fri- factured by his concern."H« said Council, Knights of Columbus, Raison, 63 Claire avenue,
These rumors are false and in*, in Woodbridge, on the twen- day afternoon from his late resi- that asphalt wac. secured m Trln- will hold a public card party Friday, after a short Illness,
in justice to the dead man dence, 82 Linden avenue. Rev idnd from where It Is shipped -to Tuesday night, March 5, at the neral services were held Su
should "be corrected. The en- Eevrett, Wash. — Mr. and Mis. ty-first day of February ,1938, in Robert Schlotter, of the Grace the states to be refined. Columbian Club on Main street.
which two lives were lost and
Tradltlon;—To follow Im- gineer on the train that struck Nicholas Plambeck recently q d e - great damage was done. Lutheran church,, officiated. Mrs,. It was announced that a .ipeak- Prizes will bp awarded and re- afternoon at the house. Re\«|
V. D. Strong, pastor of the
rialD, or oar- Miss Short was George W. brated their second 26th wedding "6 And. whereas, the Town- Otto Christensen sanR two hymns. er ;from the Committee of Pufclii freshments will be served. John gregational church, officiate *
tndttlon to order to Hartnett, of Floral Park, Long anniversary. Each had been mar- ship Committee Is without author- The bearers were: John Sequlne, Rolotions of the Eastern BaUroa Campion and John Oregus are the ferment was In the Alpine
i string In ear Mind. ried previously to other spouses Albert Wilton, Hans Petersen and would be present at the • nex co-chairman in charge of (he af- tery,
s tor more than twenty-five years. ity In view of the decision of the William Tooker.
He Is t l and bis wlte H. supreme court In the case of At-
meeting, March h fair.

New Consumers1
the afternoon of the said day, at
Company, a corporation, John F. the Sheriff's Office In the City of
Ryan and Bernard J. Dunigan, of, New Brunswick, N. J.
Mood Indigo, ISELIN NEW in and to all the following des-
Guide All that tract or parcel of land


cribed premises, to wit:
ALL those certain tote, tracts
or parcels of land and premises,
situate, lying and being In the
and premises hereinafter particu-
larly described, situate, lying and
being In the Township of Wood-
bridge, in the County of Mlddle-
LORRAINE V. MAIKR HiUcreH Ave., /««Kn, N. J. Township ol Woodbridge, in the HM «nd State of New Jersey.
County of Middlesex and State of HKGINNING at a point In the
New Jersey, and described as fol- Northerly line of Arbor Street for-
Frances Bowen were the guests
lows: merly Meadow Lane, distant West-
Woodbridge; Mr. William H;m- Post road. hold a card party Much 8 n of Miss Loretta Brennun, of WHICH on u certain map en- erly ' ukmg the Northerly line of
sen, of Mctuchcn; and Miss L the Harding avenue flrehouse. Jersey City on Friday. titled "Map of Woodbridge Man- i Arbor Street ninety-two and jev-
Maier, of Anne street, were the MISS MARY JANE BREWSTER, Prizes will be awarded for high « • • • or property of Woodbridge Reul- Vnt.y-fnur one hundredths (92.74)
dinner RUests of Miss Louise of Amboy avenue, is confined scores Refreshments will be ty Company, situate at Wood- foot from the Northwest corner ol
Lengyel, of Woodbridge, Sun- to her home suffering injuries served. Tickets may be obtained THE SUPPER HELD RECENTLY brldge, Middlesex County, New
by the Green street firemen Arbor Street and the Extension of
day. sustained In an automobile ac- from members of the troop. Jersey, Scale 1" to 100' ", survey- Sewnrcn Avenue as shown on a
« * * ' cident, recently. was a huge success, The supper ed and divided into lots and par-
waft served early in the evening map entitled, "Map of property be-
INVITATIONS HAVE BEEN IS- MRS. JOSEPH* JANKOWSKY, of cels May, 1911, by Josiah Tice, C. loiiKitiK to Boynton Real Estate
undKontinued until a late hour.
*ued by Rev. Robert Schlotter, MISS MAE DONOVAN, OF LIL- Kennedy street, was the guest * • • n E., 92 Albany Street, New Ilruns in., .showing extension of Sewnren
of the Grace Lutheran Churfti, lian rtreet, and Stanley Me of Mrs.. Leo Murphy, of Rah- wick, N. J., and filed in the Avenue imd George Street situated
to the parents and friends of THE CHOIR OF ST. CECELIA'S
Cluskey, of New Brunswick avc way, on Friday. church is rehearsing new Clerk's Office of Middlesex County in Woodbridge Township, Middle-
the children of the Sunday nue, attended a theatre per- on January 22, 1814 as Map No. sex County, N. J. August 19, 1925,
school to attend the Sunday hymns and music for the len-
formance in New York Friday MRS. J. RAPHAEL, EVELYN, ten season. 739, File 536, and known nnd des- Scale 1"—50', surveyed by Larson
evening services that ore held Lorraine and Ruth Raphael ignated as follows: h Fox Civil Engineers, 175 Smith
every Sunday at the Parish * * * * * *
were the guests at a theatre Lots 2 and D, Hi Block 2 Street, Perth Amboy, N. J." themv
House, on King George's Post lor me suKliuf%utfne- party in Newark Saturday. THE DANCE HELD SATURDAY Lots 4, 11 and 12, in Block 4
road. This invitation is extend- night under the auspices u< the (1) along the Northerly line of Ar-
at U.ISKCIUUII garni1 ;mu cunicc • • • • Lots 6 to 13, inc., in Block 6 ^ bor Street South seventy-glx de-
ed to'anyone who is interested WHICH 13 ueing given by uu- Democratic Club of Iseiln wns Lots 5 to 24 inc., and Lot 26 in
in the church, as well as to the THE CARD PARTY HELD UN- a big success. The music for grees fourteen minutes (76° U"j
turas Lu-t!.as on m a a y , ivlaiui der the auspices of the Woman's Block 6 West one hundred (100) feet;
parents and friends of the chil- t), at the No. 14 school, on toru the dancing was provided by
dren. Services begin at 7:30 Club of St. Cecelia's church, was Joe Dema's Society Orchestra of Lots 2 to 25, inc., in Block 7 thence (2) Northerly thirteen de-
UVI'IIUL'. JJUC 10 11 It UUdlll Ol Ollt a successful affair. Prizes were Lots 1 and 2, and 4 to 25 inc., grees forty-six minutes (13° 46")
and last until 8:30. New York. "
• • • * oi we Kuneile piaytia, tin. *-"- awarded and refreshment! were In Block 8 West one hundred eighty-one and
iiUs w i n tmi intti Me noftiiv served. Mrs. Thomas Smith was thirty-five one-hundredths (181.-
Lots 1 and 2, and 13 to 26 Inc.,
PETER NOVAK, OF MAIN street; Spet'USLtlS, US pil"V10UM> al'lll'U-
uieu, uui win L'ngdge ,ni oquuily
chairman in charge Of the af- SHERIFF'S SALE in Block 9 35) feet to the old property line;
John Horvath, oi Crows Milt fair. thence (3) North seventy-six de-
road; and Stephen Szel. of Hope strong team, inu rords l-utms MIDDLESEX COUNTY COMMON Lots 1 and 7 in Block 16
Lots 1 to 6 inc., in Bolck 16 grees three minutes (76° 3") East
lawn, spent Friday visiting win play tne fords hciitibles in A HOME SOCIAL AND CARD PLEAS COURT Between
u prL'iuninary game WHICH IS Lots 1 to 5 inc., in Block 17 one hundred (100) feet; thence (4)
friends in Paterson. party will be held March 7 at WALTER LEWIS, Receiver of I,, | , , , , , „ . » i h . i i r i i i i i n
. t • » siaied to begm at 7:31). M:u Vi- Lots 1 to 5 inc., in block 18. South thirteen degrees forty-six
the home of Mrs. Chester Bie- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Hie N i l A Ciiimuiiiri * 1 1
A i h i"i>fy minutes (13° 48") East one hund-
oid Moore is general ctiuirman glecki, of Fiat avenue. The pro- AND TRUST COMPANY of The approximate amount ofcthe
MISS EMILY TERKO, of Ham- Miiiiril. M i - . K m l l y N i w . l l H l n l r red eighty-one and sixty-seven
oi the ailair and is being assisl- ceeds will be used for the bene- judgment to be satisfied by said
Woodbridge, New Jersey, Plain-
ilton avenue, is confined to her mill k i ' i ' p f o n s i n n i T s i i i l v l s c d (in one hundredths (181.67) feet to
home.suffering from an attack LQ oy Miss Helen Miller, Miss fit of St, Cecelia's church. tiff, and WOODBRIDGE REAL- sale is the sum of Four thousand
(. atiienne Java and Miss L. V. Blue silk crepe fashions this ninety dollars ($4,090,00) together l i i i r p r l c c - i i i m l i n i n l l t y » ' 1»nA, the point or place of Beginning.
of influenza. TY COMPANY, a corporation,
Meier. The Co-Kds will use becoming frock worn by Astrld with the cost of this sale. l» s h i e l d t h e m f r o m coiii^rR The approximate amount of the
ft * * 4 * *
tiu'ir regular hne-up consistinji Allwrn, film actress. Raglan AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW J. DUNIGAN, Defendants, Fi. Together with all and singular Mi-- Illiili- suec-i>(>il« Iho late decree to be satisfied by said sale
MR. AND MRS. STEPHEN CON ol Moore and Jugo, forwards, »leeves. caught into a buttoD«d will be presented by the Par- Mrs Mary Hunisey is the sum of Three Thousand One
the rights, privileges, heredita-
F a v for the sale of premises
way, of New York, spent the Miller and Maier, guards; Fess- cuff, form an outstanding fea- ish Players of St. Cecelia's Hundred Nineteen dollars (|8.U9.
church, on March 16, at the dated May 16, 1934, ments and appurtenances there-
past week-end visiting at the :er at center, md hotding Marie ture Crystal rings hold a self- By virtue of the above statedunto belonging or in anywise ap- GIE BOGNAR and MARTHA 00) together with the costs of this
''Home of Mrs. Beatrice Richley, Lallanan anil M.mon Suvny in fabric belt In plae«, the '«am« Pershing avenue school. Dan- pertaining.
cing will be held after the per- Writ, to me directed and deliver- BOGNAR, his wife, Defendants. sale.
of Main street. i eserve. idea being carried Into effect on ALAN H. ELY, Fi. Fa. for the sale of mortgaged Together with all and singular
th» shoulders. Two Ibvtrtod formance. Hev. William Brcn- ed, I will expose to sale at public Sheriff.
* * « « premises dated January 24r 1935. the rights, privileges, heredita-
"kick" pleats add fullness to the nan, pastor of the church, is vendue on EMIL STREMLAU,
By virtue of the above stated ments arid appurtenances (here-
formerly of Fairfield avenue, Hornsby avenue and Royal An- skirt $29.40 writ to me directed and delivered unto belonging or in anywise ap-
• • • i DAY OF MARCH, A. D., 1938, 2, 2; 3, 1-8-15,
ore now residing in Highland derson, ol L'row's Mill road, vis* 1 will expose to sale at public ven- pertaining.
ited mends in Woodbridue, A CARD PARTY WILL BE held at two o'clock, Standard Time, in ALAN H. ELY,
I Park. tomorrow night under the aus- the afternoon of the said day, at due on
• • • • Tuesday. ENROLLMENT STARTS pices of the Veterans of Foreign the Sheriff's Office In the City of SHERIFFS SALE WEDNESDAY, THE TWENTIETH Sheriff
son avenue and Miss Marion MISS GRACE MATHIAJ-ON, OF
FOR CITIZEN'S CAMP Wars a t ' their headquarters on New Brunswick, N. J.
the Lincoln Highway. Prizes
All the right, title or interest of HUNDRED THIRTY-FIVE $31.50 Solicitor.
Lightner, of Perth Amboy, were J'Uth street, visited at the home will be awarded for high scores defendants, Woodbridge Realty NAR Complainant, and GEOR- at two o'clock, Standard Time, in 2, 2; 3, 1-8-15.
New York shoppers, Monday. * ol mends in Brooklyn recently. NEW YORK.—The annual en- and refreshments will be served.
* • • • rollment for the Citizen's Military
Training Camps will begin today,
MR. AND MRS. HENRY KISS, MISS HELEN MILLER, OF Max- with vacancies available for 1,- PARISH NIGHT, FOR THE AD-
and son, Henry, Jr., of Hamil- well avenue, who has been con- ults of the church, only, will
ton avenue, attended a theater fined to her home for the past 915 young residents of New York, be held March 5, at the Parish
performance in Elizabeth, Fri- lew weeks sutienng a severe New Jersey and Delaware? it was hall of St. Cecelia's church, Dan
attack of grippe, is able to be announced at headqutrters of the O BRING our FoundVi Month of Salts to a r*ol imath-
• •


• « about again. Second Corps,
on Governors Island.
Area, U. S. Army,
cing will be held. All those wish
ing to attend are asked to leave
their names with the pastor.
T ing finiih, we're offering this gr»a| nion«yiavin9
19c SAIE. Take advantage of ill STOCK UP TODAYI
old. of Amboy avenue, enter- UK AND MRS. S. W. FOX, OF Already many volunteers be-
tained friends from Elizabeth Ford avenue, attended a party .ween the ages of 17 and 24 years A BIRTHDAY *PARTY, IN HON-
and Rahway on Wednesday. given, by Mr. and ' Mrs. John have requested application blanks or of Mrs. Elizabeth Moscarelli,
• • » • Hunt, of Woodbrldge, Thurs- but places in this Summer's of Middlesex avenue, was held Eight O'clock Coffee
day. camps will be assigned strictly in Monday night at her home.
MRS. JACK GOLDEN, OF South foiMOSA-ooiom Sib.
f • • «
the order applications are filed at Supper was served Snd dancing Nectar Tea MIXID
River, spent Monday visiting MISS MARGARET SKRKO, OF Governors Island and inoculation was held. The guests were: Mrs.
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- Santa Brinkman, Mrs. Helen HICKHV, m u t u m
Mary avenue, and Joseph Mus- and vaccination completed. OOID MIDAL tr CfMSO1A )H It
ka, of TottenviUe, spent the Those who apply after all Pherigo, Mrs. Mary Nestor, Mrs.
SHERIFF'S SALE past week-end visiting relatives camps are filled will be notified
in Passaic. they are alternates," the official
Johnson, Mrs. Icker, Mrs. Lucy
Kane, Mrs. Elizabeth Janke, Del Monte Pears .
IN (J11ANCERY OF NEW JERSEY — Mrs. Florence Moscnrelli, Miss felt.
Betwueu WALTER LEWIS, Receiver
of tlie Fist National Bank mud Trust
Army announcement explained.
"Those alternates who complete
Kitty Braniff, Mrs. Josephine Del Monte Pineapple
Company of Woodbrldge, N. J., MR. AND MRS. HANS PETKR- Schwarz, Mrs. Elizabeth Mos-
Complainant, and MICHAEL BAR- st'n and children, Katherme, Ed- the inoculation and vaccinations, carelli, Frank Moscarelli, Mrs. DEL MON1E or 5UNSWIIT 3 Ib. pig.
TOS and TEREZ BARTOS, hit w l h , nu, John, Bernard, Rita, Wil- will be 'preferred alternates.' AH Peterson, Mrs. Murray, Mrs.
nt als., Defendants, Ft .Fa. for Vat
sale of mortgaged premise! dated bert and Robert, of Ford avenue alternates are urged to complete Engle, Mrs. E. Coffey, Mrs. M. Maple Syrup *NN not
January 21. 1936. attended a party given in hon- the inoculation and vaccination Coffey, Mrs, Edna Knapp, Mrs.
By virtue o( the above stattid w i t or of Mrs. Marie Peterson, of and become 'preferred alter- Mickler, Mrs. Maio, Mrs. Hamp CROttE I M.ACKWEU
to me directed and delivered I will ex-
Keasbey, recently. nates."' ton, Mrs. A. Zirwes, Mrs. F.
pom- tu Hulg ut public veodue on lib.
Crosby, MT«. R. Twitchell, Mrs.
DAY OF MARCH, NINETEEN WOODBRIDGE Meeker and Mr. Peterson. Marmalade
MISS HELEN BUNDY, OF Mary * * * * * *
at two o'clock Standard Time in •avenue, was the overnight guest Lake Shore Honey
the afternoon of the said day, at the of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Szac, A SON, WAS BORN SATURDAY I A I K Y N . T . STATE
Sheriff's office, in the City ol New MISS ANNA SMITH AND MISS
Brunswick, N. J.
of Highbridge, recently. to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson
Catherine O'Niel were the Apple Sauce ANN FAOE BRAND Whole Milk Cheese l i b .
ALL the following tract or parcel of Christensen, of Willry street, at
guests at a theatre party, Sun-
of land and premised hereinafter par- MASTER JEROME GOLDMAN,
ticularly described, situate, Jylng and
the Perth Amboy General hos-
day. Cut Beets KWA HAND tan Sunsweet Prune Juice bot.
of New Brunswick avenue, en- pital.
Broadcast c r ° Hash
being In the Township of Woodbrldge * * * * * *
In the County of Middles** and State tertained a group of his friends * * « * Fancy Pumpkin
of New Jersey. at a George Washington party MR. AND MRS. A. M. HAGEN, THE COMPANIONS OF THE
Forest, Forestors of America,
BEGINNING at the corner formed
by the Intersection of the Weflterly
Friday. The rooms and table of Grove avenue, were the din-
will hold a dance tonight at the
Encore Spaghetti Jlrv* fin Tomato Juice . taffi V oi. con Eagle Condensed Milk
line of St. JaraeB Avenue with the were attractively decorated in ner guests Sunday of Mr. and
Harding avenue firehouse. Mus U 01.
Southerly lino of drove Street; run-
ning thence (1) Westerly, along th«
red, white and blue. The favors Mrs. A. L. Long, of Colonia.
ic will be furnished by Mark) Sultana Red Beans <»>«„ Vegetable Soup College inn .U bat
were miniature lollypop Martha
Southerly line of Grove Street, 40 Rapacioli's orchestra, from Jer-
feet; tlitiice (2) Southerly, at right and George Washingtons. MISS LOIS WILLSEY, OF CRAN
sey City. Tickets may be obtain- Sultana Kidney Beans - Pillsbury's PANCAKE FLOUR "•". Rajah Salad Dressing pint
angles t» Grove Street l(K) feet; thence Games were enjoyed and deli- ford, visited her sister, Mrs. Irv-
ed from any member of the
(3) aguln Westerly parallel with Grove
Street SO feet to a point In the West-
cious refreshments were served.
The' guests were: Shirley, Leon
ing J. Reimers, of Maple ave- circle. Peas SOAKED, DRIED . , , itflri Flako Pie Crust • pk«. T u n a F i s h FANCY WHITE MEAT m.<j<a»
erly line uf Lot No. 8 on map herein- nue, over the week-end. ARIOWROOT
after mentioned; thence (4) again and Manfried Spitzer, of New- • » • • Simmon's DESSERT Baker's Cocoa Sockeye Salmon FANCY "'
Southerly, ulong the Westerly line of York; Bernard and Leonard MR. AND MRS. GEORGE FOX, PORT READING H Ib. eon
Lot 8, 28.77 (eel to a point, which said
point is the Southwesterly corner ol
Deutsch, of Perth Amboy; Mr. of Washington, D. C , spent the
Samuel Meyer, 61 Newark; Hel- .week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. MISS GERTRUDE COOPER, who j
Four Season Salt ( J Ib. pkg. Ann Page Ketchup 8 ,:. bonl. Alaska Red Salmon .OK,.
Lot 8; thence (5) Easterly, parallel
with Grove Street, 120 feet to the en Shenick, John Varga, Manuel
Weg.erly line of St. Jamel Avenue; Tasko, Leo Hutchinson and
J. Fox, of Freeman street. has made her residence in New Ammonia au«.rciouo' Duryea's Corn Starch * Fancy String Beans UAVD Z
'thence 18) Northerly along the Welt • » • » ark, spent the past week-end
Lorraine and Harry Fedderson, r*
erly line of St. James Av«nua 148.77
feet lu a point. of Fords.
he high school at Painted Post,
John Cooper, of Cliff Seminole Tissue rait Yukon Club Fancy Succotash A S P
Being known as all of Lot 10 and
the moHt Southerly 28.77 feet of Lots
N. Y., visited her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Kaus over the MR. AND MRS. SALVATORE
* * * Lifebuoy Soap . . LUX M l AU rtMI LAUNMMN9 Knox Gelatine .
8 and U, Block 4, on Map of Wood- MISS MARY YOROSZ, of KEAS-
bridge Manor. bey, was the recent dinner week-end. Martino, of Woodbridge avenue, Lux Toilet Soap , Quaker Oats . . fomttp lilt
Said premises also known at 17
guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Leh- spent Sunday visiting relative
Qrove Street and known as No. 222 St.
. James Place.
The approximate amount of the d«-
man, of Second street. LEGAL NOTICE in New Brunswick. Your Choice Your Choice Your Choice

cree to be satisfied by uald sale li tha MR. AND MRS. MICHAEL Sczak SURBOOATE'8 COUBT
mm of Six Thousand One Hundred of Crow's Mill road, were New

Thirty-two Dollars 1*6,132.00) together NOTICE It) CBUUITOBS.
with tli» costs of this gale.
Together with all and singular the
rights, privileges, hereditament! and
York visitors Monday.
! * * ;k *

appurtenances thereunto belonging or MR .AN DMRS. RALPH PETER-

* *
of EDWARD K. CONE, deceased, by
I. Mann & Son
In anywise appertaining. sen, of Summit avenue, motored direction of Frank A. Connolly, Sur- -OPTOMETRIST*—
ALAN H, BLY, to Atlantic City where they rogate of the County of Middlesex, ;tW;-:,-:J?* 7• -vW
Sheriff. hereby gives notice to the creditors of
. BMIL STREMLAU, visited friends, Thursday. the said Edward K. Cone, to bring In
41; 2; 16. : . ; 8; 1, S.
Subscribe to the Leader-J our »nJ
their debts, demands and claims
iiRainst tn« estate of the said deceand,
under oath or affirmation, within six
months from this date or they will be
Hours: Daily 10-12, 2-5, 7-8 Rose Rice . 5 (or
Wednesday 10-12 only Bulk Pea Beans . . . it.
forever barred of any action thertfor
iigalrmt the said KxecutorB.
Dated, February 18th, 1986
Tel. P. A. 4-2027 Ifellow uwm SOAP I<»B.
CHOCOLATE • Hlb. barlO c Thtst Yaks an for tbclM-bd Onlyl
5 HOURS OF YOUR TIME Instant Postum . , e«. «n 42« l
Juicy 51b. ftf.
Bag Z.<J
dtponding on
HOUKS—2 to 9 P. M. Log Cabin Syrup . i2«.s&e19c Winesap Eating Apples ib. 5«
LL types of stage dancing, musical comedy, ecceu-
tric, rhythm, soft shoe, military, stair dance,
buck and wing. Beginners, advanced, adults, child-
Grape Nuts Flakes . >Pkfl.l0« Fresh Green Peas . 2 ibs. 19<
ren, class lessons 25c. Special rates for routine and
private lessons. Maxwell House Coffee ib. tin 31< Fresh String Beans . 2it». 19«
la The Good Old Days All (be latest Hleps in webri Dancing GUARANTEED—The
School of Modern Dancing has developed MI entirely new meth-
od of teaching, which f<nsble§ anyone to become quickly, *
Wh«n bicycles were four feet tall and tho popular interesting partner.
theory of evolution was beginning to rock
the world? Oddly enough, bicycling is si Carroll & Dubay School of Modern Dancing
thoroughly modern tport in new guise, of 101 MAIN ST. Phone 8-2180 WOODBRIDGE
course—and in certain circles, evolution
is still regarded as subject for controver-
sial discussion. Some things just don't
change—«nd neither has the fact that
the only way to learn financial independ-
Tnt FinMf Long bland Affords


alrmU (Dmnptmg Boneless Brisket Beef MfSH OK COHNtD .
Fancy Frankfurters
OT L Q m D WHOU ib19< Fresh Fillet COD AND HADDOCK . .
Member Federal Reserve System
Plate or Navel Beef mm *«»«>' Fresh Codfish Sttakt FANCJ . . *.!*
Maple & Fayette Sti. 4—8800

News Of Interest To All
- «i i * i IIn Senior PUy Seniors To Oiler
Mothers' Club To [iedy as Annual
Urge Crowd Expected To Witoeu R O S m SuroN O D A Y Place Book Cases|
First Production Ot Legion Band Thy u Production
.Society ol Si ..lames' iliurcli, will In Kiddies' Wards
Unit At W. H. S. tomorrow Night milu u tociiil, lor itk'
uruy, next Monday IURM at SV
James audilonum ai H o'docK Interesting Program Held at
sis tonifthl »t Ilic We
iKii bciiool auditorium at

Mrs. John H. Concannun is genci Mooting Monday After- 0 tmuk toi the presentation «i
, b Bui C"«h • ! ind Rt»u» - JUny Well ul chairman in charge of arrange noon. — Next Meeting to heniur class play,

^fera.ww*-— Be Held March U At yi'iii will be "Growing

Assisting on the committee are Home of Mrs. Reimers. uni lehearsals by tne
Mrs. John Matter, Mrs. John Pow nave muleied the comedy a 1
ers, Mrs. Andrew Ruska, Mrs. J, WUUUUK1DGE. — Mrs. E. H. ly inuslii'tl product wortny t
Brady, Mrs. Nathan Patten, Mrs Hoynton, of Red Bank, councilor sciiUitiun mi the legitimate
Henry Miller, Mrs, Hugo Ueis, iUiv Mulliers' Club was picsenl 'Uruwing I'ains' is u thr.
McDEDE TO BE CONDUCTOR Mrs. Thomas Gerity, Mrs. Frank ut ;t meeting ot the group held cuinvdy ol adolesence dealing '
S. Mayo, Mrs. William Whalen, Monday afternoon at the home of George und Terry Mclntyre
"-" «' Mrs Mrs Harold Van Syckie, of Tia- nnd themselves entranced by
iliilc plimc. Mrs. BoyntOn gave an ldeu of growing Up.
inspiring message. Dancing will be held in the (
after the performance. Music 1
Tht club had decided to place be furnished by the Knights
book-cases in both the boys' and Melody. The complete cast
girls' wards of the Perth Amboy characters is as follows:
(jenenil Hospital and Mrs. Van George Mclntyre —
uermoH, mm. .»-—» — Syckle reported progress in this Campbell; Mrs. Mclntyr Mrs. Irving J. Reimers gave Ferbel; Prof. Mclntyre-
Hugh Qulgley, Mrs. Mary Kenna, the final report of the recent
Mrs. Mary Catalano. WOODBRIDGE Kaci; Terry Mclntyre—Ruth i
Valentine dessert bridge held at ling; Brian—Earl Nicklas, I
the Deai e»™ >»~~-
MANY ATTEND ISEUN the home of Mrs. Leon McElvoy
to raise money for the school milk A oSACRED

Thomas Feeney; Omar—
0 '.|Kosinszki; Dutch-Elmer
Mayor August F. Qrelner will- A. beisen, I . Uerity, J. Walsh, .PUBLIC CARD PARTY William Fauble fund.
All three papers which oceu given Sunday night at 7.4» o i ^ P a uerson,-Alberta
act as interlocutor and will wel- ju. Uenty, M. Dunigan, T. burKe, picu lii'j progrum ot the alter clock at the First Congregation- Elsie ranerson-•"•»"•" " — T T T
E l s i ( , p at terson~ Lillian
come the assembly atter an open- A. Anderson, A. MinKler, W. Gad ISELIN.—Scores of prizes were
ing tableau. The end men and the CK, j . liaaek, H. McCorty, S. Mes- won at a card party held Monday
numbers they will sing are as fol-san, fc. Anderson, K. Baldwin, W, night at the Harding avenue fire-
Novel Costumes and Scenery To Be noun inuvt'U unusuully good mu-
lenal lor uiscussion. Mrs. Albert
al church
church byby tthe Totowa male Jane-Ruth
chorus of Peterson. The chorus eMerrill;laide
Stern; MWarn-JM£
Hamed; P.t y - ^ * *
A guestr-Evelyn

Used In Minstrel Show and Revue1

rianstn reviewed the iirst, "Learn consists of thirty voices and W. Prudence Darling-Lillian W :
lows: Shay, J. Mesics, T. Campion, W. house under the auspices of the ing tu Be Kriends;" Mrs. G. G. C. Barbour is the director. The man; Sophie-Kathryn HoUaOt>.r
Norman Goldbeck. "College tarn T. Murtagh, 3. Levi, A. Lady Foresters. Mrs. Raymond Houmson, the second, "New Mor
Rhythm," Henry Anderson, "The njcuinan, J. O'Brien, H. Dunham, Grogan was awarded the door lcr OiU," and Mrs. O. T. Fras-
Man on the Flying Trapeze"; Ed S. Bodnar, R. Janni. prize, A cake donated by Mrs.
ward Haulse, "Just Once Too Oft- Following the performance Hauschild was won by Mrs. Luna
Sponsored By Hungarian Units Here the last, "Should a Boy Have a
en"; Walter Stahl, "Recitation;" dancing will be held in the gym and a home-made quilt donated
Mrs, Boynton presided over the
Fred Wltherldge, "Dinah;" Jack nasium, The orchestra will be by Mrs. Fredericks was won by
To B* Presented At Parish Hall of Our Lady of Mt, Carmel most attractive tea table while
Boos, "They Go Wild, Simply Wild composed ot ten members ol the Joseph
Over Me."
itvt soloists ol tne evening m liam McDede.
Gamble, of Green street.
band under the direction of Wil- The non-players' prize went to
Mrs. Mary Nestor, of HiUcrest
Church Tuesday Night, March 5. — John Turk To Be Mrs. Cedric Ostrum and Mis. D.
Harry lord were the hostesses ol
Interlocutor. — New Formation To Be Used In Minstrel the day. [PORT READING NOTES
dude, u n e l Lampion, "liny fing- Those who will act as ushers Prizes in the various games
—Several Skit* Planned. Trie next meeting, .will be held w u m TOMB L . »« £
erprints,' accompanied Dy i. tor the performance are: Mrs, C. were awarded as follows: March 11 at the home of Mrs.
uuclian, cornetist; bugene Bird, WilUam Messick, Mrs. C. Netley, Bridge: Miss Agatha Schmidt WOODBRIDGE.—Glittering costumes and novel see Reimers in Maple svenue,
"When Irish Eyes Are Smiling"; Mrs. Frank Montecalvo, Mrs. Les- Mrs. Francis Breen, Carl Brink' nery have been secured for the minstrel show and re
WilUam LauriUen, "Love In ter Crane, Mrs. John Van Decker, man, Mrs. Joseph Rapacioli, Gar
bloom"; Ann Cinkota, "Old Spin- Mrs. Stephen Bishop, Mrs. John fiald Grogan, Raymond Grogan vue to be sponsored by the Hungarian Catholic Club and
SENAMH Rahway, visited her parents,
Uttfiiu L.VUW, NINE-YEAR- Mr. and Mrs. John Rubanch, 01
ning Wheel"; J. J. Keating, "I'll Sodality of OufLa'dy of"Mf. Carmel church, at the Parish THE SEWAREN old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Lee atreet, on Sunday.
Mrs. O'Connor /and Mrs. SiiHhmn Club Int., met Tuesday night at
Take You Home Kathleen." and Leon E- McElroy is general hall on Amboy avenue, Tuesday night, March 5. William
Pinochle: Mrs. Engel, - Mrs
Nicholas Demintra, "Hands Across c h a C a n o£ the atlair and he ta Janke, Mrs .Moscarelli, Gus Hut' Faubl, director of the show, declares that he took a recent the Motor Boat Club. H. D.. Zullo, of Woodbridge avenue, is MISS CATHERINE QUINN, 0 *
Clark presided at the short confined to his home with a Woodbridge avenue, spent Sun-
The Table." being assisted by Thomas F. Kath teman, Kitty Branifl, Mamie Cof trip to Newark and New York and secured costumes that business session in the absence fracture of the left Leg. He was day in New York.
The Revue numbers will include and C. William Messick and the fery, Edna Knapp, Charles Dubc, of both president and vice pres- struck by a car driven by Mrs.
the following; Specialty, Ursala following sub-committees: will be the "talk of the town". ident. A social hour was held. Ellen Hagan, ol Carteret, on MISS KATHLEEN DOODY, OF
Mary Segain, Mrs. L. Hampton,
Downs, Muriel Clausen; Windy Tickets: Frank Montaealvo, Mrs, Johnson, Mrs. Twltchell, Mr. Jefan Jefan Turk,
Tune, oi ol oc»<u»>,
Sewaren, rproml-, • « • » Monday. Momstown, spent the week-cftd
Willy, Instrumental specialty, c h l E a n ; G. Tooker assistant Murley, Lester Fredericks, A. lit- nent in social . . and
- _ J political
.^miPBi circles
circles! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
member!) ot the band; Domestic chairman, C. Clausen, C. Nesley, wes, J. Crosby, Edward Coffery, I in the Township, will be the inter- Tobak, Andrew Uarcellona, Frank THE SEWAREN HISTORY Club VEtU'tninu IS IN READ1-
will hold its annual card party EVERYTHING Edward Doody, of Clift road.
Mountaineers, Dorothy Langan, ac j KaTen and D. Winters. Mrs. D. Faulks, Vincent Grogan, locutor and Emery Hack will have .Chaney, Stephen Kun, Mary Chan- Monday, March 11, at the home ness for *— the card party to be
William Lebeda. held Monday night, March 4, MISS KATHRYN TONER, OF
companied by Nicholas Langan, Advertising: Milton AusUn Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. C. Peterson charge of the musical arrange- lev.The Memecs, Elizabeth Lazar
endmen will Include Bela of Mrs. George Stillwell on at the Democratic headquarters
Thomas Langan and Michael chairman and *!*"?<;. Igrt, Mrs. F, Murray, C. H. Peterosn Woodbridge
W d b i d g e avenue .spent
spent Sun-
Smoyak; Melody Four, Nicholas assistant chairman; Charles Can Mrs. A. Nuntha. ments. Szabo, Lawrence Rakk, Stephen Cliffwood road. by the T.UI..J
Third Ward
« ; „ , , , 'Ladies
l, a( J( e5 i day, visiting friends in Eliza-
Demintra, Peter Mortsea, Stephen nata, Lester Crane, Jcta * f t The complete program is as fol-Muter, Joseph Ruskai, Anne Cle Democratic Club. A large assort beth.
Rummy: Mrs. Muiu, Mrs. Mich- ments, and Marlon Ruskai. MRS. CHARLES WISWALL, OF ment of prizes have been col-
Mortiea and John Duluiski; "Pro- Charles Kuhlman, Axel C. Jen- er, Margaret Davis, Mrs. Luna, lows: Wilmington, Del., is visiting Mr.
fessor Kaknuckle's Moosick The soloists in the minstrel will lected. Refreshments will b > MRS. STEPHEN HUTNIK, OF
Mrs. Lake, Me. Breen, Mrs. Mas- Parti be; Joseph Puskas,
" ••-'— Helen.
Union and
and and tyre. H. B. Clark, of Cliff served after the games. Miss
School." Prof. Kaknuckle; John "A School Session in Hungary' \ Ethel Chaney, Gus Makay. and road. Woodbridge avenue, spent Bun-
tandrea, Mrs. J. Breen. , Laura Gurney heads the com day visiting relatives in South
Boos; scholars, D. Winters, C. William McDede, H. Tooker, | with M. Varsany as'the professor Mary Lazar.
Winter*, C. Nesley, W. Mustek, F. Natoli, C. Williamson. Fan-tan: Mary Cullinane, Tom mittee, supported by a capable Amboy.
B. Szabo, S. Muter, Gus Makay The committee in charge is as MR, AND MRS. JOHN De VAULT committee. The public is invited
Yuro, J. Biaga, J. Williamson, G. Arrangements, Thomas Kath, Bird. J. Puskas, Frank. Chaney and *I follows: of Washington, D. C, are the • • •
Tooker, P. Buchan, W. Stahl, C. Bunko: Robert Nestor, Mrs. [Ruskai, as the students of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. to attend. MISS ROSE SCUTTO, IS CON- I
Cannata. Sheety, Eugene Beecher, Mrs. W. "The Gumps", with J. Masko Rev. V. Lenyi, honorary chair- of West avenue.
man; Frank Chaney, general chair MRS. JAMES WACKER, OF Perth valescing at her home after a I
The ladies and gentlemen ol Price, Francis Johnson, Mrs. Bar- wiU, and Emery Bacsoka. tonsil operation. • -
the chorus are: Freda Miller, rett, Agnes Argondizzo and Eliza- man; J. Ruskai, assistant chair- • Amboy, was the Sunday guest
"Eccentric Dance", with Bela man, assisted by John Tobak, An- T H F (-VW^BFJ!, P J R V N T T F A r M of Mrs. Mary Samons, of First THE PbAY, "THE ROAD BACK" I
Margaret Dalton, Veronica Mc- beth Romano. Szabo, and Julius Dubay. drew Barcelona and Joseph Up- Ters'H ^association JWg^A m .Tuesday
met m j g street. was presented by the Sodality!
Leod, Doris Van Decker, Dorothy afternoon
•• nat
t tthe school andthe
hool and the of St. Anthony's Church tori
Brown, Cynthia Coover, Ruth Kretges Stores To WOQDBRWGB "Three Legged Dance"
Moments, with
"Loose Moments", J. Mas-
wi Johnny k.
h a SP
topic 'Homework" was discuss- MISS DOROTHY GEIS, OF Fifth the church benefit was an out-l
Brown, Gertrude Melder, Lillian ICarroll,ll Julius
kowitz. Jlius Dubay,
Dubay and Ethel There will be dancing after the ed. Mrs. Herbert B. Rankin, pre avenue, underwent an opera- standing success both theatrlcc-l
Monttwlvo, Httan Jatini, Dorothy
McElhenny, Viola Krysko, Jean
and Mary Chaney.
performance with music furnished sided. The principal, Miss Mar- tion for appendicitis at the ally and financially. The spe-
by Kal Kedves and his WBBR or- garet Lockwood, gave a short Perth Amboy General Hospital cialty numbers added much
EUZABETH.—The Kresge De of the Jefferson club will meet
Mott, Grace Mott, Catherine Doj-
partment store of Newark an tonight at the home of Mrs. S. Opening Number, Entire Chorus, chestra chestra. talk on the necessity of home on Monday.
terest to the production «fh
csak, Wilma Bodnar, Mary Bod- B. Demarest on Grove avenue "Pardon My Southern Accent," J J. •• ~— work. Raincoats for the Junior included songs "When
nar, Margaret Everett, Margaret uo'jnced today the second ot i^s Ruskai; i "June
" J n e in January"
January" Mary
Mar I Of AI BOY NAMED police, purchased by the asso- • • » • Eyes Are Smiling" by Vin
at eight o'clock. Members of the L
Habich, Ellen Campion, Margaret series of expansion steps through- committee are: Mrs. Eula Bitz- Lazar; "Some of These Days" S. « « ° . „ , „ „ « „ « « ciation were presented to the THE LOFTERS' CLUB HELD McDonnell and "Dancing
Romond, Doris Elnhorn, Kathryn out northern New Jersey, is ma- el, Mrs. Nathan Duff, Mri. Muter; Hungarian Number, J. Pus ON DEAN'S HONOR school. Plans were made for a their semi-monthly meeting at My Shadow" sung by Miss^ 1
Campion, Marie Bauman, Mary king known that it had leased tor Andrew J. Long, Mrs. James J. ikas; 'Doin' the Uptown Lowdown' » I T nun/NCI card party to be held Friday the home of Mrs. Anne Gallagh- rie Da Prille. A oapaeity ate
Collins a term of years the beautiful Marion Ruskai; "Lonesome Cow- L night, April 26, at the school er, of West avenue, on Thursday ance was present. The Aril
ground space of the Bender Dunne, Mrs. George Mullen,, night.
Mrs. George A. McLaughlin, boy, Gus Makay; "Dont Let It with Mrs. John Turk, Mrs. crats of Rhythm furnished
Building at 1143 East Jersey St., Bother You" Anne Clements; WOODBRIDGE. — Edward A. Russell Solt and Mrs. Samuel J. music for the affair.
I DANCE DA^ Elizabeth .This location will serve Mrs. Morrison Christie, Mrs.
Joseph McAndrews, Mrs. Fred 'Sweetie Pie" Lawrence Rakk; Reisman. of 78 Main street, has Henry in charge.
as a household appliance unit and
Witheridge, Mrs. J. Raymond 'Blue Moon" Helen and Ethel been named on th&Cean's Honor
AUittmt will include the following mer-
chandise: Electric refrigerators, and Mrs. Mary E. Mack. Chaney;
D ll" B
d Give
Gi A Thousand List
ISzabo for the past semester at
Bucknell University, Lewisburg,
Opportunity To electric washing machines, elec- Dollars" B. Szabo.
["Closing Chorus" entire company. > Only Pa. v where he is a junior.
tric irons, vacuum cleaners, rang MRS. W, A. LOCKWOOD, OF students who had made an
Hear es and oil burners. Rahway avenue, attended the Helen Szabo, Mary Meiez, Anna average of at least 85 per cent in
According to Abraham Schindel funeral of her /brother, Irwin Kantor and Vincent Chaney, pu- their studies were eligible for the
Jacques, of New York, at Som- plls ol the Carrol & Dubay school Honor List, which included 33
vice president ot the Kresge de-
ervi'le Tuesday. of Dancing will perform a few Hon juniors.
partment store, the city ot Eliza- dance specialties.
beth was selected because ot its men A graduate of the Woodbridge
e Chus
ladles eand gentlemen of High School, Mr. Reisman is
tremendous growth. Mr. Schin- .the Chorus are:
W w w Brot . WP"}* 8U|e del extends a welcome to every S 2 S Principal of Townstup Irene I Simons, John Dojcsak, studying at Bucknell for the de-
Of tadto •>* citizen of Middlesex County to -s hool, attended the convention Anne Mesics, Anne Sisan Joseph gree of Bachelor of Arts. He is
tod hi* visit the new Kresge location of the National Education asso- Haklar, Mary Csubak, Mary Bicso, editor of his class' yearbook and
when it opens shortly atter March ciation in Atlantic City this John Doros, Joseph Zick, John is active in college affairs.
18 week.


Gardner, Sydney Janofsky and
David Black were recently initi-
ated into the Order of De Molay,
Amerlcus Chapter. After the de-
gree, the members went to the
Gray Log Cabin, where the new
members were the guests of hon-
Preliminary plans have been
made for the anniversary dance Crocuses, yellow and purple and white
which will be held during the lat-
ter part of April, against a carpet of green—daffodils, gleam-
ing gold in the sun—trees and shrubs in a
mitt of green—the song of birds—the
tound of tunning streams—so springtime
flings her charms across the countryside.

That call of outdoors when nature is so lavish with her loveliness—

yet housework cannot be neglected. Meals must be prepared and
served. The house must be cleaned and in spring, more than at any
other time of the year, the homemaker wants her rooms immacu-
lately clean in keeping with the freshness of the outside
Let old time methods go. Replace them with modern -
—' "~u ran Rxact

1 here's Thrill
and Pleasure This year prombe your«.f yo» will have , i » = » ^
Gained and Given by .rime. For a few cent, a da, .lectncty provde. an e t o ,
the voicet that come over which release, you from heavy h o — d d u » . No o t e . . ^
BJIMH. And the telephone-••whether tht boviKhold budget Jives you .0 much for so
SAVH) IS fOWE» from next door or from
ttabvoa? Savings many miles away.

Institution lathing firow 18 IUUM »w»y CMU

only 1 5 c - « nil only 35«-80 ml.
waly tOc^AaywlMn Ut N«w Jenoy.



Just a Thought

Journal After last week's accident at the Green

[Looking Backwards
street crossing, it has been proposed that THROUGH LEADEWOURNAL FILES
first aid squad and ambulance be added to
the local fire department. It has been point-
TAND5 RX2 MONEY, wfTw WHICH March 2, 1934
ed oat that many of the smaller communi- DEBTS ARE Pf\\D, The issue of the paper announced the consolida-
/ l j MMain StrMt,
S , Woodhfldft ties have followed in the footsteps of the tion of the Woodbridge Leader and the Woodbridge
br th* Municipall l'ubliahinf
y, br
Jersey, l'blihi C and Iselin Journals, the "new" paper to be called
.it*. H.
N. J,
J, BnWrw) it the Pott Offiot, U
M neond i l u i mall matter.
larger rities and have established first aid STANDS FOR ORE.FROM WHICH the LEADER-JOURNAL. In making the announce-
squads. MONEY IS MADE ment the management said: "Today is a double anni-
If this proposition w«fit through, the new versary in the newspaper circles in the Township for
An Independent Paper unit would respond to all fire alarms and STANDS FOP "NOfMUCH-WHICH today the first issue of the LEADER-JOURNAL, a
merger of the Woodbridge Leader and Woodbridge
KKFBBSKNTATIfZ* all police accident calls ready to give first WE. HAVE ON HAND and Iselin Journals, went to press and this week, just
HATIONAI. ADVEBTIBIN^ aid and rush -injured i o the hospital. The twenty-five years ago, the Woodbridge Leader came
t n c r l c u Vnu AttocUtln
Xlwuk StbirbM advocates of the plan declare that after into existence."
the police ambulance makes trips carrying
o* ••**< drunkards it gradually becomes unfit to March 3, 1*33
transport the sick and injured. Thomas Dongara, 88, of 8 Holmes street, New
tt'osdbrldg* »-lMt
All that would be required would be an
Brunswick and Ralph Guzzi, 29 of Alexander street,
New Brunswick, were held in$15,000 bail each for
ambulancte at a little over $1,000 and three the Grand Jury Tuesday morning by Judge B. W.
ilN \L
inil woonnnnxw Towmiur additional drivers at the fire house. With Vogel in police court, on the charge of attempted ar-
the additional men, the fire rate in Wood- son. Both men pleaded not guilty. The suspects were
EHuiiuatlon of all fnul* or brklge would be considerably lowered. arrested by Patrolmen John Manton and Albert Levi,
More Industrie*.
This is just a thought given to us. What early Monday morning, when they were found in an
Athletic itadtum. empty, gasoline-soaked house on Ridgewood ave-
New Pennsylvania Railroad do you think about it? nue, Woodbridge.
Sewage disposal system. • • • • • •
y. M, C A. OrganUitlon,
M«rch 4 ,1932
Outdoor swimming pool.
"While Way" itreet lighting
THROWING A police "shake-up" for the "good of th« de-
Public transportation to outlrlne
distrirti. THE SPOTLIGHT partment" was ordered into effect Tuesday by Chief
of Police James A. Walsh. Chief Walsh believes
to. by ELMER J. VECSEY that it is the duty of each man on the force to know
the Township thoroughly and will transfer m«n from
FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 1, 1935 time to time, he said.
TO MY MOTHER » • • • •

And Now What? Helen E. Veotey, who died March 6, 1931

February 1$, 1835 After more than a year and a half of study and
planning the Woodbridge Township Zoning Commi-
* Indignation meetings have been held, a Oh Lord, take her far above th« sion today released its long awaited report, embod-
Citizens committee has been appointed and turmoil, ied in a proposed zoning ordinance, which provides
• tKe Public Utilities Commission has denied Link her to another plane, for the appointment of a Board of Adjustment for the
Free from caret and eridleu wor- enforcement of the zoning ordinance and which di-
. the Pennsylvania Railroad extension of vides the entire Township into five zone designations.
time to begin grade crossing
work in the Township of Woodbridge.
Let her rest in peace again. Contemporary The 1934 Income Tax Law The ordinance will be formally presented to the Town
ship Committee at themeeting Monday. Hearing on
the proposed ordinance will be held on March M,
All very well and good. But it seems to
Rid her of all her troubles, and
From the conflict, give release
Opinion . (By W. H. ROUSSEAU) On sale of capital assets held and March 16.
us that similar action was taken after the Editor's Note: This It one of for more than one year, but not
Fold her in the arms of Mercy a series of three articles ex- more than two years, 80 per cent February 28, 1930
tragic deaths of Harriet Short, and Mrs. Other Jbiditors' ThoughtB plaining: sqjne o fthe Import- of the profit is taxable, and 80
So she well might rest in peace. A fire, of unknown origin, completely degtroxed
Lewis and Jack Humes at the Green street ant provisions of the 1924 In- per cent of the loss deductible
come tax law, u they apply within the $2,000 limitation. the Fords Rod and Gun club cottage on King Georges
crossing. If memory serves us correctly, a You've Jef t below a waiting body, UEGISTEK ALIENS! to r n w i v. the Leader-Jour- 60 per cent applies to assets road, early Thursday morning. The alarm was sound-
citizen's committee was formed at that Sleeping in an earthly bed, Out* Ut ine mass •>: verbiage nal. held for more than two years, but ed at 1:45 A. M. and it took three hours of hard fire-
time and the Pennsylvania railroad was IUHCII jn.othered the public dur- (Part 2) not more than five years.
While her spirit, elevated, ng and ioitowing the ttauptmann fighting to put out the blaze. Fords, Keasbey and
Capital gains and losses is a 40 Per cent to assets held for
ordered to begin work at once. As a matter Lives in regions overhead. trial we tind one editorial wnicn very complicated item in the 1934 more lawn fire companies responded to the alarm.
of fact, the Pennsylvania railroad .is still struck a keynote. It appeared in law. Under this Act a.11 assets are tan 10than yean
5 years ,but not more
. .
Let her hear the strain* angelic me New \orK Herald Tribune classed as: Your tabulation of accidents in
JU pet cent to assets held for
under that order. But postponement after
postponement has been granted. What is
From tome white-robed, mystic
end was capuoned "Why Haupt- ,.* "Capital Assets, regardless of
mann Was ^ossiole." It was inter- how long held, except stock in more intin iu years. Letter to the Edit or the Township is subject to addi-
tions, and I cite two very serious
estingly different. It did not roast trade or property which would be inese percentages do not apply
band, ones which occurred at the Iselin
the railroad going to do now, start work the accused in emotionally Ro- properly included in the taxpay- to corporations, out tney are um- Iselin, N. J. Crossing—one was In April 1028
immediately or back behind skirts of fin- As she wanders through the ether man fashion, but it pointed to the ers' inventory, or property held by ued to the )l,uw loss, plus capital Feb. 25, 1935.and the other in April 1928.
In that dear, quiescent land. dangers of his being in this coun- the taxpayer primarily for sale to gams, except baniu and trust The Editor Leader-Journal.
other writ of certiorari ? try illegally. companies 111 certain cases . Each of these were very costly
customers in the ordinary course Dear Sir:
Keep her in a sacred keeping, It touched upon a question of his trade or business." It would be well tor all of you Your efforts to promote a to the Railroad Company. It is be-
For years this paper has waged an act- taxpayers to know something movement for the elimination oi lieved that these two accident*
which is growing in importance What may be a capital asset to alone cost the R. R. Company
ive campaign for the elimination of grade Lest her waiting soul might That question Is the registration one taxpayer may not be a capi- about this feature of the law grade crossings is well worth ev-
weepj of aliens. The Herald Tribune tal asset to another. wmen is entirely new, as most ol ery- support of all citizens as well nearly hall a million dollars.
crossings, but although promises have been you are liable to run into it at as the travelling public who are I Very tmls, youift.
clearly points out that this coun- Parcels of real estate held by a
made they have never been kept. Town- Give her that well-earned Sacred try is one of the few in the world dealer in real estate are not capi- any time, and for that reason 1 non-residents. ALFRED D. HYT*.
ship Attorney Leon McElroy in a letter to gift lacking the necessary law for the tal assets .while real estate held- shall endeavor to tpve you some Editor's Note: Our UbuUUon of
proper registration and indentifi- by an individual not a denier illustration ol the way it works. accidents Included only those in
the Committee on February 5, 1934 writes: Of happiness in Eternal sleep. cation of aliens in this country. would be capital assets. Let's take some imaginary per- first would give him a deductible which persons were killed. Of
son who is not a dealer in stocks
"Mr. .lames Maybury. chief In charge of (he And when sleep, profund, serene, Our laws are so lax in this re- The same would apply to stocks and bonds, and assume that he loss of $2,600 on an actual loss of course there are scores of other
Bureau of Railroads advised me that the Green spect that criminals of every bonds, mortgages, cotton and many sold in 1934 bonds which he had $5,000 on the two sales combined. accidents In which many were
and Main street crossings were listed In their rec- Tries to bless my tired head, creed and nationality flock to our other items . You can readily see the diffi- seriously Injured.
owned for not more than one year
ords as being In Class A (or elimination. He further
She said she'd come again in shores. It is an asylum far safer All profits on the sale of capi- and that was his only sale of Capi- culties here where a taxpayer has
advised me that the general program for the elim- than any tiny speck in the South tal assets are taxable .according tal assets for the year. If be had many sales of capital assets, which BARS RELIGIOUS PROPA-
ination of crossings was temporarily halted due to dreams Seas which shuns the somewhat to the time held, while losses on a profit of any amount on the sale he has owned for varying num- GANDA
the condition of times I also suggested to Mr.
As I lie weary upon my bed. impractical extradition treaty. sale of capital assets are limited to all of it would be subject to tax. bers of years, and the date ac- Mexico City, D. F—The distri-
Maybury that he take up with the Pennsylvania quired must be given in every bution of religious propaganda
Railroad the question of cutting down the speed of The move for universal finger- $2,000 plus capital gains. If, however, his loss on the sale case. through the mails has been for-
And when that final day arrives, printing is slowly gaining momen- On a sale of capital assets held
the trains." had exceeded $2,000, only $2,000 About 85 million dollars addi- bidden by the government "to
tum. The pub^c is gradually rea- for not more than one year, all would be allowed as a deductible
When I lie at last to rest, lizing that it is for their benefit- profit is taxable, or all loss de- loss. tion revenue is estimated from combat fanaticism and religious
The manner in which the railroad has these changes. prejudice In order to realize the
I shall see my mother's love re- not their humiliation—that such ductible within the $2,000 limita- If he had owned these bonds I spiritual education of the people."
delayed the matter from year to year and a practice is being advocated. The tion. To Be Continued)
vealed for more than two years, but not
month to month is perhaps best brought registration of ahens is equally
out in a speech made by Mr. McElroy dur- As she folds me to her breast. Important.
more than five years only 60 per
cent of any profit would be sub- CTXXXHXXXXXXXXX: • • • • • • • •
* * * '* Elsewhere on this page aliens ject to tax.
ing one of the numerous hearings before are futher discussed. Here it is And only 60 per cent of any
the Board of Public Utility Commissioners Your gentle face and patient smile only expedient to point out the loss would be deductible provided
necessity for a coordinated drive
on Wednesday, May 2, 1934. Mr| McElroy With sadness I recall. on the part of the press to instil Noted tlwloilan 1*71, "B«lUt that amount did not exceed $2,000
Now let's take the same person
said at. that time: You had a kindly word for every- in the minds of the public the im- In tht supernatural Undirs th* and assume that he had two sales
portance of Congressional legisla- promts of man." Not In a
one umittry. of capital assets during the year
\ ''With all due respect to Mr. Apgar, I can un- tion to prevent this country from
derstand why he comes In on behalf of the Rail-
road Company with the request (postponement for
And died beloved by all.
becoming a last refuge for the
criminal and degenerate.
• • * which had been owned for more
than 2 years ,but not more than
Nasls Bieoute Two Wonun— (5 years. That on one sale he
When YOU deposit
one month), but I have already pointed out to If an alien is forced to produce Headline. HltUr teems to to made a profit of $1,000 of which
Your voiqe is mute and stilled thy
Your Honor that this was over two months ago
when we had this conference and if they are given
another month, why, it will be another month, and
his identification card periodically trying to pros he's a food dlo- 60 per cent or $600 would be sub-
and whenever he applies for any tator by showing how he can ject to tax, but on the other sale
license, registers at a hotel or pronounce .sentences.
in this bank
That loved me well and true, he had I a loss of $6,000 of which
before we Know it, it will be two years, moves to a new residence, the * * • 60 per cent or $3,600 is deductible,
"We have a situation in Woodbridge which the Ah, bitter was the trial to part Department of Justice will be aid The New Deal's "managed cur- subject to the $2,000 limitation
-^numerous financial mvicei andiaft-
,;. Township of Wuodbrldgc does not for one minute From one so good as you. ed greatly in tracking down the rency" is nothing new. Married plus capital gains, which means guards become active in your behalf.
I want the Pennsylvania Hailroud to think that we hoodlums now running rampant woinen hare managed their hut' that $2,000 of his loss on the last
' are going to let down on. We are going to hound You are not forgotten, Mother In this country.—Newsdom. bands' for ages. sale ,plus the $600 profit on the
the Pennsylvania liailroitd until some actual \vorU
is done down there.
"They have come through now with their elec
Unification program. Ever since we put this peti-
Nor will you ever be THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME A LL the physical facilities, experience, obli-
. gatioiu, and legal requirement* ofprewnt.
day banking play a part in making your money
As long as life and memory last
tion in—I will admit this work was started beiore secure against low.
'that—their material had been lying somewhere, I will always remember thee.
but within the past month, and following the time HOW'S THIS FoR POETRY? SA* MAW, UWAT'« WRoNG UJITMTHB In your checking account, for instance, cred-
of the filing of this petition, the Feimsylvanla rail- I miss you now, my heart is sore, ' I HEAR-WE SOUNDS QP MuSlC, NELLIE DEAR. ? HE!? ffTAfznp
road went to work and they have rained the sup- ited deposits are immediately available during
As time goes by I'll miss you THOSE MEtODlOUS PIPES OF PAN.THEr pOEf RV AGAIN—TUB KINO O1
port! for the electrification «f that line and they are SOUNDS OF LAUGHING WflTCO? — 5TC-* every business day on presentation of • prop-
now letting the cross beam* preparatory to setting "lore. THAT GETS IN MY HAlR. OO VOUTVtlN erly-drawn check, either by yourself or other
Up that electrification. We welcome the electrifica- IT'S TIN* FoRsoMt SULPHUR AND
tion to Woodbrldijc. We think it U a good thing. Your loving smile, your gentle face duly authorized persons. Outside of banking
• B u t at the same time we feel us If those grade No one can ever fill your place. MOLA9&ES ?
1 premises or hours, your check is ordinarily as
growings should be eliminated.
„" ' "As it stands now the l'emisylvaiila railroad may Sweetly rest thou, Mother dear, acceptable as cash in transacting your business.
oome In and say, we have expended a. lot of money Free from all sorrow, toil and You are enabled to make, or receive, remit*
ta letting these things ti|>, we are spending the
money down there to electrify this system. As 1 care; tances involving distant places.
• laid before, while we appreciate the fact that they May I in your company, someday,
' tft doing that, still and all what we are Interested Sound banking makes then tfrvicw mi
111 more than electrification is the protection of Share with you the glory there! conveniences possible
thote crossings through the elimination of them,
tod I will oppose at this time any move on the part
Of Mr. Apgar to continue to postpone this matter."
So, what happened. The meeting was ad- So vv-heh they continued asking him, he
journed to May Hi, 1934 and a series of lifted up himself, and said unto them. He
postponements lollowwi. As a matter of who is without sin among you, let him first
fact the railroad had just secured another cast a stone at her.
" extension when last week's tragis ac- And again he stooped down, and wrote
cident occurred. on the ground.
Only through aroused" public opinion can
we hope to realize the goal of the elimina-
tion of the crossings. We are too prone
"And they which heard it, being convict-
ed by their own conscience, went out one
by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto
here in Woodbridge to get hysterically ex-
cited when things happen, but alter the
novelty wears off, we crawl back into our
the last; and Jesus was left alone, a n i the
woman, standing in U)e midst.
When Jesus had lifted up himself and
National Bank
smug little shells and are content with our saw none but the woman, he said unto hur,
existence. We only climb out when tragedy "Woman, where are those, thine accus-
to our very door steps to jar us toers? Hath no man condemned thee?"
realieation that death traps exist here. She said, "no man, Lord." And Jeaus
Our officials are doing the best they can, said unto her, "neither do I condemn thee:
Mr. and Mrs. Woodbridge Township it go, and sin no more."—St. John Chapter 8;

Greenwich Village Follies, Stage Presentation atRitz


Willncr Btfry, R o t M l f Hudion «nd Jrinel

in "Th* Mighty Barnum"

STAGE Joan Crawfotil, Clark CiaMe, Frances Dr;ike in

"Forsaking All Others"
llichurd Aden, Mudgo Evans aikl Uulpu Bellamy haw
,he principal roles in -UelkloraUu," slarlmit iialuray ai Ramon Novatro and ['.dward l:\eicu HHUMI in
.he Kitz liieatre, Elizabeth, "The Niyht Is Yiiiintf"

AND SCREEN bainum,' lor UOlh Century Pictures. The screen play,
winch maintains the comedy mooa best suaeu not aione Bammmteiu 11 ami SiginuiHl Uoniberg, creators ol "Des-
10 Biirnum's extravagant exploits, but to Beery s most pop- ert Song" and Ne\y Moon". This is "Live Niglit is Young,"
Joe Penner, star of the stage, screen and radio, will
come to the Ritz Theatre in person for on« day, Friday,
March 8. He will offer as part of his act, the song "Goo-
Coo" as itwas done by him in the movie "College Rhythm"
ular type ol characterization as well, was written by Gene glamorous love story of Vienna, now playing at the llali-
bowler, lamous biographer, and besa Meredyth, one ol way Theatre, and bringing lo the screen the lovely Eng-
Hollywood's ablest scenarists.
tihssa Landi and (jary Grant are co-featured in the
ish. star, Evelyn Laye, as a teammate for Uamon Navarro.
"The Night Is Young" has at last achieved the prob-
leading roles ot i'aramount's "Enter Madam", the come- lem of blending music, drama, comedy and romance into
laat fall. dy ol the hie and loves of tempermental opera stars, a perfect and uninterrupted whole. Its players do not sud- James Barton, brought to Hollywood by Radio after
Greenwich Village Follies which has always been the which conies today to the Liberty Theatre. In this picture, denly burst into song. Us music runs entirely through the :iis appearance in "Tobacco Road," has completed hu
tops on Broadway and will always be the tops of Vaude- which features several scenes Irom actual operas ana picture, every note a vital component part. first film, "Captain Hurricane," which was taken from
ville revues eontes to the Ritz theatre, on Saturday for a rfichard Bonelli and Nina Ko3hetz of Metropolitan Opera Navarro plays a debonair young archduke and, in hU Sara Ware Bassett's novel, "The Taming of Zenas Henry."
lour day run. Featured in the Follies is the well known fame, Miss Landi plays the role of a beautiful and tem-colorful uniform is as romantic as in the days of "Prisoner was niven A favorable reception Iry a large preview au-
comedian, J. C. Flippen; Young, Worth and Wyle, Scream pestuous opora star. She succumbs to Grant's ardent woo- of Zenda." He never sang better. Champagne-blonde Eve- littiice.
Stars in Person; Hall and Dorothy Dixon, the aristocratic ing; they are married, and their troubles really start, lyn Laye brings a piquant new personality, plus beauty
exponents of dance" and the famous 16 Powerettes, • • * *
and a glorious voice, to the screen as the little ballet To the delight of some and the horror of others, it 18
chorus of dancing beauties. STATE THEATRE—Woodbridge. dancer. uinorod that another cycle of jail and crime pictures fa-
The feature picture of the program will be "Helldo- An outstanding program has been booked at the State Practically all border towns are lawless, according il the making, conforming, of course, to the new clean-up
lado", a thrilling new production — a story of youthful Theatre, here, for the coming week, today and tomorrow, to the author of "Bordertown" the Warner Brothers' pro- order of the day. Several scenarios, written by inmatea of
romance and adventure in a desolated "ghost town". For the radio star, Bing Crosby will appear in "Here is My duction, which comes to the Rahway Theatre today and penitentiaries, are being seriously considered
the starring rolo in "Helldorado", Lasky and Cruze chose Heart." The co-feature will be '"The Menace" with Paul tomorrow, with Paul Muni in the stellar role. He speaks
Richard Arlen, Madge Evans hak the leading feminine role. Cavanaugh. Little Freddie Bartholomew, who did so excellentl$_
• * * * of this as "the taint which seems to envelop all boundar-
On Sunday and Monday, A. J. Sabo will show lovely ies." n "David Copperfield," will play the part of Greta Gar- jy
LIBERTY THEATRE—Elisabeth Barbara Stanwyk in "The Secret Bride." Those who en- "Bordwtown" is the story of a young man who grows bo's son in his next picture, "Anna Karenina," which Me- j !|
P. T. Barnum, self-styled "Prince of Humbugs" comes joy airplane movies combined with a good mystery plot up to be a power in his particular part of the underworld. tro plans to produce
hack to a hearty life today at the Liberty Theatre, in the will like the co-feature, "Murder in the Clouds" with Ann The role of Johnny Ramirez seems particularly suited , « * » *
person of Walace Beery, who plays the matchless show- Dvorak. to Paul Muni, suggesting a great similarity to his part in Richard Day, to whom is entrusted t H designing of
man m Darryl F. Zanuck's production of "The Mighty Claudette Colbert, and Warren William in "Cleopat- "I Am A Fugitive from a Chain Gang." settings and backgrounds for all Darryl Zanuck's Twenti-
ra" will be shown onSTuesday and Wednesday.,The inim- In "Bordertown" however, Muni is called upon for a eth Century productions, is in England where he plans to
itable Jimmy Durante and'Lupe Velez will keep you greater dramatic range, since this story has-greater »copev make a study of the latest developments in scenic design
laughing in "Strictly Dynamite." and construction' ! ""• - • • ,
The big days will be n«xt Thursday, Friday and Sat- Kay Francis and George Brent are together in "The • » • * «
urday, when Shirley Temple, the "sweetheart of the Goose and the Gander," recently completed .by Warner Aline MacMahon and Guy Kibee have completed
world," will appear in "Bright Eyes."
Brothers their latest for First National, "Wanderlust."
RAHWAY THEATRE.—Rahway. Edward G. Robinson will play the part of the Liftje
"RuMles of Red Gap" (Para-
Nights of love, days of laughter, and the haunting mount) with Charles Laufhton, Corporal in Warner Brothers' version of "Napolean." Bet-
spoil of romantic Vienna are echoed in the remarkable HAIIWAY. N J Charles Ruigles and Mary Bo- te Davis will portray the role of Empress Josephine
new example of screen entertainment created by Oscar I'MQM land.
This should entertain all type; » * » » -
"Sewiola" (MGM) with Jean
TI4EATUE of audiences .It has a fine humai Charles Boyer will be opposite [Catherine Hepburn
quality, comedy and pathos, hold- "in her latest film, "Break of Hearts," in place of Frances
Parker. ing the attention well throughout Lederer, according to an announcement from RKO-Radio

STATE Not only is this a most unusua

animal picture but it offers ab-
sorbig entertainment. It is primar-
ily the story of "Malibu,"a deer,
and "Gato" puma, reared together
The love interest is mild. The ac
tion takes place in 1908. studios

A Glittering
THEATRE by Jean Parker, who wanted to


glamorous Musical Comtdy prove that under proper sur-
-REVUE today - Saturday roundings these two animals could
FEATURING be taught to be friends instead of


enimies, as they naturally are

"The Nut Farm" (Monogram)

"HERE IS MY HEART" with Wallace Ford, Bradley Page
"Thi Man What Am" Assuisd by Barmy D E A N PLUS and Betty Aldtn.
PAUL CAVANAUGH In A very good human-interest
plut Th* Fam«u>
Sunday - Monday *

Barbara Stanwyck
comedy for the masses, moving
along at a fast pace and holding
the attention throughout. Most of
the comedy is provoked by movie
struck Betty Alden, who imagines
herself a great actress and even
Saturday&Sunday,Mar ch 2 &3
convinces others of her belief. • 19 3 a -
In a M«ltn<)> ol D«ncmg Slogid by i "Devil Dojs of the Air" Warner TOM BKOWN
"Murder in The Clouds" Bros,) with James Carney, Mar- ANITA LOUISE
. With the help of the U, S. Mar- Friday - Saturday
BEAUTIFUL COSTUMf*! Tuesday - Wednesday ine Corps ,Warner Brothers have
BEAUTIFUL CURL*1 produced a spectacular and at PAUL MUNI [ GLORIA

FAMOUS COMEDIANS! CLAUDETTE COLBERT times thrilling air picture. It will | STEWART in
WARREN WILLIAM in appeal mostly to men, however, as
00 "Border- "Night Is
the story is too thin for women Young"
"CLEOPATRA" and the romantic interest is inci- town"
PLUS dental.
llmnUe Durante • Lupe Velet
in "Strictly Dynamite"
Thurs., Fit, Sat. March 1, 8, 9
Shirley Temple
BroadwayFloorShow Katherine Monaghan
I HHiutbetbi N- J-
RKO Vaudeville Headliners!
Ktitlre Week Starting Frl.
2 - SMASH MS - 2 The Beacon
Julius Magyar, IMgr..
Don King's Serenaders
This Fri., Sat., and Sun., Ni
Ralph Mllomy
Jam»s GUaign
Sut. Mld-
Show All Heats
Z5t: After 10:50 V. M.

The Beacon Melody Boys

» • * »
Hinry a.Wallhall Private Banquet Hall To Hire For All Occasions
189 Main Street Tel. 7-1627 Rahway, N J
Dlr*«t«d by )•«"•» Crux* and Cold Sandwiches at all hours
TEL: P. A. 4-2592
Slogan Contest Awards, March 17th
Irregular Lafay*tte Realty Cft- 176
helnf In the Township of Woodbrldge, twenty-two and one-half minutes (46 dated May 16, 1929, and recorded In Lot 16 Isabella Street LaUyetu Kealty C o , . 10.98 18.44
SHERIFF'S SALE tn Hi" (.'utility nf Middlesex and State M'V) eaat two hundred ten (210) feet Book 954 of Deeda, page 111.
nf New JerMy. to the westerly side of the Boulevard: Deed (mm Andro jjzoke and Bertha.
Block 852B
Lot» 1 to 8
Lots 9 to IS
jieulo Avenue
Isabella Street liragoutr
Heaity C o . .
Realty Ci. •
(4) alung the westerly side of hla wife, to Frances Holun. dated
HKUINNJNU ot >.i point foriMd by thenceBoulevard Block SIM) Lot 18 MoOulre Street JtxiOU »a«B Lj*t*jaaUa> Really to.. 1848
» J CHANl'EHY OF NEW .I'lHHKl the Interactlun uf the weeUrly tide of said south (orty-litre* de- March 9, 1981, and recorded In Book
greea thirty seven and one-half B l n - Block VW> LoU 1» to 17 Mcuuire Htreet SJIl
SJxlWIlaoa Heeity C o . . sa.91
, M*een JOHN KOSTVC, i>;«culnr (it the Boulevard with the northerly side uU* (430 87tt> we*t d x hundred 1006 of Deeda, page 448, Block Dual Lot* 1 la • l u r a Avenue HeXJM *aah L4uoyeil* K«aiiy CO. . U.76 Ifc**'
te of lil.l'/AHKTH KO8TY0. uf U|i|»i (Jr«n Street, alao known at eighteen »nd Iwenty-ilx one-htindreths Release from Bllxabeth Kostyo (also 1 motile tfireet Bach Lafayette Kealty Co. . 10,91 14.44
Block 3WH LOU I W M
leirmiil nml AN'UKO S/CKE, the l(,*rl from Inelln to Woodbrldge; (S1B.26) fwt lo the place of beginning. known as Llzabeth Koatyo), to Andto Block toihl Lou 8? W e * U*nlv Avenui Lolayelte Keally Co. . 6L78
'HA SZOKE, liiH wife, et als., Iheiire i l l along the northerly tide of Sioke, dated August 10, 19S1, and re- •ucuutre Wreet Lalayette Healiy CO. . ai.*8 24.91
d t * Vi, l-'n r<jr the *nl(- cjf suit! Orten Street north thirty-lour de- Being part ot the same premises con- corded in Book 4V of release!, page UlocK HUH Lou 44 10 71
LOU l l t l nor a A t u u e Lafayette Kealty Co, . 19.1W
l n i r m h ' j ilnlf.i InnuAry XlTCS fony live anil <m»-h«lf minutes veyed t<> Andro Swlw by deed from 17. UIOCK &M»'
Uaoell* Htreet Lafayette itoaiiy Co. . -*6.47 V.70
Felix Fulil arid wife, dated June 13, The aiiproxltnate amount of the de- BtOdk 8UJf Lots 9 to a lrnii
m (J4 46'ii) ) weat two hundred fourteen Isabella Btreet irre/jmar LafayoUe Heaity Co. . 49.4*
cree to lie aatlafled by aald sale Is the BlOOkHUiT Lot »
','fcf V virtue uf the above slated Wilt, and thirty-nine one-hundrsths (314.- 1919 nnd recorded In the Middlesex •urn of Three thousand eight hundred BlocK UUF Lou 24 to 41 Mciiuire Btreet 26X100 Hach Lafayette MMUiy Co. . iBMtt SS.itf
:t» BH " directed nml find delivered, II will 39) fool ti> the easterly side of an Ave- County Clerk's Office In HIH.U 841 of M»nlo Arenu* 49
irregular Lafayette Realty Co, . IV.iU
expoec to >ale at public vendue on r.ue fifty feel to be laid out by the Deids, page 372 seventy-throe dollar! ($8,871.00) to-
gether with the coata of thit sale.
Block 8KH1
Block UUU
Lou X to 8
LOU 8 U> » McUulre Htreet liTegular Laiayeue Keoliy Co. i*
3H.77 eXfnt
WEDNESDAY, THE THIRTEENTH Flort>n<> Realty Co,, thence (3) alone Excepting »nd reserving thereout Jenenon Street 26X1U0 *iact> Lafayette Realty Co. . 21.W 24.91
DAY OK MARCH, A. D.. 1936 the easterly aide of said Avenue north and therefrom so much thereof as ha* Together with all and singular the Block 86M Lou 31 to 88
ford Avwu* 26X100 lach Latayette Realty Co. . SUB IW.88
• ' two o'clock Standard Time In forty-three degree! thirty-seven and i1 been heretofore conveyed and released rights, privileges, hereditaments and Block 8MH LoU 1 to 8
Mcuulre Btreet
i tllernuuii uf the esid day, at the one-half mlnutea (43 97ft ) tnal flva l.y Instrument* bearing the following appurtenances thereunto belonging or Block 8MH LoU i W M JAxiOU Math Latayetle Healiy Co. - . 2 1 . N H4.V1
"~'T* Oftlcr, In the City of New hundred seventy-five and nine one- dates and recorded In the Middlesex in anywise appertaining. BlocK 862H Lot* 87 10 44 Men'to AvaWi* jtXiW xlach Lafayette Realty Co. . ol.7» V4.IH
•Tick, N. J, hundredth! (679.09) (e«t to the south- County Clerk's Office In the following ALAN H. BLT, Sheriff. Block 862H LoU tt W 71 Jeffenon Httttt 36X100 Kech LafayetU Kealty Co.- 1LW 1L91
AMU the following tract or parcel of ely aide of aald afreet fifty feet to be booka and at the following page*: A. H. ROSENBLUM. BloekUMI LoU 1 U) 8 Ford Arenue IrrefUUr Lafayette Healiy Co. . 84,41 87.19
tt land and premises hereinafter par- laid out liy Florence Realty Co.; Deed from Andre- Bioke and Bertha, 8oUiitor Lot* 9 to 26 MoUulre Btreet irregular LaI*yrtt/> Realty co.. 84.27
ticularly described, situate, lying and thenoa (3) south forty-aix degree* Ills wife, (o the SUte nf New Jersey, i?s»iii - v
U U 26 to 41 Jefterton Btreet UadW Lafayette Really Co, . S*M« 17.44
Block 8UJ Ford Annue 26x100 Daob
Lot 1 Lafayette Keally O*. . 6,47 7.T0
Block 8MA Ford Avenue irregular
WOW 8MB LoU 1 to 4 Latayette Keaiiy Co. . 1«.76 11*9
LoU 6 to 14 Wall Street Irregular Lafayette Realty CO. ,
LoU 1 to 4
Lou 6 to 30
LOU 1 to 8
Ford Avenue
Wall Btreet
Ford Avenu*
xioo Bach
Lafayette Really Co. . 2U.01
Lafiy*tte Realty Co. . 10.W
LaUyetle Keaiiy C O . . 18.76
6,4. IttV
Block 864D
LoU 8 to 18
Lou It to 28
LOU 1 to 8
Wall Street
Heroer Street
Ford Avenue
HxlOO Bach
BX100 teen
Lafayette Realty C O . . 18.76
Lafayette Healiy Co.
Lafayette Really Co. . 2U.U
. 10.W
BloekBMB Wall Street Irregular •),*>
SECTION 53 BlliU* «HIC Lots f to 11 Lalayette Realty Co. . lU,2tl
LoU 84 10 87 Mercer Street irregular
Ford Avenue 36X1U0 alacta Latayettu Keaiiy Co. . 1U»> la.44
Notice 1* hereby given that the undersigned Collector ot Taxes of the lowiisliip of Woodbrtdge, In the County of Middlesex, will bold a puftlto gal* DIUCK BO4J' LoU 1 to 8 Lotayette > itt»uy Co. - It II)
LoU l U l t Mercer Street
at the l a x office, Memorial Municipal Building, Main Btreet. Wovdbrldge, New Jersey, on the 16th day of Maron, 1986, at tw» o'olpek In the afternoon Hudson Btreet Lalayette Really Co. . 18.77 le\le
Jtattern Standard Time, to a»tiel* muiilcwal liens now in arrears. ttiucx LoU IV to X8 3tslM Kaon Latayetia iteoity Co. ,. 18.9X 2l.i»
Lou 1 I O I Ford Avenue
m e (in, ce.« lo ou auiu ar» lia^eu uoiuw, uemg deathbed uy lut and block number as shown on the Township At****ni*nt Map, aud In accordance with Mercer Street Irregular Latayette Really Co. . 1».S8 &04
the last tax duplicate giviug i n . uwtusi • luuue as anown on Uw Uui. u x duplicate, togeUier with tb« total amount due luereon a* computed to July i, law: uioca itoW LoU 8 to 32 Irregular Lafayetu Realty CO. . lv.wt
Hudson Street
Mid respective paiueis u( lonu win be sold to niaw ihe amounts aevsrauy enargeaole against tne same on aald Brat d*a> u u u i y , iWM, aa compuua In saia
lift together with luiereat on aaid amount from nald nrst day at July lo tne daui of sale, and tbe cosis of sale. In a auppumenui column I* Mown 1MB
mock Voiti
Lou 18 to 86
LOU J. t o * Fora Avenue
Hudson Street
irregular Laiayetie Realty Co. . 10.W
Laiayetle Realty Co. . 18.76
**Unial0d paymeut ruumied to avoid sale. bioat eo4H «OU 9 to 18 Latayetie Realty Co. . 18.76 I486
LoM 19 U X* federal Btreet
ttaia parcL-iH will be aold m l e e to aucli persona a* will purchase the same, subject to redemption at the lowest raU of interest, but not exceeding etglu Block ittiri Ford Avenue Lafayette Realty Co. . 10.98 a 44
LoU 1 to 8 imgular
Block «Mi Lou 19 and 30 Hudson Street Irregular LatayetU (tealty Co.- 1U8
Bai'd saToa "will"lie subject only lo municipal lians accruing afur July 1, 1914, Including atMMment* confirmed after that date and 1984 taxes, and to the Bloat toll Federal Street Laiayetie Really CO.. 16J0 17.74
rliht «f Initirested parties to reOneni wltlnn tile time nxed by lew. Uioat «04i iiou 31 to 81 UIg
LoU IB and H i futx Farm Uoad Mt. Olivii cem. Ann 1.40O.M l,6w.oo
* Computed lUUmated Block oof Lalayeue Road SAcre* William .lioloban ..... WU.06
10 AI1UIUUL moat Wtt Lot 1 U.4 ACT**
• dial* Highway Nellla A 8O.II
July 1,11)84 Block *K6 & BW Lot 1 9.87 Aore* 9*M
i.ut a Main Sirwi House irregular
irregular Frank Marty Kiocx »i*A Lot 7
Lot 8
Miadlesex-njesex TunlpU*
Green Street OOlc* irregular
KUa C. Nellson
Harry itouert March . VU.V9
mm W.lHi
IAII 3 mrost House duxiuu
OUXiUU Jonn Uaumeid 0*4*4.86 Block m u Green Blreet irregular
Lut tt Meiuuiw Avenu« Irregular
Irregular Wm. Sanaor 18.IU Ut 9 Harry Itoutri March . 9U.ll/ M.*u
BIOCK 87BA Cooper Avenue Irregular Wm. A. openotr 8H.6S 866,91
Lot 1A aireet Irregular
Irregular MaUUiue ityau iJiyat tttli Irregular
JIIOCH i » l )
Main Btreet IM 24 lo 27 Cooper Avenue 41MT
UlOCt. MHl Lot 4 32 Houses irregular
irregular Ague* lver*on 64&.9V d.O.UU
iiivcit Vint uooper Avenue Irregular
Lot It Mum Btreet HOUN
HOUM irregular
irregular Annie Longan 6kU.i« Loi* 80 oaa 81 Bay ft filif. Cavanagb 4N»JN OWUte
Meiucnen Avenue houi* Irregular Bupoeu iomko . . . . U U 4* and 47 Covper Avenue Irreguuu ClUMO'l 13 ft L AMD 707,10 789.04
Lot 6 hOUM Irregular IaOiana Avenu* Irregular
HOUM BUI* C. 1Selleeo 811*7
Block 2m Lot i Metucheo Avenue House
HOUM Irregular Wood B. * L. A M n , u&io 44».a6 UM u ana w Indiana Avenue lrr*fular
BIOCK a/Ut Tnittai L. Hsnaon ft
MOCK JWA Lot 1 Avanu* lrnaumi
lrreaumi Anarew Urban •JU.HI .• %,««
Block 878C UU 69 to 63 irngujar
Lota 'i and 8 Meiucnan Avenu* HOUM
House ii regular
iireguUr Anarew Uroan 86U.W Bd/.iU Ut 1 Jam** Wlgut 94.28 100.63
f«ya»r Btreel irreguioi' Anarew Uroon xuff i6.»4 Ttioma* L. HanwHI ft
Loi 4
Lots (I and 7 1'eyaar iweet House
irregular Cluaen'i H. * L. Aa* n Jtm.W
Block 978C U u 2 to 4 Indiana Avenu* Irregular Jane* Wlgnt 23117 m.r
-I Tbomsj L. uanaott ft
B10CK aWHJ Lot 8 Avenue irreguioi'
Irregular Wiunnair BftL l u ' i i iu.4i IV, 14 Block 878C Lot* 6 to 26 irnfuiv
KajKu* Avenue HOUM irregular Weitmuur KkL a u n 181.B8 Cooper Avenu* James Wight 22*. 13 340.6*
Lot 4 House irregular 201.77
Block ' Lota 2 and 3 Metucnen Avenue Houee irregular
irregular BUpnan Kcillmen uu.oo irregular Thoma* U Ban*oo ft
irregular Block 878I> Lot 1 Indiana Avenue Jane* Wigbi . . . . . . 94.21 100.K
BIOCK 2VU1I Lots 1 to II Metucuea Avenue irregular Xlu. Kelimaa uaaa
' Block 000 Lot S Ustucnan Avenu* House
HOUM 1 Acre
1 ACT* Qeorge Jaooson tu.iu tti.ou irregular Thoma* 1Lj. iUUUOll ft
Block 378D LoU U to 13 Indiana Aveau* Jam** Wlgnt 8H.61 •8178
Ulock dill Lot 1 Main atreet " Irregular
Irregular Jonn fowori, ci*L Uii.otl
Aniwss uoliow TU* Block 8731> Lot I t ilt*t«ev Thomas 1U HUMW *
Irregular Indiana AvWM 100,61
Block 3(13 Lot 1 and 2 Main Street Office and Shop
Shop Irregular ana Clay u>. 311.IW Junes Wight . . . . . . •121
BLOCK Mi Lot 1 Main aireet irregular Jcun Fewer* Jiiff Ul.m Block 8?8i> LoU 18A te 87 RI3g*ley irregular Thomas 1^ uan»M ft
Block 8Wi Lot 1 Sireet 8.17
S.17 Aore* Ann*** Hollow Tile Janm Wlgnt wS<*il
ana Uoy Co m.79 Block 878U U t 88 Irregular TnoDa* 1U. HSDNBi ft
Howell Avenue H«tt*e
HottM Irregular Jowpil totna w.W Hldgeley Avem« Jamas Wlgnt 2618 21 Ul
Block 30!<K Lots 186 and 167 74.BO
Ann*** HoUovr Til* Block 378D U U 88 to 68 Uragular Tbottaa 1L cianaon ft
Street . Irregular and Clay c o 29.99 Cooper Avenua Jaiota Wigm 41*40 484.81
Block 30SK Lots 108 and 169 88.80
Ann*** uoliow Tils Irregular P A
P. 4 .B
H ftA L All'n . . «tUX7
Block 373B LoU 17 and 18 Ridgeley Avenue H*u»e
ulock MftK Lot 170 Street Irregular and Clay Co 10.00 12.44 U i * 41 lo 6s imgular Slla C. I4eu**n
Ann«*s uollovr Tile Inaiana Avenui Lioyd r. Jonnion 4HW 4N.I7
Block WiK Loti 171 to 173 Chestnut Street Irregular ana Uay u>. . . . . . . . 44.96 MLU'i
Lota ee ana 47
U l «*
cooper Avenu* mm irwguiar
irregular u Niun 7«.U «Uk
Tne Jfeopui«B*nk and Cooper Avenue Irregular B.*L. MLti
itiout dice' U U 46B to 47 Cooper Avenue
Block aO9K Lot 174 Howell Avenu* . . ..Irregular
Irregular Truei w> 14,00 17,66 irregular a N*U«*n . 76UB)
u u 0 ana 7 Orson Street House
Anne** Hollow TUe Irregular , a, iseuaw
Block 30SK Lot 175 Howell Avenu* Irregular
Imgular and Clay Co • 14,98 17,63
D1UCK HlOii U i * 10 lo 12 Ureen guest mm irregular jaenry Axel Jensen
A. flitm £toUow Til*t
U u 4* *«4 *0
U l * Oi aua u
HiOgeley Avenue mm Irregular J«u* M. Uoreuon 94*72 «*.8»
Block 30»L L o u 145 and 146 Irregular mugeiey Avenu* HOUK Irregular 67UUV 6VI.W
Maple Street , Irregular ana Clay Co 4162 46 3S) U u oil ana M Riageley Avenue jonn J. Boylan
Block 30UL Lot 147 Maple Street House irregular
irregular (Jooor Uecal 'n.n m.M HeUM jHio»umr ttKvr & Una Juel SVJ.OI
OI4J1 Lt < M BUnuurat, Avenue Building irregular
Aimeti Hollow i l l * Uluauural Avenue Jen* M. Sorenson . 1*0.17
Block HOlil. Lot Hit Irregular U u iti aua 16 Irrexuiar 4W.B£i 411.16
fine Btrwt lrremilar a n a gijjr (jo 10.00 12.44
anti U u IV lo 22 biuuiium Avenue Jen* M. ttureusoo ,
Amies* Hollow Til* U u XI ana M humnursi Avenue Irregular Nlel* Bonaergaard
Block SOUL Lot H9 Pine Street Irregular
Irregular and Clay Co. U.00 17.65 U v » i 6 to 28 irregular Han*
H ii)ieg
>g 87K.97 »9»»»
ojunnurit Avenue Irregular
B l o c k iJO!)L Lot 1MB cine Btreet " irregular
Irregular Mary Benedict 4.(17 6.68 BIOCK Htitti
B l o c k 3tWL Lot 161 Howell Avenue " Bouse
Bouse Irregular
Irregular Mary Beneoict 47.49 61.04
Lou MJ to 86 HUmnurat Avenue ^ a a ^ s ? . ^ . . -46189
u i 474.80
j. . Auuess Hollow Til* Block S78J Uti. ladl&na Avenua HOUM . irrefular ClU»en» B * L A**a
illO Loti • MalnrBtreet • • • • • . - * * •8,89 Aeres
'8,89 Aeres end Clay Co .".. Y\iM IKi.aS' Block UrttJ Lvu 2 and 3 ' luuiana Avenu* Irregular Cttlxen• B * L A n n 181.08
Anuea* MoUoW TIM Ut 12 Indiana Avenue Irregular Thoaoa HftPf1"11 and
James Wlgm ••.•••• 94.28 100.63
B l o c k Hia & 111) L o t 1 Main StrMt 7.9 Aorea and Clay Co 360.87 268.86
tllOcK XlbA Lot 6 Main Street Irregular 76.21 Block 373J LoU 18 to 86 Elmhurst Avenue Irregular Thomas Haawa t a d 418,60
Caswell Avenue Bernad Joat, (Trustee) 70,38 James Wlgnt 400.02
Block HibA Lot 78 Irregular Win. 7 . HUker 9.46 U.K)
Biock ill61.: Lot G Muln Street 1 Block 873J LoU 87 to a Ridgeley Avwu* Irregular Thomas Hauon ana
irregular Hans A, . Smltn 44.M 4H.4B 41844 4(4.20
Block SiBC Luta U to US Gordon Avenue Irregular . James Wlgnt • • • • •
Gordon Avenue Jenslns Jocobson . . . . te.'ii) bV.O4 Biock 373K Indiana Avenue TlMmaa Hanson a n d
Block 316C Lot 69 Irregular Ut 1 Irregular
BlocK Si6C Unwell Avenue John Hanson 34.61 28.71 J u n e * Wlgnt ....... 94.88 10tU3
Lots U and 76 Irregular Jonn Maown 68.18 6/.8S Bluck 373K
Block 316D Lots 100 to 102 Oordon Avenuo Lota J to 11 IndUuia Avenue Irregular Tttoroa* Hanaon a n d
Irregular John Hanson . 79.74 W.U3 Jame* W i g m . . . . . . 768.94 789.90
Block 816E Luta la) and 1U1 Gordon Avenue Irregular Mary Keaaler 29.99 Block 378K
S8.B0 U t 12 Indiana Avenu* Irregular Thomas Hanaon a n d
BlocK 316F Lot U 2 Gordon Avenua Irregular Nathan Meyers 20.79 28.66
Gordon Avanaa James Wlgnt
Block 316F Lot m Irregulai Hainan Meyer* 2076 Block 373K Loth ia to 28 Benjamin Avenue Irregular Tlwmaa H a u o n and
Block 316F Lou I'H and 12) Reramey SLreet CT.62
Kummey Street IrreguUr Natahn Meyers 162.31 ieo.70 j a m e * Wlgnt . . . . . .
Block B16F l.uia \'it> to 128 Block 375K U t 29
Block 31W Mupl« BtrMt Irregular John Menoli . . . . . . . . . 28,48 81.77 Ben>mln Avenu* Imcuiar T D o n a s HansoQ a n d
8110 68,48
Lota 133 to 186 Irregular Joan H. Uilje* 100.80 112.68 Jamea W i g h t
Block 816G Lot 60 KJKoyle Avenue Block 373K
BlocK 31DU KlUoyle Avenue Irregular John Hon*on 34,61 28.71 Lota 80 to 60 Elrnhurst Avenue irrefular Anders Soren Nellaen
Lots 63 Mid 64 Irrefular Harry C. NeaU 18.01 21.87 Block SliL Lot 1 Berkley Boulevard Imgular Meyer W. Jafte
Block 316G Lot 68 Gordon Avenue «iutk 3VBL Lot 2 Meyer W. J a n e * . . . .
Block 3160 Gordon Avenue IrreguUr Cecelia Muler 16.00 1T.02 Berkley Boulevard Irregular
Lot (9 Irregular Block 373L LoU 8 and 4 Berkley Boulevard Irregular F i r s t National Co. . .
Block 3160 Gordon Avenua F. BreltfeUer 20.83 28.60 Block SI4L 6*4.48
Lot M Irregular John Hanson 28,11 38.71
U u - 6 and 6 Berkley Boulevard irregular Richard Ralotf
Block 8161 Lots 18 and 19 Main Street Block J73L U u 7 to 11 Berkley Boulevard IrreguUr J o h n M. Jensen
Block 3161 Main Street / Irregular Louis Brlegsg . . . . - . . , . 5H.99 64.62 Block 873L U t 12
Lot 31 Irregular 67,88
Berkley fiouiarard Irregular j o n n M. Jensen . . . . . .
Block 3161 Thompson Avenue 1 '
John Hanson 68.18 Block 373L U U 18 to 86 Benjamin Avenue . Irregular Thomas Hanaon a n d
Block 3161 Lot IDA 1'i.mpsan Avenue Irregular 21JM
Lot 80S Michael Suvakit 18.61 James Wlgnt . . . . . .
Block 3151 Howell Avenue Home Irregular Gobor Cneccl 86,89 102.06 Ulock 373L Uta 86 to 46 Indiana Avenu* Irregular Thomas Hanaon a n d
Block 3151 Lot 34 Howell Avenue Irregular 17.66
Lot 87 Louis Brlegg 16.00 Jame* Wight • . • • • •
Block 815J Main Street Imgular John
Jh H Hanson in.m 29.V1 Block 878L U t 47 Indiana Avenue Irregular Thomas Hanson a n d
Block Sit I Lot 22 Main Street H*u*e Irregular 2U8.6O Jarne- W i g h t
Lot 28 Jonn K"'j"« ,, 269.81
Irregular John Kafina 24.96 28.06 Block 378L U U 48 to 64 Elmhurat Avenue Irregular J e n s M. Sorenaon . . 1
Annes* Hollow Til* Block U73L U u 66 and 66 bUmhurat Avenue Irregular C. fc S. Corporation . .
Block 315J Lots 27B and 348 Thompson Avsnue Irregular Block 373L LoU 87 and 68 rilmhurst Avaoue Jan* U . Sorenson . . . .
Block. 8U1 Lot 1 Main street and Cloy Co. , . • . . . . 26iO2 28.11
Block 873L Irregular
3,«Xores Mrs. H. r«ter»on . . . . 281.M 248.27 Loti 69 and 70 hilmhursl Avenue Irregular First National Co. . . .
Block 826 Lot 2 Ford Avenue Block 373M LoU 8 and 4 ureen Street Edward MllJe* . . . . . . .
Lot 1 Leo Katz 81.60 87.80 Block 373M Irregular
Block 831 Main Stnet Imgular U u 17 and 18 Benjamin Avenue Irregular N e l s 1'eUr Jensen . . . .
Block 834 Ut 1 Kurd Avenue Joseph MoBwan 327.74 848.68 Block 878M U U 6l and 62 Elmnurst Aventte UotkN
Block 378M Irregular Hen, ft. Laura Ohlerlch
Block 33UB Lot 26 Ford Avenue CaUterlae Uurdock . . 103.27 10S.6S U U 6 6 a n d 68 Elmhurst Avanu*
HOUM Irregular Wm. & Anna Walters . 131.81 188.78 Biock 373M Lots 61 and 62 Irregular W'rkm'n'B B 4 L aas'n
Block 331! Lot 2 ford Avenue Elmhunt Aveflui Irregular Lloyd P. Johnson . . . .
Block 837 Lot 1 I Ford Avenue Irregular The Fulton Co 15.S3 17,88 Block 873N Ut 6 Greeu Street House
- Irregular Tbe Fulton Co 129.00 Block 378N Ut 6 Irregular Anders a Nellson . . . .
Block 943 Lot 1 Ford Avenue 186.62 Ureen Street Irregular Andera a Nellson . . . .
Ut 2 . Irregular The Fulton Co. 478.74 496,17 Block 37HN Gioec Street 64178
Block 845 Fanning Btreet Block 378N Lot* 7 and 8 Houw Irregular P, A. B. & L . A** n . .
Block 34ti Ut 2 • 2.29 Acre* Mauopust Bros. Co. . . . 96.21 102.30 Lot 10 , "Urwm Street
Soren Street Block 873N. .ureen Street Anders S. Nellson . . . .
ulock 846B U t 84 Murdock Street 1.M Acre* Tae Fulton Co 67.03 71.89 Block 878N Lot 11 Anders a Nelleon . . . .
Block MUli Imgular David Meyers 16.49 U U 68 and 69 'Benjamin Avenue HOUM Wm. Rosmuaeen ^JJ,— i2ir4
Lots 36 to 64 Murdock Street Block 873N Benjamin Avenue
block 3WH Irregular ' David Meyers 27188 288.67 Block 873N LoU 74 and 7 6 QOUM P e o p l e - B k L Asa'n 706.06 740.1
Lota 69 and 60 Ford Avenue 36x100 Bach Lou 86 and 87 Berkley Court
Block 347 Juliua too 218.52 Block 37SN
Block 347
Block 348
Ut U
Lots IB to 28
Main StrMt
Main StrMt USE Irregular
Faul Beitner
Hans Krlluen . . . . . . . . 7168
Block 873N
Block 873N
U U 84 and 96
U t 96
Berkley Court
Berkley Court
Berkley Court
LeoKronner 6M.76
N e l s Sondergaard . . . . 6U.J6
Herman Jensen JIM
Lou 1 and 1 Main BtrMt Irregular Hans Ertksen 473.91 Block 37BN Lot 87 Herman Jensen 84,71
Block 340A U t 806 487.40 Lots 98 and 99 Berkley Court Irregular
Block 340A Ford Avenue Irregular Folrneld B 4 L ass1 a 13.91 1S.67 Irrtgular Nel* And«r»on ft Her-
Lot sW Main StrMt Irregular Mary Flynn 31.49 man Jeoien 186.71 UI.84
Block 349A U t 828 84.91
Block 34!TA Drummond Avenue Irregular Falrfleld B ft L * W B 10.M 18.46 Block 373NN Lota 100 to 110 Berkley Court IrreguUr Anders Soren N*ll*on 818,48 86L8*
U t 8» Drummond Avenue Irregular Richard Dtckson 207.64 Block 3730 Lot* 11 to 39 Worth Stnet IrrerXr Thoma* Hanaon and . ~ „
Block 349A U t 886 216J0
Drununond Avenue Junes Wight 1.484,11 MW.J8
Irregular Rachel Frankel 199.22 207,63 Block 8780 LoU 80 to 86 Berkley Boulaward Anders Soren Nellaoo 1 » 1 6 1**4V
Block 349B Lot 339 Urununon'd Avenue Peter & Louise Block 3730 Lot 86 Berkley Boulevard Anders Soren Nellaon J 6 . 1 8 « • »
Block MB U t 860 Irregular Vogelgesang 2i.99 80.17 Block 373P Lota 1to4 Berkley Boulevard Joan N. Jensen 801.67 817.18
Urummond ATWU*
Bl'ock 348C Lot 872 Cutter Avenue Irregular OU Ol«»en , 16186 170.88 Block 373P Ut 6 Berkley
Irregular ROse Schwartz . 13.89 16.81 Block 878P John N. Jen**n 18646
Block 349C Lots 876 and 87« Cutter Avenue Lots 6 to 16 Berkley - . - - ^ ^ John N. JeoMn 401-64
block 350A Lots 1 to f Menlo Avenue Howt tnd Stor* Julia Takao* 267.88 270.46 Block 878P U t 18 Berkley BouWvarf
26x100 W h Block 878P Jonn N. JtMtn U.00
; Block 860A Lota I) to 28 Jetfarson BtrMt Lafayette Kealty Co. . 31.9S LoU 17 to 88 Benjaiiln Avenue Anders Boren NelUoa 1,780.27
Block 85UA U t i 24 to 89 Lafayette Realty Co. . 83.96 Block 878P Ut* 40 and 41 Indiana Avenue
AtlanUo StrMt Irregular
Block 360B Lots 1 to I Menlo Avenue Lafayette Realty Co. . 84,67 j J S s * Wight 100.67 1 D . U
Block 360B Lots 9 to 18 Irregular Lafayette Realty Co. . 92.96 Block 37SP U t * 43 to 49 Indiana Avenuo Thomas Hanton and
AtlanUo Street
Block 360B Ethel BtrMt Irreruky Lafayette Realty Co. . B9.79 Jama* Wlgbt 164.91
U t 27 LafayetU Realty Co. . 6.86 Block 873Q Lot* l . t o U Indiana Avenue Thoma* Hanaon and
Block 360B Lot* i t to 46 tilhel Street Irregular
Block 860C Menlo Avenue 26x100 Each Lafayette Realty Co. - 48,48 Jaoea Wight 2a66
U U 1 to I Lafayette Realty Co. . 82.94 Block 8781} Lot U Indiana Ai Tnomaa Hanson t o d
Block 860C LoU 8 to » ISthel Street 29x100 Koch
Block 860C Irregular Lafayette Realty Co. . S7.78 Jamea Wight
U t 80 Maeon Street Block B73Q U U 18 to 24 Benjamin Avenu*
Block 840C Mason Street Irregular Lafayette Realty Co. . 8.86 Block 874 Anders tloren Nellaon
U U 81 to U Lafayette Realty Co. . 87.78 Ut 1 Poor Farm Boed Anders Boren NeU*on .
Block 360D U U 1 to U Menlo Avenue 20x100 Bach Block 876 U t IS Uldd4M«x-r TuroBtk*
Block 3MD 26x100 Bach Lafayette Realty Co, - 49.48 Block 876A Wm. Maiar 1.
U t i 18 to 88 Muson Street
Lafayette Realty Co. . 68,68 Lot 7 JuUet " N. Bruna. Holding Co. '
U t 17 Kelly Stfefu Irregular Block S76A Lot 8 Juliet
Imgular Lafayette Realty Co. . 8.87 Block 876A Tho*. Pellegrini)
BkMklMD LOU N to 82 Kelly StTMt Lot 18 Julie! House George WagenaUIn . .
i.ntuyette Road Irregular Lafayette Realty Co. . 103.06 Block 876A LoU 28 and 24 Poor Farm _
Block IMF Lot 1 Ludwlg Patterson . . . 84.04 Domnuck O*org*
Kurd Avenue 6.28 Aorea Block 87oB Juliet Btreet
Block 8 5 U Lou i to * Lafayette Realty Co. . 31.98 Block 878B Edward Newman
.lerterson Street 36x100 Each Lot 13 Juliet Stnitt P. A. B. ft L Aat'n . .
Block S61A U U I to 88 Lafayette Realty Co. . 8L76 Block 876D
Block 361A Lots 87 to 44
Menlo Avenue 36X100 Fach
Lafayette Realty Co. . 21.88 Biock 376D Uti Green Street N. J. Land ft Imp. Co.
Atlantic Street SMUO Huh UU 8 and 9 BloomUeld Awnu« Antonliu Speranaa . . .
Block 3MA LoU 46 to 71 Lafayette Realty Co. , 81.76 Block 878D U u 10 and 11 i Bloomtteld Aveaus
Block 361B Ford Avenue 36x100 Bach Block 376D Mrs. BUI. Robliuon ..
U U 1 to > I offer son Street 36x100 Bach LafayetU Realty Co. . 29.01 Lot 14 Bloomfleld Avenu* Justin Fred Frtdlej .
Block 361U U U 9 to 24 Lafayette Realty Co. . 84,67 Block 878E Lot* 1 to 18 Bloomfleld Avanu*
Block HilB Atlantic StflMt Irrtgular Block 876S Bloomfleld Avaui* Adrian laelin l i t
Lot* 26 to 88 Kurd Avenue Irregular Lafayette Realty Co, . 82,98 Block 378B Lot 14 Adrian IseUn b t
Block 361C U U 1 to 8 Lafayette Realty C o . . 82.90 L U 16 to Bloomfleld Avwu*
Block 861C AtlanUo Street 38x100 Bach Block 876H Blliabetb Avwu* Adrian Iaelln BM
UU 8 UW Menlo Avenue Lafayette Realty C o . , 76.97 Block S76J Lpua Allc* V. Holder
Block 3610 Ut* 87 to 44 Lafayette Realty Co. . 83.96 BlUabeth Avaxme
KUiel Street Imgular Block 376J Iudian* A m u * Adrian I**Un Bat . . . .
Block 351C Lot* 46 to 72 LafayetU Realty Co. ...76.97 Block 876J LoU 18 and 80 Albert C. n d d a U r . .
Block 861D Ford Avenue 26X100 Bach Lot 21 Indiana Avenue)
Lots 1 to 8 Atlantic 8 t m t Lafayette Realty Co. . 32.96 Block 376K Elisabeth Avemue Adrian Uelln • * . . . . .
Block 361D Lots 8 to 22
36x100 Each Lafayette Realty Co. . 80,89 Block 876K U U 1 tog Adrian IatUn 1 s t . . . .
Btuok 861D uthel Street Irregular LoU 8 to 14 BllubeS Amwe
Lots 38 to 36 Lafayette Realty Co. . 86.78 Block 876K Indiana Avenu* Adrian Iselln Ut ....
Block H61B Ford Avenue Irregular Block 876K LoU U to U Adrian uelln B i t . . . .
LoU 6 to I KUiel stnet LafayetU Realty Co. . 14.61 Indiana Avenue
Block BS1K LoU S lo U 26x100 Each Lafayett« Realy Co.- 70.97 Block 876K Indiana Avenue Adrian laelln B e t . . . .
Block 861E Manlo Avenue 36x100 Bach Block 376L Adrian Uelln Rat
LoU 87 to 44 Mason Street LafayetU Realy Co. . 21.98 LoU 7 to » Indiana Avenue
Block SUB LoU 46 to 72 26x100 Bach Lafayette Realty Co. . 71.02 Block 37«L Indiana Ateoo* Adrian laelln B * t . . . ,
Block SfilF Ford Avenue 26X100 Each U t 11 Green Street
LoU 1 to 8 ISthel Street Lafayette Realty Co. , 82.98 Adrian laelln 1 s t
Block S61F Lot* 9 to 21 06x100 Bach Lafayette Realty Co. . U.77 Block877,879LotI arson Street oleve Yuiko i
Block 861F Mason Stnet Irregular Block LoU land 2 Franklin Street
LoU 22 to 81 Latayette Realty Co. . 82.M Block 388A Lot U Leslie ft Elvira Phillip*
Block S61O BYud Avenu* Irregular Franklin Str**t P. A. Realty Co.
LoU 1 to « Ford Avenue Lafayette Realty Co, . 19.81 Block 388A Lot 12
Block 3610 UU 6 to a
16x100 Bach Lafayette Realty Co. . 82.96 Franklin Stnet Aroetta Qoode . . .
Mason Stnet 26x100 Each Bluck 383A LoU 18 to U Carter Avenue 26B00laoh
Block 861O UU
18 to 40 LaleyelW Realty Co. ...76.97 Block 383A Lot 18 P. A. Realty Co.
Block SMC Munlo Avenue Irregular Block 883A LoU 1» to 22 CarUr Avanu* Mack MockenxU .
41 to U Kelly StrMt Lafayette' Realty Co. . 49.48 Carter Avanuo
Block 3&1O UU
68 and (a MxlOeiaoh Lafayette Realty Co.. 18.78 Block 888A Lot 18 P. A. Realty Co.
Block mO Kelly Street Imgular Block 88SB Loti Carter Av*nu* P. A- Realty do.
86 to 80 Eaat Jersey Lumber Carter Avenue P. A. Realty Co.
l> - - 1|9 Irregular Block 888B LoU 2 to » Johnson
' - 4 and Timber Co. . . . . 178.68 Block 888C P. A. Realty Co.
' Block 361II LoU 171 to 171 Ford Avenue Lot U Johnson P. A. Realty Co.
UU74 Irregular Mien, k Clara Blhon . 41*4 Block 3830 LoU U 4o It Jqbnaon
Block 361H Kelly Btreet Block WC P. A. Realty Co. .
Block 861H U t 178 Kelly Street Irregular Midi, ft Clara Blhott . 18.76 Lot 20 Jdnnaon " • Really Co.
Uouee Irregular Mien. & Clara Blliuu . 79.38 Block 38JC Lot 01 Johnson
Block Will U U 18 to 40 Kelly Street Block 8S8C geaity Co.
Irregular Hsst Jersey Lumber LoU 22 to 2S f k U Realty 5o.
Block 888C LoU 28 tu«0 frankUn .
Block 3611 Lois 68 to M Mule Highway and Timber Co ltU.41 Block S88D
Irregular ' Ka«t Jersey Lumber LoU 12 and U New BUU
Block 38SDD LoU 46 to 62A and New SUU
and Timber Co 79.69 Block 38SH
Block 3MI LoU 67 to «0 state Block 38JK
Austin Aw
Block Mil State Henry Tredgeu 79.09 Austin Avenu*
Block M i l
LouaitoM Henry Peterson 72.48 Block > to 86 Montagu* "
UU tt and 48 Bast Jersey Lumbar Block 888K Luts 88 to «
Block Boll UU 87 to 70 State Hlgbwtir
£*• and Timber Co 89.86 Block 88SK LoU 48 to 84
Henry Tredgen 79.69 Block 8831*" LoU 1 to 12
Block Soli UU 71to74 State Hl|Dw«r Block 8881- LoU U to 18
Bast Jeney Lumber
ana Timber Co 79.70 BackBSSIr LoU 17 t o f i
Block SG1I Lota 76 and 7 8 SUU Block mv
Bant Jersey Lumbar
Block 888F Loun v>Ta
£lock 8611 LoU V to 80 Jtate Highway aud Timber Co 89.86 Block Stir LoU 28 to M
Irregular Ethel De Heyden Block MO LoU 82 to 41
I Layden af.06 LoU l t o M
Kelly Btnet Block
Web. ft Clara JHboo 17 4 B 4 U
Tori AfHtt*
rd A 26X10 UfayrtU Realty Co. I4 4
LafayetU Realty Co. Block Lot»l*nd:
JWtc Block 746A Lot 8 CUffltoad
Inegular February 18, 1MB
M. j .

Frank Jost is Now Perth Amboy Saints To Help Kni^
Sports Echoes One of Mainstays Drop '34^35 Basketball Curtain Hi
By Windsor,!, Lakis, Sports Editor
oiPenningtonFive Reds' Final Round-up Results in
Talkative Mr. Baer
PENNINGTON. ~ Pennington WOOUBRIDCE.—Having easily conquered
Max Baer is undoubtedly the talking champion Prep, starring a newcomer, Frank Francis McCarthy's Little Boy Blues of Carteret
of the ring. He ranks up to, if not a^head of the loqua Jost, former Woodbridge high school, 29 to U), at the Barrwi.avenue gym last
cious Dizzy D«an when it comes to telling the world school all-around athlete, will niKht, the Kirkleski-conchod 'Red Ghosts of this
how good he is. For example, Max says he is sorry he wind up its regular basketball Iswoshcd right back into a state of coma Tuesday eve
didn't come on the scene when Dempsey was the boss. schedule with a game with Tem- jut the home address and proceeded to take it on the
He iB sure he could have whipped his pal, Jack, and, ple High tomorrow. ' once aKtviria This time, which incidently is the second
he ask9, "who did Dempsey ever lick?" With the brilliant Jo>t, Penn- Ithis season, Rahway Hijrh clamped down on the loci
ington's victories over Allentown I the tune of 42 to 27,
If he doesn't know we can give him the name of ! Friday's contest found the —•
(i couple of fellows who have an idea that Dempsey Prep and Newark Prep gave fur-
| Ghosts toying with the "Fighting
beat them. ther confirmation to the belief Town" cqurtsters, when the half c l i c k i n8 for seven counters
that the local team stands a good ended Woodbridge g was out front, t n e u t t e r f o r f l v e
chance of successfully defending 12 to 4. The third period found Woodbridge will close its
Would Draw the Fan* the Kirkleski kids capering about too successful court seaaon 00
its State championship laurels.
the pinewood floor in great style Monday night, March 4, when Sfc^
Max is quick to tell the crowd that Schmeling's The club flashed a spectacular and when that spasm terminated! Mary's of Perth Amboy invftdea
blow on the nose hurt him more than any other lick offensive in staging decisive wins, the Ghosts were on top, 25 to 8. the Barron gym for a return con-
in the ring, but that the hardest day he ever put in and evidences are that the pace The last stanza lound a long test.-
was his bout with Uzcudun in Reno, where a split will be maintained. list of Barren substitutes being Woodbrldie (29)
tossed into the fray. It was in this
mouth gave him some trouble. He says he would still With Lou Dubino at center, Ap-
final quarter that the Carteret Campbell, f
like to fight two opponents the same night and his ple and Benyon in the forward bus advanced their few points by Hinkle, f
estimate of the box office draw is right, No doubt the berths and Sweel and Jost, the
prospect of watching two championship fights on the Woodbridge flash, handling the
guard assignments, Coach Poore
iAA<\HV outsailing the hni.ic club, 11 Ic 4. Valoscik, t
Tyrcli was the whole show" Wukovets, (
show U [Wukovet
the Hnl iind l.i;.ck registering 3 w ar , nes '
same evening would lure the paying customers into has a nigged, fast-moving com- deuces und a singleton lor a count Nielsen, c
the arena. Then, as Max says, if he won the first bination. o( eleven. Baksa was best for the »5~lr', g *
fight he would take on the second man and if he lost, Jost, who entered Pennington HIS WAV TO A losers with eight points, Gadek, g 0
the new champion would defend his title in five min- ! Tuesday night's clash was a one |Tyr«ll, g 5
last fall, has copped the whole SHOT W I T H R
utes. If he lost the second battle the new champion ' sided affair from the second .. 0
show thus far. His sensational TO irop jtm
would be the world's champion short-time title wear-
quarter on. At the end of the first | Peck, g . . 2
lloor work and spectacular one- 1 period the teams were dead-lock-
er. hand shots has accounted for ed at 9-all. But starting in the Totals 14
many of the local team's victories. second frame, the Rahway ringers
The State Prep tourney to be Carteret (IB)
rode roughshod over the home
Gehrigh °n th* Throne
Lou Gehrig, who has been overshadowed by the
held next month should witness a
battle ruyal between Hun, St.
Bennedlct's and Pennington. "WILL TUROW PUNCHES AT
harriers and continued doing so Comba ,f
until the final whistle. And, when Dixon, f ft
1 J.
it was all over, Woodbridge tailed Enot, f
Big Bambino; Babe Ruth, for many years, takes on Poore is hoping, however, that SAMMY FULLER FOR 15 ROUNDS ( < * U w ) by fifteen points, Baksa, f <m/
0 0
new importance as the Sultan of Swat nears retire- this man Jost maintains his bril-
liant work. For, if Jost keeps go-
AT TVE GARDEN MARCH 1, Hoodzow and Koza starred for Toth, c .W.....
ment Last year Gehrig had a big year—won the bat- ing to town, the State title will be 1& LIKE A LOW OP PtHAWZ- the Union county elan with eleven Moore, c
ting titlv, (Jrove in the most runs and hit the most, in the bag for Pennington. and ten puints respectively. Per- Marchinak, g
cy Wukovets and L. Peck labored Jackson, g ....
homers by getting 49. No wonder he lands an increase best for the losers, the former Bartz, g
over his $23,000 for 1934.
The way Gehrig figures it out is that he is only
',51 and that, his best years arc nhead. He is going aft-
Legs Start Flying JohnHopelawn
Kozma To Captain
Baseball Club Pennington Prep is Bill Raritan Boys' Quint Amboy Question Marks
Pillaging Maple Leafs •Totals
Carle ret . ...
8 •» IB
2 2 4 11-19
9 6 10 4—J»
er Ruth's home run figure, 60 in 1927, and feels that
he is entitled to the pay that goes with the top posi- In Big Town's 58th Booked by Knights
HOPELAWN—At u meeting of
the Hopelawn Owls this week,
Slam Local White Owls
WOOUBHIDGE.—After a brief
layoff from the courts, the Wood- WOODBRIDGE. — The Perth
Rahway (42)
tion. And, don't forget that Gehrig has played in g t t
more consecutive ball games than any other player, Annual Bike Spree For Baseball Clash
John Defario was elected manag-
er and John Kozma named cap-
tain of the 1935 baseball team. At
bridge Maple Leafs got going
again this week, playing the Rari-
tan Township Boys' Club. During
Amboy Question Murks recently
defeated the .Wobdbridge White
Owls, 31-13. Lacking* in full
Reed, f
Hauser, f
Koza, f
1 5
0 4
2 10
M»r»nviUe Ready to Go a session last night, the club dis- the first half, it was anybody's strength, the Owls failed to click Barnes, f 0 0 0
NEW YQKK.—New York's fif- cuSsed plans for the coming sea- WOODBRIDGE.—According to
ty-eighth International six-day bi- son. gume, but when it was all over and as a result, the Amboyans Persons, c l 0 2
an announcemnet made today by Hoodzow, c
Rabbit Maranville is anxious to play again this cycle race will get under way Sun the Leafs won easily, 31 to 14. walked away with everything but 5 1 11
the faculty manager of athletics Snnzont, g 2 4 8
the Owls' suits.
summer. Last year he was forced to the bench by a day night at nine o'clock in Madi- at Woodbridge high school, the 1 0 2
broken ankle but insists that he will be playing sec- son Square Garden with Eddie Masked Marvel Billiard Red and Black diamond club of Berry, New South Wales.—Cer-
tainly Charles Thorne of the Bell- DOG SHOOTS MASTER
Mintel, g
Werbeck, g 0 0 0
Cantor, popular stage, screen and the institution will go through a
ond base regularly for the Boston Braves. Maran- radio star, firing the starting gun Ace, Defeats Local star baseball schedule of about sev- awongahar Mountains, has a very Rowan, g 0 0 0
ville is undoubtedly a big asset to any team. He can which will send the fifteen strong enteen games. To date ten con- charmed life. After being dismis- Astoria, Ore—Stopping over to
Totals 17 8 48
bunt probably better than any man in the game and ! International teams on their way. WOODBRIDGE. - The Masked tests have already been booked, sed from the army, seriously tie up a pet hunting dog to keep
Marvel) one ol the East's outstand- with seven dates yet remaining wounded, he contracted pneumon- it from witnessing the shooting of Woodbridge (27)
his spirit is valuable tonic for any collection of ball- The field, one of the strongest
and outstanding that has ever ing billiard players, appeared at open. ic influenza. Recovering, he fell another pet afflicted with fits, the g f t
tossere. Moreover, while his age is against him, we competed in Madison Square Gard Palmeri's billiard parlor Sunday 32 feet from the top of a house and dog jumped up against thfc gun WukoveU, f 2 3 7
and defeated Dave Schwartz, The games slated thus far finds Jensen, f 0 0 0
have to admire his fighting spirit and pull for his suc- en is made up of riders from the was unhurt. Next, he recovered held by his master, Charles Dooley
Woodbrldge's best, US to 42. The two newcomers on the Barron from a serious attack of petriton- a rancher, discharging the load, Blair, f 0 1 1
cess—at least, for one more year. United States, Italy, France, Bel-
Marvel's highest run was 31 balls. avenue slate; Thomas Jefferson, which struck Dooley in the chest, Kurmm, f 0 2 2
gium, .German and Switzerland. itis only to be bitten by a veno-
In the local tournament, which of Elizabeth and Pennington Prep. mous snake. Lastly, he fell 15 feet instantly killing him. Nielson, c 0 1 1
Practically all the old favorites
Against Night Games is in full swing now, Freddy Bar- The tilt with Pennington will be from a tree, fracturing his spine. Levi, c 0 0 0
are in the race and to add inter- cellona downed Frank Palmeri, of great importance to local ball Campbell, g 1 2 4j
est to the grind there are eight 100 to 54. Bill Heller, in another fans as Frank Jost, last year's dia- Now, after an operation, he is well PIPE HOLDS TONGUE
We find it hard to understand Connie Mack's on his way to recovery. Columbia, S. C—Woodrow Pe- Peck, g 2 1 5
riders who will make their initial match, defeated Julius Bernstein. mond sensation with the Red Tyrell, g 1 0 2
blast against night baseball, about to be tried by terson, 17, thought the "pretty Barnes, g
appearan in a New York race. 100-71. The, third game found Lar- Ghosts and the Woodbridge Le- white snow" on the refrigeration Valocsik, g 1 0 2
some National League clubs. Mack says the night Among the new riders in the ry Campion losing to "Windy" gion nines, will take the field Detroit.—Sought by police after 1 1 3
against the Kirkleski club. Jost, a killing one person and wounding pipes at a local hospital looked so
game will be a tiresome spectacle for the fans. His field will be Bill Honeman, New- Kalmar, the score being 100-66.
three others, Archie Hofhanesian, good, he decided to taste it. His
league decided that it wouldn't experiment but you ark youth, who is making his first Next week "Tutz" Gerity meets local boy, is slated for the big tongue froze to the pipe and the
Totals 8 11 27
appearance in a six-day race. Barcellona, Bernstein opposes Kal time in baseball and will visit 60, was killed when his own gun,
can bet your old hat that if th ething goes big in the Honeman is the American sprint mar, Heller clashes with Campions: this place with the prep team on falling from his hand, discharged pipe had to be defrosted before Rahway 9 14 11 8—42
National the American league will falj over itself in- champion and the fans are an- Palmeri cues along with Ungvary Saturday, May 11. a bullet into his head. he could be freed. Woodbridge 9 6 8 4—27
stalling floodlights in 1935. The point in the argu- xious to see how he makes out. and Nick Langan meets Einhom. In filling the seven open dates,
ment iB that the fans, fo rsome reaBon, are not paying Other new riders are; George the Ghost managers are dickering To Start Wheeling Sunday
Shipman .Brooklyn boy; Carl PIG IN CAVE 34 HAYS with some of the leading school
very much attention to baseball in the day time. Why Hurtgen and Fritz Krossmeier, of Big Prarie, O. —Dorothy Fites teams'in northern Jersey as well
not try evening? Germany; Natale Medri, Italy, found a hungry-looking pig in a as a few of south Jersey's top
'Rogor Level and Arthur Sores, oi 9-foot excavation near her home. inotchers.
France and Paul Egli. of Switzer- A neighboring former claimed the
Gilbert Will Play Again land. The schedule follows:
porker saying it had been miss- Friday, April 12—Open, home.
Charley Gilbert's comeback this spring will be One of the best American teams ing thirty-four days. Tuesday, April 16—South River,
in the race will be ttyat of Bobby away. <
watched with great interest by those who admire a Thomas, of Konosha, Wis., and Tsingtao, China.—Several hun-
fighting man. A few years ago Gilbert was . a great, dred "model" homes for working Friday, April 19—Open, home.
Eddie Testa, of San. Jose, Cal. Tes- Tuesday, April 23—Open, away.
shortstop and then, in the winter of 1932, a charge of ta made his debut in the last New men have been built in a suburb Friday, Apnl 26,—Hillside,
,u mm was a whirl wind of Tsingtao to aid a "better
buckshot all but blew off his left foot- He made a de- homes" movement. They will home. i
termined fight to save the leg and an equally brave while Thomas for years has been Tuesday, April 30—Open, away.
considered an outstanding Ameri- rerjt tor one silver dollar, equiva- Friday, May 3—livington, home.
campaign to get int ocondition. Now, it seems, that can star. The other teams in the lent to 34 cents, a month. Tuesday, May 7—Carteret,'
he may make the grade. Reported as out, "probably race are: Goetano Belloni and Ti- away:
never being able to walk," the word is that he is de- no Reboli, Fred Spencer and Carl Saturday, May 11—Pennington
finitely on the road to recovery. The tough part of the Hurtgen, Avunti Martinetti and rep, home.
story is that he is up against Leo Durocher, another
great shortstop but if he regains his old form he won't
Bill Grimm, Bill Honeman and
George Shipman, Charley Ritter
and Mickey Rodak, Ernest Buhler
SINCLAIR Tuesday, May li—Thomas Jeff-
erson, away.
Friday, May 17, Open, home.
have to stay on the bench. Somewhere there'll be a and Paul Egli, Roger Lovet and OILS — GREASES
Tuesday, May 21—Irvington,
place for him. Arthur Seres, Fritz Kraussmeir GASOLINES away.
and Lothar Elmer, Jerry Rodman
Friday, May 24—South River,
Australian* Optimiitio !
and Tony Sehaller, Bob Upsett
and Paul Croley, Hans Carpus and
Natle Medtri.
Auto Service home.
Tuesday, May 28—Open, away.
Friday, May 31—Hillside, away
Australia has its eyes on a Davis cup triumph Popular prices will prevail at We offer you complete and
Mid friendly service for your Tuesday, June 4—Open, home.
Ithis year and looks to Jack Crawford, Adrian Quist the Garden grind. Admisiion Sun- Friday, June 7—Carteret, home
day night will be fifty cents and car.
ci It pays to deal where the
tVivian McGrath and Don Turnbull to come through. other prices, one dollar, a dollar little thlnf s are done / ?
JCrawford has beaten Fred Perry consistently in Aus- without your having f( .

and a half, two dollars and two
Itralia. With McGrath he has triumphed over the Brit- fifty. Tickets are now on sale at ) to ask for service! \V
I jah doubles team, Perry and George Patrick Hughes. the Garden box office and in New
ark. The hours of the sprints this
[The fact that the Australian team is being captained year will be at 3:30 in the after-
} by Norman Brooks, who ranks high among the best noon, 8:30 and 10:30 at night and
' players ever on the courts, is another reason for Aus- 12:30 and 2:30 in the morning, ten
tralian optimism. sprints in each series.

Marlon, 111.—While testifying SHAVING COMFORT

One On the Big Train in court, Jesse White said hie mon
ey was safer at home than in a
Another scribe attributes to Walter Johnson the bank. When he reached home, he
statement that if "the fans and, baseball writers of found that someone had robbed
Cleveland get behind our team" the flag is about him of |64 and hi* gun.
won. We join in the mysflSrious maze that envisions a
bunch of fans and writers winning a pennant for any
outfit although we would be glad to see the Big
Train, a groat player in his day, pilot the Indians or
Help Kidneys
D M I TIIM Drtrtlo Dnifi
any other aggregation, to the top. Tour Klduyi ooouin 9 million tin*

Cunningham Supreme
tubu or fllUra whieb m»y t» •udtm»r»4
by »Ml«ot or drutlo, IrrlUllui Iran. B«
otntul. II liwoUon*) Ktdn«y or Bhdaw
dltordtn m»h» you aiiOtr <r«io
Up Nlihl., MtnauiMM, Low of Ftp. L«*

Glenn Cunningham, the powerful Kansan, den1-

onstrated hU superiority over American milers again
Ptlni, Bhwmttlo Pain*, DIulMU, Or-
cl» UnJit Bye.. Nturtlflt, Aoldlty.
Burning, Sinnrtlhi or ltohlnf, jou dan t
nttd to tik« chUfiH. All 4ru«Ul« now
Service Station
b.v. the malt modtrn nlvuncid tr»»t- Rahw&y Avenue and
in thcBaxtov mile at NjSfc York recently. Th# race n»nt for HUM travblM—•• ptotarip'**-
trlptloo utlltd Cyrt«l (llM'Tai). W«ru Mftin Street
vag never in ddubt as He pultod ahead of th« Reid at *-_i _.#. .n^ lurtf. In il bourc li rniW
Woodbridg*, N. J.
- u iiunatHd tg
t he back strotch of thesixth lap and pulled away you (MI l» wn y*uu«w In om
[from hi» pursuers. Once agatn Gene Venzke gave the hone I-12&O Probak Junior fit* all
I crowd a ftrtl by running ahead of Bill Bouthron, the Qlltette & Probak razors
|Princeton star, to win second place.
PAGE EIGHT herfilnafler particularly CTait will and W«t
u>'n< i n.-il, MiuBti;, lying And ijelng In Jrrl. 9chwartit.ln jUrt you
Port Reading School Relief Given To 15 ^".gJ^W John Shannon In ilie iiiwnunp uf WuuUDridga in the
Cuumy ot MiudleKX, ami tittle of
l«ht ham «n interest the p«ml»
i'enrrlbed In «"" ">"
Continued from Page One New Jersey. HBNRY ST. C. LAV1N
Hai r'atnobc Program | »*« tent in State SALMAGUNDI SOCIETY Being knuwn Mid d n l f n a t e d M Lotn 3ol'r for and of counwl
From Our (MJliib.- - vviih a pro-
manner, he said;
"My shop is three steps up and
uratjurs n i l ana Mi, on a map of
, „'»• lulu owned by
i " i . owned by William
William H.•.. —
ueulty Company of New Jersey, located
»i HopelawM, In the City ol Perth A a -
Mofflt H.
with complainant,
54 Main itre«t
Woodbrldge, N, J.

Back Hi .1111
iippiopu lit*- I'XeictMtf,
in niii s aim v> iiaiiiiiXlun s oirtn-
>>. wi'ii1 UDseivui oy tne,pupils
all the people who come to my
shup tell me T lmve the best view
on Green street and can see every
liny. m i m i y »r Middlesex and State
u( New Ji'iany, surveyed Nornmhw.
1902, by C. C. Hummann, C. B,, and
O11N A.
1, 8, 15, 23, 86.
i a, is, M; BK .
Window fun
Holding scnool No. ',u at
neid recently, fhe,
under tne direc- lon w a s Drama
thing up and down the street,
Montazzoli explained that after
the truck started across the track
Hied tor record In the R e g i s t e r s Of-
(Ice ot Middlesex County, N. J,, Nov-
ember, 1902.
M'KiuhuiK HI a point In the souther-
IN CHANCERY*OF NEW JERSEY n T ' v l ' t u ^ * aV orn>"~nV the" Cmirl
vlduaU. Decreases
vlduaU. Decreases were wereandshown j* ' he looked down nt U i work t n d Hiuc ot LiiiUii!' uvenue To: Isidore Hchwsrtateln, hta unknown ,t Chancery of New Jersey made on
uii oi me principal, Mr. Martin only in Hudson Bergen Pad- An interesting paper on "The InliHiiHi unil filly ll60) I eel West
only in Hudson, Bergen and Pad- An interesting pape o the next instant the crossing was helra, dcvlaea and personal repre- L 2Sth day of Fubruay, 18M, In a
DiscdssiiiK anniversaries HI nun, was presented UB follows: saic among the 21 counties. The'' Development* t off theth Little
Little The-
The >JI iiiiiritu m a t t running thence (1) sentative, and Marie Schwartatein, ,1,P wherein Frank J. Lswson, Trus-
envelop*! In fliuntt t a d «n t*» •uuuiuuy at right angle! to aald
at police lie;ul(|ii!irtors yes- Opening
Opening song—America
song—America. net growth was 12 973 above t h e y ' r e Movement" was contributed plosion occttmd. •ouuieriy side ot Lmiier avenue one
lant name Schwartgteln" beng flc-
tltloua and unknown as to the lat-
pr. f,,r Henry E. Uwjon, Is compjaln-
nt and you, Frank Rawson Tyldstoy
terday nioniiiiK, Harvey told Uraae 1. Military March—Rhy- S97,sJl!7 of December • I by Mis* Grace C. Huber. A read- uunurcu (nnj; feet to a point; thence ter, and her unknown helra. de- ",i Hilda' Tyld.ley, W« wife, and
ing off the t hone-act t play,
play "Sham"
"Sham" laouuetor TetUflM W) westerly parallel witty aald souther- epresentative*,
visees and personal representatives. nre defemlants, you are re-
US n story of a drunk that thm Band. The outcome was not a surprise by Frank G, Tompktns, waB giv- ly mue <>l Lutner avenue fifty (60)
Mr. Lane, conductor on the lee'. if> a point; ihenoe <8) northerly By virtu* of an ordflr of" the the
"*•- Cou
""••" In w m "nd annwei- thn hill
because January generally pro- en by Miss Huber, Miss Helen
was brought in sometime Uraae 2. "Everywhere Court"— duces aa sseasonal decline in em- U'tllll, itibLUK-li UlcU UIC? UcUII WiU parallel wun the that course, one ot Chancery of New Jersey In a cause
, m«d« on V i-nmnlnlnt on or before the 28th
Robert Govelitz. duces e
. ^ u 1
' ' oreventcd in Pfeltter, Mrs.
Pfeiffer, Mrs. Victor
Victor C. C. Nicklas
Nicklas hundred (100) feet to a point In said the day of Uie date hereof. In a cause ay rApHl i « « . «r the mid bill will
ago by OIIP of the local copa. Mother Earth's Children ployment. lhat was prevented IB
1 a s ^ ^ ^ ^ T h u
H'JUUL ;>.) Illlli'S hll 11UU1' Ullii l i
southerly aide of Lutner avenue; wherein Frank J. Lawson Is complain- h!fl taken as confenseil flgftlnst you.
The inebriated citizen when Grade 1, Recitation, "February" hanuary 1934, UU-'lt>, Wt'lL' tl P iKTioo til easterly, along aald south- ant, and Bertha Schwartsteln (teller T,P said LIU !•« fH«<l to toreciow „
fcariuary 1034, when me u i v » was followed ,„„„..,„,, k_, , u . -OQHino hv
by the reading by ven b v
oi wnom weie nuii. erly side of Luiher avenue, fifty (60) and others are defendants, you are ^i-Vniii miirtKBIC g' Frank Raw-
bcini? booked said he had Edward Lanen. Works Administartlon was near- Miss Anna L. Johnson of a maga- feet to the point or place o( beginning requited to nppear and answer Uie ",„ Tvldilei-and Hilda Tyldiloy his
been celebrating his wife's Grade 1-4. Song, "Heroes." ings it apex with more than 100,- zine article written by Stanley juiinuiiu ri.tycs, Louniy aiioiney, The approximate amount of the tie bill ot said complainant, on or before wife l« Ernest H. Boynton, Fred J.
men und women employed. Such High, giving his Interpretation of in ciuss-t.x.ummng me wiiiiesa •«) to be wtlsfled by said sale Is the the 22nd day of April, next, or tht <*. x and Roy C Evarts, truitMs. dat
40th birthday, "nut," he hie Grade 3. Recitation, "My Ambi- said bill will he takw " ' i,YVptember 1(1, 19». «n« reconiwl In
employment reduced the relief recent events in Europe and their uiuugm otii me luct tnat the rate um of Six Thousand Beventy-jwven le M ddlewx County OWk's Offlot
coughed, "(luess I'll change tion"—William Superior, oi syceu anowea at the crossing is against you. r Book 616 of Murtpiw fw said
list at that time lo 337,355. Th« bearing on peace or war, The Raid kill la tiled to foreclose a County on page 376. ooverlng lands in
her in for two twenties." Story ot4. the
Grade Flag - in9 the
Episodes Children
Life of figures for last month are slightly on nines pur hour. :osts of tl "w?fl!"'alll and sing
iviusic ior uie evening included singular Ul mortgage dated July 17, 1917 executed ft" Township of Woodbrldn. In the
E i d
Abraham Lincoln. more than 81 per cent above three vocal suios suiig By ruin hereditaments and by Abraham Eskln and Esther Eakln. County >-f Middlesex and State of N«w
• * * •
1. Elvira Cromwell, Dominick
Present Petition Ignis privileges, uenunto belonging or hia wife, to Jennie L. Phillips, record- lirsey which said mortgaRe was jiub
those of January last year. ivieuger, ' Goou-pye,' t>y 'io«ti, Mr. Hayes, in presenting a pe-
' Our heartiest congr&t Rosetti, Marie Pellegrino, Anna More than 68 per cent of the "in uie Time oi noses," sung in tition Hum we bourn oi f ieenoia- ,f, . V w - ' W t i l S ^ , H- ELY,
i ed In the Clerk's Office of Mlddleasx wauon'tly n»"lg'»'d to the complaini
County In Bvok 313 of Mortgages for herein and you arc mnn> d«f»ndaM»
illations to Sergeant auid Bozon and S. Lemasiskl. relievees were in the ten northern German, ana "His Luilaby," by eis, to eiuiiinau; ine conuiuon in said County, on page 508Ac., which b"nu« you ore the record own«r» ot
Mrs. Harvey Romond, 2 Angelina Zuccaro and N. Siv- counties, Bergen, PasBaic, Sussex, Carrie Jacobs bond wun Mrs. vvooaunugv, uigea mat tne coaru JOHN A. D E L A . N E T , aald mortgage, covering lands In Ihi the premises dmrrlbed in Mid mnrl
City of Perth Amboy, County of Mid
of Albert street, who iii.'. Warren, Hudson, Essex, Morris, Grace V. urown us the accomp- iinun.-uiini.iy IOIIX tne mufouus tu W I 8, 16, 23, 36. dle«ex and State of New Jersey, was m<>
Union, Somerset and Middlesex. anist, and a group of piano soios, subsequently assigned to thn said ' HENRY ST. C. LAVIN,
celebrated their 30th Gills' Chorus. me spucu oi tne iruius to Sol'r of complainant,
3. Dialouge, "Like Washington" This half of the State is heavily "Homance," bitjenus, a Spanisn not more uiqn 13 nines an nour Frank J. L&wson and which said prem1
wedding anniversary Mae Sa.iso and Daniel Mlnucci. industrial. In the southern section nunwer '"Seqiumua," Alberuz and SHEKltFS SALE
vvnile completing pians lor tne f ClUiiCCK* OF NEW JKR8BV— Morris Schwartstein (no* deceased) Hated February » . IMS
Ises were BubBequently conveyed to on 64 Main »tre«t
Woodbridge, N. J.
yesterday. Here's wish- Grade 4. Songs, "Columbia," only Mercer and Camden have "Prelude In *"', (Jhopin played by who assumed the payment of sale
elimination ot grade crossing. Between WILLIAM H. KKLLJ. Com- mortgage: and you, Isidore Schwart
ing you both many more "hand of Freedom." Important industrial populations. Miss Kuth Erb.
Ana re w U. uesmona, cmurman miBDioner of Banning and insurance stein and Marie Schwatinteln, a* -
years of happiness! Recitation, "Like Lincoln,"'-«lx The rural and shore counties i l l The guests were: Mrs. J. J. Llv- of tne citizens committee, aiso '"••» nut..
girls. showed large extensions of their
* • t V ingood, Mrs. F .F. Anness, Mr. presented a petition in benaU ot BOLINAR. hie wlf«,
The Junior Police boys perThegrade program given by the up- rolls. and Mrs. Albert R. Bergen, Mrs. residents of woodoridge. Xne lo-
are all dresed up with new included:
badges. Instead of the old
pupils of school No. 9

1. Singing--"America, the Beau-

The total last month was split Madeleine J. Duval, Mr. and Mrs.
among 166,582 cases, with 581,442 George H. Merrill and Miss Eliza- urgea quicK action toward tne el-
in families of two or more per-
cal attorney, in a stirring manner

beth spencer. The next meeting imination and requested tne board to raa directed and delivered, I will
pieinisi/i dated January 9, l t t a
By virtue ot the uuovo staMU Writ, Chase and Sanbom
type pin badge they are now tiful." sons and 29,358 non-family indi- will be March 12 at the home oi lo set a limit of ten miles an nour oxpoac to sale at public vendua on
Sporting large arm badges 2. "February Days," a program viduals.

Commitments for relief

Which are adjusted with ubout import events which have month were $5,085,848 of that Anna Hart entertaining.
Miss Anna L. Johnson In Green .or trains going tnrougn Wood-
last street with Miss Johnson and Miss bridge. Umy tnrougn such action.
,16 explained, couia the lownsmp at two o ciock,
i'lv6 A, U.
Xlme, in Uie
happened and about famouB peo- $339,645.79 was for administration,
leather straps.
• t * •
ple who were born during the a ratio of 6.6 per cent. Toward
month of February, including es- the total amount committed muni-
We wonder who the tablishment of Weather Bureau, cipalities contributed ,,$347,406.
hope to mane the railroad remedy
lie situation which is a grave ow uiunawick, M. J.
.is far as woodbrdige is concerned
^iienli s

ALL tut; (allowing tract or parcel of

day. at tho
City of New
pound 31c
certain fireman was that Daniel Boone, Lincoln, Valentine, The number of municipalities re- He described what a catastrophi IIIHU iininiBta liereinalter partlcvilarly
it would have been if the acciaen Utf i owii-sinp iii'sciiDfd, Bituate, lying and bein^ in HERSH'S BEST IN TOMATO SAUCE
, parked in the snow- Washington Clark.
nnd George Rogers porting was tho highest yet reach-
Had occurred a short time late County ol Middlesex, and BUle of
ol VvocKluriUKe in tne
First Presbyterian Church
v storm with his girl

get an inn keeper to aid

3. Songs used in the program ed, 453.average cost of maintaining
friend and then had to were: "battle Cry of Freedom," a The family over the month was
Earl Hannum Ucvunny
"Columbia the Gem of the Ocean," $3Z.O2 and for non-family persons , Morning Worship: li:Ul>, Sermon Mr. Hayes and Assistant Prose-
tfhen the children would be oi •N'fiw Jersey.
hen way home from school. Li'J.^u A1H?WM and UL-liigtliitftl a^
ull ul LuL Mrwty tW) and the aouth- lift of lot runety-one tsu
SARDINES, 2-No. 1 oval cans 19c
him in getting the car andThe"The Stor Spangled Banner." $12.05. | Topic, "Noblesse oblige." Evening cutor James S. Wight in question- hip i.t lutal farK. located in Town-
Hagaman Heights School Worsnip: 7:45, Sermon Topic, ing the witnesses brought out the amp i oi Wouumidge, County uf Middie- FAVORITE—Fancy "A Real Treat for Salads"
going ? Among the new cases accepted, ne ul m-w Jersey. Surveyed

• *• « *
Now that February is ov-
observed Washington's Birthday more than 46 per cent were
with the following program:
Courage, Jennie Guiseppe; Like
w e e of ,Martha MartM M indednMS»
Mindeduess. churcn
Church fact clearly that it U practically *:X
persons never before on relief. School, 9:45, Mr. A. F. Randolph, impossible for a driver of a car to ijy
More than 38 per cent were cases upenntendent. Classes ior all see a train approaching at the iwrd in ihe Clerk s Office o( Middle-
und SU & Fux, Civil Engineers,
rtTtli Aniuoy, N. J., and filed lor rc-

sun Cuuiny, N. J.
SHRIMP, 2 cans ••••< uvv
Washington, Elsie Scutti; Febru- re-opened and more than 17 per iges. Green street crossing. Presenting i., (..i'"ii"i i» u point uu Un; tusk-ill
er, we can legitimately be- ary, Vita Larocco; Another Wash- cent had been Inactive during De Junior Christian Endeavor, 3:00 pictures of the crossing as evi- 3iui-
jt tiimm 3ii evl uuiuini jjouuitiiy
gin looking tor signs of ington, Anna Guiffreda; song cernber. The latter two classes in- . , M., Intermediate Christian En- dence of this fact, Mr. Hayes uo ^U it^L LU iuv suuUKuni corner ul
umul Sllufl III1U .NtW UIUUHWICK Ave-
spring. AnU we found—qne "Hurrah Hurrah", grades; Con- cluded persons who had obtained deavor, 2:30 P. ML, Senior Chris showed that the shoemakers' store niit. iini.tiK uii'LicQ Uf e t m u i y at rignt
of the first ones on Anht,t e n t m e n t , Antoinette Valetutto employment enough to take them .ion Endeavor, 6:30 P. M. obstructs the view. •jutiiea IU LJUUIB birui'l i w lw{] thetiue With Ingredients to Suit the Taste
Accrostic, Tep 1st grade children off the relief rolls for the time be- Monday, Regular Monthly meet- Shannon Not Ul UJ yuuuiuriy unu rjuruiicl wall buuia
C Hornsby's desk in Joe Duni- Jack Frost, Irene and Rose Bar- ing. ftu'A'l ttt>l; Ineliut; U) W C I U I I J
gan's office. Anne is display- tha; Song, "Oh, Washington,'
ingg the first pussywillows of grades; Little Folks, Stella Gron- the
month, with comparison is as
ing or tne Session at the manse.
The showing of each county for Regular fortnightly meeting ol the
Buschman Guild, at the home of nioiu
iL'vurul tunes during uiv - . ' -
oi witnesses it was msinuui-
IIIKI ^aruibel w a n me llrai dcacriDtQ
uurst ul »W itwi to Hie euaierly »id«
ul i^UlUH SL1WL, tlltUHJ \il lluiUltii}
anil mjing m e eaflitny sine ut Louis
SSoz.jar 15c, 1 pt. jar 25c, 1 qt.jar 43c |
sky; I'll Try, Samuel Minucci ... mui biuiuioii may nave uctn
the season. Jan. Dec. Miss Betty Copeland on Maple ui ui bUlieieu u sliuiie at tue tun' it't't 4l.o7 leet lu tne pullll or piac.'
Accrostic the Flag, Grade 3 girls $27,618 Avenue at eight o'clock. iifglnning. Favorite-Run-of-Gardem PEAS, No. 2 can 1'
Like Washington, Anna Ottavino Atlantic $30,110 Tuesday, Regular monthly meet ui mt crasn. ttecoras snowed trial •|iii appruximate amount of the de-
Add things you should Courtesy, Charles Mlnucci; Song Bergen 32,132 33,077 n« Had ueen examined oy tne ran- tree lo ue Buualieil by stud sale is Uif
see: The Senior Class Turlington 15,217 13.38R ing of the omcers and teachers rouu meuical board August H ram ul v'uur inouauid liva liundroii Hersh's B»t-^Cut WAX BEANS, 2-No. 2 ctn> 2Sc j
"Our Flag," grades. 50,815 49,042 ot the Church School at the home ana his pnysical condmun was eicvt.n dollars ( x . o u . W together with
play, "Growing Pains" Camden of Mrs. Walter Warr, on Grove ine tu3.3 ot this sale, g
Cape May .. 6,301 5,472
At the High School au- Avenue, at eight o'clock in the luuna to oe excellent. Shannon wuu an and'singular the
ditorium tonight; the
Jay Mills and His Band Cumberland 10,637
134,227 132,844 jvening. Dorn in lobtf and worKed on
, - j , heredltuiitenu and
, uiereuiuo Deionging or
Favorite - Bartlett PEARS, large can 19c
Legion Band minstrel At Raritan Auditorium Gloudcster 14,967 13,435 Wednesday, Womans' Auxiliary the railroad since IWi. appertaiiimg.
AUAN H. ELY. White Naptha P & G SOAP, 3 cakes lie
'Hudson .... 127,353 130,945 weekly tea at the home ot Mrs ' , haetitl.
tomorrow night at the Jay Rutan, on Grove avenue ai "The Largest Selling Laundry Soap"
High school and the era1'ERTH AMBOY.—Dance lov- j Hunterdon 1,337
33239 2:30 P. M. 4:00 P. M. Catechism
Leisure Tune JOHN A. DELANBY,
in me Haniun. Bay district j Mercer class at the church. 7:45 P. M

Hungaria Catholic Club | will nave the opportunity to nance I Middlesex 39,054 38,026 (Continued from Page One) 1, H, 15, 22, 35.
minstrel Tuesday night to the tunes oi one ol the out- Monmouth 15,955 13,788 Mid-Week prayers. ^
at Our Lady of Mt Car- itanaing Dands in the country tnis Morris 11,478 10,061 basketball; 7:30 to 8:30, stamp SHUUFF'S SALE
ijunaay nignt at the Rantati ball- Ocean 8,038 7,518 Public Service Corporation ,C1UD; B;JU to 9:30, community IN CHAWUKK* OF NEW JEH8BY-
mel church parish hall. room. Jay Mills and his lourteen- Passaic 31,092 30,284 of New Jersey I singing; 8:30 to lti:00 quiet games.
Between WILLIAM H. KELLr, a m -
missi(j[n;r of Banning and Insurance
3,663 3,116 Dividend No .111 on Com Tnursday: 1-2, gym games; 2-3, of me atat« ot hew Jersey, etc,
piece orhcestra comes to the au- S6lem mon Stock SI MAIN STREET,
6,179 5,459 anocrait; 3-4, I>mg pong; 1-5, Complainant, and SOflilb SABu,
Hear that Joe Gill, form- aitorium on that day. Somerset
1,410 1,046 Dividend No.. 65 on 8% IRA H. CHOUSE, et 0-18., Defen^UUs,
oney ball; 7:30 to 8:40, Wood- WOODBRIDGE, M. J.
er Township Commiltceman Mills comes here from a coast Sussex 33,559 31,379 Cumulative Preferred Stock VI. Fa. for the sale of mortgaged
work; tt:3u to 9:30, forum; 9:30 to premises dated January 17, 1U36.
from the third ward, is ill to coast tour of the leading vaude- Union
vilie houses in the country. For Warren 4,368 4,125 Dividend No. 49 on 7%
u:uu, ping pong. By virtue ot the »Dove stated Writ.
at his home in Port Read- many years he has been connect- Cumulative Preferred Stock to me directed and delivered, I will
Friday: 1-2, quiet games; 2-3 expose to sate at public vendue on
i Phone WOod. 8-0631 FREE DELIVERY
State Totals $610,900 $5ft7,927 Dividend No. 27 on $5.00
ing. Here's hoping that you ed with Warner Brothers; HK.0 Cumulative Preferred Stock tiariacrait; 3-4, woodwork; 4-5, VvBiLUilitlUA*.
get on the road to recovery [and Paramount. He is a very ver- The board of Directors ol Pub- oasuetbaii; 7:30 to B:iu, entertain- ISIftEiEEN THIKTY-l'IVH
in short order, Joe. satile person, being a dancer, vo-
calist, violinist and conductor of
.Town Presents lic Service Corporation of New ment; 8:30 to 10:00; social dancing. at two o'clock, Standard Time, In the
afternoon of the said day, at the
Jersey has declared dividends at SnerlHs Olfloe in the City of New
the band .He Is also a composer (Continued Irom Page One)
For unhitching the tiaving written "When My bugar
the rate of 8% per annum on the
8% Cumulative Preferred Stock, IN ChA^UbKX OF NEW JERSEY—
SHERIFFS SALE Brunswick, N. J.
A L L the following tract or parcel of
truck from the trailer Walks Down the Street," "No lantic City vs, Pleasantville to being $2.00 per share; at the rate Between WILLIAM H. KELLY, Com- land uescrloed,
eremites hereinafter particularly
situate, lying and being la
remedy the Btuation existing by
at the crash jast week, More er."
Worrying" and "Weary Riv- of 7% per annum on the 7% Cum-
reason of these Crossings effect' lative PreferredStock, being $1.75
missioner of Banking and Insurance
or uie Slate ot I\ew Jersey, eic. the Township of Vvoodbriage in the
Harry Mawbey was giv- Complainant, and MARIA ZSADAN- County of Middlesex, and BUM of
Sunday afternoon he and his ivsly, per share; at the rate of $5.00 per VE and MIKLOS ZSADiLNYE her New Jersey,
en a job by the Shell orchestra will give a concert dur- "6. Now, therefore, the Town- annum on the non par value Cum- huaband, .Defendants, Fi. Fa. Ior the BEING known und designated aa
Oil people at the Sewar- ing visiting hours at the Perth |ship Committee of the Township ulative Preferred Stock, being sale at mortgaged premises dated Lots 1321, 1322, 1323, 1S24, 12*. and
January 9, 1935. 1326, on a Map entitled 'Map of Prop-
en plant. We are glad Amboy General hospital. Com- of Woodbridge respectively a9ks $1.25 per share, and 70 cents per By virtue ol the abov« »tated Writ, erty of William H. Mofflt, comprising
missioner Gadek will welcome intervention of the Public Utility share on the non par value Com- to me directed and delivered, I will of 629 Building Lots known M Hope-
to see that Mawbey's Mills and his band when they Commission to fix and determine mon Stock for the quarter ending expose to sale at public vendue on lawn, situate In Woodbridge Town-
heroism was rewarded. reach the city. the rate of speed of which trains March 31, 1935. All dividends are WKDNE3DA*, THE 1 TWENTY- slip, Middlesex County, New Jeriey,
surveyed by Charles C. Hommion,
of the Pennsylvania Railroad may payable March 30, 1935, to stock- SEVENTH DAY OB MARCH Surveyor, November. 1902, and tiled
Firemen llughie McClusk- CELEBRATES FIRST BIRTHDAY travel and the Township Commit- holders of record at the close o* at two o'clock, Standard Time, in the for record in the Clerk's OMloe of
Middlesex County, New Jeriey.
tee of the Township of Wood- business, March 1, 1935. afternoon ot the said day, at the BEGINNING at ,a point ln the south-
ey and "Judge" Brown cer- PORT READING.-Little Mary bridge respectively suggests sugge that Sheriff» Offioe in th e City of New erly lino of James btreet distant wesv
* { i.t fli/1 unmii ninochlu Anne La Russo, daughter of Mr no railroad trains operating Dividends on 6% Cumulativi Brunswick, N. J. crly two hundred and fifty (260) feat
tainly did sonw V^mt ^ , ^ ^ through the Township of Wood- I Preferred Stock are payable on creed It was ordered, adjudged and de- from the souCwe*t corner formed by
that the fifty shares of capital the Intersection of James Street and
playing this week. I he torn o n d street , celebl . ated , s t bridge should be permitted to I the last day of each month. stock No. 3129 of the Cltlzons Building Herbert—street; running tnenoa (1)
party at f i rher a greater rate of speed than fit- T. W. Van Middlesworth, aad Loan Association owned by Uie southerly at right angle* to James
er bad 800 kings and 150 -birthday with a Treasurer. said Maria 2sadanye and Miklos Zsa Street, one hundred (100) feet; thence
run dealt out to him in one home, recently. teen miles per hour.
danye, her husband, on which there li (2) westerly and parallel with the
"Respecfully submitted, due to them $522.50 and assigned by southerly line of James Street, one
j>and, while the latter, a MRS. FRANCES EBENUOH "TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE" Public Service Electric am them to Ihe Citizena Building and hundred and fifty (UJO) feet: thence
couple of hands later, re- WOODBRIDGE.—Mrs. Frances "A. F. Greiner, Mayor." Loan Association as collateral security (3) northerly and parallel with the
deived 1500 in a double run. Ebunhuh, 38 years old, wife of Gas Company for the said loan \>v first sold and »c first ileucrlbed course one hundred
Dividend No. 43 on 7% much of certain mortgaged premises (100) feet to the aoutherly side of
» • • • Thomas Ebenhoh, 660 St. George - , „ „ , , . A B «• n n r H W F l I with the appurtenances, ln the said James Street; thence (4) easterly and
avenue, died Friday at the Perth ™S??i 1 ! ? , ^ F Hnthwell Cumulative Preferred Stock BUI of Complaint ID said cause par along the southerly aide ot Jamer
We heard from the Amboy General hospital after a i , / V E N E ^ - T h o m a s B. Rothwell Dividend No. 15 on $5.00 tlcularly mi, fortli untl described, thu I Street, one Inmdred and fifty (ISO!
> bpy* the other night that short illness. Besides her husband! 4d^l K dyea™ old, of 433 Aven_e rtrert,
Thomas. Brennaln, local she is survived
survived by
by three
three daughters
daughters i Monday..night j t . his home
Mary, Anna und Josephine; one After a short illness. He is survived lie Service Electric and Gas Com
Cumulative Preferred Stock
The Board of Directors ot Pub
is to say:
ALL that tract or parcel of land'NINO,
I feet to thf point or place of BEOIN
boy who h«» been con- son, Frank; a brother, Thomas bye r his 0wife, Edith M., one daugh- pany has declared the regular
nected with the sports ind i ^ ' P ™ ^ , of Avenel and sever quarterly dividend on the 7% and
department of the Eliz-
W k t h
Wozkovtch, of G Gary, ,
cii:in,.' ; „ ' till sisters and brothers in Eng- and $5.00 Preferred Stock of that the electric clock
abeth Journal, is about
three brothers and
" H
Ind 1 ln
| land.
Funeral services were heia held Wedwea
Company. Dividends are payable METROPOLITAN GRAND^PERA
to leave that sheet to take
a position with Boyn- day
tunerul sorviues wereheld Mon- n e s ( j a y afternoon at 2:30 o'clock March 30 1935, to stockholders of
lay morning at the home and at f»™m r"0"nTthe iv,o Greiner
riroinor funeral home record at the close of business
fnnornl home. direct from its New York Stage saves you guesswork
Brothers, b Perth Am- St, James' church were a solemn ; G r e e n 3 treet. Rev. Robert Me March 1, 1935. 3-Hour Broadcast by
requiem musss was celebrated. Jn-1 ] n 1 Bride, pastor of the Presbyterian T. W. Van Middlesworth,
boy. Peter Urban, of the terment was in St. James' come- church, here officiated. Interment Treasurer.
sports staff of the Perth tery. was In the Rahway cemetery. I A-3483 LISTERINE Llectnoty can be depended upon to tell the
Amboy Evening News,
is scheduled to take over
announced by
right time. Once tpe clock is set correctly
Tom's job on the Journ- I Gera/dine Farrar
al starting next Mon- 1:45 P.M. and connected to trie electnc outlet, you
day. Our best wishes
for success go to both W A N T TO SAVE MONEY ill Every Saturday • all NBC stations
won t have to compare watches, because the
The "Weekly Indefinite" i
clock will be accurate to the second.
was BO excited last week
while covering the train-
truck crash, that its report-
ers thought fire companies
Tydol Service
Any 3 Garments. C 0 S f 1 2 5 SPECIAL OffER Electnc clocks come in many dillereat
from other towns were on
hand to help the local
smoke-eaters. At least, that ACCESSORIES Any 2 Garments C o t r 8 5 c MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ONLY styles and sizes: heavy timepieces for the
living room mantel, fragile timepieces tor
il what a story in that sheet
"" have you believe.
,,.jlay the high-powered
Single Garments 43c AND HEELS $1 AND HEELS $1" bedside tables and clear faced kitchen clocks
will learn that Wood-
,„.! has a very competent
RUBBER HEELS 35c that can oe read across the room. Pricw
Ire department. LIFTS 20c begin at $2.25 cash. Small carrying charge
• » • • CHARGED - RENTALS All Work Guaranteed
Before we forget it
w« want to give a great Latiwt Equipment for WHITE OAK LEATHER AND GOODYEAR if you purchase on the part payment plan.
big hand to Sergeant Grazing All Models.
Ben Parson's Junior
Police Boy«, who lent a
helping hand during the
PAIR WORK! The clock illustrated sells for $7*50 cash.

fire caused by the

truck-tram crash last
week. The boy* did traf-
fic duty, at intersections State Service 41 MAIN ST. ADJACENT PIENN. R. R. TRACKS
Pick-ups and Deliveries 10c per stop Additional
Uk« veterans and left Give Us a Trial, and You Will Be Satisfied
th« ofrtyw f r « to aid STATION Member of Woodbrtdfe Township Sttrtnowmeu'i Aiwwbttan AW«
«| th« scene of the 395 Amboy Ave., WoodbrId*: 111 MAIN STREET, WOODBRJDGE, N. J.

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