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From the introductory part of Carakasamhita, it is clear that the
writing of ayurvedic sarnhitas began from Agnivesa only and later his
five co-disciples viz. Bhela, Jatukarna, Par asara, Har] ta and Ksarapani,
also wrote their compendia independently 1. But the verses in the first
chapter of A~!arigaS3rigraha mention tha' Punarvasu, Dhanvantari,
Bharadvaj a, Nirni, Kahapa. Kasyapa, Lamb ayana and other sages
learnt ayurveda from Indra and compiled independent compendia v •
Later, their disciples Agnivesa, Har] ta, Bhela, Man davya, Susruta,
Karala and others (Jatukar~a, Parasara, and Ks arapani may be included
by the word adi) who studied under them. also compiled treatises
their own •3

It can be assumed that Vagbhata, the author of AHarigasarigraha,

studied all these works on the eight branches of ayurveda and that he
embodied all the important theories and subject matter of these works
in his treatise.
Apart from this. he quotes the views of several au thori ties like
Gautama, Brhaspati, Kapilabala, Varuna, Kha n dak apya, siva.
Agastya, Vasistha, Vrddhakasyapa Bhoja, Vaitarana, Pu skalava ta,
Nagnajit, Videhapati and Canakya etc. This shows that he must have
studied their works also.
It can be concluded that important views and theories of ancient
ayurvedic texts which are now not available are found in A~!arigasari-
graha. This is mentioned by Vagbhata himself in his work in the
following verses.

"I shall compile, in different parts, after generally sum-

marising all the compendia. the work A~!arigasatigraha which lS
* Research Officer (Ayurveda) and
** Assistant Director, Indian Institute of History of Medicine, Hyderabad.
2 Bulletin Ind. Inst. Hist. Med. Vol. IX
devoid of description at an improper place, of elaboration where
not required and of brevity where detail is required and or
repititions and which deals with the three branches viz. causative
factors, signs and symptoms of diseases and medicines. which
expounds the portions where very unclear statements are
embedded, which removes completely the controversies with other
works and which is a work having the topics and material
sui table to the present time and is in the appropriate divisions 4.:'
Thus A Hangasangraha hands down several important details en
different aspects of ayurveda which are elsewhere i. e. in available
classics like Carakasamhita. Susrutasarnhita and Bhelasamhita and
Kisyapasamhita. etc., not available or found scattered or are described
in brief. Some of these details pertain to dharmasastra also, but have
medical or hygienical importance.

Though A~~angahrdaya mentions that it had culled all important

mate rial from the ancient works o• it is found that several important
detail s have been left over in AHangahrdaya. but are mentioned in
A s ~angasa ngraha.

Efforts are made in these pages to present some of these important

topics or ideas or theories of AHangasangraha.

DINACARYADHYAYA-Chapter on daily regimen

Time of getting up from bed :

It is prescribed in A!?~angahrdaya and some ayurvedic works that a
healthy person should get up from bed in the brahma muhurta (the three
hours period before sunrise). While prescribing the same, A!?tangasang-
raha adds that this should be done after deciding whether or not the
food of previous day has been digested 6. It suggests that if the dige-
stion is not complete, one should sleep for some more time.

Mode of excretion and cleaning:

The passing of urine and stools should be done when the natural
impulse is there. One should do this facing the north during the day
time and the south during night. One should be silent, should not have
attention on any other things, and should cover his body and head. No
.Additional Material in Astanga Sangraha=Sarma & Rao

strain should be applied, but the faeces or urine should be allowed

to pass out by natural impulse".

The following places are to be avoided for passing the excreta: middle
of the way, heap of earth, ash and cowdung, cowpen and busy place,
adjacent parts of the city ftown, near fire or anthill, beautiful places,
ploughed land, place where a sacrifice has been performed and beneath a
tree. One should also not face towards women, elderly persons. cows, the
sun, the moon, flow of wind, food, fire and water. When a cause of fear
and physical weakness is there, one may act according to his convenience e ,

After completing the evacuation, the anal region should be cleaned

by earth, which is devoid of any foreign articles (like sticks etc.) and is
pure and also by water which has been taken out from its source (tank,
river etc.j, carefully without allowing the water to sprinkle on any parts
of the body. The cleaning should be done till the earth and bad smell

That one should not have the attention of mind on any other work
at the time of passing excreta, suggests that actions like reading news-
paper etc. are prohibited. Similarly cleaning by water after taking it out
from its source i, e. tank, river etc., is meant to avoid polluti on of the

Tooth Brush and Tooth Paste :

Following are the plants which are recommended for use in

brushing teeth 10

Ficus bengalensis Linn.

Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.
Arka Calotropis procera (A it) R. Br.

Khadira Acacia catechu Willd.

Karaiija Pongamia pinnata (Linn) Merr-

Karavi ra Nerium indicurn Mill

Sarja vareria indica Linn.

Arimeda Acacia leucophloea Willd.

4 Bulletin Ind. Inst, nt«. Med. Vol. IX
Apamarga Achyranthes aspera Linn.
Milat. Jasminum arborescens Roxb.
Kakubha Terminalia arjuna W & A.
The stick of stem or root of other plants which have the tastes-
bitter. astringent and pungent (ka~iya. tikta & katuka] are also
recommended, but the sticks should be of known plant. The trees from
which the sticks are collected should be in a pure place. The stick
should be of the thickness of the edge of the small finger. The edge of
the stick should be softened to make it into a brush form. The stick
should be without any knots and be straight. The length should be 12
atigulas (about 10 inches). Brushing of teeth is to be done without
talking in the morning and after taking meals. 11

The brushing is to be done without causing harm to gums after

dipping or anointing the stick in the mixture of the following:
Vapya - Saussurea lappa C. B. Clarke

Trivarga tritaya - Tr ikatu, Triphala and Trijitaka

(Piper lo ngum Linn, Piper nigrum Linn, Zingiber Officina Ie Rose,
Terminalia chebula Retz, Phyllanthus embIica Linn, Terminalia
belerica Roxb, bark and leaves of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume,
Eletta ria Cardamomum Matoo) and honey. 12

First lower teeth are to be brushed 13.

Plants Prohibited for Brushing :

sle~mitaka Cordia dichotama Forst.

AriHa Azadirachta indica A. Juss or Sapindus
trifoliatus Linn.
Vibhi ta Terrninalia belerica Roxb.

Dhava Anogeissus latifolia Wall.

Dnanva Grewia tiliaefolia Vahl.

Bilva Aegle marmelos Corr,

Vajijula Salix Caprea Linn.
Additional Material in Astanga Sangraha -S:uma & Rao 5

Nirgundj Vitex negundo Linn.

Sigru Moringa Oleifera Lam.
Tilvaka Symplocos racemosa Roxb,
Tinduka Diospyros embryopteris Pers.
Kovidara Bauhinia racemosa Lam.
sam. Prosopis spicigera Linn.
PlIu Salvadora persica Linn.
Pippala Ficus religiosa Linn.
Itiguda Balan ites aegyptiaca. (Linn) Delile.
Guggulu Commiphora mukul Engl.
Paribhadraka Erythrina indica Lam.
Amllka Tamrindus indica Linn.
Mocakl Bombax malabaricurn DC_(White)
salamall Bombax malabaricum DC (Black)

sa~a Crotalaria Juncea Linn.

These plants are prohibited for brushing. Apart from these, plants
having sweet, acid, or salt taste and which are dried, perforated (by
worms) and which are putrid and viscid an prohibited for brushing the
teeth. 1 4,

In Susrutasarnhitji Azadirachta indica A. Juss.Inimba )is recommended.

It also recommends plants of sweet taste and particularly madhuka
(Maduea longfolia Linn Mactmde) 15 for brushing the teeth.
Palasa (Butea monosperma Lam Kuntze) is prohibited in
AHatigasatigraha for use for brushing and making seats (chairs) and
shoes, 16 whereas Bhela included palasa and dhava in the list of plants
recommended for tooth brushing. 1 7

Washing of Eyes:
After brushing teeth, eyes are to be rinsed or washed by water.
keeping the mouth filled with water. For this cold water is to be us ed
6 Bulletin Ind. Inst. Hist. Med. Vol. IX

in gri srna and sarat seasons, while hot water is to be used in other
seasons. 18

Prayer and Listening at Auspicious things:

After brushing of teeth and washing of face and making obeisance
to god and elders. one should listen (look, touch and spell) at auspicious
things numbering le8 (mentioned in the 12th chapter of sarlra Sthana
of A~~angasangraha) and then look at ghee placed in a gold utensil.: [}

Nasal Insufflation:

In Carakasamhit a the administration of nasal insufflation of

"anutaila" is prescribed only in three seasons - pravr t sarat and
vasanta, 20 while A~tangasangraha prescribes it throughout the year.~ 1
However in nasyavidhi chapter of A~tangasangraha two types of
anutaila are mentioned. One is similar to that in Carakasamhit a.
The second is to be prepared generally with seasamum oil and particularly
with ghee for the persons who have the derangement of all the three
humours, with pitta in the highest degree of vitiation. Hence it is under-
stood that according to the temperament etc. one of these two is to be
Wearing of Clothes and Flower Garlands:
Clothes which are torn, dirty and of dark red colour are to be
avoided. A garland of big length and also of red flowers except lotus is
prohibited. Wearing garlands is also prohibited at the time when one
moves out in the public. Clothes, flowers and shoes, which have been
worn by others are not to be used. Different clothes should be put on
at the time of sleeping. going out and at the time of performing wor.,

Two betel leaves, one betel nut, a little quantity of lime and extract
of catechu tree (red) mixed together make one tambula.s 3

Shaving and Cutting of nails:

Hair. the beard and the nails are to be shaved and cut three times in
a fortnight, but not by self or by teeth and immediately bath is also to be
taken. 24.
Additional Material in Astanga Sangraho-s-Sarma & Rao 7

Taking bath without drenching head is prohibited. Nakedness at
the time of bath, entering the water (rivers etc) and of sleeping is to
be avoided. While taking bath in a water source of others (not one's
own; formed by others) one should take out five heaps of mud from it
before taking bath. After the bath. parts of body should not be wiped
out (by hands etc) and the hair thrashed. One should put on his dress
and head dress when the body is still wet. After bath, one should not
again use clothes taken off and should also not touch oil and fat. 2 5

Going b Bed:
One should go to bed after taking light and wholesome food, in the
evening and after praying the god and with a clean body and steady
mind and after pondering over one's condition of the body or day's
routine. The place should be clean, devoid of people and one should
have two or three servants. The cot, bed and chair should have a
convenient pillow and be clean, sufficiently wide, even, smooth, auspicious
and of knee level height. One should sleep thinking of virtues with his
head either towards east or south and legs not stretching towards elders.
The: place of sleeping should be in the front or back yard of the

Suitable Place to Live :

The place should have plenty of water , herbs, sacrificial sticks,
flowers, grass and firewood. The place should have abundance of food
materials. be safe, and have good outskirts. The place should also be
adorned by scholars. House, which is not built according to the science
of vastu (architecture) should not be used for living even for a day.
Regions which are frequently affected by diseases and epidemics and
where physicians and leaders are not living is to be avoided. Dwelling
on hills and in a region which is inhibited mostly by unvirtuous people
is also prohibited.a?

Some Miscellaneous Prohibitions:

The following actions are prohibited:

Eating the eatables keeping in the lap; drinking water with blended
palms; eating after sunset, food matarials in which seasamum seeds are
8 Bulletin Ind. lnst, Hist. Med. Vol. IX

mixed; scratching the head simultaneously with two hands; carrying

heavy weight on the head; carrying water and fire at the same time;
placing one leg on the other leg, scratching one leg with the other,
cleaning the feet in tbe utensil prepared of bel1 metal; extending the legs
while sitting; looking continuously at moving. minute things and things
which one dots not like, at unauspicious things and at faeces and
urine, looking in the mirror which is not clear, looking at the sun, at
the time of rising, setting and when glazy and the image of the sun
and tbe sun during eclipse even through a cloth; looking at any object
which is very dazzling; looking at the face of teachers or elders who
are very angry; looking at a woman, who is passing urine or is in ber
menstrual period or naked or in coitus; looking at one's wife, when she
is eating, sleeping, sneezing, yawning, or sitting in an uneasy posture;
sleeping with the wife on the same cot and eating with wife at the same
time; dropping the fruits from the tree by hitting with a stone or
another fruit; entering other's houses when prohibited and also through
the side entrance; sitting on a seat without being asked for it; waking
up a person from sound sleep.28

Some Social Obliagtions :

Give way for people who are in grief, for old for ladies and for
men carrying load, vehicles and the twice born.29

From the beginning verses in the first chapter of AHstiga Satigraha
it is clear tbat Vagbha tacarya studied al1 the works written by Dhan-
vantari, Bharadvaja etc., and the works written by their disciples
Agni vesa, Had ta etc. It is also clear by quoting the views of several
authors like Gautama, Brhaspati, Kapilabala, etc. that Vagbhata
must~ have studied their works also.

Thus it can be concluded that important views of ancient ayurvedic

Samhitas which are not available now are found in A~~ati.gasati.graha.
Some of those mentioned in "Dinacaryadhyjiya" of AHatigasatigraha
are presented here.
Additional Material in Astanga Sangraha=Sarma & Rao


(1) W"!f~ cmfT ~¥if/~~ ~TS~ I

3T'f *'f144!f"""t: ~ ~ ~ ..........••• II
Carakasarnhita Su 1-32

(2) ~ q~~,,! ,!~~lI" ,!"cf~l\ I

~~~~f~lIqCfl~lIq I : 1\
~T f/~~ \1";:<rnr.iT~lI": I
~..:t" -, II
err,! ~1iC~~Cj'~Ten f"f\irtrn' lI"~l11ll'1{ I
3ITlI'~: qT\1";:f1f~lj"q~lj"~ cfnr : II
" "
if~f(CfT ij- d'+!r+rrr<i as~ d'?'frfur m'{ I

(3) ~sf~RTd'~~T1JGo~~err.,~ II
Cfi'U~R'l11:q d'f:;~lI"r9: ~T~lfTll"T~'1dT: 1
~ <:cf ~ dCR'a-sfq ~ : •••. \I
A~!aIigasaIigraha Su 1 Chapter

(4) ~cfar':fTmrcr : SITlf: ~~"'~s::l~: I

~¥il'1fcrn:r'Uer!f'!rr<i'fd'rf~qf~d': II
~crf~""t~er~Cfl;:er':fll"l1T':ff".Fer.,: I
fcrR~GT~.:hrcClHt srffiFrt srCflmCfl: II
~~f(n)erT'1t '+[~ fqf~Cfi: I

.. .•
lI"~qw~~1 fGf~., Cflf'(1SlffiII

(5 ) a-~Tsfd'fGfsrCfiTUf~: 5fTll": ~~~ :1

f¥lI"a-$l5GilT~ ;ffiffiierqfCl~~l\ 'I

(6) ~ l!Rcf;rl'Ul5~~T;;fiuf f~!flI",! I

~m~t:f'TlI"~ : ~~~.:r'r
.......•••••. '" .. •... ••• II
" ibid

(7) "I1'T~': ~I!c~~ II

~~ ~i'!"lll'li~f&T1lTTf~l!lEfT
f.,f~ I
lfT'<i Rlft:lI' ~lI"d' : ij' Gf"fdi111~d': \I
srcffiimr:qf~ci if cr lI'Ciff¥R~q:I ibid
10 Bulletin lrul. Inst, Hist. Med.'Yol. IX

(8) ~~m~~~~~I"1I",liji4fliiq II
'1WdCfllfl~q~~Jjr~~:qf,~ I
'l' '1Tn~<l11:TSi~cnrcr;:<nf~ 3fm II
'l' "'IIfu<f'!l c4 ~~T'lllfT11"rw.:rT~ CfiTlfd": I ibid

(9) f'1~QI~4IclSc~f~qf~~tSC~\1T<fi1
~ e <
: ,
...;. Co
: ~fm~f~~;ff~'+l"lR
'<;:) "' Co ••••
1Il~1f(fI ••••

~q-l1"a-r:r~ ~fq~i!cqf(Tm~f~: I ibid

(10) Cf~T~'l'rt~fG"(~::;:;jfCf),,(Cf~tt I
~Tf~i[~q-T~llfm~r ~~:rCflt 11 ibid
(11) ~~~~~qrl1
'0" c:. ••••
reNner"!&{ ~U1lffiTJt\iq1;ffr~ TIf~ II
3fTff'49'c'fT :q l:fffCfT1~e1ii~;:dllTq.:J~~ " ibid
(12) CfTClff?fcmf;{a<r
ernrrcm'l' 'if ~t;f<tct I
~H;f~'l' CTffT~erR ~a+irnFl{arrnl:f'l' II ibid
"' ~
( 13) ~;:ffR~ '!.Cf~
• rr ~ff~ -e
.........•.•••• _._ •...••• •... I ibid
(14) ;fCf ~ffCflrf~fcrmmF.rnrcr~~ I
~~m'l'1oiT fl!Pff~CfCflf~'lli'\. II
\;:) .:I ..::. ..:> c-, ••••
qTI,,('ll?:'f.+m1TCflmT"'I'9'lfT ~11<?T lITUT~~II
~F'f~ ~-.J fTf~
f~~ .•••
I ibid
(15) CfllSfri ~~ fucRi CflCcfi'3f~~er :
'" '"
f~li'<f fd'fffZf; W:
~a-CflT ~=t ~TSO : Susruta Samhita Ch. 24.67
'" '"
( 16) q-r~mJjHT;:f ~q;:f ~Zf; (l:fcifa'~1 A~tangasatigraha Su 1 Chapter
( I")
\ I
a-cr q-<1'rn . •.. •.... _. .... .... .•.. ,
tza-1Sft G;aa-q.:f ~lSo~r~ ~;:rcf~ : II Bhela Sarnhita Su 6.11
(18) •• . .. .. .. . 3fTd: f~:F:;:~";'if ~~ I
ffTl{'!.uT,!~T 1JrlSl1m~T: wraCfrf,,(UTr 11 A~tangasangraha Su 1 Chapter
(19) 5fUTt:l{~qH~ ~~i"li'if lfif<1'I1'2li1cf ~~11~ 1
~oq.:r~Cflr::;:'if;;fCfi'l:ffci meT : '1!IiiG;;~~ II ibid
{20) cf~ qtfSUTa-~
:q ~r~ f?flSf ;;r ~
\.,:)..:> -

5frCfc~~~1Sf •..••......•••.••...••••.••••..•••••• 1\
< ~ '"
Caraka samhita Su 5.56
'Ar!41tIQ1f01Material in Astanga Sangraha= Sarma & Roo 11

(21) ~~ am ~ AHiIigasaIigraha Su 1 Chapter

(22) CfffiT Of an:it\i~ lif~ '-'fa~~~ I

lir~ Of ~oi Of ~f~;f ~ ;;r~;;rT~~ "
;fer ~;; fCf¥ ~;f ~lfTA~1 I
cmft~~<f.'r f.;lTit ~CldI..,.;?J 'I ibid
(23) ~~:q ~~f~~ :q crn~ I ibid
(24) f'3l':q-m:,r Cfi'i;f!flP1~<:Tmf1lTCfi~hl(f~f
Of ~~~;; ~CfT Hrrf :qr;;~pnm~ II .• ibid
(25) ;;FIT~~ fsrr : FfTlIT";; ;;r~~ if ~T(f~ I

f"1l'11 ~'fllq d {at ~r:'fl;:fT '1 ~~ II

tp:qfq-UsT"";[~ Of f~crrfUUr I
'" 0

f<mCfTOf lJ:~!fT'3I'rf1lT ~,!<rR f!ff<:nr~fTt I

urGuft~ eit(fCfm~T I
fifCf~Tm~ t:J:CfT~
Of ccP:Gf~q-chnf if :qC"-
~q~a II
a-~~ Co •••

(26) mli ~EfCCfT

~ f~cf ~f~alfo1r: ~f:q: ,
llffim<:lfo1ij'tm<r fCf'tf<rT:qp:rij'fcp,frq I,
'" 0 _

~ ,q'1 ICfllUfni"fCd'Ilf~Efi':
~ ••••• ,
fCfmfTuf fCffdTufrfCfI:f;i~1311 ((
'" '" ~
;;rT,!w l!:~ ~'l=f lITlI''fm'fl1~( ~m
q-T~CfTurT ~~'f~ ma 1I
~cffff<f~'l1TiT ulfitq T1fv8'<r'f~ I ibid
(27) fi!c~crq:UT;ui=r
<ffi'9IT~l'T~~'llI:f\i<rn (
W'l1&TeT~~ qfu~lfflJ~ff !t 11
~+rt<rfu~[R'2; d-:;;£9R'''~f~al1~ ,
;; ~~ olfTfaGf2~ ifT~~ ;rr(<r<fT<r'fl'l1~
'f~ 'f q-cfal1 I
(28) ;;)ffi1T 'l1&fll~:r~:<rr;;~
~ ifp;jff~<fT fq~a~ I
~<.f :q f~ij'Gf;£ 'fmrGffi~ <:CfT I'
q-rf1lfiril'1 l("~q-c'fl~~;;:rrcl1'1: fl1T<:: ,
'" c-.

<l'%:if~ fl1T<:~T
I:!R q-riR <fT:ifiTit.if~ilr;; ~T:q<la~ ,
if 'fii'flf''iim aT :q ~c: 5I'IDa<la~ rI
m Of f.rtTeTcr ~~mfirlf1fUr :q I
;;rsr~ if f~ Of ~tfur+Jmal1~ II
Bulletin Ind. Inst; Hilt. ALed. Vol. IX
~rrn:;:i' • • uf.r:::inrnr::nr
\3tJpd+l~ ~ ~ Slid+l14Id+l... I
\3troffi 'if~' cmrnr <n f~Qli ... "
~~~"'~tTWf~¥j' .:t .....:> •... I

W-ni ~ ~ ••.rrr.rt "'T;:~ij'~ ... "

••.qr.ff '1)"1'1f<lt;Of~l=~if -"3""
'" 0
~ ;fcpWltif ;:r:;:m;ft7ffif~! ~ " ibid
AqlcP~~"f ~"f "f r£~ q)~ ~~
'" ...
••. crr<
;:••.nutur ••.:;mrif II
m f~cqq~ l!~ ••.oitria- ... 1 ibid

(29) GtJIG~+lTcf,,!~~~ I ibid

~r,r~ ifi ~q¥j' ~ ifi ~P'Ffi !l~m ~ ~ ~ ~Tcrr~ f", CfTl'l~

if ~~ Cf~n ~ mCf iHU

~ 0
~1]'fta-~~ lj~T "'T a~n ~ f!lT&l"l-~~,

~RTcr, ~~Cf-[ro ~Tcr ljql "'T m an;l!'lR' f"'~T qT I tTTa+l', 'I1f~~, O{~fCf CMT

3f~ ~~lJrfG" fOfirRT i;f; ~1l'f ~~Cfi<: ~ m1f!;;n;:r tmrr ~ f", ~ ~Tf~~
'I1T 3f~lJlfrr '>11cfF'>1c:if ["':)"T ~)rrr I

3fCf lJ~ f<f1S",t;ff"''''T~T "I"rn"'CfT ~ ['" ~mCf 3f~~;!:l ~ aIT1!<fG"

1l fll(1~ ~ I
~f€?:ar3fT ifi ~tG"~1Jf 3f1ScttT~lX€?: ~<f1l~ ~~ ["I"rr'I1T ~~~ i;f;

1l ~~0~ ~ ~T J;f~cr ~ I

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