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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 3, March-April 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Review Article on Chaturvidha

Svedana and it’s Clinical Application
Dr. Radha Sheshanagoudar1 BAMS, Dr. G. S Badarinath2 BAMS MD (Ayu),
Dr. Supriya. Bhosale3 BAMS MD (Ayu)
PG Scholar, 2Professor & HOD, 3Assistant Professor,
Department of PG Studies in Panchakarma, Shri Vijaya Mahantesh
Ayurvedic Medical College & PG Research Centre, Ilkal, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Radha

Swedana (sudation/ medicated Vapour) is an independent Upakrama Sheshanagoudar | Dr. G. S Badarinath |
(therapy) as included under the Shadavidha Upkramas as well as Dr. Supriya. Bhosale "Review Article on
Purva Karma measures (prepurificatory proce- dure). Susruta and Chaturvidha Svedana and it’s Clinical
Vagbhata mentioned the four types of Swedana (sudation) viz Tapa Application"
Published in
Sveda, Ushma Sveda, Drava Sveda, Upanaha Sveda. Dalhana has
International Journal
included 13 types of Saagni Svedas of Charaka in these 4 types of of Trend in
Svedas i.e. Tapa sveda as Jentaka, Karshu, Kuti, Kupa, Holaka. Scientific Research
Ushma Sveda as Sankara, Prastara, Ashmaghana, Nadi, Kumbhi, and Development
Bhu. Drava Sveda as Parisheka and Avagahana. The Perspiration (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD49522
produced by Svedana is more than the normal. Svedana drugs posses 6470, Volume-6 |
the Ushna and Tikshna guna by this which are penetreate in to Issue-3, April 2022, pp.291-296, URL:
microcirculatory channels (srotas) and activates the sweat glands
produces more heat. Acharyas describes effects of Swedana
(sudation) as Gauravghana, Sheetaghana, Agnideepti, Twaka Copyright © 2022 by author(s) and
mardavata, Twak Prasadan and Sandhichestakar. International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Svedana is applied for Purification of the body as well as in the Journal. This is an
management of various disorders originated due to vitiation of vata Open Access article
kapha dosha, meda dhatu and various musculo skeletal disoreders. distributed under the
Svedana karma maintains the thermoregulatory system in the body terms of the Creative Commons
by maintaining the equilibrium between core temp (temp inside the Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
body) shell temperature (temperature outside the body)
KEYWORDS: Svedana, Chaturvida Svedana

The word Sveda is derived from the root ‘Swid’ with different Acharyas. Whereas Acharya Sushruta and
‘Ghan’ pratyaya with addition of Bhava vachaka Vagbhata classified Swedana into 4 types viz Tapa
Nich and Ach. Sveda word refers to Bodily Sweat or sweda (Direct heat), Ushmasweda (Steam), Upanah
perspiration through the body. That which causes Asweda (poultice), Dravasweda (warm liquid).
Perspiration, reduces Stambata( stiffness),
Gouravata( heaviness) and Sheetata ( cold) in the Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine; it treats
body is called Svedana.1 Svedana is usually done the individual as a whole but not independent
after Snehana, it play a role as Purva Karma, system wise. Among the Tridoshas (Body
Pradhana Karma as well as Paschata Karma. humours), Vata has given prime importance both in
Svedana as Purva Karma in Shodhana Procedure, physiological and pathological conditions. The
Svedana as Paschat Karma in hruta shalya( after remaining two are being inert, their mobilisation
removal of foreign body), anupadrava mudha depends on Vata4. Vayu is also chiefdriving force of
garbha, samyak prajata kala, Svedana as both Purva all the normal movements in the body. When Vayu
Karma as well as Paschat Karma in bhagandara, gets vitiated, all these movements get hampered. In
arsha, ashmari.2 Swedana has relaxing and Ayurvedic classics, our Great Sages have given so
detoxifying effects on the human body. Sweda is many special therapeutic procedures for specific
classified into different varieties according to the disease along with thousands of medication.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49522 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 291
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Panchakarma (Purificatory therapy) is a very being covered with a lid or by keeping another
unique therapeutic procedure because of its pot with its mouth down a hole made in the
Preventive, Promotive, and Rejuvenative properties side of upper pot ,a Nadi resembling trunk of
as well as providing a radical cure. Among these the elephant fixed to the hole ,the steam coming
Panchakarma (Puri- ficatory therapy), Swedana through the pipe allowed on the body.
(sudation) is such a treatment that is applicable in
Clinical application: Vata Kantaka: Ishtika
all the Vatavyahdis (Vata diseases).
MATERIALS AND METHODS Ardhita: Ksheera Dhuma.
1. This is conceptual type of study. All sorts of
3. UPANAHA SVEDA: The word Upanaha is
references has been collected and relevant
derived from Upa means near, naha means
material is compiled from various available bind/tie. The procedure of applying warm
Ayurvedic classics texts like Charak Samhita,
herbal paste to the effected part of the body
Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridya and followed by bandaging is called Upanaha
Sharangadhara and available commentaries on Sweda8.
2. Study materials available on internet. It is a type of Ekanga Sweda.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Upanaha Swedana used widely in the
To review the Chaturvidha Svedana and its management of Sandhigatavata.
clinical applicability This is Vatahara, Shothahara (anti-
CHATURVIDHA SVEDANA inflammatory), Shoolaghna (analgesic) action
Acharya Sushruta and Vagbhata expalians 4 types Types of Upanha9:
of Svedana viz Tapa, Ushma, Upanaha, Drava A. Saagni Upanaha: where the drugs are
Sveda. heated first and then applied.
1. TAPA SVEDA: It is carried out by the use of B. Niragni Upanaha: where Ushna Veerya
hands (palms), sheet of bronze, balls (mud, Dravya (drugs with hot potency) are
metal etc…) pot sherds, sand and cloth all these applied without heating.
made hot by fire applied to the body. Svedana PURVA KARMA: In Purvakarma the patient with
induces by person lying in room contain calm and quiet mind is allowed to sit in a suitable
burning coal of khadira wood.5 position according to the part in which the Sweda
Tapa Sveda is done by patting the body with should be performed.
heated cloth, using metal plate, palm of the Then prior to the Swedana therapy Snehana is
hand, sand etc6…. done (external) with suitable medicated Sneha.
Hot water bag may be used for this purpose. Nivata griha should be selected for the
Clinical Application: Pani tapa sveda is procedure in order to avoid wind and
indicated in baala discomfort.
2. USHMA SVEDA: Ushma means vapours and PRADHANA KARMA: After proper oleation of
the sudation done mainly through vapours is the affected part, Powder form of the drugs made
known as Ushma Sveda. Ushma Sveda is done in to paste applied on it.
by heating pot pieces, stone, brick or iron ball, Nirasthi Pishita Mamsa is also used Drava
making them red in color like fire and dravya for mixing the powder i.e. Taila, Peya,
sprinkling water or any fermented liquid on Takra, etc are taken in requaried quantity.
them .The steam evapourated from these made
to touch the body part.7 Fresh leaves which pacify Vata Dosha are
taken and washed well (most commonly the
Nadi and Bashpa Svedana are the examples of leaves of arka) and dry it and used for
this type of Sveda. bandaging.
Meat soup,milk ,curd,fats, fermented rice Time Of Application –Upanaha tied in night
wash,or decoction of pieces of leaves of should be removed in morning and if tied in day
powder of Vata hara drugs should be filled in should be removed in night.
to a pot and heated (boiled),the mouth of pot

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

SALVANA UPANAHA10 Ushna jala Parisheka is used in Sutika

In this Preparation of Upanaha adding more Paricharya.
quantity of Saindava lavana .
Sarvanga dhara indicated Vata vyadhi.
Here vatahara dravya like kakolyadi gana Amavata: Dhanyamla dhara.
dravya, amla dravya, anupodaka mamsa, Sneha
with more lavana made in to paste and applied to Arshas: Arka, Bilva, Triphaladi kwata14
affected part. Jeerna jvara15
Indication: vataja conditions. Dalhana has included 13 types of Saagni Svedas of
4. DRAVA SVEDA (TUB BATH) Charaka in these 4 types of Svedas i.e. Tapa sveda as
Sudation done by using hot liquids in tub or Jentaka, Karshu, Kuti, Kupa, Holaka. Ushma Sveda
pouring them on the body comes under Drava as Sankara, Prastara, Ashmagna, Nadi, Kumbhi, Bhu.
sveda11. Drava Sveda as Parisheka and Avagahana. Tapa
sveda is indicated in kaphaja roga, Ushma sveda is
AVAGAHA SVEDA indicated in kaphaja roga, Drava sveda is indicated
Dipping of body parts in to the warm medicine
in Pittanubandhi vata roga, Upanaha sveda is
kvata, taila grita,Sneha,,etc...
indicated in Vata roga which is predominance of
Suitable kvata ,Sneha or water etc.. Is to be Shula,Sankocha,Stambha.
warmed and poured into tub.
Properly oleated patient is to be asked to take MODE OF ACTION OF SVEDANA
svedana in that tub either in lying or sitting Swedana has its main actions like Stambhaghna,
position by keeping the head above. Gauravaghna, Shitaghna, and Swedakarakatva. How
Time: 48 min Swedana performs their actions, we can understand
it as below.
Clinical application:
Stambhaghna: Swedana releases Sthambha
In vata diseases: Dashamula kvata,Nirgundi
kvata, Dashamula taila, Maharasnadi means stiffness. Samana Vayu which promotes
agni, Sleshakakapha which lives in Sandhi,
kvataRrasna taila, Mahamasha taila.
Amarasa, Mamsa, Meda, Vasa are mainly
Ashmari: Varunadi kvata,Asanadigana kvata. responsible for Stambha. Samana Vayu by
Kusta: Nimba kvata. Rukshaguna, absorbs Snigdhata and so causes
Stambha. Sleshkakapha is Snigdha. Due to its loss
Pittaja diseases: Guduchi kvata. of function, Sthambha occurs. Swedana is
Arshas, Bagandara. Snigdha and Ushna so it relieves Stambha.
Ushnaguna of Swedana does Srotoshuddhi and
Arshas: Bilva kvata, Takra, Dadhi,Kanji, Amapachana and so it relieves stiffness.
Gauravaghna: Swedana relieves heaviness in the
Vata vyadhi: Kvata, Ksheera, Taila13 body. Apyaghataka- liquid substances of the body
PARISEKA come out through Sweda. Apyatatva is Guru. Due
Any Kashaya, Sneha are poured all over the body to their expulsion, lightness is achieved. Swedana
or specific part of the body is called Pariseka. stimulates muscles and nerves and so lightness is
Ksheera dhara: Vataja shiro Roga
Shitaghna: Swedana is mainly Ushna so it
Pittaja shiro Roga
relieves Shita by opposite property.
Sarvanga Daha

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Sweda Karakatva: Swedana promotes sweating. A. It stimulates and increases local blood and
Sweda is a type of mala. Impurities of the body lymphatic circulation and thereby improving local
come out with Sweda. Sweda is related to tissue metabolism.
Dhatvagni and Bhutagni (Metabolism). Swedana B. During sudation by modifying secretion of
drugs by Ushna and Tikshnaguna are capable of various inflammatory mediators it reduces
penetrating the microcirculatory channels (Srotas) inflammation.
where they activate the sweat glands to produce
more sweat. after dilatation of micro channels, C. By physical effect of heat suadation relaxes local
Laghu and Saraguna of these drugs enable musculature and thereby reduces pain.
them to act on the Snigdhadosha in the channels D. A study has shown that suadation increases the
and direct them to move towards Kostha or rate of trance dermal drug delivery and there by
excrete them through micropores of the skin in helpful during Abhyanga followed by Sveda for
the form of sweat, resulting in Srotoshodhana. better trance dermal drug absorption.
Dosha brought in Kostha are expelled out of the
body with the help of Vamana or Virechana CONCLUSION
therapy. Svedana Karma is essential for doing any procedure
in Panchakarma. Due to Poorvakarma like Snehana
Doshadraveekarana16: Svedana makes the and Svedana, benefits and acceptance of the
Doshas Mridu and eradicates the Mala Sanga. Pradhanakarma is improved. It makes changes in
Because of its Ushna and Tikshna property it Vikrita Doshas to mobilize them without creating
penetrates to each channel in the body and harm to the body. Poorvakarma helps to achieve best
liquifies the Doshas. Thus it can eliminate from outcome from Pradhanakarma, in mean time body
the body with help of Shodhana Karma. develops sensitivity to keep balance throughout the
Vata Shamana17,18: Snigdhaupanaha Sveda process of Pradhanakarma. Negligence of
pacifies the Vata Dosha by its properties opposite Poorvakarma makes complications as an unripe fruit
to that of Vata. get crushed during juice extraction whereas ripened
fruit is best and juice can be easily extracted. Svedana
Gatra Vinamana 19: It is said by the application has role in purvakarma,pradhanakarma as well as
of oil and heat, even dry wood can be bent then paschath karma in Panchakarma. Purvakarma in
what is the wonder about Shareera. It cures Shodhana procedure. As pradhana karma Svedana is
Harsha, Ruk, Ayama, Shopha, Sthambha, Graha very useful in Vata and Kapha, Amaja Diseases.
and produces Mardava, there by permitting Svedana as paschath karma in hrutha shalya(after
normal flexible body movements. removal of foreign body), Anupadrava Mudagarbha,
Agni Deepana 20: As svedana is ushna guna Samyak prajata kala. Svedana both purvakarma and
pradhana it does the ama pachana there by paschath karma in Bhagandhara,Arsha,Ashmari.
promoting agni in the body Effective Clinical result can be obtained in disease
conditions where in there is severe stiffness, pain,
Tvak Mardava and Prasadana 20: Perspiration is
wasting of muscles, loss of muscle strength. Proper
dependent on skin, where in the hair follicles
care to taken while administering Svedana to prevent
which are the Moolas of Svedavaha Srotas are
Atisvinna Lakshanas.
situated. Due to sweating and excretion of
wastes, the skin becomes soft and pleasant. REFERENCE
[1] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
Srotosuddhi 20: Due to the production of sweat in
- commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by
the body, there will be dilatation of Srotas and the
charaka and drudabala, edited by vaidya
channels of the body will be cleared. Thus,
yadvaji trikamji acharya, Choukambha
Srotoshudhi takes place, by which the Vata is,
orientalia Varanasi edition-2015, sutra stana
regulated which in turn, regulates the movement
chapter 22 verse 11.
of urine, faeces and flatus.
[2] Sushruta Samhita with nibandasangraha
Sandhicheshtakara20: Svedana relieves
commentary edited by vaidya yadvaji trikamji
Sthambha and Graha there by promoting the
acharya, Choukambha orientalia Varanasi
easy movement in joints.
edition-2019 Chikitsa stana 32/17-19.
[3] Sushruta Samhita with nibandasangraha
Local increased in temperature during Svedana Karma
commentary edited by vaidya yadvaji trikamji
has both therapeutic and physiological effect and very
acharya, Choukambha orientalia Varanasi
much effective in joint degenerative conditions.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49522 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 3 | Mar-Apr 2022 Page 295
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
edition-2019 Chikitsa stana 32/3. [13] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
[4] Sharangadhara Samhita, Vaidyasagar Pandit - commentary of Chakrapanidatta Revised by
Parasurama Shastri, Choukamba Orientalia charaka and drudabala, edited by vaidya
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page no 50. orientalia Varanasi edition-2015, Chikitsa stana
chapter 28 verse 109.
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[6] Edited by Harishastri Paradkar, Ashtanga orientalia Varanasi edition-2015, Chikitsa stana
Hridaya commentary by Arunadatta and chapter 14 verse 44.
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Chaukambha Krishnadas academy, 2009; 268. [15] Agnivesha. Charaka Samhita, Ayurveda dipika
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[8] Sushruta Samhita with nibandasangraha [16] Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Siddhisthana;
commentary edited by vaidya yadvaji trikamji Dhirganjivitiya adhyaya: chapter 1, Verse 7.
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[11] Sushruta Samhita with nibandasangraha [19] Charaka samhitha of Agnivesa, Sootra sthana;
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yadvaji trikamji acharya, Choukambha samsthana, 2012; 514.
orientalia Varanasi edition-2015, Chikitsa stana
chapter 14 verse 45-47.

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