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International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, (ISSN: 2320 5091) (September, 2017) 5(9)



Shidhin K Krishnan1, Shubha R Sondoor2, Niranjan Acharya3, Suresh Y4

PG scholar, 2Associate Professor, 3HOD, 4Assistant Professor
Department of Agada Tantra, Alvas Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri, Karnataka, India


Introduction: Viperidae are large family of snakes. They are found all over the world. All Vipers
are venomous and it is Haemo-Toxic in nature. Symptoms of Viper snake bite are swelling and dis-
colorations over the bite site. One of the highlighting symptoms in later stage is profuse vomiting.
The present study performed a extensive review on Bhumyamalaki Prayoga in Mandali Sarpa Vi-
sha Upadrava Chardi and Nija Chardi. Methods: A literature research was done in pubmed, coch-
rane database, ebesco, google scholar and all available classical literature including Prayoga Samuc-
chaya, Astanga Hrudaya, Caraka Samhita and Sushrutha Samhita. A cloth dipped in Bhumyamala-
ki Swarasa will prevent the Mandali Sarpa Vishaja Chardi according to Prayoga Samucchaya
.Viper snake bite symptoms can be seen in the Mandali Sarpa Visha Upadrava. Mandali is a Pitta
Pradhana Vishaja Sarpa. Damsana of the Sarpa possess the Vishalakshana and Upadrava such as
Daha, Trushna, Urdhwa and Adhomarga Raktagamana etc. One of the Pradhana Upadrava is
Chardi. Result: Chardi in Mandali Visha is due to the Pitta Dosha Dooshana lead to the Dooshana
of the Udanavayu. Similar Samprapti seen in the Pittaja Chardi as Pradhana Vyadhi. Conclusion:
Based on review, the treatment done for Mandali Sarpa Visha Upadrava Chardi can also be used
in the Nija Doshaja Chardi .

Keywords: Mandali Visha Upadrava,Nija Chardi, Vomiting, Chardi, Bhumyamalaki Swarasa

Bhumyamalaki is a drug which belongs to the rapetensis Linn., and Phyllanthus simplex
Euphorbiacae family. Phyllanthus niruri Retz are termed as Bhumyamalaki1. Literature
Linn., Phyllanthus amarus Schum and Thonn., survey reveal that Bhumyamalaki has been
Phyllanthus fraternus web. Phyllanthus made- used to treat Jaundice, Gonorrhoea, Diabetes,
Shidhin K Krishnan Et Al: A Short Review On Bhumyamalaki Prayoga In Mandali Sarpa Visha Upadrava Chardi And Nija Chardi

Dysentery and skin ulcers, swelling etc. A Review on viper snake poison induced vo-
study suggests that it has good action against miting
the Hepatitis B virus symptoms. In classics, There are more than 2000 species of snakes in
Acharya mentioned that it has Stambhana and the world, and about 216 species in India, in
Kapha Pitta Samaka property. Acharya classi- that 52 are venomous. Every year about 2 lakh
fied Sarpa into 4 major categories on the ba- individuals are bitten and around 15000 subse-
sis of Dosha as Darvikara, Mandali, Rajiman- quently die. The snakes are classified into
tha and Vyanthara. Mandali is Pitta Pradhana three types, such as Elapids, Vipers, and Sea
Vishaja Sarpa and Dooshana occurs mainly Snakes. Viper variety of snake consists of Pit
in Pitta Dosha along with it leads to Rakta viper and Pitless viper. Pit is situated between
Dooshana producing the Lakashanas and the eye and the nostrils, helps to detect the
Upadravas. These all actions of the Bhumya- warm blooded prey in the dark. Russell’s viper
malaki and action of Visha on Dosha reveal and Saw scaled viper doesn’t have the pit and
that the drug Bhumyamalaki may be effective it will be in the category of Pitless viper. Viper
in Mandali Sarpa Visha Upadrava Chardi snake venom is Haemotoxic in nature, affect-
and Nija Chardi. The traditional method of ing circulatory and nervous system more se-
treatment for poisoning in Kerala is classified verely. Symptoms include local swelling and
broadly into two categories, namely, discolouration on bitten part with acute burn-
Viṣhavaidya (treatment for poisoning by using ing pain and bleeding. In later stage it shows
Aushadha/Agada) and Vishavidya (treatment profuse vomiting.4
for poisoning by using Mantras)2. Vomiting is an important symptom in later
Bhumyamalaki Prayoga3 is mentioned in stage. Vomiting is the forceful expulsion of
Prayoga samucchaya, a text book of Vishachi- the contents of the gastrointestinal out through
kitsa by “Sri Kocchunni Thamburan” from the mouth. The CTZ (Chemo receptor trigger
Cochin dynasty, who himself was a reputed zone) is located in the Medulla of the brain. It
Toxicologist. This book was written in Ma- has a defensive blood brain barrier for detect-
layalam language. Prayoga Samucchaya, writ- ing circulating toxins in the blood and CSF,
ten by Kochunni Thamburan, which is a com- and is sensitive to a number of circulating
pilation work of Ayurveda Samhitha and men- emetic agents. When activated, the CTZ does
tioned his own experience in the treatment. not initiate vomiting itself, but relays stimuli
Author had given a detail description of Lak- to the integrative vomiting centre which pro-
shana, Upadrava, and treatment for the Man- duce actual act of emesis.5
dali Sarpa Visha Damsha. One of the impor-
tant Upadrava is Chardi. Chardi can be clas- Review on Mandali Sarpa Visha Upadrava
sified as Nija and Agantuja Chardi. Here it Chardi and Nija Chardi
can be consider as Agantuja Chardi. Classifi- In Ayurveda, Sarpa are classified based on the
cation is based on the causative factor and poison effect on Dosha and named as Darvi-
when looking through the pathological views kara, Mandali, Raajimantha respectively.
both have the similarity. Mandali is a Pitta Pradhana Visha Sarpa. In
Mandali Visha, Samanya Lakshana, Visha Ve-

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Shidhin K Krishnan Et Al: A Short Review On Bhumyamalaki Prayoga In Mandali Sarpa Visha Upadrava Chardi And Nija Chardi

ga Lakshana and Upadrava has been ex- activity of Bhumyamalaki is scientifically

plained. Samanya Lakshana mentioned are proved.
Toda, Daha, Trushna, Twagadi Peetatva,  Activation of CTZ is followed by the re-
Urdhwa and Adho Shonita Gamana. Acharyas lease of chemical transmitter’s Dopamine
mentioned that patient may develop various and 5HT which trigger the vomiting centre
Upadravas. Among them Chardi is signifi- and cause the release of Ach (acetylcho-
cant.6,7,8 line) and lead to the induction of vomiting.
Ayurveda classics mentioned Chardi as a Bhumyamalaki shall be produce acetylcho-
Pradhana Vyadhi, with its Nidana, Lakshana, line antagonist which inhibits vomiting.13
Bheda, Samprapti and Chikitsa elaborately.  Mandali Sarpa Damsa leads to Rakta and
Acharya explained certain Aharaja as well as Pitta Dushti. Due to Sthana Visesha Ran-
Manasika Nidana, which vitiates Dosha’s in jaka Pitta gets vitiated. Consequently oth-
Amashaya and vitiate Udanavayu and leads er Pitta also gets vitiated and hence Pitta
expulsion of food particle.9 Dushti reflects on Udana Vayu Dushti.
Normal function of Udana Vayu is to help
Review on Bhumyamalaki Prayoga in in Vak, Pravrutti, Praytna Urja, Bala,
Chardi Varna and Smruthi, moves around Nasa,
The author of Prayoga Samucchaya men- Nabhi And Gala. So Udana Vayu Doosha-
tioned the Chikitsa of Chardi Upadrava in na will lead to expulsion of food particle
Mandali Vishadhikara. According to the au- from Amasaya. To bring back Udana Vayu
thor, a cloth dipped in Bhumyamalaki Swarasa to the normal state and to prevent the
should be wrapped around the neck will pre- Chardi, stambana karma should be done
vent Chardi. Bhumyamalaki is a drug, which in Gala Pradesha, for this a cloth is im-
have Kashaya, Tikta, and Madhura Rasa. mersed in Bhumyamalaki (Phylanthus ne-
Sheeta Veerya, Madhura Vipaka. Kapha Pitta reuri Linn.) Swarasa and wrapped around
Samaka and Stambhaka Karma.10 Studies re- neck.
veal that it used in the treatment of wound,  Bhumyamalaki have Madhura, Tikta, Ka-
swelling and liver disorders11. Studies proved shaya Rasa and Madhura Vipaka. Posses
that it has anticonvulsant activity.12 the Pitta Shamaka property. Tikta Rasa
shows Visha Hara, Raktashodhaka and
DISCUSSION Stambhana property, Sheeta Veerya have
 Viper bite release Haemotoxins in to the the Stambhana property.
blood stream. These toxins act on the  In Bhumyamalaki Prayoga, Stambhana
chemo receptors trigger zone (CTZ) which Karma and Sheeta Veerya of the Bhoo-
initiates vomiting. Research done in Brazil myamalaki will help to prevent Chardi
at the Federal University of Santa Catarina when it is wrapped around the neck. Ash-
in 1984 on Phyllanthus niruri revealed an tanga Sangraha Acharya mentions Sheeta
alkaloid (phyllanthoside) in the leaves and Veerya has Sthambhana Karma14. Acharya
stem with strong antispasmodic activity. Sharangadhara described that Kashaya
Antispasmodic action and anti convulsant Rasa, Sheeta Veerya and Laghu Paka drug

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Shidhin K Krishnan Et Al: A Short Review On Bhumyamalaki Prayoga In Mandali Sarpa Visha Upadrava Chardi And Nija Chardi

will posses Sthambhana Karma.15 Hema- dri explained “Sthambhano Hima”.

Table 1: Properties of the Bhumyamalaki,

Properties Kaiyyadeva Nighantu16 Bhavaprakash Nighantu17 Raja Nighantu18
 Rasa-Tikta,Kashaya,Madhura  Rasa- Kashaya,  Rasa- Kashaya,Amla
 Guna- Laghu Madhura,  Rogagnakarma- Pitta
 Rochana  Hima Meha Nasa,Mutraroga,
 Rogagnakarma-Pandu, Kapha Kush-  Rogagnakarma – Pipasa, Daha Samani.
ta, Vishapaha, Shwasa, Trushna, Da- Kasa, Kandu, Kshatha,
ha, Hidma, Kasa, Kshatha. Pitta And Rakta Roga

Photo of preparing Bhumyamalaki Swarasa and cloth dipped in that Swarasa

Bhumyamalaki Bhumyamalaki Swarasa


A cloth dipped in the Swarasa After cloth dipped in the Swarasa

CONCLUSION trol the Udana Vayu. Thus the Bhumyamalaki

Bhumyamlaki is used in traditional medicine Prayoga done on Mandali Sarpa Visha Up-
due to its high medicinal properties. In Man- drava Chardi can also be used in the Nija
dali Sarpa Visha Chardi as well as Nija Chardi. The special uses of Bhumyamlaki in
Chardi both have similar Samprapti. It re- the Visha Chikitsa are yet to be discovered.
veals that because of the Udana Vayu Dushti it This reveals that many Prayogas are yet to be
occurred. So, Bhumyamalaki Prayoga in Ga- noticed by the medicinal world for many ail-
la Pradesa shows more effectiveness to con- ments. These Prayogas were used as basic

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Shidhin K Krishnan Et Al: A Short Review On Bhumyamalaki Prayoga In Mandali Sarpa Visha Upadrava Chardi And Nija Chardi

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Source of Support: Nil

Conflict Of Interest: None Declared
How to cite this URL: Shidhin K Krishnan Et Al: A Short
Review On Bhumyamalaki Prayoga In Mandali Sarpa
Visha Upadrava Chardi And Nija Chardi. International
Ayurvedic Medical Journal {online} 2017 {cited
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