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Academic Pressure of Being an Honor student in SJPS Inc.

Academic Pressure - This is one of a student's biggest causes of stress. These pressures mainly
come from peer and parental expectations and from fear. Fear of failure and disgrace.

Being an Honor student is not that easy to achieve, it requires a lot of hard work and intelligence
in terms of academics. Honor students usually experience academic pressure and in this study we
the researchers want to determine the academic pressure of being an honor student in sjps.

The respondents of this research are consistent honor students because the researchers want to
determine the academic pressure experienced by G11 honor students.

1. The researchers tend to explain the concept of academic pressure base on the perception of
some experts. The researchers chose the perception of some experts to explain the concept of
academic pressure for the validity of the information and to fully understand the concept of
academic pressure.

2. The researchers will probe and examine the perception and experiences of G11 Honor students
towards academic pressure.

3. The researchers will determine the impact of academic pressure towards academic success
base on the perception of G11 Honor student.

Factors affecting self – esteem of G11 students in SJPS Inc.

Self – Esteem - is an individual's subjective evaluation of their own worth. Self-esteem

encompasses beliefs about oneself as well as emotional states, such as triumph, despair, pride,
and shame

Levels of Self – Esteem

Low self-esteem - you put little value on your opinions and ideas.

High self-esteem - it means you have a balanced, accurate view of yourself.

Inflated self-esteem - think they are better than others and have no doubts about underestimating
everyone else.

The respondents of this research are G11 students.

1. The researchers will examine the level of self -esteem based on their perception and

2. The researchers will identify the different factors affecting student’s self-esteem based on
students and teacher’s perspectives.
3. ??????????? sorry hehehe

A qualitative assessment on school practices towards the promotion of catholicism

Catholicism - the faith, practice, or system of Catholic Christianity.

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