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Polytechnic University of the Philippines


Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

Sta. mesa, Manila

Effect of Liquid Polystyrene (Polystyrene Paper Foam (PSP Foam) in Comparison

of Compressive Strength of Concrete Mixture

Submitted by:

Delen, Ralph Andrae D.

Isip, Marvin Jerold

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course subject of

Investigatory, Inquiries and Immersion

Presented to:

Ms. Jac Tychuaco

After gathering the results on testing the comprehensive strength of the

concretes, the researchers is working on the chapter IV of their research paper which is

the results and discussion.

To get the relationship between the plain concrete and the concrete with mix of liquid

polystyrene, the researchers use the Pearson R Correlation to test if there is significant

difference between the two variables.

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