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Decoding the secret meaning behind seemingly
random number codes and patterns

Do you see the same numbers every time you look at the clock? Like 11:11, 3:33 or

Or perhaps the same numbers or number patterns seem to appear wherever you
go, on receipts, phone numbers, license plates, addresses, billboards, lottery
tickets, or account numbers?

These could be repeating numbers (1515, 12:12 or 666), ascending or descending

numbers (123 or 7654) or perhaps numbers which carry a stronger significance
(your birthdate or 911, for example).

Even before the highly digitized world we live in today, numbers were found
everywhere, in science, astronomy, music, art and mathematics. Much like
Leonardo Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, numbers form the foundation of everything
found in nature.

From tiny nautilus shells buried deep in the ocean floor, to delicate flower petals, to
prickly pineapples, all the way up to the most gorgeous galaxies and, yes, baked
into the very core of YOUR existence.

Every single moment of every single day, number patterns are swirling all around
you. The chair you're sitting on, the coffee you're drinking, the air you're breathing…
All matter and energy vibrate at a specific frequency and carries a hidden numerical

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But what does it mean when you spot recurring number codes, patterns and
synchronicities? Well, one thing is certain… they are not random, and they are no

It may previously have been easy to regard these numbers as soul-less carriers of
quantity. But numbers are anything but this. They are exquisite keepers of some of
the purest forms of energy in the Universe, of archetypal wisdom and ancient-earth
knowledge that needs to be re-heard and remembered in this modern world we
inhabit today. So if certain numbers are repeatedly showing up in your life, it’s time
to sit up, and take note.

It’s worth mentioning here that repeating numbers and number patterns are often
spoken of as Angel Numbers. Whether or not you connect with angels or the idea
of angelic presence, the messages conveyed in certain number combinations,
explained below, are the same. The high vibratory information they contain is meant
for you, whomever you believe is the messenger!

This is a quick guide, revealing what some of the most common repeating numbers
and number combinations mean, in a Universal sense.

For those less common combinations which may be appearing in your world, read
on to the very end of this guide for a couple of simple methods to decode them, so
you can discover more precisely what they are here to tell you.

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You are at the very center of your Universe, so believe in yourself and have
confidence in your abilities. This could be an ideal moment to start a new
project or initiate a new venture. Ensure the seeds you plant for the future are
based on a truly inspired idea.

Listen deeply to your intuition and try not to be swayed by what other people
expect of you. Take time for self-reflection and dig deep, but be gentle with
yourself. Appreciate your inner wisdom and in turn, allow yourself to be
appreciated by others. This number also indicates the potential for romance,
partnerships and love.

Is there something inside of you that needs to be expressed? It could be an
authentic emotion, a creative pursuit, a business venture, or a simple physical
movement that is just aching to be released into the world. Do it! This is also a
reminder to socialize, laugh and play with the gift of life a little more that you
are currently allowing yourself to!

You need to ground yourself and focus on building the foundations of your life.
Give some time and attention to your physical spaces – your home and
workplace, as well as your finances, investments and your physical body. This is
a reminder not to overlook the very tangible, earth-bound aspects of life.

Change is in the air! Either you need to break up your routine to allow it to
enter into your life, or changes are happening to you and it’s beyond your
control. Share your stories or promote yourself in the media. Trust that you are
divinely supported and directed, even though life may feel like a whirlwind of

Make sure you are balancing your physical needs with your spiritual and
emotional well-being. Take care of yourself, step into the mothering role of
your own needs. You may feel you have too many responsibilities, particularly
related to family but do not neglect your own self-care. Listen to or play music
and bring more beauty into your life. Harmony will be restored.

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Make time to reflect and meditate more. Take a retreat from the outside world
and go within. Take however long you can manage, which may be just 5
minutes, one hour or a day or more. Perhaps it is time to relocate? Try to stay
focused on uncovering the next step on your soul’s path, without being swayed
by the ego.

It’s time to be bold! Push those edges a little and expand what you believe you
are capable of. You may be in the midst of something which feels like a test or
a challenge but trust that you are being prepared for greater things. This is a
great time for you to discover a prosperous path and make a real mark in the

Have compassion for yourself. You may be feeling lost or even rejected, so find
ways to love yourself fully. This number brings the end of a cycle, so let go of
thoughts, feelings, people and circumstances that aren’t serving you. It’s
important to make space for what’s new. You have so much to share with the

The zero represents both the void and wholeness. If you keep seeing the zero,
it is a sign that you need to stop and create space in your life. New things
maybe trying to manifest around you, but you need to embrace the void, for
them to appear. In combination, the zero also magnifies the number which
precedes it.

Your intuition is amplified right now. You are being inspired with creative ideas
and insight so shine your light and you’ll inspire others to do the same. Share
your vision through teaching, speaking or writing and let yourself be led by
Spirit. You have an opportunity to make a huge impact on the world right now!

It’s time to take your inspired ideas and ground them in physical form. There
could be a product you want to craft, a business you need to create or a skill
you want to teach. Or perhaps it’s a home you desire, a garden to plant or an
environmental change you need to make. Whatever is the most ideal way to
build structure and form for your creative drive, that can be shared with
others, make a plan and do it!

Your voice and vision can elevate others in the most profound ways. Listen to
your heart and share your unique gifts with others. You will have a positive
impact on others, but your expression must be heartfelt and authentically
yours, so let do of any self-doubt or self-consciousness. You have much to
share, express and teach, so lead by example and you make it safe for others
to do the same.

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Think big! You have an opportunity to affect the lives of others in such a
positive way right now. You must plan well, lay down a proper foundation and
keep the big picture in focus. Delegation of tasks will make your impact bigger
and prevent exhaustion. Stay strong and true to your vision. You can do it!

You need to shake up your life and make some big changes. Try implementing
a new routine, starting a new project, or pursuing a different path. Ensure that
your core needs and desires are placed firmly at the center of any changes that
you make, but step out of your comfort zone. Take risks. Spirit is supporting
you with every step you take.

It is imperative to exercise self-love right now. You are such a beautiful human!
You may have been putting other people’s needs in front of your own and
whilst service is an act of the divine, you cannot give from an empty cup. Treat
yourself with the care and respect you deserve. Expressing yourself and your
feelings creatively through poetry, art, craft and dance could be especially
restorative for you right now.

This is a wake-up call to look inward and ask yourself what you really want. Is
your life moving in alignment with your spiritual purpose? Are the choices you
make daily serving your highest good? Believe in yourself.

Are you taking on a lot of responsibility right now? Ensure it’s not more than
you can handle. Many opportunities are coming your way to create money and
impact if you stay in alignment with your soul’s purpose, so push through the
challenges you face on the way. Stay focused on your vision and truth and your
abundance will be shared by all those whose lives you touch.

This number brings endings. You may feel loss or separation, but letting go is
necessary to make room for something greater and more rewarding. So
release the past, especially any regrets, resentments or fear you are still
holding onto, knowing you are heading for greater things. It is time to give
thanks for your past lessons and invite in the new.

It’s likely you have an influx of inspiration and new ideas; now is the time to put
them into action! Try not to overthink things or question the “hows” and the
“whys”. This is a time of radical trust: in yourself and in the divine forces which
are guiding you. This number pattern is also a sign of powerful universal
alignment – you’re now able to create whatever you desire, very quickly. Don’t
be swayed by the ego - make sure your focus remains on the highest good of

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Love is the ruling force right now! Work compassionately with those around
you and your home life, partnerships and any projects you’re working on will
blossom. Practice self-trust: believe in your intuition and your creative power,
and you’ll become a catalyst for incredible change in the world, but ensure you
create with beauty and care, rather than force. Collaborating with others may
be a powerful way forward for you, but be careful not to give away your power
– retain balance and harmony in your partnerships.

You are in the midst of a divinely creative flow right now. Follow where the
imagination leads, don’t worry about trying to understand where it is all taking
you. The art you create will inspire and encourage others to make this world a
better place, so great changes are possible if you stay true and commit to
expressing your authentic voice. You are capable of having a positive impact on
masses of people.

Your dreams, ideas and visions are manifesting into reality. You are doing the
important work right now, of building the strong, sturdy foundations for the
visions and dreams that will become the reality of future generations. Work
hard, be considered and know that your efforts are being supported by Spirit.
It is necessary to ground yourself – do not underestimate the power of bring
present in your body, on the physical plane of the earth. You are doing vital
work in the here and now.

Hold onto your hat because change is happening faster than you can keep up
with! If you’ve been clinging to your routine and to what’s comfortable and
familiar to you for too long, the time has come for a major shake-up. The
Universe has a plan for you, and it’s not what you’re currently up to! Embrace
the adventure by making time for some travel, new experiences, socializing,
and risk-taking! Release your resistance to change, and you’ll discover true

This number makes a lot of people uncomfortable, due to the highly charged
associations it’s gained throughout history. But it’s important to remember
that numbers are neither good nor bad – their energy is pure. This number
pattern appears to remind you of your divine nature. Pay attention to
nourishing your physical, emotional and mental bodies, so that you might
express more of the divine feminine principle through your presence here on
Earth. Be wary of making choices out of a fear or poverty mentality and
working too hard as a result. Relax, surrender to the flow of life and you will be
taken care of.

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There is much learning going on beneath the surface of reality. With or
without your conscious participation, you are currently evolving into a more
progressed version of yourself. You are aligning with your true purpose so
trust the work that you are doing! It is time to go out into the world and create
heaven on earth: express your insights and intuitions outwardly, and they will
take root. This can also be a sign that you need to release an outmoded way of
being. In order to embrace the new you, let go of what stands in your way.

You’ve really been challenged and put to the test recently, but none of this is
accidental. You may have had big gains as well as big losses, so this is a
reminder that what goes up also comes down. Embrace the undulating flow of
life, and the role you have to play in this dance. Continue your participation.
You are riding a cycle of infinite change and abundance, so believe in yourself
and keep the big picture in your mind. Beware of taking on more than you can
handle. You are amazingly strong, but you are also (only) human!

You have reached the end of a long karmic cycle and a chapter in your life. You
may be needing to let go of things and people more quickly than you are
comfortable with, but trust that all is in order. Ensure you are not
procrastinating and clinging unnecessarily to that which no longer serves you.
You have learned valuable lessons, but the time has come for you to move on
and share your experiences with others. You’re being encouraged to live as a
shining example to others and move forward into new realms with grace and
compassion for others at different points along their paths.

This is the number of instant manifestation! You are in clear alignment with
Universal energies, so focus only on the thoughts and feelings that you wish to
take with you into your future. With manifestation mastery comes great
responsibility, so ensure you have the highest good of all set firmly in your
intentions. When you see this number, you are being divinely supported. It’s a
beautiful and powerful omen.

This number symbolizes the coming together of both divine masculine and
divine feminine principles. You have the potential to manifest incredible
harmony in your life right now, you are right on track, so continue along this
path. Trust your intuition deeply. Nurture your spiritual gifts because they will
serve you, and others whose lives you touch. When you see this number, you
are being divinely supported. It’s a beautiful and powerful omen.

© 2018 8
This is a potent reminder of the playful and creative forces that run through
the Universe, and through you and your life. Nurture the childlike spirit of
wonder you hold inside, and trust where it takes you. Be present in every
moment, because Spirit has chosen to move through you, inspiring others and
igniting the possibility of a better world for us all! Trust your visionary sight
because you are in alignment. When you see this number, you are being
divinely supported. It’s a beautiful and powerful omen.

This is a powerful sign of encouragement and support. You have been tasked
with building the structure of the new world: the grounded reality that future
generations will come to rely upon. Don’t underestimate the importance of the
practical, material work you are doing. Human evolution means very little if it
is not grounded into the ordinary, everyday realms of existence, and these are
the realms where you must focus your attention. You’re being reminded of the
sanctity of the Earth plane, and of your place within it. When you see this
number, you are being divinely supported. It’s a beautiful and powerful omen.

Embrace change. Your reality is rapidly re-shaping itself around you in this
moment, so don’t resist. This is a potent and sure sign that it is safe to trust
what’s coming next in your life, but you must let go of what’s keeping you stuck
where you are. Release what is keeping you small, so that you can expand into
freedom. When you see this number, you are being divinely supported. It’s a
beautiful and powerful omen.

This number carries the frequency of the divine mother principle.
You are being strongly encouraged to express your own maternal instincts
toward yourself and those around you. Nurture, care and parent yourself with
great love, and you will make it possible to birth anything into the world. There
is no greater force in the Universe than love, so embody it as fully as you can
and you will be showered with the abundance of our great Earth Mother. When
you see this number, you are being divinely supported. It’s a beautiful and
powerful omen.

This is a deeply mystical number, representing both beginnings and endings.
You have reached a place of incredible learning and wisdom, and it is time to
integrate this into your body – this number marks the meeting point of the
earth and spiritual planes. Recognize yourself as an infinite wisdom keeper
and trust your divine nature. When you see this number, you are being divinely
supported. It’s a beautiful and powerful omen.

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An incredible sign of power and abundance, this is also a reminder of the
responsibility that follows. This is a sign that the challenges you face are really
initiations into a higher path. You are capable of overcoming anything and
everything that the Universe places in your way, so this is an invitation to step
further into your power. Stay in alignment with your truth. Keep your core
values at the heart of what you do, and you will become a true leader of the
way. When you see this number, you are being divinely supported. It’s a
beautiful and powerful omen.

You have reached a place of culmination. Your path is nearing the close of a
grand cycle so recognize that some parts of your life you’ve grown used to may
be coming to an end. See these numbers as a powerful reassurance that with
endings come new beginnings. Try not to resist what’s coming. These numbers
can also be a reminder of the importance of integration. In order for the
knowledge gained during this phase of your life to be of real benefit to the
collective, it must become part of your living work. Your experiences have the
power to heal and evolve the lives of many. When you see this number, you
are being divinely supported. It’s a beautiful and powerful omen.

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123 and other ascending number sequences (345 or 789 for example) are clear
signs of simplicity and progression. You are moving forward on your life path, so
continue taking one firm step at a time. They may also be a sign that you are
overcomplicating things, creating unnecessary drama or taking the long route when
there’s a direct alternative, so receive them as a reminder to pare back and simplify.
You could benefit from delegating, releasing and streamlining some parts of your

If you see other ascending number sequences, it’s wise to consider the individual
energy contained by each number (referring to the sections above).

For example: 345 would imply that your most ideal next step and starting point for
a new phase of life is with the energy of the 3. So try a creative, imaginative or
playful task. This would lead you through the energy of the 4, and it’s stabilizing,
grounding impulse, to the 5, which is ultimate freedom and adventure.

Take special note of your thoughts and feelings directly before seeing ascending
number sequences, as these can be the signposts directing your best next move.

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If you see 321 and other descending number sequences (543 or 987 for example)
you’re receiving a clear message that you need to go within and re-orient yourself
with your truth.

Get to know yourself: your strengths, passions and what makes you truly happy.
These numbers are a potent wake-up call that you are slipping out of personal
alignment, and a reminder that you have a divine purpose you are not quite
fulfilling. It’s important to see these number sequences as powerful signs of love
and support from Spirit.

If you see other descending number sequences, it’s also wise to consider the
individual energy contained by each number (referring to the sections above).

For example: 987 would imply that you are living in the energy of the 9 and
attempting to find closure and move on from a situation before you have
completed the learning it has to offer. So you need to move back into the energy of
the 8, which may hold come challenges for you (but also great gifts) before arriving
into the energy of the 7, which is where the wisdom you seek will be found.

Take special note of your thoughts and feelings directly before seeing descending
number sequences, as these can be the signposts, directing your best next move.

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This number is being seen with increasing frequency for many people across the
world, particularly since the World Trade Centre Attack in 2001. It is also the
emergency phone number to call for those in the US, so for many people globally it
holds the heavy weight of danger, emergency and fear. But it is also a call to action.

Combining the compassionate, humanitarian and transitional qualities of the 9; and

the spiritual mastery and healing of the master number 11, seeing 911 repeatedly
in your life is a powerful invitation to embody both of these potent forces. You are
needed in this moment to be of service: To heal, protect and transform the Earth –
you are her emergency service and she’s calling you up!


Frequently seeing your birth date mirrored back at you is a strong sign of
affirmation. It is one of the clearest signs that your personal guides, angels and
spiritual allies are close, protecting and directing you. You should regard these as
hugely positive signs! You have nothing to worry about and you are exactly where
you need to be, so enjoy life! The same is true for any lucky numbers you have.
These could be the birth date of a loved one, your telephone number as a child or
even your house number. If you have imbued a positive personal significance into a
set of numbers and the Universe is communicating them to you, it’s a powerful sign
of alignment and reassurance.

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You may see less common number combinations, such as pairs of numbers
grouped together (1212 or 2323 for example) or any number of other patterns (322,
875 or 8649 for example).

If these numbers keep showing up but don’t immediately mean anything to you,
they need to be decoded and there are a couple of different ways to do this.

1. Sum & Reduce

The most common and universally recognized method for decoding number
combinations is by summing and reducing.

Let’s use the example of 8646.

First add the digits together: 8 + 6 + 4 + 6 = 24
Then reduce the sum further: 2 + 4 = 6
The final number reached is 6, so the message of this number combination pertains
to the energy of the number 6.

If you keep seeing pairs of numbers, try summing and reducing them as pairs.
Let’s use the example of 4949.

First add the digits within each pair together: 4 + 9 = 13

The reduce the sum further: 1 + 3 = 4
So the final number reached (for each pair of numbers) is 4, so the message of this
number combination pertains to the number 44.

In numerology, master numbers are not reduced, but it may still be useful for you
to look at the description for their sum (in this case the number 8) as it may reveal
another, additional layer of meaning.

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2. Consider Each Number Individually & Together

It can also be useful to consider each number within the combination you keep
seeing, and how they relate individually AND in sequence, to your life.

Let’s use the same example of 8646.

First consider the number 8. Are you being bold? Are you pushing your edges, and
rising to the challenges you face?

Next comes the 6. Are you nurturing yourself, your skills and talents? Are you
allowing yourself to grow from challenging circumstances?

Next comes the 4. This could be a sign that you need to stay grounded, or an
indication that a more stable and grounded lifestyle is on offer, if you can embody
more of the energy of the 6, which precedes it.

Last comes the 6 once more, which is a strong indicator of the love, harmony and
gentle creativity that is yours to receive, should you choose to follow the signs.

Remember to take special note of your thoughts and feelings directly before seeing
these number sequences, as these can be the signposts, directing your best next

It is also important not to get hung up or too precise and analytical when decoding
number combinations. Regardless of the specifics, the overall message is always
one of love and support, so receive this above all else! And remember, the Universe
does not want to confuse you, so if your number messages feel too complicated
then ask for them to be simplified!

Repeating numbers and number codes and combinations are an invitation into
dialogue with the Universe … so begin the conversation!

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