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Slide 1

Slide 2 If you want to serve through

Jesus’ Calling to volunteerism, you have to be prepared
Serve to exert time and effort without
Volunteerism is the act of
expecting anything in return.
rendering time and effort for the
good of the community as social
and religious responsibility rather
than financial reward.

Slide 3 Objectives [[JUST READ THIS PART. NO NEED TO

• Doctrine: To identify the examples of
situations where Jesus calls people to
serve the poor
• Morals: To point out the command of
Jesus to love others as His followers
• Worship: To celebrate the gift of faith and
the opportunities to serve one another
Slide 4 God has given all of us blessings. It
1 Peter 4:10


could be financial, physical, or talent-
A GIFT, USE IT TO SERVE ONE wise. A good Christian uses all the
blessing God has given him in order to
GRACE. serve other people who needs them
more. For example, if God has given
you intelligence, you can share your
blessing through serving those who
needed learning the most. Or, if you
are blessed with financial stability, you
can share your blessings by giving
donations to the Church and to the
people who need financial assistance.

Slide 5 Key Understandings • The poor needs us in order for

them to survive the difficulties of
• The poor needs our service.
• Our love for God is inseparable to our love not having enough resources.
for neighbor.
• Serving others is not an option but a
• If we truly love God, we should
mandate which every Christian is called to
also love our neighbors, and the
people we come across in our
lives. As what has been written in
the Bible, we must love our
neighbors just as you love God.
• A true Christian will serve other
people that needed their help,
because it is a mandate from God.

Slide 6 Let us listen to the song from Psalm

Psalm 123:1-4

[[After the song, ask your classmates]]

What did you feel when you listened
to the Psalm? [[Allow up to 3 of your
classmates to answer]]
Slide 7 Now, we have an activity prepared for
ACTIVITY: “Service Deluxe”
you entitled “Service Deluxe”
• Service is an act that anyone regardless of
religion can do. We define service as an act that
• Identify three people whom you think
renders service in the community out of anyone regardless of religion can do.
goodwill. Share their stories to the class.
Now think of three people you know
whom you think gave the community
their whole-hearted service. We will
give you 3 minutes to do so. Then We
will call on two of you to share it to
our class.

Slide 8 Let us now listen to the reading from

Listen: A reading from the holy
Gospel according to Matthew the holy Gospel According to Matthew
20:20-28 20:20-28.

[[After the video]]: The Gospel of the

Lord: Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ.

Slide 9 • The apostles were indignant to the

Explanation of the Reading
brothers whose mother asked
• The apostles seemed not to have true love
for others: a love that is willing to serve the Jesus to place them on His right
least and the lowly.
• The message of Jesus remains true today. and left in His kingdom. They were
Those who want to share in the glory of
God should serve and be the last first annoyed that God has given them
learning from His Son who assumed our
humanity to serve and not be served.
the chance even if the brothers
were not apostles. But Jesus
immediately summoned them and
said that He did not come to be
served but to serve and give His
life as a ransom for many..
• Jesus wants us to always
remember that He gave His
earthly life to serve as an example
that we do not live to be served
rather we live to serve other

Slide 10 • If you truly serve, you serve

What is service?
without expecting anything back.
• Service – is a concrete expression and act
of love for others motivated by love itself. You serve because you truly love.
• Genuine service must be rooted in love,
and love for neighbor must spring from the • If we truly serve, we serve from
love of God.
• Loving God = loving your neighbor
the Love of God, not from the love
of this world.
• Loving God is loving your
neighbor. You cannot say you love
God if you do not love your
neighbor. You do not love your
neighbor if you do not serve.

Slide 11 • A person who truly loves God will

What is service?
never hate his brother, or his
• 1 John 4:20 says, “If anyone says ‘I love
God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for neighbor. A person who truly loves
he who does not love his brother whom he
has seen, cannot love God whom he has God also loves his brother.
not seen.”
• True love embraces all people; it is not • True love is “blind” we do not
select whom we can love.
Slide 12 The more God has given you, the
What is service?
more you are called to serve other
• Luke 12:48 says, “For to whomsoever
much is given, of him shall be much people.
required; and to whom men have
committed much, of him they will ask the

Slide 13 • If we truly love and serve, we can

What is service?
change the world little by little.
• Genuine love and service involves the
desire and commitment to change the We can make small changes that
situations of injustice in society.
• “To love someone is to desire that together will make a great impact
person’s good and to take effective steps
to secure it.” –Deus Caritas Est 20 to our society.
• If we truly love, we only want the
good to happen. We want all the
good to stay to those whom we

Slide 14 • All baptized Christians are called

Who are called to serve?
to share in the royal office of
• All Christians are called to serve.
• The only way to fulfill our mission is to Christ.
serve one another.
• Service is not an option, but a command
• Jesus Christ wanted us to be a true
from God.
• We do not choose to serve. God
commanded us to serve.
Slide 15 • Jesus told us that we cannot serve
What are the hindrances to
genuine service? two masters. So we only should
1. Serving the wrong master. serve God.
2. When we limit our capacity to serve.
3. When we are slaves of bad attitude. • God is the source of everything.
4. When we seek honor and recognition in
return of our service.
Everything we gave into service,
God will surely provide. So we
should never limit our capacity to
• Some people have difficulty
serving because of their bad
attitude like ingratitude,
selfishness, and laziness. We
should always be thankful for all
the blessing no matter how much
God has given us. Ingratitude
breeds self-centeredness; it is
giving service for personal gain.
Lastly, God wants us to be fruitful,
so that we can be blessed more
and in turn be able to serve more.
• Doing acts of kindness just to be
praised and honored by other
people is detestable to God. Do
not be hypocrites just for people
to see we are serving them,
because God sees through what is
truly inside our hearts.

Slide 16 • There should be no other reason

What should be our motivation
in serving? to serve other than LOVE. Not
• The motivation in serving should be honor, not praises. Just Love.
LOVE and no other.
• “In God and with God, I love even the • To serve is to be selfless even if
person whom I do not like or even know.”
you do not personally know them.
Slide 17 As our final words for this report, we
Integrating Hollistically want to share to you these words:
• Today, there are people who have [[READ THE SLIDE]]
acquired more, and some has nothing.
Jesus who assumed our humanity saw
these abuses in His earthly life and
reminded us to share and serve one Thank you for listening and may God
bless us always.

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