Atomic Emission Line Spectra

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Atomic Emission Line Spectra

Purpose: You will identify elements from their emission line spectra. Before doing this experiment,
complete the experiment on wavelength and color.

No calculations are required to do this experiment; you will simply observe the emission from an
element and try to match it with a spectrum from the Flinn manual in order to identify the element.

Emission Spectra of Elements

Transitions of electrons from higher to lower electronic energy levels in elements produce emission of
light. When energy is supplied to the element, its electrons are excited to higher energy levels. When
the electron returns to a lower level, a photon with that energy difference is emitted. The peaks in the
emission spectra are very sharp and are known as line spectra. The pattern of lines is different for
each element and thus can be used to identify the element. Discovery of a new element is confirmed
by the fact that it’s line spectra is different from any known element.

Spectrum of Hydrogen
Electrons in atoms of an element occupy distinct 6
energy levels, labeled by integers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. 5
The energy level diagram on the right is for the 4
element hydrogen. Bohr was able to predict all of the 3
energy levels for H, using a simple equation Red, 656
where n is the number of the energy level: 2

E n = -2.l8 X lO-18 Joules/n2

Transitions from higher energy levels to the 2nd level produce the visible lines that you will see in the
H spectrum, such as the intense red line resulting from the transition from 3 to 2. However, this
relatively simple model works only for H. The interpretation of the spectra of other elements, even
helium, is much more complicated.
Calculating the wavelength
The wavelength of the photon emitted depends on the energy difference, ΔE. Using the Planck
equation, the wavelengths in the H spectrum are obtained.
ΔE= hc/λ and λ =hc/∆E

The h is Planck’s constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is the wavelength.

The gaseous elements are sealed in spectrum tubes, which are housed in power supplies that provide
energy through an electric field applied between electrodes at the ends of the tubes. When the power
supply is turned on, the electrons in the elements are excited to higher energy levels. Emission occurs.
By eye, the glow of the element in the tube appears to be one color, like that emitted by mercury
lights. Using a diffraction grating, you will be able to see the sharp lines of color that make up the
emission spectrum. Like prisms, diffraction gratings divide white light into its component colors.

CAUTION: Do not touch the power supply. Your instructor will set up each spectrum tube for you.
1. Obtain one Flinn Emission Spectra Manual for your group. You will return these at the end of the

2. You will start by observing a known element, hydrogen. Hold the square of diffraction grating off to
either side of the emitted light and you should see a set of lines. You may also see other identical
weaker sets of lines. You can ignore those.
Start at the red end of the spectrum and number each line or groups of lines that you see. Record the
colors of the lines and estimate their wavelengths from the results of the experiment in which you
observed the reflection off the piece of chalk. Estimate the intensities of each of the lines as best you
can, by choosing the most intense line in the spectrum and comparing the rest to that one.
Compare what you see with the emission spectrum of H in the Flinn Emission Spectra Manual.
Note: Intensity of a peak is actually the area under that peak. For very sharp single lines, the peak
height is a good indicator of the intensity. When there are many small peaks that are close together,
they may appear as one single strong line in the spectrum.

3. Repeat with other unknown elements that your instructor will choose, Record the number of the
spectrum tube. Record the colors and intensities of lines and try to identify each of the elements from
the spectra in the Flinn manual.
Data and Results (Line Spectra)

Spectrum Tube # 1 (Known) Element: Hydrogen

Number of Lines or Color Intensity

Groups of Lines

Spectrum Tube # ___________ Element: ____________

Number of Lines or Color Intensity

Groups of Lines

Spectrum Tube # ___________ Element: ____________

Number of Lines or Color Intensity

Groups of Lines
Data and Results 2 (Line Spectra)

Spectrum Tube # ___________ Element: ____________

Number of Lines or Color Intensity

Groups of Lines

Spectrum Tube # ___________ Element: ____________

Number of Lines or Color Intensity

Groups of Lines

Spectrum Tube # ___________ Element: ____________

Number of Lines or Color Intensity

Groups of Lines
Instructor’s Guide
(Line Spectra of Elements)

Time: 1 h

Equipment and Materials: For 5 groups

Items Number Comment

Power Supplies 2 For the whole class

Spectrum Tubes 2 For the whole class; 2 each of H, He,

Ne, Hg, Kr, Ar, I, Br, Xe

Diffraction Grating 1 per One square inch for each student


Flinn Spectrum 5

Ideas/ Information
Four of the elements are very easy to identify. We recommend starting with:
H (known),then He, Hg, and Ne.
H , He and Hg have very sharp peaks that are easy to assign. Ne has broad red, orange and
yellow bands and clearly matches the one in the Flinn manual.
Kr is not very intense. N and Argon are much more difficult to see. You could try these after
students have identified the others.
Emission Spectrum of Hydrogen

Intensity (counts)

3 8

400 500 600 700

Wavelength (nm)

Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red

Wavelength Intensity Wavelength Intensity

Line Line
nanometers, (Arbitrary nanometers, (Arbitrary
Number Number
nm Scale) nm Scale)

1 410.2 583 5 593.9 466

2 434.1 3199 6 603.2 538

3 486,1 4011 7 613.5 470

4 581.3 594 8 656.3 4011

Emission Spectrum of Krypton

Intensity (counts)

Wavelength Intensity Wavelength Intensity

Line Line
nanometers, (Arbitrary nanometers, (Arbitrary
Number Number
nm Scale) nm Scale)

1 427.4 307 5 557.0 3625

2 432.0 468 6 587.1 3589

3 437.6 148 7 645.6 176

4 446.4 191 8 656.3 685

Emission Spectrum of Mercury

Intensity (counts)

400 500 600 700

Wavelength (nm)

Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange Red

Line Number Intensity (Arbitrary Scale)
nanometers, nm

1 404.7 350

2 435.8 1319

3 546.1 4001

4 577.0 357

5 579.1 345

6 690.7 1168
Emission Spectrum of Neon

Intensity (counts)

Wavelength Intensity Wavelength Intensity

Line Line
nanometers, (Arbitrary nanometers, (Arbitrary
Number Number
nm Scale) nm Scale)

1 534.1 135 12 626.7 3118

2 540.1 152 13 630.5 1723

3 585.3 4031 14 633.4 4031

4 588.2 2112 15 638.3 4031

5 594.5 3633 16 640.2 4031

6 597.6 1051 17 650.7 403

7 603.0 1082 18 653.3 1904

8 607.4 3364 19 659.9 2228

9 609.6 4012 20 667.8 3660

10 614.3 4031 21 671.7 2321

11 621.7 1709 22 692.5 3127

Emission Spectrum of Helium

Wavelength Intensity
Line Number nanometers, nm (Arbitrary Scale)

1 447.2 1242

2 471.3 384

3 492.2 1004

4 501.6 3463

5 587.6 4030

6 667.8 4030

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