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Lesson Plan #3 Title: Hit the Golf Ball at the Intended Target

Performance Objective: The golfer will be able to hit the golf ball within 10 feet of the target 8
out of 10 times.
Resources or Materials Needed: Driving Range, Golf Club, Golf Ball, Targets, Measuring
Tape, V1 Golf App and TrackMan
Time: 2.5 Hours
Step 1: Pre-Instructional Activities:
 The instructor will remind the golfers to take a proper grip.
 The instructor will remind the golfers to use their routine to make sure they are aligned
with the target.
 The instructor will have the golfers take practice swings so that their swings are on plane
and weight shift is correct.
 The instructor will remind the golfers of the V1 Golf App functions.
 The instructor will introduce TrackMan technology.

Step 2: Content Presentation:

 The instructor will introduce the golf ball on the driving range
 The instructor will model taking a grip, a routine to align with the target, take a proper
stance, and hit a golf ball at a target.
 The instructor will show how to set up the TrackMan and what the data tell us about
their swing. It will also provide data about the spin on the golf ball when it is hit, which
can tell us the flight of the ball.

Step 3: Learner Participation:

 The golfers will take a grip.
 The golfers will produce a routine to align themselves to a target.
 The golfers will swing the golf club and hit the ball towards a target.
 The golfers will use the V1 Golf App to video themselves and use the functions to
receive feedback.
 The golfers will use the TrackMan to track the golf swing at impact, swing speed, ball
spin, ball flight, and distance.

Step 4: Assessment:
The golfers will hit the golf ball 8 out of 10 times within 10 feet of the target. The
golfer’s will also be assessed using the TrackMan that will measure the distance of the
ball and proximity to the target line within 10 feet 8 out of 10 times.
Step 5: Follow-Through Activities:
 The golfers will use repetition to take a grip.
 The golfers will use repetition of their routine to align themselves to a target.
 The golfers will use repetition swinging the golf club and hitting the golf ball at a target.
 The golfers will use the V1 Golf App and TrackMan to receive feedback and correct any
deficiencies within the setup, alignment, and swing.

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