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Forms of Passive

Present Simple: The Government builds many schools.

Many schools are built by the Government.
Present Continuous: The Government is building many schools.
Many schools are being built by the Government.
Present Perfect: They have chosen Jane as the new president.
Jane has been chosen as the new president.
Past Simple: The police arrested the burglar.
The burglar was arrested by the police.
Will: They will play the match on Sunday.
The match will be played on Sunday.

The object in the active form (many schools, Jane, the burglar, the match)
moves to the front of the passive sentence and becomes the subject.

Using by and with.

☺ The agent is the person who does the action. We use by+ agent:
Many schools were built last year.
Many schools were built by the Government last year.
☺ The instrument is what we use to perform the action. We use with +
The windows were broken with a ball.


1) They are rebuilding the damaged house.

2) The police arrested Jim.
3) A burglar stole my handbag.
4) Somebody will meet you at the station.
5) The football team from Argentina won the championship.
6) Janet cleans the rooms every day.
7) Somebody is using the computer at the moment.
8) I received a letter from my grandfather.
9) The company will employ 500 hundred people this year.
10) Susie and Jack have bought a new house.

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