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School subjects ‫المواد المدرسية‬

English Arabic
Arabic ‫العربية‬
French ‫الفرنسية‬
English ‫اإلنجليزية‬
Biology ‫علوم‬
Maths ‫رياضيات‬
Physics ‫الفيزياء‬
History ‫التاريخ‬
Geography ‫الجغرافيا‬
Civil education ‫التربية المدنية‬
Islamic education ‫التربية اإلسالمية‬
Sport ‫رياضة‬
Art ‫فن‬

Prepositions : on, at, in.

On : With surface.

Example : On the table, on the desk, on the floor.

At : With an exacte time.

Example : At 10 o’clock, at 7 PM, at night.

In : With place.

Example : In the kitchen, in the classroom, in the store.

Singular and plural ‫المفرد و الجمع‬

-We add an ‘s’ at the end of the words in general.

Example : kids, tables, pencils, pens, books, letters.

-We replace ‘f’ or ‘fe’ in the end of a word with ‘ves’.

Example : wolf = wolves, wife = wives, leaf = leaves, life = lives.

-We add ‘es ‘ to words ending with ‘ch, x, s or s sounds’.

Example : Boxes, watches, mosses, buses.

-Words ending with ‘o’ or ‘y’ don’t have a rule.

Example : boy = boys, baby = babies, potato = potatoes, stereo = stereos.

-Some words have different plural.

Example : child = children, man = men, woman = women, mouse = mice,

tooth = teeth, foot = feet.

-Few words don’t change at plural.

Example : sheep, deer, series, species.

Possessive adjectives and pronouns.

Personal Possessive Possessive
pronouns adjectives pronouns
I My Mine
You Your Yours
She Her Hers
He His His
It Its Its
You Your Yours
We Our Ours
They Their Theirs

Examples :
My friends are playing outside.

I left my book at home, can I use yours ?

This is our house.

That shoes isn’t mine.

Weather and seasons ‫الطقس و الفصول‬
English Arabic
Winter ‫الشتاء‬
Autumn / Fall ‫الخريف‬
Summer ‫الصيف‬
Spring ‫الربيع‬
Sun / Sunny ‫ مشمس‬/ ‫الشمس‬
Rain / Rainy ‫ ممطر‬/ ‫مطر‬
Cloud / Cloudy ‫ مغيم‬/ ‫غيمة‬
Wind / windy ‫ عاصف‬/ ‫رياح‬
Snow / snowy ‫ مثلج‬/ ‫ثلج‬
Ice / Icy ‫ جليدي‬/ ‫جليد‬
Lightning ‫البرق‬
Thunder ‫الرعد‬
Rainbow ‫قوس قزح‬
-Fill the gabs with one of the following prepositions : on, at, in.

1) I want to lose 5 kilogram one month.

2) Could you get me this pants a larger size?
3) She seems to be interested Psychology.
4) I will come to pick you up 2 pm tomorrow.
5) This class will be held Mondays.

-Choose the correct form of the noun in each sentence.

1) I have three (child, children).

2) There are five (man, men) and one (woman, women).
3) (Baby, Babies) play with bottles as toys.
4) I put two big (potato, potatoes) in the lunch box.
5) A few men wear (watch, watches).
6) I put a (memo, memos) on the desk.
7) I saw a (mouse, mice) running by.
8) There are few (bus, buses) on the road today.

-Fill in the blanks with possessive pronouns or adjectives.

1. That policeman is a friend of …………….. (mine / my)

2. Honey, I have lost ………………. keys. (my / mine)
4. The cat is in a good mood. It’s just had ……………… breakfast. (it’s / its)
5. He watched each gesture of ……………. as if she was a stranger. (her /
6. My work is no business of ………………. (your / yours)
7. The teacher told the children to open ……………….. books. (their / there)
8. How is that cousin of ………………? (your/ yours)
9. A friend of …………… has invited me to France. (my / mine)
10. Jane broke ……………. leg mountain climbing. (her / hers)

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