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How The Growth of AI Based Chatbot Will Impact

Education Industry

 As per Global Market Insights, the overall market size for chatbots worldwide would be over $1.3
billion by 2024.
 Gartner says Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be a mainstream customer experience investment in
the next couple of years. 47% of organizations will use chatbots for customer care and 40% will
deploy virtual assistants.
 The top industries profiting from chatbots are real estate, travel, education, healthcare, and
 Customers prefer business offering bot support. 47% of users are open to purchasing items
through a bot.
 Google Trends says that the search number using chatbots has increased by 19 times in the last 5
 40% of millennials use chatbots on a daily basis.
The AI based Chatbot and its Potential Market in India: An Overview on the
Emerging Role of Chatbot in Education Industry
A chatbot is an artificial intelligence (AI) software equipped to converse in a spoken or written natural
language based on pre-fed question answers. According to Google, already, 30 per cent of queries in India
are voice-based.

The growth of Chatbots is positively impacting Education Industry in many ways. It is helping the sector in
scaling and improving student interaction level, understanding their interests and informational need for
developing robust query handling system and aligning resources accordingly.

Chatbots technology has evolved drastically over the period of time. It is fast becoming a preferred
channel of managing customer relations. While the education sector is yet to utilize the full potential of
chatbots, yet its growth has so far brought positive changes in the colleges and universities where it is
being implemented.

Like most other countries, India too is widely using this upcoming technology in various industry sectors
for building direct connect with customers. The technology is helping reduce average handling time of
queries. Although most people in the country still prefer to talk to a live person instead of bots but the
changing trend towards chatbots can surely be seen

Today, you log on to educational websites, most of them would have chatbots for creating an initial
connect with their target audience. A majority of educational institutes see the benefits of using chatbots
for enhancing customer service.

India has always been at the forefront of technology advancement and adoption. When it comes to
chatbot, here also we are at par with global practices to compete and position.

Millenials today are very tech savy. The outcome of digital revolution, has been favourable for them. They
are open to interact with digital assistants for an improved experience with chatbots. Major companies in
India including e-commerce companies, banks, insurance firms, travel companies and educational
institutes have already started implementing chatbots successfully.

Benefits of Using Chatbots in Education Industry

The most obvious benefit chatbots claim to offer in an educational set up is improving engagement across
the entire communication cycle with prospects.

There are prospective students who love to strike a conversational chat through chatbots for getting the
right personalised content. Chatbots for education industry are designed primarily for handling queries of
young aspirants and guide them through appropriate information. Not only this, the technology also helps
to capture leads and bucket them in pre-classified groups to identify customer segments. They provide
conversational experience to millennials across digital platforms.
Through Chatbots, aspirants can get information about fees, courses application processes etc. Chatbots
can be integrated with the search feature on the website and queries can be routed to human operators,
if needed. Aspirants can ask for soft copy of the brochure, check their application status. Chatbots are
expected to educate prospective students by providing a customized solution to their queries.

Armed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, this self-help
customer interface helps build end-to-end connect with its users. Besides, it is easy to track usage
performance of chatbots with the help of detailed analytics dashboard that these platforms provide. So,
your college can actually analyse the level of customer satisfaction being achieved through chatbots.

Future of Chatbots in Education Industry: Challenges Facing

Chatbot Market
For educational entities, chatbots will indeed be the next paradigm shift. However, the chatbot platform
has still to go a long way. Although, the chatbot market in India is helping colleges and universities respond
to the scale of queries generated yet it can still be better in terms of personalization of content.

Students are always looking for personalized interaction with the college with better outcomes. This is
the basic challenge. How AI driven chatbots can be made more holistic to provide information based on
user need. The success of chatbot will depend on its ability to interact in a more conversational style
instead of type casted one.

Another thing, particularly in context of our country, can AI-based chatbots handle the ambiguity in Indian
communication, where a single sentence can be delivered with multiple variations in slang, accents,
interruptions, colloquial substitutions etc.?

Chatbots that are developed with a clear objective in mind backed with a need based design and
architecture will surely strike better connect with the education market. Can chatbots solve linguistic
barriers? Translation is not that simple. How to develop chatbots that interact fluently in vernacular

conversations. However, as more and more institutions start using this technology and awareness about
the product grows in the market, expectations from chatbots will also increase.

Speech experts need to fine tune the technology to suit young students. They need to park larger
repository of spoken and written text to understand colloquial nuances and dialects. Furthermore,
domain-specific chatbots must be designed with domain-specific words and phrases.

The ones that will succeed will need to start addressing all these challenges well in advance. They should
be able to provide customized solutions as per the requirement of each and every institution. Only then,
efficiency in outcomes can be achieved. The best product will be the one that meets user expectations
across platforms.
Chatbots Concluded
Chatbots can be used to improve educational processes where information sharing, data collection and
counselling is involved to facilitae decision making of aspirants. The bot should be able provide qualitative
and quantitative inputs to the users for effective relationship building.

Chatbots platform are best suited for quick redressal of queries and customer grievances. Single-window
interaction using chatbots can deeply enhance customer relationship management and lead nurturing
efforts. They can reduce the overload on counselling teams especially during peak hours of admission

AI driven Chatbots can automate key processes of your institute such as query handling, verification of
documents collected during admissions among others. They can be gateways to many other AI based
interventions in the future. By using this technology, you can aim for cost-effectiveness in marketing
budget, improve communication with your prospects, empower your admission workforce with insights
and analytics and ensure error-free operations.

Indian education system is going through lot of positive changes using digital interventions. It is helping
them transform conventional delivery of education services. Chatbots are a powerful tool in this direction.
It is going to prove itself as an important asset for the growth of colleges and universities. With its smart
use the education industry is bound to improve outcomes across all levels.

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