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PODCAST Single Point Rubric

Area Concerns (Needs Improvements) Project Standards (Meets Expectations) Exceeds (Excellent)

Describes the topic and engages the audience as the
introduction proceeds.

CONTENT Accurate information is provided succinctly.

Rehearsed, smooth delivery. Enunciation, expression,

DELIVERY pacing are effective throughout the podcast. Correct
grammar is used during the podcast.

The layout of the infographic adheres to the inverted

LAYOUT pyramid style - main point on top, secondary point next,
and supporting details at the bottom.

The graphics/artwork (if used) relates to the audio and

MUSIC reinforces content and demonstrates functionality. Music
provides supportive background to the podcast.

Presentation is recorded in a quiet environment with

PRODUCTION minimal background noise and distractions. Transitions
VALUE are smooth with a minimal amount of ambient noise.
Podcast length keeps the audience listening.

Full bibliographic citations for all sources used are

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