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9 decembrie la 23:41 ·


There are a group of men on this planet who are preparing to explode all previously-held
notions of what 'being a man on Earth' means.
These men are being contacted by supreme forces of destined evolution for our planet.
Most of them have been treading a gently-opening path of growth and change for many
years. They are aware that they are 'different' at a core level. They are hyper-aware that
they do not seem to fit into established or traditional roles, inhabited by their own fathers,
and forefathers.
In many ways, these men have been standing alone since childhood.
These are men that have always been vibrating at a deep level of higher consciousness,
but they have not always been able to see it that way. Early on in this lifetime, they were
born with a new directive that began 'awakening' them right from the beginning. These
men have always been conscious that they were different. They were conscious of being
pulled in directions that they did not fully understand, but being only shown one way of
living 'as a man', continued to mould themselves into roles and relationships that were
prescribed for them by culture and society.
These men always wanted to succeed. They always wanted to live up to their potential as
potent wands of creative energy. They knew they had engines full of power and
intelligence, fuelled up and ready to drive them into a purposeful life in the world. Some
of them lived from this source of energy and power with recognisable success, and this
was something that they could proudly tell their fathers. For a few moments, they could
relax and know that their father approved of them; they were a 'good boy', a worthy man.
This gave them a few more years of oxygen, a few more years of capability to keep being
alive, despite the gnawing ache in their bones, the growing psychic sensitivity to being
out in the 'normal' world, the inability to move with the herd, and feel satisfied with what
all other men seemed to be content with.
Some of these men have never felt a sense of being a success. Some of them were so
sensitive, so spiritually-anchored even from birth, that they 'failed' to reach the
established societal goalposts almost from the beginning. Feeling an almost intangible
alienation from everything they saw their friends, brothers, fathers, uncles and even
admired role-models doing...some of these men may even have 'dropped out' of the net,
sabotaged their own inner creative fire, numbed themselves to their spiritual acuity and
extreme sensitivity. Obviously, many of the routes to doing this 'dropping out' involve
what can become addictive behaviours; drugs & alcohol, non-emotionally or spiritually
present sex, over-working or refusing to work, hiding and numbing within relationships
or marriages that are not growth-inspired.
Most of these men - these actual pioneers of a new chapter in masculine energy evolution
- have veered in-between these two extreme states. None of them have ever found what
their deepest Soul-knowing would describe as 'home'.
The New Age has arrived, and with it, some tolerable life-choice options for men like this
who do not fit into the old patterns. Being 'on a spiritual path' has become a theme that
can give some of these men permission to go and 'just be'; to find themselves and escape
the toxicity, the unbearable noise, the cacophony of voices that scream at them daily to
achieve, conquer, strengthen, make money and more money no matter what human &
natural destruction ensues, to dominate with ruthlessness and no heart, to crush all that
lies in the way of owning everything at the expense of everyone.
No wonder they crave escape and a sunshine-covered beach full of the feminine-energy
of Nature. Or a cave, where hermit-like, they sit and commune with the Divine: the
higher freedoms of their lifelong-depleted spirits. No wonder they run for the hills,
maybe even rejecting intimate relationships and sexual interaction, in the name of
pursuing God, of pursuing a Real Objective, of pursuing their Hearts.
These men need a time-out from all this pressure to be what they never were in the first
They need a time-out from their father's voice in their head.
They need to detox, to recover, to re-align.
They need to be....alone.
And yet in the nothingness, in the aloneness, in the silence, in the playful immersion into
nature, in the blissful escape - in whatever form it takes in their lives - these men have
come to feel that their existential restlessness - the one they have had since childhood -
has not been alleviated.
In fact, it may have even increased in recent months and weeks.
There is something that they must do. Something that they must embody, rise up to,
explode through, penetrate, seed creative potential to.
It involves their Hearts, they know that much, because their hearts are on fire with....what
is it? Is it passion? Is it desire? Is it urgency? Is it Love?
It involves their Spirits, they know that much, because recently there has been such a Call
to Spirit, so much synchronicity, so much divine alignment in their is definitely
Spirit moving.
Are they capable of taking this risk, this jump?
Right into the heart of their beautiful, mighty, pulsating Soul's Mission?
Their minds do not know what to do. Nothing is being laid out or revealed as concrete
evidence. There are no guarantees, and whatever it is that is leading these men is so far
away from the landscape of what their father has ever risked his heart or reputation for,
that it almost makes these men want to curl up and die. Just stay in the comfort zone
forever - even if that comfort zone looks like a New Age paradise.
What these men may, or may not, know - is that the Goddess pantheon is with them, so
deeply, so profoundly, so revolutionarily, that they will not have to wonder about the pros
and cons of taking a risk on themselves for much longer.
All of these men who will resonate with the energy of these words have been touched by
the Hand of the Goddess, and the resurrection of High Feminine consciousness.
Some of these men have been re-initiated into the ancient temples of the divine feminine
and ignited into new active sacred purpose.
What the Goddess knows is that there is Work to do, and that these men have been in-
filled with new source-codes of direction.
The New Directions for these men - those who have a Contract to Return to uphold the
Altar of the Sacred Feminine - are directions that involve taking their hearts into new
territories. In some ways, they are risking it all, because they now have to stand up and be
seen as the true warriors of Love that they Are.
And this means, demonstrating that Love in active purpose, in creative, meaningful,
applied ways. It means being in relationships that are not allowing them to avoid the
healing power of sacred intimacy - intimacy that requires their depth and their presence.
This Sacred Purpose is not about running.
It is about Staying.
It is about showing up, opening up, growing up and stepping up.
It is about moving into all the voids, all the empty spaces, all the terrifyingly uncharted
plains of existence that these men's fathers, and fathers before them, could not reach into.
It is about finally coming home to the unheard, un-noticed, un-witnessed, even un-loved,
parts of themselves - and being admired, appreciated, welcomed and trusted for their
spiritual uniqueness.
All of these rare and deeply-needed men are being held by the Great Goddess, and
contacted by the Great Gods, and their emissaries.
This is their time.
This is the Time of Total Trust being extended to the Pioneers of the New Masculine
The Awakened Women opened first, poured out their wounded souls first, re-built the
temples first.
Now it's your turn, because we are here. Ready to shed our own last vestiges of betrayal,
hurt, disappointment and suffering, arising from our own banishment and exile. Anything
that may linger in the darkest, most secret chambers of our hearts and bodies is now
being expelled and transmuted by the Light of the Goddess.
We are ready for you to become the phoenix and rise into your own sovereignty. We
need and require your majesty, your shining presence, your solar fire. We celebrate your
difference, and honour your journey thus far.
The temples have been built, the candles have been lit.
The fear you feel that keeps you waiting, keeps you hidden, keeps you stuck, keeps you
making excuses, keeps you too comfortable, keeps you distant when you should be
present - this fear has been witnessed by the Universe.
Whatever it is that you do now, you'll no doubt feel scared to do it.
As you feel that fear, and do whatever it is that most scares you, but also most opens your
heart and excites your soul - know that your Father - living or dead - is with you.
Whatever relationship you have with your father in this lifetime, whatever you have said,
or not said - the spirit of your father is pushing you forward with approval. There is great
healing here, a great transition to grab hold of.
Your father may never understand the complexity of your Divine Mission, or the contents
of your Heart, but right now, in his deepest unconditional place of Love, he is willing you
to expand further, penetrate the world more consciously, and to love deeper, than he ever

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