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Week 7

Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle (graded)

This week, we looked at two more ethical codes—one for the Project Management Institute, and
one for Engineers.

(Find links to these professional codes in the Week 7 Assignment tab along with the Week 7

You can see that both of them are much simpler than the Legal code we looked at last week, and
even simpler than the Medical code of ethics. Appropriate professional behavior, practice, and
discipline varies among professions and reflects the needs and values of the professional society in

Let's then assume professional roles as we work on this fictional scenario:

It's 2020, and General Foryota Company opens a plant in which to build a new mass-produced
hover-craft. This hover-craft will work using E-85 Ethanol, will travel up to 200 mph, and will reduce
pollution worldwide at a rate of 10 percent per year. It is likely that when all automobiles in the
industrial world have been changed over to hovercrafts, emission of greenhouse gasses may be so
reduced that global warming may end and air quality will become completely refreshed.

However, the downside is that during the transition time, GFC's Hover-Vee (only available in red or
black), will most likely put all transportation as we know it in major dissaray. Roadways will no longer
be necessary, but new methods of controlling traffic will be required. Further, while the old version
of cars are still being used, Hover-vee's will cause accidents, parking issues, and most likely class
envy and warfare. The sticker price on the first two models will be about four times that of the
average SUV (to about $200,000.) Even so, GFC's marketing futurists have let them know that they
will be able to pre-sell their first three years of expected production, with a potential waiting list
which will take between 15 and 20 years to fill.

The Chief Engineer of GFC commissions a study on potential liabilities for the Hover-vees. The
preliminary result is that Hover-vees will likely kill or maim humans at an increased rate of double to
triple over automobile travel because of collisions and crashes at high speeds -- projected annual
death rates of 100,000 to 200,000. However, global warming will end, and the environment will

The U. S. Government gets wind of the plans. Congress begins to discuss the rules on who can own
and operate Hover-vees. GFC's stock skyrockets. The Chief Engineer takes the results of the study to
the Chief Legal Counsel, and together they agree to bury the study, going forward with the
production plans. The Chief Project Manager, who has read the study and agreed to bury it, goes
ahead and plans out the project for the company, with target dates and production deadlines.

Our class is a team of young lawyers, project managers, engineers, and congressional aides who are
all part of the process of helping get this project off the ground. In fact, according to the first letter
of your last name, you are the following team:

A-G: Attorney on the GFC team

H-N: Project Manager on the GFC team

0-S: Engineer on the GFC team

T-Z: Congressional Aide

Somebody sent a secret copy of the report to you at your home address. It has no information in it
at all, except for the report showing the proof of the increase in accidents and deaths. The report
shows, on its face, that the CLO, CE, CPM, and your Congressional Representative have seen copies
of this report. On the front there are these words typed in red: They knew — they buried this. Please
save the world!

Each of you feel a very loyal tie to your boss and your company/country. You all have mortgages,
and families to feed. It is likely if you blow the whistle on this report, you will lose your job and your
livelihood. You're not even sure who wrote the study in your envelope or who actually sent it to you.

Now to the task at hand:

Utilizing your profession's code of ethics, what would be your first step? Who would you talk to first?
Would you go to the press? Would you go to your boss? Should you do anything at all?

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(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read Introduction Professor Brom Email this Author 10/12/2014
7:38:06 AM

This should be an interesting week. This threaded discussion will focus on applying a code of ethics
to a case study. As a family person with bills to pay, would you blow the whistle on the company?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Introduction Alexandra Scott Email this Author
10/15/2014 10:48:12 PM

With my last name being Scott, I am a engineer on the GFC team. After reading the information
above it states the chief engineer took the results of the study to the Chief legal counsel and they
both agreed to bury the findings. With that information, I would make sure to make a copy of the
secret report, and then take it to the CLO, CE, CPM, and our Congressional Representative. See how
they respond to the copy, and if they are willing to bury the information again I would remove
myself from the situation and go to someone higher and also send it to the news sources as well.
Everyone needs to be aware of the the potential liabilities this company is willing to create with the
Hover-vees. As far as potentially losing my job and livelihood I believe there will be many other
opportunities for me to provide for my family. With the creation of the Hover-vees I may potentially
lose my family down the long run with the annual death rates increasing. So I will take my chances

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Introduction Girlie Marcelo Email this Author 10/19/2014
9:19:32 PM

As my last name is Marcelo, I will be playing a role of a Project Manager on the GFC team. Based on
the code of ethics for PMI I am supposed to be committed to doing what is right and honorable.
Burying the study is dishonorable and wrong. As much as I am loyal to my boss and company and
that I have family to feed and mortgage to pay, I don't think that my loyalty to them will stay intact
in exchange of hundreds of thousands of lives. How could I? I will play a huge role in killing innocent
people if I do the same thing they did, which is burying the study. I don't think i will go to my boss as
he already buried it. But I will do something about it like reporting it to government agency
responsible for allowing or disallowing the production of this hover-craft. I think that the idea of
hover-craft is not completely bad as it will eliminate the global warming. I would fight for it to not be
produced until the downside has been improved or eliminated. I have faith with engineers that they
would be able to improve the craft. Until then, it shouldn't be produced and instead must be worked

Collapse Mark as Unread Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Andrea
Hayes Email this Author 10/13/2014 11:04:58 AM

The first step I would take would be to bring the letter to the attention of all parties involved. I
would see if we could schedule a meeting and everyone get together. We would discuss the leakage
and how to come to a resolution that will make the majority happy. I personally would not let this
information be hidden, but I would give the business the opportunity to correct their wrong. If they
choose not to do so, I would remove myself from the situation, whether it be find another job or
have to move out of the city. The right thing to do would be to report the information that was
purposfully hidden and let individuals decide themselves if they are welling to take that risk for this

Andrea Hayes

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Shirley
Posey Email this Author 10/13/2014 5:26:42 PM

Hello Andrea,

I get what you are saying. Also, think about the media reaction when you decide to walk away from
the situation. You have to remember that although you decided to take it to every party involved,
there is always someone else who is in charge. The people will probably look at you differently if you
decide to leave own or find another job. Make sure you think about this matter long and seriously
before you just throw your hands up. In situations such as these, I always say that I know if no one
on earth has my back, God above has my back. He will not give us nothing that we cannot handle.
Who knows; should you be the one to resolve the matter, what a HERO you would be.

Ethically, I would weigh all my options before I just leave because I feel (speaking for self) it is the
right thing to do.

There will be many opportunities for you and your future.

Great post, and enjoyed reading it.



Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Andrea
Hayes Email this Author 10/15/2014 10:55:46 AM

Make no mistake Shirley, I wouldn't be just walking away. If after my attempt to rectify the situation,
no improvement was noted, then yes, I will place myself in a better environment. I frankly wouldn't
care what the media has to say, they are always going to have an opinion, if I spent my life by what I
think others may say, I wouldn't be my own person. I'm sticking with my story Shirley, thanks for
your opinion.


(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Professor
Brom Email this Author 10/14/2014 7:52:48 AM

But why should the majority be made happy at the expense of the minority?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Patrick Escamilla
Email this Author 10/15/2014 12:00:43 AM

I think this would be a utilitarian way of approaching the problem, but in this case, I wonder if since
the decisions that set everything else in motion were made by a small group of people, should it not
be those people who figure out how to make up for the mess (as they would have the top minds on
the subject), or is this something that would better go to the people's court?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Frances Hernandez
Email this Author 10/16/2014 7:28:45 AM

I was thinking that she used the utilitarian method, too. Her approach to solving the problem
involved bringing everyone together and addressing the problem and if the business decided not to
correct their wrong, her decision was to be removed from the situation because the right thing to do
would have been to report the information.

"The preliminary result is that Hover-vees will likely kill or maim humans at an increased rate of
double to triple over automobile travel because of collisions and crashes at high speeds -- projected
annual death rates of 100,000 to 200,000."

The decision that the business will make will lead to the consequences they will have to face,
whether it is good or bad. Since there are secret documents that reveals information that the
company knows about information that the hoover-vees will increase accidents and death, there
should be some more studies done to fix the problem before it goes out into production. It will take
a lot of courage to bring this to their attention but doing something and saying something is better
than not doing anything at all. After all, it is not your fault that these top secret documents were
mis-delivered to your address.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Michele Tola Email
this Author 10/15/2014 11:02:16 AM

I agree with you except I would be more demanding on getting to the bottom of the problem and
how it fix it. Then letting everyone know so it can be dealt withy and dissolved.

Collapse Mark as Read Congressional Aide Ly Tran Email this Author 10/13/2014
3:02:19 PM
I would do some research about this report and validate the solidity of it then I would go to the
Congressman/woman in my first step. My role is a congressional aide, so I will bring the report to my
boss. The potential liabilities for this report is beyond something that I can control or stop. I do what
I am capable of stop this from being effective. If the congressman/woman ignores my concerns on
this issue, then I’ll go to someone above to fix the problem. However I’ll need to find evidences for
anybody to believe my word.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Congressional Aide Shirley Posey Email this Author 10/13/2014
5:17:01 PM

Hello Ly

Good going, it is always important to take matters such as this directly to your boss. When they
become blind-sided by your actions, it only makes the situation worst and matters get a lot more
complicated. Although you probably know your boss's answer and what his/her reaction would be, it
is still a great idea to get their view on matters that are not in your pay scale. If and when a disaster
happens, you will have done your part in the matter by relaying it to your Congressman and acting
on his/her answer.

Good job!



Collapse Mark as Read RE: Congressional Aide Amy Zuniga Email this Author 10/14/2014
12:26:15 PM

Ly and Shirley,

I totally agree. The best route would be to bring it to the boss' attention. This follows the chain of
command and also as Shirley pointed out, if you circumvent them, this can cause many hard
feelings. Starting at my boss and then moving up if they don't address it is how I would act in this

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Congressional Aide Geneva Akootchook Email this Author
10/15/2014 10:02:29 PM

Amy, Ly, Shirley, Classmates, and Professor,

I totally agree with you guys. I would go to the boss first before bring it to the others attention.
According to the letter of my last name I am an attorney on the GFC team, therefore I would be
concerned about the possible legal actions that may follow. As an attorney for the company my main
focus would be to the client and the company. I would not go directly to the press; I think that’s
where the boss should step up. I do feel as though he or she should bring the issue to the attention
of the rest of the team.

Geneva Akootchook

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Congressional Aide Chinmay Chauhan Email this Author
10/17/2014 9:52:56 AM


Don't you think going to the press can ruin the name of the company? If the matter can be sovled by
discussing or bringing the issue to the table first, then why create a scene? However, I do agree if the
activist party did not agree to their behavior and if they continue to do what they did, then yes,
definelty bring in the media. Fist, it's imporatnt to find out who the person is behind this letter, find
out why they did what they did and find out where did the data come from? Going to the public,
may result in threat and non-disclosure of the information.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Congressional Aide Brittany Brown Email this Author
10/17/2014 2:55:21 PM

I am also an attorney for the GFC and I agree that we would need to focus on the company and the
client. We would not want to bring this to any outsiders attention.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Congressional Aide Girlie Marcelo Email this Author 10/19/2014
9:25:41 PM

I agree. This kind of report is very complicated and can be potentially dangerous hence it must not
be taken lightly. I concur that this must be investigated thoroughly. I agree, sometimes, there's only
so much a person can do. But doing the right thing must always be done despite the limitations that
are put on a person. With this kind of situation where hundreds of thousands of life are involved, it is
hard to ignore the what needs to be done, which is the right thing of reporting it to those who can
actually do something to rectify the situation.

Collapse Mark as Unread Business Ethics Shirley Posey Email this Author 10/13/2014
5:11:39 PM

Oh I find it interesting that based on the first letter of my last name I have to answer this as an
Engineer ,I have been an Engineer and an Engineer Manager for the last 36 years. Here we go.

At my company we not only have to follow the engineer code of ethics but our own company code
of ethics. This does not mean that everyone in the company is willing to follow the code as is
written, and most of the time it is for the same reason as in this case money, or the bottom line of
the company and corporate, greed. This is what created the down fall of the banking & housing

As an engineer, I am now being placed in a very unique position since I will be working on the project
and your design and build of this vehicle. Being armed with that information I do know that it could
cause all a lot of deaths. However, using my engineering head and gut instinct, I will be very careful
due to the implications of such report. My company has an independent agency and legal
department for this type of situations. On the other hand, since the Chief Legal Counsel is behind
burying the report, I do not know how deep this has gone. Going to the press is the last resort that
my boss, ever once considered something like this would surface you have no idea of who is involve,
so I will not go to him. Every industry has government independent agencies which are setup to deal
with this type of issues; I will send a copy of the report to them. Doing nothing is not an option, not
only because of the engineering code of ethics. Also, because it is ethically and morally wrong to
play with the lives of so many people. Furthermore, the possibility that by doing nothing I could
allow one company to have control over the economic future of the world.



(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Business Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/14/2014 7:57:31 AM

But one company could never have control over the economic future of the world?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Michele Tola Email this Author 10/16/2014
5:11:43 PM

That is true but it can influence the economic future of the world. If the product is of great value it
can change a market where others will try to copy the product at a cheaper cost and can over all
flood the market and change the economic future for all.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/18/2014 8:57:58 AM

True it could but that would be decades down the line.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Jessica Ochoa Email this Author 10/15/2014
6:38:28 PM

Thanks for your response Shirley,

I had no idea how to respond to this being part of the engineer team, being I have no background
knowledge of that sort of thing. Your response gave me a better insight on what to do first. I would
focus my work on safety, this is one of the biggest downside of this project. I also agree with you in
not letting this get to the press. Doing this might ruin a something that could potentially save the
world. Ultimately I would go to my boss and discuss the letter with him to figure how to handle this
situation. My goal is to choose the outcome that is most beneficial to the world.

Collapse Mark as Unread Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Dominique
Smith Email this Author 10/14/2014 7:24:30 AM

Hi professor and class,

My first step would be to do further investigation considering that people lives are at risk and the
documents were sent to me so that I can help prevent tragic incidents to come. I would try to gather
everyone that’s a part of the team for a meeting so that we can possibly come up with a solution. I
wouldn't dare go to the press because the matter needs to be confidential until resolved. The world
doesn't need to know about the negligent act that’s going to take place, especially if I can do
something to help the situation. I would definitely contact my boss on this matter just in case he/she
isn't aware of the situation. Maybe the boss can help provide a solution to this problem.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Holly Harris Email
this Author 10/14/2014 10:14:25 AM

I wouldn't go to the press either. There is no need to concern the public with these matters if they
are preventable and unnecessary. This also would give time to conduct this meeting to discuss
solutions without the press being everywhere and demanding answers.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Dominique Smith
Email this Author 10/17/2014 5:55:28 PM

Hi Holly,

Thanks for your feedback. The press will not do anything but make matters worse. They will
exaggerate the situation making it seem worse than it is or even have the public concerned and
thats not needed while we get to the bottom of the problem.

Collapse Mark as Read Business Ethics Holly Harris Email this Author 10/14/2014
10:12:09 AM

As a project manager on the GFC team, I would be very concerned with the study. I would want to
find out more about it such as who conducted it and whether it was credible or not. If I found that it
was I would want to discuss the findings with my boss and the rest of the GFC team. It would be
important to let them know the results if they didn't already or to make sure that they were burying
the study if they had heard about it. If, in fact, it was true, I would try to start some kind of
committee involving GFC and the national or state departments of transportation to try and work
together to make a safer start up enviornment for the hover crafts. Even if getting the hover crafts
on the road took longer, it would be worth it to be able to prevent these thousands of needless
deaths. Likely the public would be disappointed and stock shares would drop, but this will benefit
the public in the long run and make sure that the hover crafts are still made to keep GFC employee
jobs and eventually help out the enviornment.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Ly Tran Email this Author 10/14/2014
1:23:46 PM

Hi Holly,

I like the idea of having everybody on board to make this project happens and ways to eliminate the
risks. This will benefit the citizens in the long run with low mortality rates due to traffic. However,
the big stakeholders would not agree with human interventions, they would want to make quick
money. The negative of this report was buried of a reason.
(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/15/2014 7:23:32 AM

But you wouldn't be able to eliminate all deaths related to the hover crafts?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Ly Tran Email this Author 10/15/2014
1:38:50 PM

No, the probability of any plans to eliminate all deaths is near zero. The projected deaths associate
with collisions and crashes at high speeds is about 100,000- 200,000. What government and Chief
Engineer of GFC commissions can do is raise the standards of vehicle safety and regulations to which
manufacturers of motor vehicle designs. Besides raising the standards, improvements in roadway
would reduce injury and death rates too.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/16/2014 1:38:55 AM

But the deaths caused by collisions and crashes wouldn't be the company's fault?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Michele Tola Email this Author 10/16/2014
5:14:25 PM

Yes and no on the company being at fault. The company is not at fault for the accidents but they can
be held partially accountable for the deaths that occur if their product is faulty or doesn't have
enough safety features.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Ryan Roberts Email this Author 10/18/2014
12:13:13 AM
Not directly, but if they would have released the information it might have made a difference with
decisions that people make in the future with how they choose to use transportation.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Chinmay Chauhan Email this Author
10/17/2014 10:17:05 AM

Yes, the deaths caused by collisions and crashes is 100% company's fault. Becasue when creating a
product, it is company's responsible to make sure the product is safe and passes through all the
tests. There are lot of tests and corrections that goes into finalizing a product before releasing it to
public. Because if something goes wrong, its the company's fault. We have seen several recalls on
the product because they found something wrong with the product and the thought of harmful to
the people. For ex: Tylanol was off the shelves in retail due to fungus found in the bottle. The
company had to recall ALL of their products for about 2 years. Lots of people who dependent on
Tylanol, were upset. however, they understood the reason. Tylanol lost lot of business however, it
was a temporaty loss they took vs. getting suid and closing down permanently.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Alexandra Scott Email this Author
10/17/2014 8:48:17 PM

Above it states, "The Chief Engineer of GFC commissions a study on potential liabilities for the
Hover-vees. The preliminary result is that Hover-vees will likely kill or maim humans at an increased
rate of double to triple over automobile travel because of collisions and crashes at high speeds --
projected annual death rates of 100,000 to 200,000." As of right now there is no automobile that has
the benefits and consequences that the hover-vees do. So once they create this automobile
KNOWING the results of their own studies, the collisions and crashes would indeed be the
companies fault. However, if they chose to publicly announce the benefits and the consequences of
the hover-vees then the fault would then be up to the drivers who choose to purchase the cars, and
the government who allow the product being introduced to the market.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/18/2014 8:59:19 AM

but the collisions fault would be the driver's?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Alexandra Scott Email this Author
10/19/2014 8:01:43 PM

The collisions fault would be the drivers only if they knew before purchasing the vehicle the
information on how dangerous it is to drive the hover-vees, and the death rates that will increase
dramatically from them. The fact that the company decided to bury the information on how
dangerous the hover-vees actually are, when the customers purchase this vehicle they are unaware
of the high rate of collisions and deaths. So unless they are told before hand about the dangers, then
no the fault is on the company still.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics Jessica Ochoa Email this Author 10/17/2014
6:35:27 PM


Safety too is a big part of my response for this project. I definitely agree with taking much longer to
strategically build these hovercrafts so we can ensure the safety for our society. I feel like if we can
take away the amount of deaths then there should be no reason why we cant successfully release
new vehicles to create a cleaner world.

Collapse Mark as Read Congressional Aide Aloysius Walker Email this Author
10/14/2014 2:24:03 PM

Working as a congressional Aide, my very first step would be to take a copy of the document that I
received to my congressman that is my boss, discuss the document and then watch how the
congressman goes about taking care of the situation. I will do this for 2 weeks; if after 2 weeks I
don’t see or hear anything concerning the document, I will then ask my congressman concerning the
document and how he plans to address it. If I realize that he is not expressing any concern or down
playing it, I will them take it to the authority in charge of making such document public so congress
can address it in order to put a stop to the project. I’m not going be worried about getting fired, as
long as I can do something that will save lives over riches, which is what I’m going to concern myself
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Congressional Aide Patrick Escamilla Email this Author
10/16/2014 11:41:30 PM

I like to think that I would do the right thing I order to keep myself happy and so that I could look
myself in the mirror, but I can see that security and supporting a family can give me enough reason
to bury it and not say anything. I would generally try to accommodate both sides as much as
possible. I would be more direct, however I would not threaten my boss, simply remind him of his
ethical obligation to the people he serves and the potential legal ramifications should this report
ever get out. (I might also let him know of someone who I told in case anything were to happen to
me, depending on what kind of person I know my boss to be). It's hard to chose between morals and

Collapse Mark as Read Week 7 Topic #1 Brittany Brown Email this Author
10/14/2014 2:53:26 PM

Since I am the attorney on the GFC team, I would make sure this 'secret copy' is for real. I would do
my research on it, and see if the facts listed are 100% true. Since I am basically a lawyer for the
company I would not come out with this information to the public. If the information gets leaked to
the public I will have to fight against the information portrayed in the report.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Topic #1 Joseph Huber Email this Author 10/18/2014
12:05:41 AM

What if the information is not true though? You know how people are, if they get a hold of that
information they will use it. I think this is a lot like anything that people read. For example, a few
years ago it was published that taking Vitamin C will help prevent the common cold. That came back
false, but people still do it thinking that it works. Another example is echinacea, people still use that
too. So what if it leaks and it is false. Even though we know that is not the case because it was
buried in litigation.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Topic #1 Geneva Akootchook Email this Author
10/19/2014 2:58:51 AM

I think verifying the authenticity of the letter would be the very first step. It would also be important
to find out who wrote the letter and why. What was there motive? Along with the other
congressional aids I would gather the information learned and report it to the boss for future

Geneva Akootchook

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Jessica Ramirez
Email this Author 10/14/2014 3:14:59 PM

Modified:10/14/2014 3:20 PM

This Code of Professional Ethics lays down the standards of integrity, professionalism and
confidentiality which all members of the Association shall be bound to respect in their work. If I was
a Engineer on the GFC Team and received this letter at my home, first thing I would do is make a
hard copy of it. Second, I will take the original to my boss and the company to ensure that I follow
the Code of Professional Ethics within the company. By handling over what I received in the mail
means that I clear myself of all blame and now the responsibility is on the company. After a few
weeks I would continue to follow up the problem, because as an engineer my responsibility is that
the project design, production, inspection, testing and analysis is all conclusive to a positive project
and not one that will put others at risk. I would try to keep all this information within the company.
Because if we are talking of the Code of Professional Ethics which consist of confidentiality, then I
have to keep that information confidential and not run to the media. If the problem persist and no
one listens to me, I will know that I 've done the right thing which was to report what was sent to
me. And if it ever comes up years after that, with the copy in hand, I will say that I did what I vowed
for, according to Code of Professional Ethics, integrity, professionalism and confidentiality.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Professor Brom
Email this Author 10/15/2014 7:36:32 AM

But isn't just handing over the materials an ethical cop-out?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Jessica Ochoa Email
this Author 10/16/2014 5:50:48 PM


Well said! My favorite part of your response was when you said "because as an engineer my
responsibility is that the project design, production, inspection, testing and analysis is all conclusive
to a positive project and not one that will put others at risk". I too am part of the engineer team and
besides confidentiality, I believe our number one priority would be to make this vehicle as safe as
possible for the public.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Ashley Budzielek
Email this Author 10/18/2014 8:19:48 AM


I agree with you on the things that you would do. I did not think of making a hard copy. You would
want that to keep in a file safe.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Girlie Marcelo Email
this Author 10/19/2014 10:20:34 PM

I agree on your resolution and salute your commitment to your code of ethics to your job. I would
think twice though in handing it to my boss who buried the study in the first place. I myself would
take it to my superior's superior as they may be the one, who in the end will be legally responsible in
the end if the production takes place and deaths arise.

I am just afraid that returning it to those people who decided to bury it in the first place will do the
same thing again. I believe that this is very likely to happen again. In my job, I always look for people
who can do something about the situation when I find myself at a dead end dealing with a person
who's supposed to take care of things and unable to.
Collapse Mark as Read congressional aide Tanya Miller Email this Author 10/14/2014
5:28:30 PM

well being a christian i have to do what is right, praying would be my first step, asking god what
direction should i take. then hopefully the answer would be to take it to my boss and letting them
make the decision, because they are higher up then me. with that being said maybe the ending of all
this falls with a happy out come.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Professor Brom Email this Author
10/15/2014 7:46:07 AM

But if you're going to just let the boss make the decision what's the point of praying?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Julie Joshua Email this Author 10/15/2014
9:03:43 PM

Professor and Class,

I think praying could be the first step in the sense of getting the right spiritual guidance. Reason
being, this is life altering decision especially if I have a family to support. Therefore, I would need to
know what the right decision for myself and my family is and spiritual guidance is way for me to
make a good and ethical decision.


Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Gissella Mana Email this Author 10/15/2014
10:18:39 PM

Professor Brom,

i'm also a christian, and I will do the same thing that Miller just said. Actually the point of praying
first to ask the Almighty God to intervene decision that will be taken, and as you put him first
solutions will always be positive. However, as professionals we it's not always therapeutic to allow
the boss make decision all the time. I will wants us to discuss on the matter and comes out with an
agreeable decision.

Thank You

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Professor Brom Email this Author
10/16/2014 1:43:24 AM

But if the boss is making the decision how exactly is god intervening?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Julie Joshua Email this Author 10/17/2014
11:12:55 PM

Professor and Class,

Through prayer, I truly believe that God can intervene by changing my boss's mind. Resulting with a
positive outcome for me the employee.


Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Ryan Roberts Email this Author 10/18/2014
12:18:45 AM

To further Professor Brom's point, doesn't God allow free will and because of that the boss is free to
choose the wrong decision which is a definite possibility. Even with this thought I would bring it to
my boss first as well.
(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Professor Brom Email this Author
10/18/2014 9:08:37 AM

or the boss would have to be responsive to god?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Tanya Miller Email this Author 10/16/2014
7:39:12 PM

prayer would be my first suggestion. taking it to my boss would be my next suggestion.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Aloysius Walker Email this Author
10/15/2014 5:26:37 PM

Modified:10/16/2014 4:15 PM

Hi Tanya thanks for your post. I do believe in God like you do. But whenever I’m face with a situation
such as this one, I do ask God for directions and guidance to enable me go through my situation with
ease. But I don’t stop there especially like a situation like this. Though I will take a copy of this
document to my boss and discuss the entire situation concerning the document, I would then give
him two weeks for him to come out with a solution or address the situation concerning the
document. If no solution, I will then take it to whistle blower organization that will make the
document public. I’m not going to worry about my job, because I know the same God that give me a
job if I lost this one, will certainly give me a new one especially if I’m doing the right thing by refusing
to put human lives at risk.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: congressional aide Amy Zuniga Email this Author 10/15/2014
9:14:13 PM

Giving sufficient time is one of the most important things here. Just as it was something I needed to
find directions and guidance, so will my boss. I know that the right thing needs to be done. I just
need to keep at my congressman to make sure that he addresses the issue. I like how you say that
you wouldn't worry about your job. This shows that you feel so strong about this matter, your
personal welfare is secondary.

Collapse Mark as Unread Project Manager Joseph Huber Email this Author
10/14/2014 11:42:59 PM

I am the project manager of this team. I got this letter. I think that my first step would be to see
who else got this letter. I then would go to my boss, because they would be in on it too and get
some feedback about this claim. I would want to see what he says about this claim and how he
would handle it. Then, I would wait and maybe try to intervene at the right time. I think with this
case, I think of Gandhi. This project would never help the poor, furthermore going into the other
philosophers, I would think that they would find this whole ordeal unethical. This product is not
going to help the greatest good, however it will help the environment, but would kill off a lot of
people who would not be able to enjoy the clean air. I really feel like it is completely unethical that
this was buried which really tells me that the people behind it knows they should have pulled the
plug in the beginning.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Project Manager Brittany Brown Email this Author
10/15/2014 8:44:00 PM

I really like your answer on this posting! I am the lawyer of the team so I would have to disagree on
intervening with the situation at all. I would say this because we do not want the deaths of people
on this company's hands.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Project Manager Joseph Huber Email this Author 10/16/2014
2:41:39 AM

Then you want to talk to the leaders of the team to let them know what is going on right? I would
think that this should be brought to the attention that even with all the profits the money that will
be made will just have to be spent on lawsuits.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Project Manager Frances Hernandez Email this Author
10/19/2014 8:35:45 PM

Hi Joseph,

I too, am a Project Manager for the team, and I like the solution that you came up with. I think that
it is really important to make sure that the dilemma is brought up to the higher ups. I would want to
know how the letter could have been sent to the wrong address too, especially if it is something that
is confidential. Ethically, I would want to bring the situation up to my boss and see what we can do
to make things better for the company and everyone else that will be investing in the hover-vees. If
we will be putting out so much money on something that will be used by many, I would want to
make sure it is something worth spending money on and good not only for the environment but also
the people operating it. And that means hover-vee's that are safe!


Collapse Mark as Read decisions in production Rebecca Gibbons Email this Author
10/15/2014 8:52:40 AM

Even though the company benefited from this being buried, it would still be ethical to bring
everyone in that has something to do with the report. I being an attorney on the GFC team would
sure that the legal code for the production is being followed. Also, with putting the Hoover-Vee into
producion believe that the liability should be shared with potential customers because if not, the
customers will be risking all of their lives and possibly not knowing.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Mark Njoroge Email this Author
10/15/2014 4:15:20 PM

I believe the customers should be made aware of the risks involved and the projected deaths before
determining whether they should invest in such a program. in this case I don't believe the ends
justify the means because even though the environment will be saved human loss should take a
higher priority.
(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Professor Brom Email this Author
10/16/2014 1:44:23 AM

But if this is a private company then the public doesn't invest in the company?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Rebecca Gibbons Email this Author
10/18/2014 5:02:32 PM

That is true, but wouldn't the end result be the public investing in the company by purchasing their

Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Aloysius Walker Email this Author
10/16/2014 5:18:48 PM

Hi Njoroge,

I surely do agree with you that since there are risks involve, it has to be made known, so that
everybody is aware. More especially in a situation that put human lives at risk. In a capacity where
my boss is refusing to make this public, I will take a copy of the document to an institution that I
trust will make this public. A document such as this has to be exposed so that people are made
aware of some of the dirty deals that go on behind closed doors. Concerning my job and the family I
have to feed, I won’t worry much this is because I believe when I’m doing the right thing and then
lost my job in the process, better doors will be open for me.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Mark Njoroge Email this Author
10/16/2014 9:39:44 PM

hi Walker, I do agree. with personal interest in the back seat with the risk of losing the job and my
livelihood someone has to confront the boss and even go to a higher authority to expose the
company. if it was indeed a private company I believe notifying the consumers is still the most
ethical thing to do.
(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Professor Brom Email this Author
10/18/2014 9:14:20 AM

but there really isn't anything to expose about the company?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Rebecca Gibbons Email this Author
10/19/2014 7:54:17 PM

There may not be anything to truly expose about the company but the information for risks of
driving the hovercraft should be disclosed for consumer interest. It would unethical to promote
these things as the best form of transportation ever without disclosing that they very well may cause
many more accidents and deaths among the population.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Frances Hernandez Email this
Author 10/19/2014 8:45:23 PM

I agree with you, Rebecca. It is unethical to promote the hover-vee among the public when it is a
known fact that it may cause many more accidents and deaths. The best thing to do would be to
improve the hover-vee's before putting out for sales. Obviously, a lot of people are up for the idea
of having it and are willing to invest in it so why not make sure it is working at its best?


Collapse Mark as Read RE: decisions in production Andrea Hayes Email this Author
10/18/2014 1:20:22 PM

Hi Rebecca, your post is similiar to mine. I too agree that the information from the testing should be
disclosed and the customers can decide themselves if they want to take that chance. Great post,
thanks for sharing.

Collapse Mark as Read W7: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Patrick Escamilla
Email this Author 10/15/2014 10:57:13 AM

As the attorney on the GFC team, I would not feel comfortable hiding information that would warn
us of the dangers of this product. I would present it to the whole team, as something they might
have missed or misinterpreted. I would tell all of the CLO, CE, CPM, and your Congressional
Representative that what was found could potentially ruin the company with lawsuits should any of
this report be found out by anyone (the people who participated in the study, their families, etc.)
should these dangers come true and anyone know that the company had prior knowledge.

Rather than to bury the report, I would advise that the results of the report be used to better modify
the product and allow congress to take the necessary actions to ensure that the world is ready for
such a drastic change. This would ensure the safety of all the consumers, the success of the product,
the jobs of the engineers, and the responsible actions of the government. Also, it would allow the
results of the study to be published with truthful facts and show that the company cares about the
consumer by fixing and mitigating the issues that came up, while also allowing the consumers and
government the information about how good it will be for the environment. With the bigger input,
problems like the production cost and dangers of the product may be given the proper resources to
be effectively addressed.

This way, I would not violate my own ethics of hiding such a secret, but also would not have to seen
as a whistle blower and run the risk of losing my job. If my efforts are seen as any other way, and my
job security is threatened, then I would simply have to leave the company and explain the situation
to another who might potentially employ me.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: W7: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Chelsey
Bunker Email this Author 10/19/2014 11:40:40 PM


I agree, I would not feel comfortable hiding information either. I also would not go against my own
Collapse Mark as Read Hover Craft- Project manager Elisa Moen Email this Author
10/15/2014 12:45:03 PM

As a project manager on the GFC team, the first thing I would do is review the report and find out
what the potential damage is that will be done by the new hover crafts. Taking from and excerpt of
the project management code of ethics, part of the position is to do what is right and honorable.
With that being said, it is important as the project manage to get the data from the report made
public, even if it will hurt sales for our company. I would review the information with internal
sources, such as legal, other PMs and the engineers to see what we could do to prevent deaths and
disasters from happening due to our new technology. If the information is not discussed or made
public, nothing can be done to alter traffic systems to prevent deaths and accidents. I would not got
the press first, I would try to solve the issues internally. If I felt resistance or that no one was willing
to do anything within the company or on the government level, I would send my letter to the media
as a last resort.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Profession's Code of Ethics Chinmay Chauhan Email this Author
10/15/2014 12:53:23 PM

Modified:10/15/2014 12:50 PM

First, I would talk to my boss. Explain him how important it is to look at these reports. Then I would
try to get everbody on the team to join us and analyze the reports. Try to work with officials to figure
out who wrote the letter? Then try to look at the data as a team to conclude if the information
proivded is correct or not. I have no reason to go to the press, because as an employee, my job
would be to get my upper management team invovoled. If I feel, upper management don't care or
they may have cause this to happen, only then I would go publicly. My position in the company has
nothing to do with deciding right vs. wrong. Yes, I agree if the company faces loss, I could lose my
job, however, its not fair to know innocent people who are dying and nothing is being done about it.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Profession's Code of Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/16/2014 1:52:13 AM
What if you find out the report was written by some activists organization intent on disrupting

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Profession's Code of Ethics Chinmay Chauhan Email this Author
10/16/2014 9:45:34 AM

If there are activist within the company, then the higher ranked Superviors needs to talk to the
activist group. Find out why they are behaving such a hatered towards the company? Why are they
agasint their own people instaead of helping the company figure out the problem? They should have
initiated by coming to the department, their supervisor with who were in charge of making these
crafts and informed them about their findings. I still don't think there is any reasons to go to the
media. If a problem can be solved inside, no need to involve the outsiders (public) because it takes
the entire content out of order.

However, if the activists are not from within the company, the company can still go and talk to their
leaders. Make them understand of unawareness of accidents. Work with them to resolve an issue
instead of creating a new one by going out in public.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Profession's Code of Ethics Elisa Moen Email this Author
10/16/2014 9:53:47 PM

If this was written by activists, then the hover craft company needs to develop a rebuttal and either
be accountable for the report or produce information that has to do with ways to decrease accidents
and death or why the report is false. As I continue into this discussion, I now realize how important
it is to figure out who the source of the letter is because if any and all studies and polls can be
skewed based on the person or group who is funding and conducting the study. Knowing htis will
better prepare the company to defend their actions or rethink their logistics if the study ends up
being viable.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Profession's Code of Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/18/2014 9:15:25 AM
but the activists could have lied about everything in the report?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Profession's Code of Ethics Elisa Moen Email this Author
10/19/2014 4:55:10 PM

They could have, any one at any point can lie about anything. However, it is the responsibility of the
company to do its due diligence to see if the information is true, how the studies were conducted
and its sources to see if these are viable allegations against the hover craft.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Profession's Code of Ethics Chelsey Bunker Email this Author
10/19/2014 11:41:55 PM

Professor Brom,

You are right they could have lied in the report, and I am sure that happens quit often.

Collapse Mark as Unread Project Manager on the GFC team Meghan Noonan
Email this Author 10/15/2014 2:44:58 PM

I am the project manager. I would definitely tell my boss and pull the plug on this because I would
not feel comfortable being a manager to a product that could do such damage. I would much rather
find another job that makes me comfortable and happy with the products I help with. If this was
buried, it would be because the people that were hiding it knew it was wrong to do. And if this
resurfaced after so many deaths have occurred,I could only imagine the lawsuits that would be filed
on this company. We see it all the time with recalls on cars or car parts.

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Project Manager on the GFC team Rocio Torres Email
this Author 10/17/2014 9:04:18 PM

I also think that if you are not happy with the decision upper management has chosen to go with it
would be best to quit. It's either going with the upper management's knowledge and trusting them
with their decision or just leavingif you don't agree and don't wan't to be part of it.
Collapse Mark as Unread hovercraft Mark Njoroge Email this Author 10/15/2014
3:32:46 PM

first I would do a further look into the hovercraft project.i would seek more information from my
seniors so as to try get as much facts as I could. once I verified my sources I would take it up with the
boss stating my position which my loyalty would be to my fellow man and not my job. knowing this
would cost me my job and possibly my livelihood I would feel better about myself if I tried to save
the lives of 200000 people rather than gain from my salary.

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: hovercraft Meghan Noonan Email this Author
10/17/2014 1:49:26 PM

That's a good idea, Mark. Looking into the facts yourself is smart. That way you can make a decision
based off of the facts you found.

Collapse Mark as Unread Hovercraft Debacle Megan Jones Email this Author
10/15/2014 3:35:42 PM

As the project manager on the GFC team, I would feel obligated to bring this information to the
attention of my boss. Allowing my boss to see the information I was presented with would give
him/her the opportunity to either set my mind at ease that it is truly made up, or it would allow
him/her to explain the reasons as to why so many people knew about the report and dismissed it
anyways allowing production to go on. A situation like this is very tricky, because of my own family,
mortgage and bills to be paid. But I would feel more comfortable knowing I am working for and with
honest people who want to achieve good products for their consumers.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Hovercraft Debacle Professor Brom Email this Author
10/16/2014 1:56:27 AM

But there really isn't a problem because the hover crafts cost so much not many people will be
buying them until the price falls which will be plenty of time to solve the problems?
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Hovercraft Debacle Ryan Roberts Email this Author 10/17/2014
10:23:59 PM

That could be the case but you cannot operate on assumptions. You cannot assume that they will be
able to fix the problems so that you can make a decision that is easiest for you. I agree that you
should bring it to the attention of your boss.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Hovercraft Debacle Professor Brom Email this Author
10/18/2014 9:21:44 AM

but we're talking about the high cost of the hovercraft being prohibitive?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Hovercraft Debacle Megan Jones Email this Author 10/18/2014
10:18:44 PM

Right now, the situation wouldn't be that much of a concern. Let's face it, if we have $200,000 to
spend on a hovercraft we are doing really well economically! But like Ryan said, assuming that they
will work out the "kinks" is no way of doing business. With that projected annual death rate, the risk
is just too high! These hover crafts would wipe the world from people before the "kinks" were
worked through! Not worth it.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Hovercraft Debacle Ana Vulovic Email this Author 10/19/2014
6:30:26 PM

The decision to produce the hovercraft with the knowledge of mechanical failings is unethical.
Acknowledging a loss of life due to mechanical failures equates to murder.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Hovercraft Debacle Julie Joshua Email this Author 10/19/2014
11:56:25 PM


I agree, since the price is so high for the hovercraft only selected individuals can afford to purchase
it. Thus, cars will still be used and roads still need to be maintained until hovercrafts become
cheaper and affordable for all.


Collapse Mark as Unread week 7 Rocio Torres Email this Author 10/15/2014 4:27:17

My first step as a Congressional Aide would be to hand in the paperwork I received to the
Senator/Congressman that I am working for. I would not blow the horn on the company. The person
I give it to can chose to do what he wants with it. Upper management would have to make the call
and I would just go with what they chose to do since they have the knowledge for these types of
situations. If the Senator/Congressman decides to cover up the evidence due to it affecting his
position then I would have to abide by his decision. If I still felt it was wrong I would have to resign
because my feelings would not allow me to do my work. My beliefs would affect my work.

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: week 7 Venessa Pillai Email this Author 10/18/2014
12:27:15 PM

Great post! I agree that you should give the paperwork to the Senator and them him choose what he
wants to do. Sometimes you have to let the upperhand take the initiative and you would either have
to support them or walk away. With whatever decision the Senator makes, you have your own
personal feelings about them so you should do what your heart tells you. It's not good to support a
group that you disagree with.
Collapse Mark as Unread RE: week 7 Rocio Torres Email this Author 10/18/2014
8:34:03 PM

Thanks! I just don't see why it would be hard to walk away if you don't agree. Usually those in
uppermanagement are more experienced and have more knowledge about situations like these.
They can determine wether this is a dilemma that needs to be solved or not. I am no own to change
their mind and If I do not like their decision. I am also no one to change their minds and di their dirty

Collapse Mark as Read RE: week 7 Alexander Eads Email this Author 10/19/2014
8:05:42 PM

I agree that this is exactly what congress is doing these days with just about everything. Congress
hands over bills and laws to the next stop in the chain of command. I do not believe this is ethically
correct. Congress is supposed to be a representation of the people. Members of congress should
represent the ideas and beliefs of the people in the state they are from.

Collapse Mark as Read Week 7 Ashley Budzielek Email this Author 10/15/2014 6:37:20

According to the letter of my last name I am the attorney on the GFC team. The first step that I
would do would be to read the letter fully and get every key information that I would need than I
would make the letter known to all individuals involved. Being the attorney for the project I would
need to know every key bit of information on the project and potential things that could happen.
The first person I would talk to would be my boss because I think they need to be aware of the
situation and maybe they can advice me as to what my next action could be. I think that it sounds
like that the hover craft is more likely to kill people than global warming is at this point.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Mark Njoroge Email this Author 10/17/2014 6:28:31

I agree with you Ashley, even the strictest environmentalist would be in favor of saving more human
lives rather than worry about global warming.
Collapse Mark as Unread Engineer Venessa Pillai Email this Author 10/15/2014
8:17:45 PM

As an Engineer working on the GFC team, I would to go to my supervisor and ask to read the report.
After reading the report if I discovered that there is potential dangerous and harmful problems with
the design that can end with a high mortality rate. I would speak to my supervisor and the
engineering team to see what in the design could be changed to help eliminate or decrease the
death rate. My number one concern is the safety and well-being of the public. If the engineering
supervisor or others on the team do not want to make changes or make the public aware of the
preliminary report, which they are obligated to by the Engineering Code of Ethics. Then I would obey
the law, Code of Ethics, and my own morals; by doing what I needed to do to make the public aware.
My family would be supportive and understanding of my decision for doing so. There is whistle
blowing law that protects an employee when the employee reports violations with motor vehicle
safety. As an Engineer I have a Code of Ethics to follow and as a human being I have my own morals
and values which would guide me in making the best decision.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Engineer Mariusz Gorlicki Email this Author 10/15/2014
9:57:14 PM

A really good post. I like how you tie it to the code of ethics and I agree that this invention should
not be buried away. This project should be returned to the experimental stage where the useful
technology can be reused and the the rest can be redesigned into a safer version. Also, as you
mentioned, there is something like the whistle blower protection. However, I don't think that would
be enough, because sadly if a company wants get rid of you and make your life harder they will find
a way.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Engineer Shirley Posey Email this Author 10/19/2014 4:36:03

Good evening Venessa

In this case lives would definitely be at stake if corrections are not made prior to these Hovers being
launched. Knowingly if the Engineers released these Hovers and lives are lost, it would be tragic. Just
make sure that when you do your Whistle Blower, you have a copy of that paper work because your
boss will try to hammer you if you do not. If he/she try to come for you, you can show him your
documentation stating that if he/she try to hold this against you "Fear of Reprisal" you can show him
your paper work that you are protected under the Whistle Bower Act. Once you do that, your boss
will become your best friend because h/she know that you will have him/her.

Keep up the good work and hope to share some more postings with you.



Collapse Mark as Read RE: Engineer Alyza Sherman Email this Author 10/19/2014
9:35:12 PM

Venessa, I completely agree with you. I do not feel that it would be fair for us to have to continue on
with a project that could potentially kill may people. A lot of people have a strong guilty conscious,
like myself, and would not be able to live with myself knowing I could have done something to stop
it. My family would as well be supportive in my decision, which I feel makes it easier to make
decisions such as these.

Collapse Mark as Read Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Haley Mackey Email
this Author 10/15/2014 10:47:51 PM

As the project manager for the GFC team, the first thing I would do is take the letter to my boss.
According to the Code of Professional Ethics, a part of my job is to fulfill the standards of integrity,
professionalism, and confidentiality through the Code. By taking the letter to my boss, I feel as
though I am letting them know that someone somewhere knows about the buried reports and my
boss can take the necessary actions afterwards. After speaking with my boss, I would go to the
Attorney of the GFC team because if these hovercrafts can cause more harm to humans, that is
something that the attorney should know about and help figure out how to control this situation. I
would personally want to leave the company if nothing is done because I would feel partly
responsible if there was an increased death rate from all of these hovercrafts, however, because I
have a family to feed I'm not sure that I would be able to do that. I believe that talking with my boss
and then the attorney should start getting something in action to help prevent those deaths.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Business Ethics & the Hovercraft Debacle Dominique Smith
Email this Author 10/16/2014 7:16:13 AM

Hi Haley,

I like how you provided the code of ethics and I agree with about going to the boss and so that they
can know someone and maybe more people know about this situation. Approaching a attorney is
always good to help guide the problem in the right direction so that there wouldn't be a increase in
deaths. Because of my family i'm not sure if i can leave the company without having a backup plan
Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement (graded)

Please be sure to read the Week Seven Lecture in its entirety before posting to this discussion.

This week we will work on creating your own statement of personal ethics.

To get started, read summarizing review of our great and famous ethics and what they have taught
us -- found in our lecture this week.

Then, let's work on creating one for you.

Your goal for the end of this thread is to have created a personal ethical philosophy and be able to
tell your classmates from which philosophies you created it and why the contents are important and
meaningful for you. List its precepts. (You will need to do this on the Final Exam.)

After you have assembled and posted your personal ethics statement, responded to what others
may have said to you and thought about what you have posted to others, then take your statement
and use it to work through the famous case of the Ring of Gyges.

One of the great examples of ethics and morals in all of literature comes from Plato who wrote
about the Ring of Gyges in

The Republic, Book II, starting at paragraph 359a.

For those who wish to read the whole story, it is in the Doc Sharing tab and here is a link to the story
-- Ring of Gyges.

The story goes that Gyges was a shepherd in the service of the King. In a most unusual circumstance
he came upon a dead man, removed the man's ring, and discovered that it made him invisible. He
conspired to take the periodic report of the shepherds to the King -- once there he seduced the
Queen and eventually took control of the Kingdom by conspiring with the Queen. Plato continues
the story:

"Suppose now that there were two such magic rings, and the just put on one of them and the unjust
the other; no man can be imagined to be of such an iron nature that he would stand fast in justice.
No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked out
of the market, or go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, or kill or release from prison
whom he would, and in all respects be like a God among men. Then the actions of the just would be
as the actions of the unjust; they would both come at last to the same point. And this we may truly
affirm to be a great proof that a man is just, not willingly or because he thinks that justice is any
good to him individually, but of necessity, for wherever any one thinks that he can safely be unjust,
there he is unjust. For all men believe in their hearts that injustice is far more profitable to the
individual than justice, and he who argues as I have been supposing, will say that they are right."

This story raises up the question of what sanctions prevent people from just taking any liberties they
are inclined to take.

The whole subject of ethics, seen in large scale, is that of accepting and living under moral standards.

1. Using YOUR personal ethical statement that you have created, what would you do if you had that
second ring?

2. What else within this course helps in responding to this fictitious situation or in explaining it?

3. Respond to your classmates' posts. Are they holding true to their own personal ethical
philosophies in their resolutions of this dilemma?

Pick one or more of the above, and post below!

Imagine that! ;o)

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(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read Introduction Professor Brom Email this Author 10/12/2014
7:38:59 AM

This should be an interesting week. This threaded discussion will focus on an application of your
personal ethical philosophy on a case study. When answer what you would do, you can identify
those aspects that are taking priority over other aspects.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Introduction Alexandra Scott Email this Author
10/15/2014 11:36:07 PM

Of all the philosophies and ethics we have learned over the course, John Stuart Mills Utilitarianism
and the care-based ethics have helped create my personal ethical statement. My statement is as
follows: One should respond in a particular situation based on the consequences they may face, the
individuals affected by their choice, and their overall self-acceptance of their actions. So based on
my statement, if I were able to obtain that second ring I would find a way to destroy it if any way
possible. No person deserves to have that much power other than the person it was intended for
because they can negatively impact anyone in their surroundings. If the ring stopped working all the
powers would be gone, and you would have to deal with the consequences for your negative
choices. So why put yourself through that. Also I would not be able to live with myself knowing I
have used someone else's powers intended for them by accepting a ring that was not mine. After
destroying the ring I would be able to accept myself as a person knowing I chose not to live a life
that was not intended for me to live and refrained from hurting anyone in my path.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Introduction Frances Hernandez Email this Author
10/16/2014 7:44:20 AM

This sort of reminds me of the Lord of the Rings. I think that your decision of destroying the ring in
any way possible is a good one because of the consequences that you will have to deal with. When
you make negative decisions, you end up having to deal with negative consequences; and vice versa.
The ring would make it all the more harder to decipher the difference between right and wrong.
Imagine how hard that would be on an individual's conscience?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Introduction Alexandra Scott Email this Author
10/17/2014 8:49:39 PM

Thank you for your response Frances. That is interesting to know that it reminds you of Lord of the
Rings. I have not actually read the books nor seen the film. But if something similar happens I feel
like I need to watch that film now! I totally agree with you as well on how hard it will be to decipher
from right and wrong. It will definitely be hard on an individuals conscience, and I personally
wouldn't want to have to deal with the stress. Every decision you choose to make it could possibly
be the wrong one. :/

Thanks again for the post. :)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Introduction Alexander Eads Email this Author
10/19/2014 8:10:43 PM

One person should not be given this amount of freedom. It is too dangerous. If you use these powers
correctly it could be very beneficial to many people but the negative consequences for doing
something ethically wrong with this power could destroy people.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Introduction Frances Hernandez Email this Author
10/19/2014 8:49:54 PM

Exactly. Hence why there is a saying that goes, "with great power comes great responsibility."
Having the powers of that ring is sort of like being a superhero.


Collapse Mark as Unread Personal Ethics Ly Tran Email this Author 10/13/2014
3:36:34 PM

Society limits our freedom mind by restraint our natural choices motivated by self-interest. Beyond
the wall society and mortality, self-interest reflects man’s true nature. Thomas Hobbes and Ayn
Rand’s ethics have big impact on my personal ethical statement. I do not know what I would do with
that second ring exactly, but I do know I can be my true self now. No court of law or ethics can judge
my choices anymore however I probably would take from the rich to the poor. Since I am invisible to
everyone now, I can be safely unjust.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Personal Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/14/2014 8:13:23 AM

But what ethical school would advise theft even from the rich?
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Ly Tran Email this Author 10/14/2014
10:47:42 PM

There is no ethical school advised theft. However, Ayn Rand’s ethics suggests the pursuit of rational
self-interest and happiness is the highest moral purpose of life, and I espouse to her ethics. Stealing
may be wrong or immoral to other school ethics, but in this case it’s seen as an act of self-interest.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/15/2014 9:50:00 AM

How is stealing an act of self interest?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Julie Joshua Email this Author 10/15/2014
9:10:12 PM

Professor Brom and Class,

Stealing is an act of self interest. Reason being, an individual who steal wants something either they
don't have or cannot afford on their own so they steal. They own self-interest or want is what
motivates them to take another person's own property or item. Thus, steal does fall the category of


(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/16/2014 1:59:22 AM
But it might not be in their self interest because of the consequences if they get caught?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Ly Tran Email this Author 10/16/2014
5:29:00 PM

Yes, I agree stealing will put someone in jail. However, I make that choice, so I should anticipated
that I’ll be incarcerated. Drunk driving leads to car accident, and people still drink even though they
know the effect of alcohols. People make bad choices every day to pursuit whatever their interests
or happiness are enfold.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Julie Joshua Email this Author 10/17/2014
11:13:08 PM

Professor and Class,

Professor, you make a great point. However, consequences are the risks of committing crime
whether it be stealing or killing. An individual who is willing to commit a crime must also weight the
consequence of getting caught and going to jail. Thus, their self interest in stealing for example
comes with the territory of being incarcerated.


(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/18/2014 9:35:23 AM

but people don't necessarily have to weigh the consequences?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Girlie Marcelo Email this Author 10/19/2014
10:44:16 PM

Consequences are we weigh if the ethical philosophy in question is utilitarianism. As utilitarianism

promotes the happiness of the majority if not for all, consequences will be the main reason why an
action will be committed.

Hence, in some cases, killing, if the result will be benefiting the majority, will be a utilitarian act
which will be considered ethically correct.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Julie Joshua Email this Author 10/19/2014
11:58:11 PM

Professor Brom,

Then if they do not weigh the consequences. Then those who are stealing are causing the
consequences upon themselves regardless if they think about the consequences or not. Stealing
cannot be justified based upon a person not thinking the crime they are committing all the way


Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Alexander Eads Email this Author
10/19/2014 8:12:55 PM

Some people who steal do it for the interest of others such as their family. A poor person might steal
some goods from a grocery store in order to feed their family. This still does not justify their actions
because they make the lives of whoever owns the grocery store harder because they are not
receiving payment for their business for the goods stolen.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Ana Vulovic Email this Author 10/19/2014
7:11:08 PM

Ayn Rand promotes self interest without causing harm to others. Theft is causing harm. Her
objective philosophy is to live freely, and that is a very unique state. Some individuals want the
freedom to be transient. I do relate with where you are coming from in stealing from the rich since
so many have achieved financial success through the financial demise of other individuals, Bernie
Madhoff serves as my example, but stealing is wrong at any level.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Mariusz Gorlicki Email this Author
10/15/2014 10:22:59 PM

If I had the ring I would take DeVry classes for free. Now on a serious note, I have no idea what I
would do. As the saying goes, "opportunity makes a thief." So nobody really knows what one would
do until the opportunity presents itself. As to the statement of society being a restraint, I do not
agree with you. Society eliminates the idea of "survival of the fittest," and instead creates an
opportunity for all people to thrive. The point is to create a society where all people are equal, and
not the kind we have. However, as we know it, utopia does not exists.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Frances Hernandez Email this Author
10/19/2014 8:51:56 PM


haha... now if we all had the ring, I think we would all take all of our classes for free!

Collapse Mark as Unread Assemble and Test Shirley Posey Email this Author
10/13/2014 5:42:03 PM

My personal statement: Even though sins have occurred, rightness is always around the corner to
make life fair and safe.

What would I do if I had the second ring? I would fix each problem and future problems that the
other bad person has done. I would use that second ring to trick the bad guys in order for them not
to have access to all the power.
What else in this course helps in responding to this fictitious situation? I would definitely review
Blanchard and Peale's method because the passage that Gyges, the shepherd took the ring from a
dead man and had committed terrible things in order to be powerful. He had taken advantage of
being invisible to seduce the Queen and conspire to take over the kingdom. This method helps me
understand that now days it would be illegal to do such a thing and I am sure back in time; if Gyges
would have gotten caught, he would have gotten punished badly. I also belie that taking control and
making everything better is best and fair for all concerned because every community in the world
should have the right to live in peace without any tragedies. After catching the bad guy and
removing his ring, I would feel proud and relieved that no wrong will happen again.



Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Jessica Ramirez Email this Author
10/19/2014 2:59:13 PM

I love your personal statement. That's almost God's personal statement, where he gives us a second
chance at life even after we have sinned, giving us a second chance at life... love it.. After reading ur
posts, it seems that ur a believer of justice and second chances. It would be nice if honest and
truthful people like you can obtain that ring to make this world a better place.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Frances Hernandez Email this Author
10/19/2014 8:59:09 PM

Hi Shirley,

I also agree with Jessica... I love your personal statement and wish that everyone could have this
kind of mindset, you know?
Collapse Mark as Unread Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Dominique Smith Email this Author 10/14/2014 9:19:38 AM

Hi professor and class,

The value of honesty and integrity may require always telling the truth, even when it’s not beneficial.
It can also help individuals decide the best course of actions in life. If I had the second ring I would
use the powers to reverse the negative bad things that occurred while the shepherd had the ring. I
would try to make all bad good. I would also make people value honesty and understand the effect it
has on one’s life.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Professor
Brom Email this Author 10/15/2014 10:02:53 AM

But wouldn't it be impossible to make all bad good?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Dominique
Smith Email this Author 10/16/2014 9:22:31 AM

Hi professor,

good point, I agree its impossible to make all bad good because everyone sin. Some people do bad
things simply because they can! One of the marvelous gifts of God is the power of choice and
sometimes the best choice isnt chosen. So im hoping the ring would give me powers to make a
positive change.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Alexander
Eads Email this Author 10/19/2014 8:15:21 PM

We do not live in a world that is " all good." I am a huge believer in that some bad things happen for
reasons that produce rather positive outcomes. For instance, because of 9/11 we have increased our
security as a nation as well as decreased the amount of terror worldwide by taking out huge portions
of terrorist groups around the globe. I am not saying 9/11 needed to happen but we cannot deny
that it did happen and we as an entire country are stronger because of it.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Tanya
Miller Email this Author 10/16/2014 7:43:59 PM

i agree with your statement honesty has an big effect on society and i think being honest can solve
many dilemmas.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Elisa Moen
Email this Author 10/16/2014 9:58:17 PM

I agree that honesty can be the best policy, but I also think that white lies are beneficial too. They
have a place, normally in an attempt to build someones confidence, which I believe is justifiable. If
you can tell a tiny lie and it benefits others and does not have huge repercussions, then why not
exercise that. Making all things bad good is kind of wishful thinking, I don't think any of us want to
be all entirely good and pure, we would lose alot of our own personalities and identities. Yes,
righting wrongs like theft and murder would be a good thing, but we don't want to live in a society
where everyone thinks and acts the same.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Ana Vulovic
Email this Author 10/19/2014 7:26:56 PM

I like the concept of reversibility in this exercise; that is a scenario that I never considered. I assumed
the unjust ring would possess owners soul, and influence them toward evil acts. I guess I have been
influenced by the Lord of the Rings :)
Collapse Mark as Read Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Aloysius
Walker Email this Author 10/14/2014 2:21:03 PM

If I had that second ring, I will like to be like Gandhi. I will self-purify myself, knowing that I won’t like
to suffer of face hardship; I will empower the poor and weak so that they live a decent life like
everybody else’s. Further, if the second ring will give me a power like God, I will control the minds of
evil people and transform them into peaceful citizens so the world can be a decent place. Though no
philosopher able to do this, but if the ring had that power, that is what I will do.

Collapse Mark as Read Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Jessica
Ramirez Email this Author 10/14/2014 3:48:53 PM

"Hobbes reasoned, the concepts of right and wrong do not exist; they only begin to exist when civil
society is formed" (Ruggiero 148).

Unlike Hobbes, I believe that people are born with moral judgments that are later seen throughout
their developmental stages. Although the concept of right and wrong can be influenced and shaped
by society, it is in the early time of a person's developmental stages that this concept is formed.

If I had a second ring I would prevent bad things to happen to good people. Although some people
do know from right and wrong, if I had a second ring I would be in everyone's ear to remind them
the consequence of each bad decision they are about to make and hopefully that will allow this
world to be a better place.

Ruggiero, Vincent. Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues, 8th Edition. McGraw-Hill Learning
Solutions, 01/2011. VitalBook file.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Patrick
Escamilla Email this Author 10/16/2014 11:58:30 PM

I think this would be a massive undertaking as not all of us have the same definition of good and
bad, so who would be the one deciding who gets treated a certain way? Would it be fair to subject
the whole world to your definition of good and bad and subsequently force them to live by your
justice? I have been going back and forth in my mind how I would handle this situation and I find
myself changing my view on ethics even as I type these responses.
Collapse Mark as Unread MyPersonalEthics Brittany Brown Email this Author
10/14/2014 4:26:22 PM

My personal ethics are pretty similar to utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill. I believe that decisions
should be made on what causes the most happiness in the world and the best outcome for the most
amount of people, but we most also consider ourselves with the decision. So with that being said,
with the second ring if it did not hurt anybody to put the ring on I would decide to put the ring on my
finger. But if it costed the happiness of people around me I would not take the ring.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: MyPersonalEthics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/15/2014 10:18:08 AM

But just putting the ring on isn't going to cause any happiness or unhappiness?

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: MyPersonalEthics Brittany Brown Email this Author
10/15/2014 8:41:27 PM

That is true, but what I do while it is on my finger could cause happiness or unhappiness. And I
would have control of that.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: MyPersonalEthics Professor Brom Email this Author
10/16/2014 2:00:15 AM

But you wouldn't have control of other people's reactions to what you do with the ring?
Collapse Mark as Read my personal ethics Tanya Miller Email this Author 10/14/2014
6:32:06 PM

in this scenario i would use the J S Mills theory utilitarianism. Actions are based on right and wrong
and their consequences have to be a greatness of happiness, also the majority of peoples welfare
also is important. if i had the second ring i would put it around my neck as a symbol of god to give
people joy peace and love, with this being said no one would be harmed.

Collapse Mark as Unread My personal take Joseph Huber Email this Author
10/15/2014 12:02:11 AM

My personal stance on ethics is that what is good is good for another and everyone should have
equal power, as well as, it is our duty to see that we as people are fair and righteous to one another.
This is from really Immanual Kant and Aristotle.

In this situation, I would follow the person around that has the other to ensure that they were not
taking advantage of the power the ring has. I would fight to ensure that the powers of the rings are
not used for personal gain that is not earned.

Other thoughts from the course is really educating the other ring holder. Letting think of an
empathetic situation and teaching about this. Basically the golden rule.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: My personal take Gissella Mana Email this Author 10/15/2014
10:47:20 PM

Yes Huber,you are right about the fact that we have to do good to others and thus fairness should be
shown to all. However, it is also good to make sure that good things are use for good purpose as for
the ring, the power should be use for positive re-enforcement and other gains that will benefit
every body.

Thank You Huber.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: My personal take Geneva Akootchook Email this Author
10/19/2014 3:07:11 AM


I wouldn’t take the ring because it wouldn’t be mine to take but if I had no other choice I too would
want to insure the other person is not using the ring for evil. Or maybe I would take the ring and
hide it so no one would be able to use it.

Geneva Akootchook

Collapse Mark as Read week 7 Michele Tola Email this Author 10/15/2014 11:08:31 AM

There are no ethical school advise theft. Ayn Rand’s says that the pursuit of rational self-interest
and happiness is the highest moral purpose of life and I espouse to her ethics. Meaning stealing is
wrong to our school ethics but in some cases it is an act of self-interest and is always of self control
or self decisions..

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: week 7 Professor Brom Email this Author 10/16/2014
2:04:27 AM

But stealing would never be in one's own self interest?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: week 7 Joseph Huber Email this Author 10/16/2014 2:46:46

I don't know that I agree I think that if theft is involved that it is for self interest. People steal to
receive the gain of whatever was taken. I think that theft in itself is completely selfish. Beside, this
reminds of when I was growing up and I remember my aunt talking about how people buy expensive
paintings, but have fear that they will be taken so the buy them to hide them. That concept always
confused me, because if you cannot enjoy it then why buy it. THat also goes with why steal it if you
can't enjoy. Both are selfish and a waste of time.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: week 7 Michele Tola Email this Author 10/16/2014 5:17:27

I would say that 98% of the time theft is conducted for self interest and only 2% of the time it is for
the interest of someone else. People will put them selves at times in harms way just to get ahead in
life but not often will they do it for others benefits.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: week 7 Mariusz Gorlicki Email this Author 10/18/2014
11:01:52 PM

I see what you are saying, but I don't think it is that one sided. Especially in today's economic state, a
lot of people lost their jobs and cannot find another but they still have to provide for their families.
Many of those people are presented with two choices, steal or end up on the street. Even though
you said most people steal because of selfishness, I don't think it is always black and white like that.

Collapse Mark as Read Personal Ethics and Rings Elisa Moen Email this Author
10/15/2014 1:03:46 PM

My ethics statement ties a bit of the different philosophers together. I take some from Hobbes,
Kant, Rand and Ghandi, that we must do what we can to follow the rules and laws set for us so
peace can be maintained and people can live harmoniously without violence. We should do this yet
still pursue our own ambitions to be the best people we can be and have a properly functioning
society. When it is possible or necessary, do what is right and help whom we can.

If I had the second ring, I would not use it to hurt, harm or cheat anyone into getting what I want. I
would keep it kept away so the person with the first ring couldn’t do any harm and encourage them
to live a more honest life and to work hard for what they want.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics and Rings Mark Njoroge Email this Author
10/15/2014 3:56:57 PM

Elisa I agree with you but for you to have a well functioning society it would be upto you to instill
change like using the second ring to counter the bad from the other ring.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics and Rings Elisa Moen Email this Author
10/19/2014 4:58:46 PM

It hink you'd have to have a society were most people are out to do good and not hurt others, which
I think our society is with the exception of murderers and criminals fo that caliber. Just because
people are given an option to do something wrong and get away with it does not mean they are
going to take that option. The majority of society would believe in countering bad, and doing whats
best for the majority.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics and Rings Shirley Posey Email this Author
10/19/2014 5:01:00 PM

Good evening Elisa

I feel a you do. I could cheat, harm or hurt anyone either. My conscience would eat me up. I am not
a good liar. Having that second ring and holding on to it so that no one else could get to harm
anyone would be rewarding. I know that it is impossible for everyone to live harmoniously for the
most part we can try. If folks would work for things in life that they need it would be great, but you
and I know that that is not the case. There is always going to be that someone that is going to be
dishonest. In theory, life gives us grapes, but some people let them become raisins.

Great job on the posting!


Collapse Mark as Unread Wrapping it up and Making it personal Chinmay Chauhan
Email this Author 10/15/2014 1:23:52 PM

Through out the entire class, I personally feel connected to St. Aquinas beliefs. He believed in
personal growth and moving forward. I used to care for people thought of me. I felt is that I was
being judge of the things I used to do and it was very intimidating. Then when I got married, all of a
sudden "pleasing people" was just out the door. All of that did not matter to me. All I was focused on
was my wife, my work, my friends and family. I personally would call it grown up Ethical behavior. All
I cared for was doing the right thing at all times; i guess I realized one day I would have my own kids
and things I would have to teach them. The only I can teach them from wrong to right is if I practice
that in my daily routine. As St. Aquinas mentioned "In that way, you can avoid the guilty conscience
which plagued St. Augustine throughout his life, and you can do what is right. If you fail in this, rely
on God and the power of faith to overcome your transgressions. Go now in peace and do good".
(Week 2, Lecture, debate between St. Augustine and St. Aquinas). All you can do is the right thing. If
you fail to do so, there is no one to blame but yourself. I don't know if I believe in second chances;
because I am not God, however, if somebody is sorry, I would forgive them and move on. I cannot let
them hold me back.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Wrapping it up and Making it personal Megan Jones Email
this Author 10/15/2014 4:08:45 PM

Chinmay, I agree with you and how St. Aquinas has had an impact on me this session. However, I am
curious, what would you do with the other ring if you had it?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Wrapping it up and Making it personal Chinmay Chauhan
Email this Author 10/16/2014 9:34:35 AM

Thank you Megan. It's a good question - what would I do if I had the second ring? It's hard to
determine what would one do?

If I had the second ring, I would definetly try to differentiate "minding your business" vs "helping
someone in need". In olden age, everybody cared what others were doing and that created chaos.
However, as St. Aquinas pointed out, we are in 21st centuary. That means if I am paying my bills
then I don't have to follow your orders. My focus should be around my family, job, school, etc;
whatever helps me move ahead in life wihtout any drama. However, if I saw somebody was being
abused, bullied, or hurt in anyway in front of me, that's when I must stand up and help that person
out. If I had the second ring, I would teach people how to be humble towards each other without
having any guilt or force. Do it because you want to not because you are being forced to.

"If some person or circumstance forces us to do something wrong against our will, we are not
morally culpable" (Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues, 8th ed. Vincent Ryan Ruggiero, ch. 11,
page 137). That quote from the book, I completely disagree. If someone forces you to do something
and you actually do it, you are at fault and you are responsible. For ex: you see someone being
bullied, and you stand there as a bystander and not do anything about it, you are about 90% as gulity
as an acutal bully. However, if someone has a your family member by a throat and makes you break
the law, I would not see you at a fault.

Collapse Mark as Unread W7: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Patrick Escamilla Email this Author 10/15/2014 1:24:56 PM

The general idea of my personal code of ethics is that everyone should be able to do whatever
makes them happy as long as it does not do any harm to anybody, should this not be possible, we
consider how we can make the most good come out of the situation. Where I think this can become
confusing is the qualification of pros and cons, it is a little more complex than quantifying them. We
can look at 3 cons against 1 pros, but what if that 1 pro has a much stronger quality than the 3 cons
put together, then the decision in favor of the 1 pro would outweigh the decision against it. This is
where I generally start to think in terms of utilitarianism.

According to this code of ethics, even without regulation, it would not be ethical for me to go
around taking things from people although they are aware my taking it. The use of the ring would
keep me form being found out as the one who stole something, but it would not keep me from my
conscience. So no, I would not have to answer to the public system of justice, but I would well aware
of my guilt, so I may or may not make the mistake of taking advantage of my ability, but I have often
reflected on my little code and am sure to do so in the future. In the past when I have run into a
situation like this, I will either try to rectify the situation or keep careful not to knowingly put myself
into a similar one.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: W7: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Professor Brom Email this Author 10/16/2014 2:10:52 AM

But isn't there a difference between weighing the pros and cons and using utilitarianians?
Collapse Mark as Read RE: W7: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Patrick Escamilla Email this Author 10/19/2014 11:31:36 PM

it is, but in this sense I would think of the pros as happiness and the cons as loss of happiness, it's the
degree to which happiness is gained or lost that I have a hard time defining.

Collapse Mark as Unread personal ethics Mark Njoroge Email this Author 10/15/2014
3:45:54 PM

I would live by you are your brothers keeper, do to them as you would like done to yourself. in this
case I would deem it unethical to use unjust means to steal and be adulterous just because one can
and refrain from bad unless its for the better of your fellow being. in this case the two men can
choose to do with their new found power good deeds rather than bad ones. I would also include the
consequentialism ethics in that if they chose to steal food from a bakery to feed a homeless man is
ethical rather than stealing money from a bank and making themselves wealthier.

Collapse Mark as Unread Personal Ethical Statement Meghan Noonan Email this
Author 10/15/2014 4:12:23 PM

I would have to say my personal ethical statement would be more along the lines of do what is good
and what makes the majority happy. If what makes the majority happy is bad then stick to the first
part and do what is good.

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Personal Ethical Statement Rocio Torres Email this
Author 10/18/2014 8:28:40 PM

So what is it? Is it about making a decision of whether the majority agrees and what they wants or
what you want?
Collapse Mark as Unread Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Aloysius Walker Email this Author 10/15/2014 6:45:12 PM

If I have to make a second choice when I have the second ring, I will follow St. Aquinas. St. Aquinas
believes that we have a conscious and are able to distinguish between good and evil on our own.
Using Aquinas approach, knowing that if I use the second ring wisely, I will be able to make a good
judgment and a lot of lives will be saved. I will control the consciences of men to enable them make
good decisions for the world to be a better place. I will control men minds so that everybody works
together in peaceful co-existence and harmony forever.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Professor Brom Email this Author 10/16/2014 2:13:31 AM

But how does Aquinas say we determine what is right and what is wrong?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Ryan
Roberts Email this Author 10/18/2014 12:15:34 AM

Through the teachings of God and faith in him. We are always trying to do the right thing even
though we might fail.

Collapse Mark as Unread Week 7 Ashley Budzielek Email this Author 10/15/2014
7:15:38 PM

Throughout the class and learning about the different Ethical Philosophers I think that my beliefs and
values are more like Aristotle and St. Augustine. St. Augustine believed in personal growth. I believe
in doing what is best for you and your family. I know it is hard for many people myself included to
not be worried as to what people will think of them based on the things that we do and the
decisions that we make. I think that we should not be so concerned with others and do what is
important to us and what we believe in. I really like Aristotle's list of 11 virtues. I think that are things
that we should model our lives after.
If I had that second ring I would be more like Aristotle and follow his list of 11 virtues. I would not
worry about others and grow as an individual.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Aloysius Walker Email this Author 10/16/2014
6:09:26 PM

Hi Budzielek,

Thanks for your post. For me, if I had that second ring, I will like to be more like Aquinas, where I will
be able to controlled the minds of people and shift their consciences into things that society will
embrace. I believe when the world is a better place, people will be able to co-exist in peace and
harmony. Aquinas believes that Christ not only offers salvation, but represents and protects
humanity on earth and in heaven.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Ashley Budzielek Email this Author 10/17/2014
8:21:24 AM


Thank you for your response! You brought up a good point. I did not think about that. Could you
imagine what the world would be like if minds could be controlled to shift peoples conscience? I
think that if the right person could do it, it would be amazing. We wouldn't have all the suffering and
horrible things that we have today. My personal belief is that Christ offers us all salvation. I really
liked your post.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Chinmay Chauhan Email this Author 10/17/2014
9:46:08 AM

Ashley, it would be nice to control minds of others, but how do you determine, good vs. bad? I
personally don't think controlling mind would be a good idea, because you are making people do
what YOU want them to do. By doing so, you are kiiling the humanity, creativity, and their thought
process. Yes, in today's world, we see lot of bad, but it's amazing to see the minds of people. The
things they come up, you can never even imagine. For ex: recently i was watcing "Sharks" - its a
show about inventors come in front of investors to show their creativity and to ask for investiment.
Recently, the show had a 15-16 year old asking for investment. Just imagine, a boy so young is an
Entrepreneur is making millions at this age. What if his mind was controlled by his parents or
someone in perticular? In my opinion, giving people chance to prove themselves, is the most ethical
way to let people be who they are.

Collapse Mark as Unread Assemble Venessa Pillai Email this Author 10/15/2014
8:19:30 PM

It is very important to me that everyone follow the rules, especially in the nursing career that I am
pursing. Therefore, the deontological ethical system would fit me best. There may be times that I will
be tempted to be swayed from my rules based ethical beliefs to maybe an ends based system, but I
must resist this because I have a duty to the patient's well-being. Since I will be dealing with people's
lives, the rules must be followed at all times and I must ensure that I am fulfilling my duty as a nurse.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble Jessica Ochoa Email this Author 10/16/2014 5:46:21


Thanks for your response. I enjoyed how you related this to nursing. Ethics comes up alot in this
career and I believe that some of these ideas are going to teach us to be better nurses.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble Ashley Budzielek Email this Author 10/18/2014
8:24:09 AM


I really liked your response. I think that in the health care field it is very important to follow the
rules. We treat a wide range of things, and have people come in with many different cultural and
ethical backgrounds. I believe that those rules are set in place to protect the patient their families as
well as the health care workers.
Collapse Mark as Read Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Andrea
Hayes Email this Author 10/15/2014 8:44:32 PM

I like J. Mills aspect of thinking. He is a do right even when you won't be acknowledged for your
efforts, type of guy. I would not wear the ring, it would not give me sastisifaction. I wouldn't be any
worse off it I don't wear it so there's no point. If my life is happy the way it is, then why artifically try
to make it better.

Andrea Hayes

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Amy Zuniga
Email this Author 10/15/2014 9:04:23 PM


I agree with your personal ethics statement. I think that a person ethics really shine through when
they think no one is looking. This shows what a person is made of as most people act in hopes of
being rewarded or praised. I too would not wear the ring.

(an instructor response)

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Professor
Brom Email this Author 10/16/2014 2:14:52 AM

But even though people may be happy with their life, their lives could be made happier?

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Andrea
Hayes Email this Author 10/18/2014 1:24:47 PM
Yes people normally think their lives could be better, but not usually from a "get rich quick" scheme.
People expect to work hard and for it to pay off. They chase their desires and it is a life long process.

Andrea Hayes

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Megan
Jones Email this Author 10/18/2014 10:32:03 PM

Being happy with your life is all about your actions and what you make of your situation. I have seen
so many people with less than the next but are so incredibly grateful for what they have and
wouldn't ask for anything more.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Amy Zuniga
Email this Author 10/18/2014 10:59:45 PM


I totally agree with what you are saying. I have seen this firsthand. I lived in a developing country for
many years and was amazed at how happy people were with the very little they had. Definitely
makes you step back and wonder how we get so caught up in the material in our country.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Andrea
Hayes Email this Author 10/19/2014 1:24:33 PM

Thanks Megan for your comment, I agree there are people that are comfortable with their lives and
won't ask for anything more. I also think these individuals try to better their lives, even while being
grateful for where they are. It's by nature.

Andrea Hayes
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Andrea
Hayes Email this Author 10/19/2014 1:24:49 PM

Thanks Megan for your comment, I agree there are people that are comfortable with their lives and
won't ask for anything more. I also think these individuals try to better their lives, even while being
grateful for where they are. It's by nature.

Andrea Hayes

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Alexandra
Scott Email this Author 10/19/2014 8:08:32 PM

That is a true statement. When a person is already happy with their life, their lives could be made
happier. However, you have a choice on how you can make your life happier, and that choice
depends on the situation. In this particular instance wearing a ring that doesn't belong to you with
all those powers could make your life happier but I believe what Andrea is trying to say is you have a
choice on how to make your life better, and this would be the wrong way to do it.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Meghan
Noonan Email this Author 10/17/2014 1:52:08 PM

I agree, Andrea. I don't think I would wear the ring. If anything, I think it would make me want to be
mischievous since I wouldn't be recognized.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Rebecca
Gibbons Email this Author 10/18/2014 5:22:24 PM

I agree! I feel like if you are happy with your current life then why change it? But at the same time in
the world today, no one is ever satisfied with what they have and are always wanting more.
Collapse Mark as Read Week 7 Geneva Akootchook Email this Author 10/15/2014
10:23:58 PM

Professor and classmates,

My personal statement is “Be brave enough to do what is right even when no one is looking and
have enough courage to stand up for what you believe in. “ That being said I would have not taken
the ring because it would not be mine to take. However, if I had the ring I would do my best to help
my society. I would protect others when they can’t protect themselves. I would find the person with
the first ring and find out if they were using it for good or evil.

Geneva Akootchook

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Venessa Pillai Email this Author 10/18/2014
12:38:52 PM

Great post! I completely agree with you! You should definetly stand up for what you believe in.
People all have consciences that help them decide whats right and wrong. Therefore, we should
follow through with our beliefs and do what you think is the best thing to do when no one is looking.
I wouldnt take the ring either. I know thats not the right thing to do and I would think to myself and
wonder how I would feel if someone were to take my ring. I would also use the ring to protect

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Geneva Akootchook Email this Author 10/19/2014
3:02:12 AM


I would be conflicted about leaving the ring behind too but only because I wouldn’t know who would
get the ring and their intensions. Maybe taking the ring and hiding it would be a good idea that way
no one gets to use it.

Geneva Akootchook
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Week 7 Megan Jones Email this Author 10/19/2014 8:42:18

Taking it and being responsible enough to have it to ensure no one else got it to use it for evil
intentions would be the best thing to do! To have enough self-control to be able to hide it and not
test it out for personal gain would take a lot of discipline. It would have to be in the hands of the
right individual for sure!

Collapse Mark as Unread Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Haley Mackey Email this Author 10/15/2014 11:04:25 PM

With all the different philosophers we have learned about, I think that my personal ethics combines
a little mix of a few of them. I think that we should stop carrying and worrying over what other
people think of us and focus on ourselves. I think that we need to be able to forgive or look past
other's mistakes and move on from them. I think that we need to follow the laws set for us in order
to live with one another without violence. We should do the right thing, even when no one is looking
in order to keep a clean conscience and achieve happiness, esp in my belief of God. My personal
ethics statement takes from the ideas of Ghandi, Kant, St. Augustine, Rand, Hobbes, and St. Aquinas.

In this dilemma, I wouldn't take the second ring. I think that the ring can cause more harm than good
because it opens the door to do wrong. This goes with my belief of doing the right thing even when
no one is watching. If I take the second ring, I would have to only do the right thing with it, however
the temptation for doing the wrong thing is going to be there and it's going to cause a lot of
problems. In order to remain ethical, I wouldn't take the ring.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Geneva
Akootchook Email this Author 10/16/2014 9:11:22 PM


I wouldn’t take the ring either. The ring wouldn’t be mine to take to begin with. My personal
statement is “Be brave enough to do what is right even when no one is looking and have enough
courage to stand up for what you believe in.” It’s somewhat like yours. I also think the temptation
would be difficult to deal with and may even take over who ever possessed the ring.

Geneva Akootchook

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Dominique Smith Email this Author 10/17/2014 6:18:15 PM

Hi Haley,

I agree you could be right about not taking the ring. even though the second ring should be used for
good its very easy for someone to use it for the wrong things. Everyone is tempted to do whats
beneficial for themselves weather is right or wrong, thats why I agree not taking the ring is the best

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement
Rebecca Gibbons Email this Author 10/19/2014 7:57:19 PM


I agree with what you have to say. Everyone should have enough of a conscience to where they do
only the right thing even when no one is looking, but we all know that isn't the case or we wouldn't
need laws and such in the world. You would hope to give humanity the benefit of the doubt, but
really anymore I don't.

Collapse Mark as Unread week 7 Rocio Torres Email this Author 10/15/2014
11:59:25 PM

1. Most of us have done something wrong and who are we to judge? We can always fix our actions
and if we can't fix what has been done we can always learn from our wrong choices/mistakes. That
will help others treat people in a way that does not favor some over others.
2. If I had the second ring I would try my best to find a solution(s) to any dilemma(s) and help stop
many of them before they happen. And in order to do that I would need to make sure or find a way
to make sure the bad guy is not taking advantage of the power. I wouldn't want the person to use
negative power and cause any tragedies.

3. Blanchard and Peales method. I have to say the reason is because the Shephard takes the ring
from a man whose already dead and uses it to his advantage by causing tragedies by becoming
powerful. How is any of this right. Taking something away from someone whose dead and not only
that but using the power wrongfully. I would make sure that person uses his power to help other
and not just himself all the time.

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: week 7 Mark Njoroge Email this Author 10/17/2014
6:24:50 PM

I agree that we are not always right in judging other people, however I feel that it is a necessary evil
especially when you have moral codes that you would want people to follow and anyone going
against them should face some sort of disciplinary action.

Collapse Mark as Unread RE: week 7 Rocio Torres Email this Author 10/17/2014
8:59:18 PM

I can defiantely see where your coming from. I do think their should be some kind of disciplinary
action when one makes mistakes. We would be making more mistakes if it didn't come with any

Collapse Mark as Read Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Josiane
Tagangmo Email this Author 10/16/2014 2:42:11 AM

At this point of the course, i have learnt that, no one should use someone else as a means to get to
an end. If i had the second ring, i would not use it against others, will never use it to the detriment of
others like the shepherd who used the first ring to destroy the power of the King.

I will use the ring to help the world but never to destroy anyone or to take advantage of anybody. I
will join Kant, Emmanuel in his Second formulation where he states that "Act in such a way that you
treat humanity, whether in your own person or an the person of another, always at the same time as
an end and never simply as a mean".

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Brittany
Brown Email this Author 10/17/2014 2:56:57 PM

I agree with you, if I had the second ring I would not use it against others. I would use this ring to
help better the world not to destroy or take advantage of others.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethical Statement Frances Hernandez Email this
Author 10/16/2014 8:15:23 AM

Modified:10/16/2014 8:21 AM

My own personal ethics statement would probably encompass a little bit of Aristotle's Virtue Theory,
John Stuart Mill's Utilitarian Theory, Care Based Theory, and Ghandi's ethics of empathy and care. I
believe that there should always be a median; that there is such things as too much and too little
and that you should always be weary of the consequences of the decisions that you make. We as
humans, though are individuals, are rational and emotional human beings, who need each other to
make it through, in this world. And that we are all gifted and blessed in many ways and should
always think about how it would feel if we were poor and homeless and were in a state where we
had nothing.

Based of of this week's lecture, although the power of the second ring just sounds all too enticing, I
would not want to have the power and the responsibility of having it because having the second ring
is a risk, in my opinion.

"No man would keep his hands off what was not his own when he could safely take what he liked
out of the market, or go into houses and lie with any one at his pleasure, or kill or release from
prison whom he would, and in all respects be like a God among men. Then the actions of the just
would be as the actions of the unjust; they would both come at last to the same point."

It takes away from human nature and the whole idea of having a conscience and knowing the
difference between right and wrong, being able to make a decision for what you believe is right and
wrong -- and dealing with the consequences that come with it, and keeping in mind that others that
surround you are just as human as you are, with their own sense of rationale and emotion. It would
be my choice not "be like a God among men," as I believe that I am no better than the person sitting
next to me. We are all in a sense, perfectly imperfect in our own ways. And we live each and every
day to learn from the wrongs and the rights that we have done in the past. It's what encompasses
the very individual that we are right now, and in this very moment.

Collapse Mark as Read My ethical statement Jessica Ochoa Email this Author 10/16/2014
5:42:43 PM

Since we have learned about utilitarianism, I have been finding myself relating most situations with
the way John Stuart Mills would have handled them. In the event that these rings could possibly be
in the wrong hands, they will need to be destroyed. As much as it would be pretty amazing to have
contact with this ring for a day, there is much more bad that can happen if the wrong person has
access. Like Plato mentioned, murder and rape is possible which is completely wrong, especially
since the person would get away with doing such things being invisible. Just because this ring will
bring me joy does not justify the wrong it can possibly cause down the long run. If these rings cannot
be destroyed, I would simply lock them up and hide them. This will cause the most happiness and
the least amount of damage.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: My ethical statement Chinmay Chauhan Email this Author
10/17/2014 10:04:51 AM

I agree Jessica. If the ring goes to the wrong hand, lot of bad can happen. Similar proess as picking
the right person for presidency. If the wrong person is appointed to become a President, that can
ruin the country. Similar to that if the ring goes to the wrong person, I can only imagine the things
can happen. I remember watching a movie where there was no government for one day. Anybody
can do anything and can get away with it. In that movie, it shows how important it is to have laws,
because lot of innocent people died, lot of robbiers, rap, you name it. After 24 hours later, the law
was back on and everythign was back to normal.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: My ethical statement Jessica Ochoa Email this Author
10/17/2014 6:39:39 PM


I think I know exactly what movie you are talking about and it was so terrifying. That movie made me
so glad to know that we have enforced laws at every given moment. This film truly showed the evil
that exists in our world. This goes to show that there are many different bad hands that the ring can
encounter. Even it is was given to a normal person, power is known to corrupt some people.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: My ethical statement Meghan Noonan Email this Author
10/18/2014 10:44:22 AM

I agree. Destroying the rings would be in the best interest for everyone. If they were to end up in the
wrong hands things could turn for the very very worse.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: My ethical statement Alyza Sherman Email this Author
10/19/2014 9:38:19 PM

Jessica, I really like your post. Even though there are so many people that would do complete good
with the rings, there are things that have to be taken into consideration. I think a huge problem
would be anger. Everyone has personal issues, and if anger and resentment come up throughout
the day the person has the ring it could be very bad. I do not feel that complete trust could be put
into anyone to give them these powers.

Collapse Mark as Read Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Gissella
Mana Email this Author 10/17/2014 8:55:58 PM

I believe so much in objectivism, which says that doing someone does need to stop you when you
make up your mine to help another person, like wise use your conscience, judgement and other
criteria that makes you know that making others happy from the bottom of your heart is good. We
don't need approve from others. The same thing goes with the ring. If I had the opportunity to have
the second ring I will use it to help the king so he can increase the advancement of the community,
not using it in the taking his wife and have powers.

You can still be a hero by teaching others what to do to become famous that that you want to do it
yourself and be famous all alone. Because the ring was a magic ring, and immediately e realize that it
makes him seduce the king's wife and take over the throne, a good man should hav think twice and
react differently but positively, because being in a position where you are not to be is unjust.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Assemble and Test Your Personal Ethics Statement Joseph
Huber Email this Author 10/18/2014 12:12:18 AM

Ok if you believe in Objectivism than you would be saying that using the ring for self interest would
be ok. That form of ethics is more about what the person doing the deed will get out of it. So really
the person that took the crown would be practicing objectivism. Unless I am completely wrong.

Collapse Mark as Read My Personal Ethics Statement Josiane Tagangmo Email this Author
10/17/2014 10:41:39 PM

I also agree with both of you Jessica and Chauhan. If the ring goes to a wrong hand, a lot of bad
things can happen and the entire society may get disrupted from it. I watched the film about one
day of unlawful society. People held on on their anger and use it that day to destroy others. In less
than 24 hours, many good things were destroy, innocent lives were lost.

but if i was the ring's holder, i will use it to do good things profitable to the society as a whole. i will
even prefer not to do anything with it rather than using it to ruin mankind.

Collapse Mark as Read Personal Ethics Statement Ryan Roberts Email this Author
10/17/2014 11:04:03 PM

I believe I can use a little bit of every type of ethics to make my own personal statement. I think that
a little bit of every type of ethical code has something in it that can be used for you to make a good
decision. Here is my statement. When confronted by a moral decision one must consider all of the
variables including but not limited to the law, who would benefit, how many would benefit, and if it
is good at its basic core.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Statement Alyza Sherman Email this Author
10/18/2014 8:44:35 PM

Ryan, I think that this is a great ethical statement. I think that abiding by the law is the most
important thing because it goes along with what most peoples ethical values. If a person is not
breaking the law, then what you are doing should (for the most part) be ethically good.
Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Statement Jessica Ochoa Email this Author
10/18/2014 9:43:00 PM

Hi Ryan,

I completely agree with the variables that you chose to consider when making a decision, but I am
curious to know what your final decision would be.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Statement Haley Mackey Email this Author
10/19/2014 2:45:57 PM

I really like your personal ethics statement because it does cover all types of ethics. I think it's best to
make a decision after considering the way it affects the law, those involved, and it's overall outcome.
With all of those items considered, you can ultimately make a decision that should have the least
amount of consequences.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Statement Mariusz Gorlicki Email this Author
10/19/2014 9:01:17 PM

That is a great point. In order to act in ethical way one needs to use many ethical theories instead of
just one. A person needs to be able to decide which theory to use at a specific moment. Using only
one theory will always have flaws. There is no perfect ethics theory, and one needs to make good
decisions based on a lot of factors.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Statement Gissella Mana Email this Author
10/19/2014 11:34:17 PM

Hi, Ryan,

Good point you have there. It is a great idea to look at all possible cause and consequences of a think
before making ethical judgement. As you said, following the law an looking at who will benefit is
perfect example of many critical cases that people failed to put into consideration. Happy you
brought it up at the last end.
Thank You

Collapse Mark as Read Personal Ethics Statement Josiane Tagangmo Email this Author
10/19/2014 2:40:05 PM

If i had the ring, i will use it to do good to the world. I will not use the ring to destroy neither
anybody nor the world. I will follow Kant, Emmanuel's theory of Ethics to not use someone as a
mean to attain an end but will use that ring as an end.

Collapse Mark as Read RE: Personal Ethics Statement Haley Mackey Email this Author
10/19/2014 2:48:00 PM

I would also want to do good with the ring, however, there is so much temptation out there to allow
you the option to do bad with the ring as well. I think that if you are able to control the ability to only
use the ring for good, then so be it. I personally wouldn't take the ring because it isn't mine and it
also comes with too much of a risk.

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