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Insecure Personality

Children who act submissively and anxiously are more likely to be bullied than children who do
not have those tendencies. Bullied children also tend to be insecure and to cry often, even before
the bullying begins. In fact, some researchers believe that a child's lack of assertiveness and
security may serve as a cue to bullies that the child is a "perfect victim." There's also evidence
that children who experience depression and bodily symptoms of stress (such as headaches or
stomachaches) may be more likely to be bullied. This is particularly unfortunate since these
problems also seem to be caused or worsened by bullying.

Lower Peer Acceptance

You've probably seen a move or two that shows a victim eating alone at the lunch table, or
having no or few friends. Bully victims tend to have fewer friends than children who do not
experience bullying. In addition, a victim of bullying is often perceived poorly by peers and may
have experienced peer rejection or is often left out of social situations. These children are often
found alone at recess and lunchtime. This negative peer response typically occurs long before the
bullying begins.

"Different" in Some Way

Unfortunately, children with special needs are disproportionately victims of bullying. For
instance, children with learning disorders often report that they are bullied as a result of their
disorder. Children with obvious physical or mental issues may also face abuse at higher levels
than their peers, as may those who are homosexual or bisexual. Even children who stand out for
being smart, who come from a different cultural background, or who are new to a school can be
singled out by bullies.

Physically Weak

Being physically weaker than peers also seems to put a child at increased risk of being bullied.
This particularly seems to be the case for kids who look weaker at first glance; in other words,
kids who are shorter, thinner or less muscular than peers. Children who reach puberty sooner or
later than their peers may find themselves vulnerable to mean behavior, as may children also
tend to fail at sports.

Overprotective Parents

Perhaps because their child demonstrates many of the characteristics listed here, parents of bully
victims tend to overprotect their child. These parents tend to avoid open disagreements with their
child and try to create a sense of harmony in the household at all costs. Unfortunately, this makes
the child less able to deal with conflict and more likely to be victimized by peers. In addition,
parents of victims often become socially over-involved with their child to make up for peer
rejection. Again, this only makes the child's problems with peers worse rather than better.

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