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Finding A Reason to Continue

Sita Delmonte
A life wherein you only feel pain. Imagine waking up every day, not having the
eagerness to do the things you used to do. Having to work without even knowing why
you’re working in the first place. Nothing seems to matter because with that life, you feel
that you are nothing. Moving around without any inspiration and reason to be happy. Not
willing to live but willing to give up anything you have because they don’t matter anymore
just like how you think of yourself. A life with sadness. We are in the 21st century and
there are many changes in the world. Our lives are different from the lives before. Starting
from the early ages up to now. It has been a big change but this will continue to grow
each generation. These are the chapters that connects the history of life. The fact we are
able to think more advanced than the others makes today’s generation different but the
thought some things remain the same is still an undergoing process of letting go the past
we had experienced. The human body is an amazing art God created. It is so amazing
and so sensitive at the same time. This organ in our head that is small compared to huge
objects and inventions we have today is a big part of the main function of the human body.
The brain connects everything we have in our body and a simple failure is a big effect for
the entire.
The Society of Neuroscience, headquartered in Washington DC is for basic
scientists and physicians whose focus are to conduct researches and studies of the brain
and nervous system. With their annual meeting conducted last November 5, 2018, held
at San Diego, scientists and physicians have conclude some details of how bad the effect
of being lonely to humans based on a mouse study. According to the report, after the
mice have been isolated for a month, it had smaller nerve cells in certain parts of the
brain. It is unknown if it is similar to humans. However, mouse and humans are both living
things and the only difference was the ability for humans to think and move more
advanced unlike them. The overall size of nerve cells, or neurons, shrunk by about 20
percent after a month of isolation. This shrinkage remained steady for 3 months.
Researchers and scientists also had found out that the mice’s spines had higher density.
An increase in spines is something positive. “It’s almost as though the brain is trying to
save itself,” They continued the isolation but the mice can’t save itself and can’t handle it
anymore. Many changes took place including the levels of the stress hormone, broken
DNA and brain power. They are planning to stop the isolation and return the mice to its
group to see the effect of being in contact with its fellow. This research is still understudy.
For us people, long term isolation can lead to depression, anxiety and psychosis. Isolated
people can have a hard time remembering, thinking, reasoning and navigating. Being
lonely is not only a temporary emotion we thought would leave a lot sooner when there is
happiness but the fact it comes back for some reasons because of pain and tiredness we
experience, the effect can be much greater. We can’t stop it but we can lessen the pain
lonely people experience by knowing happiness itself and bringing it to them. We should
not let this loneliness go back once more and eat them to finish everything they had done.
They bring happiness in our lives too and it is time for us to bring happiness to them in
times where they need us the most.

Depression: Silent Pain Within Failure, disappointment and

Sita Delmonte
These are the things that evoke us the most. We are all human beings and it is our
nature to feel sad or disappointed in life. Regardless of how heavy we steel ourselves; it
still happens. We have a tendency to think of things as if they were meant for us. We're
sad because our desire was for things, whatever they are to be otherwise, because
people. moments or even numbers on a scale matter to us. We cared, we hoped and
maybe we even dared to dream. When something goes badly, it's easy to forget the
inevitability of change but if we're unable to put our experience into some perspective, it's
possible for sadness to run amok. Most people content menstruations of sorrow at their
lifetimes after great outcomes. Nevertheless, clinical depression is different than regular
sadness or a period of grief. Depression is a mental disorder that affects a person's mood.
It is characterized by extreme feelings of sadness or loneliness that persists for a long
time. While it is normal to feel sad in response to daily life problems, a depressed person
exhibits extreme sadness, helplessness, empty or lifeless, changes in appetite and
weight, loss of energy, concentration problems, sleep changes, lack of interest in daily
activities especially those previously enjoyed, irritability and restlessness and
unexplained body pains. Depression if not cured leads to death or suicide. Everyone feels
sad from time to time but depression is different from just feeling unhappy or sad. It is
more intense, lasts longer and has more negative impact on your life. These symptoms
of depression are described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Depression is one of the most commonly occurring diagnoses in people with post-
traumatic stress disorder. In fact, researchers have found that among people who have
or had a diagnosis of PSTD, approximately 48 percent to 55 percent also experienced
current or previous depression We can't simply say to people diagnosed with depression
to get over it. We should understand that this mental illness is hard to conquer. It is not
an illusion formed by the brain just because people want attention. People are not weak
but they become tired of being hurt all over again and that's when they lost their purpose
and their worth. A simple act of caring for the people struggling the most can make a

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