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if i was World Emperor for one day..

sg micheal, 2010/OCT/21

Preface: this essay is not conspiracy to overthrow the American government, it is not calling for
a violent revolution in America, i Hate violence with passion, this essay is a call for a peaceful
transformation of our world culture and values, we focus and emphasize the wrong things, our
values are twisted, this essay is an attempt to refocus our values, reemphasize the critical values
for an enduring human civilization,..

After that day, you’d not recognize Earth ‘cept for languages and religions..

The first thing i'd do is abolish national boundaries,

sending home all border guards, immigration, and customs officials
until ‘further notice’.

The next thing i'd do is dissolve all standing armies, navies, air forces, marines, and coast
guards sending home all officers etc until ‘further notice’.

Next, dismantle all nukes and destroy all biological weapons making it illegal to develop
further nukes or bio weapons.

Abolish money and all national currencies, banking, and credit systems. At first i was
thinking of introducing a mandatory implanted chip to keep track of work units and reusing
banks to keep track of those work units but.. Think about it, if you don’t show up for work on
some day, your coworkers are gonna see that and next time you go to the grocery store to pick up
needed items, should the checkout clerk know about your ‘day off’? (So that you might have to
put back an item or two to compensate.) So it’s up to you: implanted chip or honesty-system – up
to you..

Mandatory premium health care for all human beings on the planet developing accessible
facilities for all.

Tweaking world religions and local customs as follows:

punishment for subjugation
such as Jews subjugating Palestinians or vice-versa,
punishment for exploitation
such as American companies putting factories in China or Mexico for cheap labor,
punishment for conflict over resources
such as the American invasion of Iraq,
punishment for religious conflict
such as destruction of Buddhist statues,
punishment for religious abominations
such as ritual mutilation or murder for defection,

These are only examples of things i would not tolerate as World Emperor. At first, because the
crimes are so heinous, i thought nuking would be appropriate but at this point, we’ve dismantled
all nukes. ;) So, we have to devise an appropriate and commensurate punishment system for
violation of basic human rights.

Basic Human Rights:

freedom to live and work in any location
free access to premium health care
free education for all levels
freedom from subjugation, exploitation, and conflict
freedom of equitable access to all world resources
freedom of religion except when violating others’ rights
freedom to trust and respect each other
freedom to live without nukes, bio-weapons, military, and money

Automatically, people will accuse me of being a ‘commie’ or say “If everything is free, who’s
gonna pay for it all???” The simplest answer i can give is that people will work because they
like/love what they do. People will no longer become doctors for the money; they will become
doctors for the sheer joy of healing. Of course, there will still be prestige for certain positions
such as Hollywood starlet, university professor, or Amazonian shaman. i cannot stop that. But as
World Emperor, i would prohibit over-compensation for any profession. The simplest way to do
this is abolish currency.

Line five above will cause concern for all elite, corporations, and anyone who prefers to hoard /
limit access to resources. i'm not sure how to deal with that. It’s starkly apparent to me that
hoarding or limiting access to resources is a crime against humanity. For instance, Iraqi or
Saudi or Venezuelan oil fields should not be hoarded so as to make a few rich – this is plainly
wrong and something needs to be done about it. But, if we allow any company to put oil wells
there, it will be a free-for-all, chaos. So there has to be some way to allow free access without
creating chaos. i leave this for the ‘smart guys/gals’ to figure out..

Most would look at this scenario as undoable. They think our society would fall apart. But i think
they’re wrong for two reasons: integrity and love. Human beings have amazing capacities
which have proven themselves time and time again over the centuries. Our positive features
can overcome our negatives: our curiosity, compassion, love, and integrity can overcome our:
fears, mistrusts, disrespects, and hatreds.

‘Pie in the sky’? No. It is like forgiveness: that begins with a choice to overcome our
resentments, hatreds, and hurts of the past. Use forgiveness as a guide and we cannot go

So this letter is a call to the few who believe it can be possible to create a free and loving world:
inspire your peers and children – inspire them to believe in a Loving Earth.

Part 3: Problems in Practice

Let’s change the scenario and say another great Emperor established those edicts above and now
instead of World Emperor, i run a humble country store in rural Cooks, Michigan. A girl comes
in and says she wants all my inventory to start a commune on some land nearby. She says i have
to hand it over ‘cuz there’s quite a few people who are hungry and this is October at the end of
the growing season so they cannot grow anything this year to feed themselves. i must hand over
everything ‘cuz the World Emperor basically said so in a televised world-broadcast a few days
earlier. She’s got a station wagon parked outside with the engine running. Do i hand everything

Let’s see which Basic Human Rights she’s violating by demanding this from me:
there's implied subjugation and exploitation on her part
(that my store should be the sole provider for her new commune)
there's certainly a lack of respect from her
i have every right to take the shotgun hanging on the wall and point it at her saying “Look
sweety, my store doesn’t exist to be raped by your commune; you can take a few things only for
yourself, but you’re not welcome to more.” .. “By the way, you guys should learn how to hunt
and fish – this time of year is great for that!”

In the next scenario, i'm now a retired US Air Force pilot (forcibly retired by Imperial Decree)
sitting at home getting drunk because now – ‘they don’t need me anymore’. My wife is
screaming at me because i cannot provide for the family. i try to block her out with vodka and
war-theme movies playing loud on our flat-screen TV. Is it my fault i chose an ill-fated
profession? A few years ago, no one could have told you this would happen. The public airlines
cannot take on all the retired pilots. We have a pension as if we had worked full-term for the
military but it’s simply not enough. i want to work but my life and blood is flying. i hang-glide
occasionally when i'm not drunk and sometimes even then. ;) What can i do to get this harpy off
my back!? Please!?

In reality, i've had about 15 different jobs so far in my working lifetime. No unfortunately, i was
never an Air Force pilot. :( But i did have the privilege of living near Cooks, MI and seeing
firsthand how beautiful the Upper Peninsula summers can be. :) It would be a kind of beautiful
harmony if i could live off the land there.. Anyways, i taught English conversation to Koreans,
science to Thais, math to Americans, worked as a telecommunications technician for over nine
years, handled hazardous materials, developed QC sampling programs, delivered legal
documents, ‘sniffed’ for gas leaks in California, worked as a cabinetmaker for my brother from
time to time, crew leader for the 2010 US Census,.. You would think with all my various
experiences, that i should be able to find something decent and commensurate! It’s a testament to
how truly crappy the US economy is – that i cannot find decent work here. And a testament to
regional snobbery that i could not find decent employment in New Zealand, twice! :(

It should be no wonder to you now why i put that Right first and why my wife wants a
divorce. i'm not a ‘job snob’ (as my wife thinks). My last employment was for MasTec/DirecTV
as satellite installation technician in Miami, FL. As usual, i put quality first and almost always
completed an outstanding installation. But i was too slow for the bosses over me. It was
physically the most demanding job i've ever had – sometimes sixteen hours on my feet with no
lunch break. Your body can take only so many of those days then you need a serious break..
After being fired for insubordination (i simply had enough of getting all the crap-jobs and being
pushed to go faster – wrote an email to my 2nd-level saying so), i needed a professional massage
to work out the three months of torture my body had gone through. And here i am again – on the
hopeless search for decent commensurate employment all the while – my wife is divorcing me
and it’s dubious whether i will ever see my son again.

i'm not asking for your pity. No matter how it sounds, i'm not asking for a job. i guess what i'm
asking for is your compassion and understanding if i take a few years off and disappear into the

i have several inventions in my mind which would increase the quality of life in various ways
for many people on the planet. But i need a shop with various tools and supplies to fabricate
those inventions. So here is where we get back to World Emperor and allocation of resources. If i
was World Emperor, i would finance research into three main areas: genetics, AI, and space
utilization/exploration. As i keep repeating to my mother, our destiny is ‘out there’ (outside our
atmosphere), genetics is the most powerful tool to control our environment (we can create
custom engineered organisms for any task/purpose), and compassionate AIs can be our partners
in exploration/development.

Riley Martin has offered tickets to get off this rock before the end in 2012. Of course he’s
delusional but wouldn’t it be nice if some benevolent species was trying to protect us from
ourselves? His story of future-Earth is somewhat self-contradictory. The benevolent overseers he
calls Biaviians come from a planet much like the utopia described above. They have no crimes
and no violent thoughts. In fact, human thoughts are too violent for them to live on Biaveh. This
contradicts the ‘fact’ that some of us will be rescued and whisked away to Biaveh before the end.
According to Riley, the end times will be so tumultuous that there will be much resentment for
those leaving. 8| i promise not to use my ticket if you make me World Emperor before the end. ;)
All joking aside, we know we’re in deep shit. I wouldn’t estimate ‘the end’ to be so close as
Riley does but it’s not far off.. Shouldn’t we do something about our situation before the shit
really does hit the fan? (Besides all try to duck?)

i have written before about the possibility of my life being an indicator for life on Earth. We are
in a very precarious situation if true. My wife is about to divorce me. Let's say she represents
Earth. i represent humanity. Try to imagine what it would be like if Earth divorces humanity.
Did you ever hear about the story of the dog who slowly walked into water to rid himself of fleas
by putting a furball into his mouth? After he waded into the water and all of the fleas had jumped
onto the furball, he swam ashore and buried the furball. Inventive and wonderful story isn't it?
But suppose we think of humanity as an infestation of Earth like fleas on a dog. At some
point, the revulsion becomes automatic. At some point, the Earth will have to defend itself
from the human parasitic infestation. We rape and we conquer. At some point, we will have to
pay for our sins against Earth. Native Americans talk about white animals appearing indicating
'the end'. We can ignore these signs as superstitions. But shouldn't we prepare just in case?

Myself, i must focus on my son and try to provide for him as best i can. If i teach, i must nurture
my students as if they were my children. i must protect and prepare them for the tumultuous
world to come. It is our responsibility and duty. But again, is there anything stopping us from
creating a world with less greed, self-aggrandizement, ego glorification, and emphasis on wrong
values? Anything but our own egos and limited perspectives?
Let us open our minds and souls to glorious Humility.

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