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Industry 4.0 framework for management and operations: a review

Article  in  Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing · June 2017

DOI: 10.1007/s12652-017-0533-1


46 5,454

5 authors, including:

Jania Saucedo Magdiel Lara

Autonomous University of Nuevo León Autonomous University of Nuevo León


Jose Antonio Marmolejo Tomas Salais

Universidad Panamericana Autonomous University of Nuevo León


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J Ambient Intell Human Comput
DOI 10.1007/s12652-017-0533-1


Industry 4.0 framework for management and operations: a review

Jania Astrid Saucedo‑Martínez1 · Magdiel Pérez‑Lara1 ·
José Antonio Marmolejo‑Saucedo2 · Tomás Eloy Salais‑Fierro1 · Pandian Vasant3 

Received: 17 January 2017 / Accepted: 19 June 2017

© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017

Abstract  The evolution of markets and customer require- consumers, resulting in a greater competitiveness in the
ments with highest level of precision, has been achieved market and making the differentiator. This work is one of
created with technology and information systems, a new the first surveys that provides an extensive analysis and
way of make the operations in the companies, and just the review of 110 publications that appear from 1/01/12 to
companies with the ability to adapt faster to technological 20/02/17. The purpose of the study is to analyze categori-
innovations may remain on the market. The last industrial cally recent advances through qualitative and segmentation
revolution, known as industry 4.0 perceives the opera- methods allowing to reveal trends and areas of opportunity
tions as a holistic system, its represents a challenge that in the industry sense of 4.0 in order to obtain research gaps
must be fulfilled and faced in order to achieve stability and that may be executed in organizational systems on the value
permanence in the market, from the point of view of the chain. Another point is to be a reference in future research
world economies. In the organizational and business area related to the categories selected in this study.
all the operations must be linked to computer systems and
management of information in the network, which causes Keywords  Business model · Value chain · Organizational
greater efficiency in the flow. With this new perception system · Industry 4.0 · Information technologies
of industry and the business, it involves different analyti-
cal tools that aim at bigger efficiency in the service to the
1 Introduction
* José Antonio Marmolejo‑Saucedo With the progress in technology and information systems,
Jania Astrid Saucedo‑Martínez it is being led to new demand levels from customers of all industries, increasing the rush for productive systems to
Magdiel Pérez‑Lara provide rapid and efficient response. The application of various technological tools, seeks
Tomás Eloy Salais‑Fierro to meet constantly and efficiently customer demand, with solid organizational structures that work with synergy and
Pandian Vasant add maximum value to their production, to develop ser- vices or products.
The reorganization of operations are not intended to
Facultad de Ingeniería Mecnica y Eléctrica, Universidad
mark a radical change in the functioning of the organiza-
Autonóma de Nuevo León, Ciudad Universitaria,
San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León, Mexico tion, but rather adapt the technology and management
2 to new level of operating systems, tools which create the
Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Panamericana, Augusto
Rodin 498, México 03920, Ciudad de México, México potential value of activities.
3 Under this scheme, it is defined that the change in any
Faculty of Science and Information Technology,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Seri Iskandar 32610, organization is imperative, developing advantages in a mar-
Perak Darul Ridzuan, Malaysia ket where economic liberalization is a crucial guideline;

J. A. Saucedo‑Martínez et al.

that causes a complicated environment of increasing work

demands, provoking that the all companies work in a line
of continuous and high improvement productivity in their
processes and the administration. Thereof, it is necessary
the application of new techniques that allow the generation
Information Technologies
of value to provide market stability.
An important practice to achieve these objectives is the
integration of business operations, based on this concept,
improvements in business activities along the entire value
chain are crucial.
Arca et al. (2011) mentioned that every company bases Suppliers Processors Dealers Retailers Users

its operational processes in goals, those that give the sense Operations of the value chain

of existence and need to add value to their operations.

Neeraja et al. (2014) and Ltifi and Gharbi (2015) suggested
Fig. 1  Horizontal integration across the entire value creation network
keeping on mind the challenges to be met, is the key to
adapt the logistical means and determine its scope. That is
why the logistics must to be known as an essential part of
business today. Design and
The main objective of this study is the identification of
opportunities, prospects and achievements in implementing
the various tools in industry 4.0 through critical thinking Manufacture
and evaluation of scientific resources, besides, to be a point Specification and test

of reference in future research related to the categories

selected in this study. It is important to mention that in the
process of review and analysis of the information no publi- CYCLE
cation was found with a similar analysis with those catego-
ries developed.
The definitions that correspond to the concept of indus- Maintain Install and
and repair
try 4.0 are the following:

– Integration of complex machinery and devices, with Operate

and monitor
sensor and software networks, used to predict, control
and improve plan business and results in society (Toro
et  al. 2015; Moreno et  al. 2016; Simonis et  al. 2016;
Fig. 2  End-to-end engineering across the entire product life cycle
Radziwon et al. 2014.
– New level of organization and management of the value
chain throughout the product life cycle (Trends 2015; – Horizontal integration across the entire value crea-
Prause and Weigand 2016). tion network (see Fig.  1): This considers all the links
– Collective term for technologies and concepts of the in the value chain and the relationships that are devel-
organization of the value chain (Shafiq et al. 2015; Juan- oped, establishing and maintaining networks that create
Verdejo and Surajbali 2016; Stojki’c et al. 2016). and add value (Rennung et al. 2016; Schuh et al. 2014;
– A holistic system of information technologies, people, Sokolov and Ivanov 2015; Kapoor 2014; Bauer et  al.
machines and tools, which allows the flow of goods, 2015).
services and data in a controlled way, through the value – Manufacturing systems, vertical and network integra-
chain, with operations with a high degree of autonomy tion (see Fig. 1): Its main purpose is to make a factory
and high capacity to transmit useful information to deci- work intelligently with its products and production pro-
sion-making (Dombrowski and Wagner 2014; Hermann cesses, properly managing the levels of inventory, main-
et al. 2016; Mazak and Huemer 2015; Qin et al. 2016; tenance, failures in machines, among other aspects, their
Wolter et al. 2015; Botthof 2015). support are cyber-physical production systems (Moreno
et al. 2016; Schut 2016; Anderl 2014; Vyas et al. 2016;
Industry 4.0 has three main elements for its performance Klemp and Pottebaum 2016; Hossain et al. 2016).
within the production systems and for each of them there – End-to-end engineering across the entire product life
are different challenges: cycle (see Fig.  2): Systematically analyzes the data

Industry 4.0 framework for management and operations: a review

obtained throughout the production process, and allows

quick decisions, with the follow up of the product or
service, with a focus on quality and customer satisfac-
tion (Abeele et al. 2015; Brettel et al. 2016b; Jung et al. 40
2015; Lee et al. 2014; Rennung et al. 2016).

The work is carried out as follows: Sect. 2 explains the 30

Articles Quantity
methodology used for the analysis of information,in the
Sect. 3, sets out the main elements involved in industry 4.0
according to the review and the analysis, and finally the
results on Sect.  4, reveals the findings and highlights the
areas of opportunity for continued research. 10

2 Methodology 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

The methodology used in the development of this research Fig. 3  Distribution of scientific articles on industry 4.0 topics
is based on qualitative analysis content. By Lacey and Luff
(2001), the study was segmented into four phases for better
The collection phase material was performed using the
comprehension and understanding of each of the sections,
database of the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, the
in this study, has been used the metodology that refers to
magazines consulted refer to multidisciplinary and special-
the analysis of qualitative content. The Table  1 shows the
ized areas of economy and administration which the fol-
description for each phase.
lowing were included: Academic OneFile, EBSCOHost,
Emerald, Science Direct-Freedom Collection, Springer,
2.1 Data collection method IOP Science, IEEE Xplore.
It was evaluated a selection of documents that have hig-
The information collected for the analysis and preparation ger relevance in the topics involved in industry 4.0, like
of this article covers the period January 2012–February the conceptualization of this industrial revolution, as well
2017, considering articles published in journals, addition- as the analysis of flexible production environments, cyber-
ally, articles that were accepted and in the process of pub- physical systems and the role of the supply chain in this
lication available online, to avoid publishing bias content. context, for the years 2012–2017. Therefore, all published
The research was conducted in the period from May documents before 2012 were discarded.
2016 to February 2017. The keywords included in the
search process are “Industry 4.0”, “internet of things”, 2.2 Sampling strategy
“smart manufacturing”, “smart logistics”, “supply chain”.
These words were combined with each other using the One hundred ten scientific articles were analyzed, being
Boolean operators “and”, “or”, “not” and “xor”. Obtaining published between 2012 and 2017 from different scien-
a total of 110 scientific articles to check. tific journals. Figure  3 shows the graph of the collected

Table 1  Research metodology
Research phases Phase description
(Elo et al. 2014)
Characteristics Objective

Data collection Include many articles with something relationship with the Collect articles that relate to research in different areas of
industrial evolution business operations
Sampling strategy This strategy was established considering the discriminative The developed literature review covered the period from
sampling (Quintana-Peña 2006) and descriptive analysis 2012 to 2017
Category selection Maximize opportunities to verify the arguments constructed, Visualize the parameters in research within technology and
as well as the relationships between categories operations that have developed in industry 4.0 and hot
Material evaluation This phase was carried out with the compilation of all the Get to know the trends and scientific and technological
material in an organized manner progress in industry 4.0

J. A. Saucedo‑Martínez et al.

articles, and it is possible to visualize the increase of Additive

researchs on this topic, reason why it is considered impor- Manufacturing

tant to know the applications that can be derived on the Simulation Horizontal and vertical
system integration
combination of the technologies and tools that are part
of industry 4.0 and define the opportunity areas. After a
search in the longitudinal distribution of publications, it
is seen that as of 2014 the number of published works
has doubled through the years. In the coming years, we Big data PROMINENT
anticipate another “peak” as a result of the opportunities & Analytics TECHNOLOGIES
provided by the emerging technologies applicable to Sup-
ply Chain Management.
The researches consulted proceed from 32 countries
where they have developed application proposals, theo- The industrial
retical bases and even simulations about industry 4.0, the internet of things
Fig. 4 shows the ranking of the countries with researches
in this topic. It can be seen that the greatest concentration Autonomous
of research done research from Germany, which affirms robots The cloud
the origin of this revolution in this country.
Fig. 5  Group technologies and tools for industry 4.0

2.3 Category selection
cyber-security, additive manufacturing, augmented real-
The allocation of categories for the articles was com- ity and the cloud. Figure  6 shows the categories and
pleted so that each article belongs to a single category, the author citation that developing topics about each
avoiding the possible connection between categories. category.
The selection of categories was defined in the research Figure 6 shows the graphic of assignment articles to cat-
process and was done in agreement the scenarios con- egories in percent, in addition it can be observed how there
sidered by industry 4.0, composed by 9 blocks bunch- are some blocks that have been more emphasized in the
ing technologies and tools, see Fig.  5. These groups are recent researches, and others that are in growth.
diversified in order to settle an integral system, also con-
sidering customers, operations and production systems 2.4 Material evaluation
(Trends 2015; Toro et al. 2015; Gilchrist 2016).
The 110 articles reviewed were divided among the The evaluation of the selected scientific articles was done
nine blocks which are as follows: big data and analyt- through a spreadsheet, in which the most relevant informa-
ics, autonomous robots, simulation, horizontal and verti- tion of each article was organized by: name of the publi-
cal system integration, the industrial internet of things, cation and data (authors, keywords, journal name, volume
number, publication date, pages and number of citations to

3.6% 12.7%

24% 8.2%

38% 3.6%

China Additive manufacturing 17.3%

Augumented Reality
United Kingdom Cyber Security 39.1%
4% 14% Autonomous Robots
The cloud
Switzerland 7% Big data and analytics
Rest of the world with a The industrial internet of things
percentage less than 4% Horizontal and vertical system integration

Fig. 4  Scientific articles carried out in different countries Fig. 6  Scientific articles percent found by categories

Industry 4.0 framework for management and operations: a review

the date of consultation), objective of the article, methodol- use of data, this requiring the technological infrastructure
ogy, research focus and conclusions. that allows collecting and grouping the data (Ji et al. 2016a;
Fedorov et  al. 2015; Ji et  al. 2016b; Wieland and Pfitzner
2014) here are a few:
3 Information discussion and analysis
– Connections with sensors and networks.
The analysis of the information obtained consist of a sys- – Cloud computing.
tematic review of the scientific articles assigned to the – Cyber systems.
categories settled down the methodology. Therefore this – Content and context.
section is composed of nine divisions: big data and analyt- – Collaboration between the parties involved.
ics, autonomous robots, simulation, horizontal and vertical – Customization.
system integration, the industrial internet of things, cyber-
security, additive manufacturing, augmented reality and the There are determinant criteria for the use of data for decision
cloud. making, many of them are based on qualitative and grouping
techniques, in contrast, in the literature review the numeri-
3.1 Big data and analytics cal and mathematical application has been found to facilitate
the process for making decisions, in this sense, algorithms
In the process of reviewing scientific articles, the use and are proposed for the reduction of costs in the productive
application of big data represents an important percent- processes. Data generation happens in all productive pro-
age of 12.7%, due to the fact that, in order to establish the cesses (Schuh et al. 2014; Lee et al. 2014), also are propos-
connections between systems (machines, information sys- als of autonomous organization and coordination (Wang et al.
tems, linkage with sensors, among others), must have the 2016; Ramachandran et al. 2016).
support of the internet of things, development of robots, The big data analysis refers to the communications and
and the generation of information in the cloud, in order to information technologies tendency which is to process a large
obtain necessary information that can be manipulated, this amount of data to make more efficient the decision-making
situation of dependence explains that the growth of big data process and increase the productivity.
goes hand in hand with other industrial blocks 4.0. In the industry 4.0 context, big data is processed using
The generation of data happens in all productive pro- advanced analytical tools to consider non-visible factors and
cesses. The organization in a coherent way, allows them to generate self-aware and self-sustaining systems. Countries
analyze them and propose them to the administration for such as Germany and Japan are the most advanced in the dig-
decision making, this allows the optimization of production itization of their value chains processes.
processes, quality and service. As examples of the use of mathematical models in the
The role of the data is seen in this scheme as a basis for context of industry 4.0 the following can be mention.
the generation of useful knowledge for decision making,
taking as reference that any data generated intervenes in 3.1.1 Polynomial regression
the development of activities, then to include it in decision
making is imperative, considering big data is closely linked This model consist
with data mining, and sharing similar elements about infor- yi = a0 + a1 xi + a2 xi2 + ⋯ + am xm
+ 𝜖i , (i = 1, 2, … , n) can
mation management to generate knowledge (Chen et  al. be expressed in matrix form in terms of a design matrix 𝐗
2015). , a response vector 𝐲, a parameter vector 𝐚, and a vector 𝛜 of
The importance of the generation and use of data in random errors. The i-th row of 𝐗 and 𝐲 will co value for the
the new industrial landscape is to respond to changes and i-th data sample. Then the model can be written as a system
fluctuations through connected platforms quickly and effi- of linear equations:
ciently, this changes the meaning of operations, if decisions
are made without analysis, the response time would be ⎡ y1 ⎤ ⎡a ⎤
⎢ y ⎥ ⎡1 x1 x12 ⋯ x1m ⎤ ⎢ 0 ⎥ ⎡ 𝜖1 ⎤
prolonged and in most cases inefficient (Esmaeilian et  al. a
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢1 x2 x22 ⋯ x2m ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ 𝜖2 ⎥
2016), in this sense the analysis of information is an impor- ⎢ y3 ⎥ = ⎢⋮ ⋮ ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ 2 ⎥⎥ ⎢⎢ ⋮ ⎥⎥
a + ,
⎢⋮⎥ ⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋯
tant element in the creation of value (Kagermann 2015), ⋮
and in the form of establishing strategic procedures that ⎢ y ⎥ ⎣1 xn xn2 ⋯ xnm ⎦ ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 𝜖n ⎦
⎣ n⎦ ⎣ am ⎦
are in the whole productive process (Ji et al. 2016a; Matties
The literature review establishes several components which when using pure matrix notation is written as
involved that create the appropriate environment for the 𝐲 = 𝐗𝐚 + 𝛜. The vector of estimated polynomial regression

J. A. Saucedo‑Martínez et al.

coefficients is â̄ = (𝐗T 𝐗)−1 𝐗T 𝐲. This is the unique least- 3.1.4 Clustering algorithms
squares solution as long as 𝐗 has linearly independent
columns. Clustering algorithms can be categorized based on their
cluster model. The following overview will only list the
most prominent examples of clustering algorithms,as there
3.1.2 Support vector machine are possibly over 100 published clustering algorithms. Not
all provide models for their clusters and can thus not easily
Support vector machine constructs a hyperplane or set be categorized. One of this methods is the k-means cluster-
of hyperplanes in a high- or infinite-dimensional space, ing, this is a method of vector quantization, originally from
which can be used for classification, regression, or other signal processing, that is popular for cluster analysis in data
tasks. Intuitively, a good separation is achieved by the mining. k-means clustering aims to partition n observa-
hyperplane that has the largest distance to the nearest tions into k clusters in which each observation belongs to
training-data point of any class (so-called functional mar- the cluster with the nearest mean, serving as a prototype of
gin), since in general the larger the margin the lower the the cluster. This results in a partitioning of the data space
generalization error of the classifier. into Voronoi cells. The problem is computationally difficult
The hyperplanes in the higher-dimensional space are (NP-hard); however, there are efficient heuristic algorithms
defined as the set of points whose dot product with a that are commonly employed and converge quickly to a
vector in that space is constant. The vectors defining the local optimum.
hyperplanes can be chosen to be linear combinations with
parameters 𝛼i of images of feature vectors xi that occur in
the data base. With this choice of a hyperplane, the points 3.1.5 Unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean
x in the feature space that are mapped into the hyperplane

are defined by the relation: i 𝛼i k(xi , x) = constant. Note The UPGAM algorithm constructs a rooted tree that
that if k(x, y) becomes small as y grows further away from reflects the structure present in a pairwise similarity matrix.
x, each term in the sum measures degree of closeness of At each step, the nearest two clusters are combined into a
the test point x to the corresponding data base point xi. In higher-level cluster. The distance between any two clusters
this way, the sum of kernels above can be used to meas- A and B, each of size |A| and |B|, is taken to be the average
ure the relative nearness of each test point to the data of all distances d(x, y) between pairs of objects x ∈ A and
points originating in one or the other of the sets to be dis- y ∈ B, that is, the mean distance between elements of each
criminated. Note the fact that the set of points x mapped cluster:
into any hyperplane can be quite convoluted as a result, 1 ∑∑
allowing much more complex discrimination between d(x, y).
|A| ⋅ |B| x∈A y∈B
sets which are not convex at all in the original space.

3.2 Autonomous robots
3.1.3 Artificial neural network
A way to reflect the integral production, is to strengthen
Mathematically, a neurons network functions f(x) is the activities of the processes with the use of autonomous
defined as a composition of the other functions gi (x), robots, so they can reduce errors in simple tasks.
which can further be defined as a composition of other In the literature review it has a 6.4% of application,
functions. This can be convenient represented as a net- hence, it is in average growth, it is closely related to the
work structure, with arrows depicting the dependencies levels of automation that the company has, because the
between variables. A widely used type of composition is robots increases the level of efficiency of the production’s

the nonlinear weighted sum, where f (x) = K( i wi gi (x)) lines and to some extent optimize the system (Brettel et al.
, where K is some predefined function, such as the hyper- 2016a). To achieve this efficient flow it is necessary to
bolic tangent or sigmoid function. The important char- establish relations of the generation of actions of robots
acteristic of the activation function is that it provides with information management systems (Bagheri et  al.
a smooth transition as input values change, i.e. small 2015; Schlott 2013), representing a context of integration
change in input produces a small changes in output. It of technologies or physical objects (Botthof 2015; Kolberg
will be convenient for the following to refer to a collec- and Zühlke 2015).
tion of functions gi, as a simply vector g = (g1 , g2 , … , gn ). The use of robots is in sustained growth, and is not
only in production lines, but is also encompassing other

Industry 4.0 framework for management and operations: a review

important areas, such as administration in reporting auton- and Seliger 2016; Schuh et al. 2015; Bauer et al. 2015; Her-
omously while connecting to Enterprise Resourcing Plan- mann et al. 2016; Mazak and Huemer 2015).
ning (ERP) (Faller and Feldmuller 2015). In order to carry out this integration, it considers the
elements and characteristics that the system must have in
3.3 Simulation order to be able to perform successfully. From a variety of
perspectives, the physical objects, the characteristics of the
Considered as the best option for saving time and resources, information flow, the elements for automation and more,
it evaluates the changes and behaviors in the configuration the operations in which directly impact this block, is in the
of machines, process flow and plant designs, it tests the programming of material flow in the supply chains, and this
effectiveness of the changes without them being realized is also linked to the administration of information systems
(Moreno et al. 2016). They have a significant boom in the (Sokolov and Ivanov 2015; Maier et al. 2015; Forstner and
new industrial age, in the literature represented 3.6%, their Dümmler 2014; Botthof and Hartmann 2014; Lasi et  al.
methodology is part of the strategic analysis in the crea- 2014; Jung et al. 2015), hence the level of flexibility of the
tion of new projects, their greatest advantage is provided company should also be considered as a determining fac-
by testing the decisions that are planned to execute, ensur- tor for integration (Brettel et al. 2016b; Mazak and Huemer
ing success under certain conditions, or rejecting the step 2015).
to the operation, these conditions must strictly include the In addition to establish business characteristics, it devel-
structure of the socio-technical production system, there- ops plans for structuring business models in industry 4.0
fore must consider technological systems, organizational (Schumacher et al. 2016; Kans and Ingwald 2016; Waldner
systems and the human factor (Dombrowski and Wagner et al. 2015).
2014; Long et al. 2016). Business and technological development is important,
Its applications in the current production system, relate however, systems integration visualizes global function-
the supply networks in a cyber physical environment and ing as a whole, from being an innovation systems in indus-
the coordination that must have for the production schedul- tries to a lifestyle, considering a strong energy generation
ing (Ivanov et al. 2016). in a autonomous way (Gabriel and Pessl 2016; Sprock and
McGinnis 2015; Giret et al. 2016; Mosterman and Zander
3.4 Horizontal and vertical system integration 2016; Davis et  al. 2012; Radziwon et  al. 2014; Gruber
2013; Foidl and Felderer 2016).
The vision of systems integration is to create a collabora-
tive scenario between engineering, production, suppliers,
marketing, and supply chain operations, considering the 3.5 The industrial Internet Of Things
levels of automation and information flow.
In the literature review this block is the largest, it repre- In the literature analysis it represents 17.3%, it is the second
sents 39.1% and this is due to the large number of elements block with the highest boom. In recent years the accelerated
form part of, therefore the integration activities can be exe- growth of the internet has been see being more involved in
cuted (Kapoor 2014). In principle the system integration is fully in the use of smartphones, which have great data pro-
the first step to make the vision of industry 4.0 reality and cessing capabilities and multiples functions, making every-
achieve their goals(Schlechtendahl et al. 2016), for the sys- day in a life connection with other systems.
tems as a whole are analized in the productive flow, in this Internet, is a backbone in the development of industry
sense, it proposes structural changes in organization and 4.0, practically manages the information in all aspects, and
management of physical objects, as well as the establish- of this block are delineated others, such as cloud, cyber
ment of connections with information systems (Lee et  al. security, simulation and augmented reality, although to a
2015; Vyas et al. 2016; Thiel and Thiel 2015; Zhang et al. lesser extent (Shafiq et  al. 2015; Colom et  al. 2016; Hos-
2014; Prause and Weigand 2016; Wende et al. 2014; Rein- sain et al. 2016).
heimer 2015; Reischauer and Schober 2015; Sattler 2014; It manages all virtual systems, hence its importance, it
Hogrebe and Kruse 2015). is also considered as the support of industry 4.0, for that
Another criterion that explains the magnitude of this reason in many countries the fourth industrial revolution
block is due to a certain extent which includes the remain- is called as the internet of things (Hoppe 2014;Sherwin
ing eight blocks, making use of them to strengthen the syn- 2016).
ergy of their networks and execute activities throughout In the enterprise system, it proposes platforms for mul-
the value chain intelligently, can be defined as industry 4.0 tiple operations, such as procurement with software named
in action (Qin et al. 2016; Rennung et al. 2016; Pan et al. Enterprise Resourcing Planning (ERP) and Customer Rela-
2015; Brettel et al. 2016b; Khan and Turowski 2016; Stock tionship Management (CRM) (Gilchrist 2016; Verdouw

J. A. Saucedo‑Martínez et al.

et al. 2016; Stojki’c et al. 2016; Toro et al. 2015; Nowodz- goes hand in hand with the use of intelligent machinery
inski et al. 2014). (Klemp and Pottebaum 2016). This allows the flexibility
For this reason, for operations, the flow of information level of the company to be evaluated before running the
is indissociable, it uses devices and sensors, which through production (Scholz et al. 2016).
centralized controllers communicate the information of With prototyping and 3D printing, additive manufactur-
equipment, components, products, services, processes, ing proves the concepts embodied in design, and allows to
etc. both in the company and throughout the supply chain obtain small samples without wasting material, which con-
(Laghari and Niazi 2006; Dachyar and Risky 2014; Amin cludes in savings, in addition let to focus on the consumer
et al. 2015; Takano et al. 2016). to increase the level of customization (Bogers et al. 2016;
Pickett 2016b; Trends 2015), in convergence with intelli-
3.6 Cyber‑security gent manufacturing it give to obtain results in an ideal pro-
duction system with advantages of both (Ferro et al. 2016;
It represents a tiny 2.7% in the literature analysis, however, Gaub 2016).
it is a very weighty element, when cloud data and patent
development are managed in the cloud. 3.8 Augmented reality
Cyber security emerges with the continuous develop-
ment of internet-based systems. Security in the context of Just as cyber-security, this block represents 3.6% in litera-
information is a term well understood in the business envi- ture analysis, it is an important part of projections, it uses
ronment, but talking about connected objects that gener- intelligent devices in which physical reality is combined
ate information and distribute it, is complex and somewhat with virtual elements, this allows to know the behaviors of
dangerous, since presents vulnerability in the system, by the object of study in a given environment.
the attacks of some hacker (Weber and Studer 2016). The augmented reality applications range from visual
The issue of security in internet networks is a topic that arts and games to medical, military, navigation and space
is becoming very important for both companies and con- situations; if we focus on industrial applications and pro-
sumers. It is important to mention, that the culture of inter- ductive processes, applications are reduced to e-commerce,
net acquisitions is growing in developing countries, even administration and marketing (Wolter et al. 2015).
through the confidence of acquiring products is not as high Augmented reality is an important element of the intel-
as in physical yet, we are referring only to operations of ligent industry, for the execution of operations (Kolberg
purchase and invoicing that are those that have had acceler- and Zühlke 2015), with the advancement of vision risks are
ated growth in the market. reduced for various processes in the value chain. In manu-
If we speak of industries managed with data in the net- facturing systems, augmented reality is based on systems
work, a high level of security is required for confidential to improve maintenance procedures, while reducing costs
operations, for this it developing legal aspects that must (Simonis et al. 2016).
include the flow of data in the network, as well as the
administration of privacy (Lu et al. 2015). 3.9 The cloud
Cyber-security controls and protects processes and sys-
tems that operate on the internet, recognizes changes and The role of the cloud in industry 4.0, according to the lit-
vulnerabilities, and verifies that who has access to the sys- erature review is 6.4%, takes elements of the internet of
tem is an authorized user (Albers et al. 2016). things, however, in addition to transferring them at high
speed, stores them; the advantages it represents on the
3.7 Additive manufacturing management of data in a conventional way, is the ability to
respond, apart from ensuring its availability from anywhere
In the literature review, this block represents 8.2%, imply- in the world, provided that access to the internet (Thames
ing that it is a major focus in industry 4.0, reflected as one and Schaefer 2016; Gao et al. 2015).
of the goal objectives, maximizing the efficiency of produc- In other words, it is a mechanism for sharing informa-
tion operations, without unnecessary costs. tion with collaborators, it is characterized by its speed, this
In terms of production, industry 4.0 has a direct impact allows administrators to store data in the cloud and imple-
on production planning and management, additive manu- ment new systems to monitor and control processes through
facturing does not revolutionize processes, because it is digital plataforms (Juan-Verdejo and Surajbali 2016; Pick-
already included in the horizontal and vertical integration ett 2016a).
block and the use of robots (Trends 2015; Anderl 2014). Its applications are very varied; in industry 4.0 it looks
Its role in the production planning visualizes the creation for a heterogeneous integration of devices and data gen-
process, and it is advanced by the creation of prototypes eration (Abeele et  al. 2015; Jonathan 2016), to ensure its

Industry 4.0 framework for management and operations: a review

Table 2  Relationship between categories

Categories Relations

Big data and analytics (A) (Lee et al. 2014)BE (Schuh et al. 2014)CD (Wang et al. 2016)BDE (Ji et al. 2016b)D (Ji et al.
2016a)EI (Matties 2016)DE (Chen et al. 2015)DEG (Ramachandran et al. 2016))DE (Wieland and
Pfitzner 2014)DE (Fedorov et al. 2015)DEG (Esmaeilian et al. 2016)D (Kagermann 2015)DEI
(Stojanovic et al. 2016)DE (Losch et al. 2016)DG
Autonomous robots (B) (Brettel et al. 2016a)EGI (Botthof 2015)EG (Kolberg and Zühlke 2015)DEG (Faller and Feldmuller
2015)DE (Bagheri et al. 2015)DGI (Schlott 2013)DE (Bahrin et al. 2016)EI
Simulation (C) (Dombrowski and Wagner 2014)D (Moreno et al. 2016)BEG (Long et al. 2016)BG (Ivanov et al.
Horizontal and vertical system integration (D) (Rennung et al. 2016)E (Pan et al. 2015)BE (Sokolov and Ivanov 2015)CEI (Schuh et al. 2014)EI
(Brettel et al. 2016b)EGI (Kapoor 2014)EI (Khan and Turowski 2016)E (Schlechtendahl et al.
2016)BEGI (Stock and Seliger 2016)BEI (Lee et al. 2015)EI (Schuh et al. 2015)EI (Bauer et al.
2015)EI (Hermann et al. 2016)EI (Mazak and Huemer 2015) AEI (Qin et al. 2016)EG (Schu-
macher et al. 2016)BEGI (Kans and Ingwald 2016)EI (Thiel and Thiel 2015)EI (Zhang et al.
2014)EI (Prause and Weigand 2016)BEI (Gabriel and Pessl 2016)EI (Maier et al. 2015)EI (Vyas
et al. 2016)EI (Wende et al. 2014)BEI (Reinheimer 2015)E (Reischauer and Schober 2015)E
(Sattler 2014)BEI (Hogrebe and Kruse 2015)E (Forstner and Dümmler 2014)E (Botthof and
Hartmann 2014)BEI (Lasi et al. 2014)E (Jung et al. 2015)E (Sprock and McGinnis 2015)EI
(Giret et al. 2016)BEI (Mosterman and Zander 2016)EI (Davis et al. 2012)EI (Radziwon et al.
2014)BEG (Gruber 2013)EI (Foidl and Felderer 2016))EI (Waldner et al. 2015)EI (Batista et al.
2017)BEI (Oesterreich and Teuteberg 2016)E (Weyer et al. 2015)E
The industrial Internet of Things (E) (Li et al. 2015)DI (Magruk 2016)BDGI (Bartodziej 2016)DI (Trappey et al. 2016)BDI (Toro et al.
2015)BDHI (Shafiq et al. 2015)BDGI (Gilchrist 2016) I (Hoppe 2014)D (Stojki’c et al. 2016)DE
(Sherwin 2016)DI (Nowodzinski et al. 2014)DI (Laghari and Niazi 2006)CDI (Dachyar and
Risky 2014)D (Amin et al. 2015)D (Takano et al. 2016)BI (Colom et al. 2016) ADI (Hossain et al.
2016)BGI (Shrouf et al. 2014)BHI (Verdouw et al. 2016)BDG
Cyber-security (F) (Albers et al. 2016)BDEI (Weber and Studer 2016)DEI (Lu et al. 2015) ADEI
Additive manufacturing (G) (Schut 2016)BEI (Pickett 2016b)DEI (Trends 2015)BEDI (Anderl 2014)DEI (Klemp and Pottebaum
2016)DEI (Scholz et al. 2016))BEI (Ferro et al. 2016)EI (Bogers et al. 2016)EI (Gaub 2016)BEI
Augmented reality (H) (Kovar et al. 2016)DEI (Kolberg and Zühlke 2015)BDEI (Simonis et al. 2016)D (Wolter et al.
The cloud (I) (Juan-Verdejo and Surajbali 2016)DE (Gao et al. 2015)BDE (Thames and Schaefer 2016)DE (Pick-
ett 2016a)DE (Jonathan 2016)D (Abeele et al. 2015)DE (Nowicka 2014)BED

availability and effectiveness, related to data analysis and development of self-learning intelligence, taking advan-
it possesing management models that make the system effi- tage of the current infrastructure. In addition to this, the
cient in study (Nowicka 2014). As shown in Fig. 6, the con- future of this technology is conditioned to the creation
cept “the cloud” only found at 6.4%, which indicates that of appropriate scientific areas, without this there would
this item can be a line of research with many opportunities. be an obstacle to the adoption and proliferation of this
In the analysis of the information, a trend of intercon- emerging technology.
nections between categories was observed, which explains The technological advances that are currently used in
that some categories are supported in others to be able to manufacturing are base of industry 4.0. However, the entire
develop, the Table  2 shows the existing relations between present production process will be transformed in this new
these categories, the superscript in the quotation number technological era. For instance, independent manufacturing
indicates the relationships with the other categories. cells will be unified as a fully integrated and modernized
production flow and “Intelligent” machines and products
will have the possibility to communicate with each other
4 Conclusions and future work and some decisions will be made autonomously. A new
man-machine relationship will replace the classic relation-
Industry 4.0 has been gaining new heights and has high ships among suppliers, companies and customers.
growth expectations, as the current IT infrastructure ena- The interaction of machine-machine and machine-man
bles the industry to adopt it quickly and efficiently. The will allow a production customization and have more flex-
challenge will be to find human talent with the capac- ible productive processes resulting in increasingly smaller
ity to develop analytical algorithms that lead to the batches

J. A. Saucedo‑Martínez et al.

All of the changes will provide the basis for the adop- Looking at the future, the considerations of the busi-
tion of new business models, production processes, devel- ness sector in the terms of industry 4.0 and its application,
opment of intelligent technologies and new curriculum will be less complicated if the starting point establishes the
designs in academic programs. basic characteristics of implementation.
This article shows a widely heterogeneous literature
in terms of resources, concepts and contents, and show- Acknowledgements  First EAI International Conference on Com-
puter Science and Engineering, November 11–12, 2016, Penang,
ing a systematic review of the research and technological Malaysia.
advances on the development and application of technolo-
gies to the industrial sector, including elements of organi-
zation and administration. This review included 110 scien- References
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