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Make them believe in you! You don�t have to convince them that you have special
powers or abilities, but you do have to convince them that you are an expert in
what you are doing, you�ve done it many times before and that what you are doing
really happens. You can say and do anything you need to make them believe. Using
the techniques at the beginning of this book you will be able to do this.
6. Dead!
This is my go to out. I used to use it as a standalone piece, but now I only ever
use it as an out if my suggestion isn�t really working. This is a suggestion based
pulse stop, however the suggestion is used in a clever way.
Imagine you have done your handshake and given your suggestions for the hand to
lock in to place, and you get nothing. No stiffness whatsoever and they can move
their hand just fine. Step back and say, �Ah ok, that is interesting. You felt
nothing at all? That�s strange.� Then select another person in the group, subject
number 2. You should select someone who also fits the criteria of a good,
suggestible subject. Don�t put too much thought into your choice as this, for me,
works 99% of the time regardless of who I choose. Ask them to take the wrist of
subject number 1 and feel their pulse. Ask them to tap their fingers on the table
in time to the pulse and say, �You are tapping in time to the pulse just so that we
can all see what happens. If the pulse speeds up, you speed up and if it slows
down, I want you to slow down.� Hold your hand above subject 1�s wrist in a
slightly theatrical manner and say to subject 2, �Ok, don�t skip a beat, but you
will feel the pulse begin to slow down now! Each beat will get softer and slower,
and in a moment you won�t be able to feel any pulse at all. The pulse will stop,
now!� Moments later, the pulse stops. After leaving a short space for reactions,
you then say, �When I wave my hand over your wrist, the pulse will come back
So what is happening here? The suggestion is being used on subject 2, but you are
acting as though what you are doing is being used on subject 1. After doing your
handshake and putting so much emphasis on your subject�s hand, if your suggestion
doesn�t work it is good to at least do something with this person�s hand. If it
suits your style you could go in to a palm reading demonstration at this point, but
I urge you to try this pulse stop as it feels like you�re doing real magic!
Subject 2 doesn�t know that you are doing anything to them, they believe that
everything you are doing is for subject 1. This means that their guard will be
down. They are not making any judgements as they think that they�re only there to
take the pulse. They are not aware that something is happening to them. Some would
call this a form of �covert hypnosis�.
Subject 2 has three things they have to deal with, and as you talk you are giving
them more things they have to keep track of. Sooner or later their mind kind of
overloads, and to deal with the situation their mind just picks the key instruction
to follow, which is that the pulse will stop, and forgets the rest. Of course the
pulse never actually stops but subject 2 just stops feeling it. So let�s take a
look at what they are dealing with. Firstly, they are touching someone and feeling
their pulse. This is weird enough for them, especially if they do not know the
person. Secondly, they have to tap the fingers of their other hand on the table in
time to the pulse, one tap for every beat they feel. Thirdly they are trying to pay
attention to what you are saying. Now you�re about to throw a psychological spanner
in the works.

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