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Instagram is one of the most popular Social networking sites in the world.

For instance, Instagram in Ukraine is growing dynamically. In 2018, the number

of users increased by 50.7%, from 7.3 million to 11 million. At the beginning of
March 2019, there are about 11 millions of Ukrainians who use this social network.
You can buy or sell something here, follow bloggers and your familiar or friends,
so you can be active user and often post some photo or videos. Every day appear
new fashion tendency in Instagram, and types of bloggers change also. We all see
only good pictures, but we don’t see backstage. What modern bloggers hide from
As I can see lately, most of the bloggers have or had problems in their life.
Problems in relationships, physical problems, obesity all these issues are
interconnected . If you don’t like yourself, or rather, appearance or personality you
can’t live a normal life, you can’t enjoy it at full. You feel yourself as inferior. It
is really popular now to be a blogger. Who is it? It is a person who has an own
platform where he or she shares some information, photo, video and so on. In
majority cases , blogger shares ads  , but I understand that it is their job, in this
way they earn some money for life. Now it becomes popular to be lifestyle
blogger. Earlier they were «addicted to» showing perfect life.A life where always
are love, "animal spirits", a lot of friends and, of course, money, a great number of
money. So about lifestyle bloggers. They tell us about their daily routine , about
their studying or job, they tell what they eat and about plans for the future. People
don’t see backstage as I said before. We don’t know how many photos were taken
and edited before posting. It can be photo of breakfast, selfie, travelling and so on.
Some people still think that all what do bloggers is truly. I want to give some
examples. One of my friends has a blog where she shows different exercises and
tells information about weight loss and about different things concerning healthy
eating. But her followers don’t know that she cries at night because she supposes
herself not enough beautiful and smart. I will say it again, we see only good
picture. I want to tell add about one young blogger Yulia Verba was awarded with
prize “Best lifestyle blogger 2019”. Only think about it. Girl shows her life on
camera and it is awarded. Who knows how many times she spends before mirror to
show her “usual morning ”, a time when she only woke up. I’m firmly convinced
it is not the only case.
We must know that it is only a beautiful and decorated game. We spend unreal
quantity of out time to follow people that only play game. The game named life.
Think about it.

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