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1. Considering Michele’s medical condition, do you agree with her decision?

I am a firm believer that life is a precious gift from God, it is sacred and our body is a temple of
the holy spirit to which I often hear from my mother whenever she teaches us about God and the
bible when we were little kids. I believe that we do not own our life and we should not exercise
complete control over it, it is only God who knows until when he will take us. Watching Michele in
the video on how she explained her reasons behind her decision to end her life, I have found
myself in disbelief with her statement. I do not agree with her decision, I know for a fact that we
cannot based one’s pain and suffering just by merely looking at them since pain is subjective but
I know for a fact that a lot of people are suffering too not only physically but also mentally and
emotionally and yet they choose to live and fight day after day. We should be responsible in taking
care of our life and preserve it until the right time comes.

2. Would Paul have approved of it?

Paul wouldn’t approve of it, because for him suffering is a way of becoming like Christ. It is through
suffering that we are tested of our faith in the Lord. In most cases, it is only through hardships that
we get to remember God. We tend to become humble and we ask for his mercy and help.

3. If you were in Michele’s shoes, what would you have done differently?

I have always been a fighter and never a quitter. In all the battles and challenges that I’ve faced,
it has never crossed my mind to make things easier for me, to go for the shortcut and just leave
everything behind. I know for a fact that God will never give us trials we couldn’t bear. I know it’s
easier said than done, but I’ll endure my pain and find meaning in it. There are so many sick
people who are willing to give everything just to have an extended life, even an extra day to be
spent with the people they love and being able to live and breathe is a privilege given by God to
us humans.

4. As a nurse, would you consider working in that facility?

Would compensation be a factor in your decision? Cliché as it may sound but I chose to be a
nurse because I wanted to save lives. I wanted to be able to care for my patients and help them
recover or in unfortunate cases, to care for them and provide them comfortable life until their last
breath. I believe working in this kind of facility would be a total opposite of my advocacy as a
health care provider. Assisting a person to end his/her life is similar to being an accomplice of
murder and a violator of the fifth commandment. It is already difficult for me to lose a patient over
a disease, what more to lose them with me as an accomplice. No amount of money can ever
erase the guilt that this facility can bring in my life if I were to pursue this kind of career.

Submitted by:

Wella Joy P. Diola

MSN 2019

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