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GOALS: To align our pursuits because what we pursue becomes the
focus of what we do. It is what we all experience.
GRAB: Are there any areas or tasks that I have not really taken
seriously and I need to work on? Share it to your household.
GRACE: Connect: Paul reminds us that whatever we do (in keeping with
our purpose) is to glorify God. This naturally includes pursuing
excellence. The Westminster Shorter Catechism echoes this
point with the words “Man’s chief end is to glorify God and to
enjoy Him forever.” As Christians, we must constantly be
reminded that nothing less than the glory of God should be the
motive for whatever we do and how we do it.
Read: 1 Corinthians 10:31 ; Philemon 1:21
Exceed expectations because God has done the same for you.
He has done what He said and more. There is nothing halfway
about God. He does things right and then throws in a little bit
extra just to overwhelm us with His grace. Therefore, when God
or others ask something of you, go for it with gusto. Exceed
expectations. Make it a goal to bring more value to a
relationship than you receive. If someone asks for prayer, then
pray right then and there. Make it a habit to pray regularly for
those in need, especially those who request prayer. Exceed
expectations in your prayer for others. Exceed expectations in
your work. You work to not just get by with the minimum
requirements, but to give glory to God. What better way to
make Christianity attractive than to work with excellence?
When you exceed expectations, you open the door for others
to inquire about your motivation, the Lord Jesus.
Exceeded expectations may facilitate advancement in your
career. People want to work with and for someone who goes
the second mile. They want to reward and hang out with
someone who exceeds expectations. When we exceed
expectations, we know that at the very least, there will be
satisfaction on behalf of the ultimate One we serve. Lastly,
exceed expectations with your attitude. A positive and “can do”
attitude goes a long way toward making relational deposits.
There are a lot of things we cannot control, but our attitude is
one we can. Go over the top with an attitude of gratitude and
generosity. Be exceedingly grateful!
GATHER: In your household, describe the areas of your life where you are
pursuing excellence purely for the glory of God. What will be
the most radical change in your life, what specifically would you
focus on?
GO FORTH: Why just get by with God? God has a treasure trove of
adventure waiting for those who will take him at His word and
dare to exceed his expectations. So, if God asks for 10% giving,
you want to exceed His minimum requirement. If He asks for
one day of mission, you want to give Him daily mini missions. If
He asks for your heart, you want to give Him your life. Go more
than one mile for another by giving others what they don’t
deserve. Exceed expectation for heaven’s sake.


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